AlexeySafronov d568693154 Big Fix commit:
+ Added new Clients for CRM/Products
+ Removed old fake coming-soon pages
+ Added combineUrl and AppSettingsConfig with proxyUrl
+ Added new fields to modules info on Server
+ Fixed work with icon and image urls
+ Added CRM/Projects to nginx/onlyoffice.conf
+ Applied combineUrl in studio links
+ Added and applied "id" field in package.json of all Clients
+ Added new bat files CrmClient.bat and ProjectsClient.bat
+ Fixed ProductClassName for Files
2021-03-22 00:34:21 +03:00

147 lines
2.5 KiB

import config from "../package.json";
const { api, proxy } = config;
export const LANGUAGE = "language";
export const ARTICLE_PINNED_KEY = "asc_article_pinned_key";
* Enum for employee activation status.
* @readonly
export const EmployeeActivationStatus = Object.freeze({
NotActivated: 0,
Activated: 1,
Pending: 2,
AutoGenerated: 4,
* Enum for employee status.
* @readonly
export const EmployeeStatus = Object.freeze({
Active: 1,
Disabled: 2,
* Enum for employee type.
* @readonly
export const EmployeeType = Object.freeze({
User: 1,
Guest: 2,
* Enum for filter type.
* @readonly
export const FilterType = Object.freeze({
None: 0,
FilesOnly: 1,
FoldersOnly: 2,
DocumentsOnly: 3,
PresentationsOnly: 4,
SpreadsheetsOnly: 5,
ImagesOnly: 7,
ByUser: 8,
ByDepartment: 9,
ArchiveOnly: 10,
ByExtension: 11,
MediaOnly: 12,
* Enum for file type.
* @readonly
export const FileType = Object.freeze({
Unknown: 0,
Archive: 1,
Video: 2,
Audio: 3,
Image: 4,
Spreadsheet: 5,
Presentation: 6,
Document: 7,
* Enum for file action.
* @readonly
export const FileAction = Object.freeze({
Create: 0,
Rename: 1,
* Enum for root folders type.
* @readonly
export const FolderType = Object.freeze({
USER: 5,
Projects: 8,
Favorites: 10,
Recent: 11,
Templates: 12,
Privacy: 13,
export const ShareAccessRights = Object.freeze({
None: 0,
FullAccess: 1,
ReadOnly: 2,
DenyAccess: 3,
Varies: 4,
Review: 5,
Comment: 6,
FormFilling: 7,
CustomFilter: 8,
export const i18nBaseSettings = {
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
supportedLngs: ["en", "ru"],
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "languageOnly",
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
react: {
useSuspense: true,
export const LoaderStyle = {
title: "",
width: "100%",
height: "32",
backgroundColor: "#000000",
foregroundColor: "#000000",
backgroundOpacity: 0.1,
foregroundOpacity: 0.15,
borderRadius: "3",
radius: "3",
speed: 2,
animate: true,
export const AppServerConfig = {
proxyURL: (proxy && proxy.url) || "",
apiPrefixURL: (api && api.url) || "/api/2.0",
apiTimeout: (api && api.timeout) || 30000,