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2022-03-08 05:37:20 +00:00
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2021
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using ASC.ActiveDirectory.Base;
using ASC.ActiveDirectory.Base.Data;
using ASC.ActiveDirectory.Novell.Exceptions;
using ASC.ActiveDirectory.Novell.Extensions;
using ASC.Common.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Novell.Directory.Ldap;
using Novell.Directory.Ldap.Controls;
using Novell.Directory.Ldap.Utilclass;
namespace ASC.ActiveDirectory.Novell
public class NovellLdapSearcher : IDisposable
private readonly ILog _log;
private LdapCertificateConfirmRequest _certificateConfirmRequest;
private static readonly object RootSync = new object();
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
private readonly NovellLdapEntryExtension _novellLdapEntryExtension;
private LdapConnection _ldapConnection;
public string Login { get; private set; }
public string Password { get; private set; }
public string Server { get; private set; }
public int PortNumber { get; private set; }
public bool StartTls { get; private set; }
public bool Ssl { get; private set; }
public bool AcceptCertificate { get; private set; }
public string AcceptCertificateHash { get; private set; }
public string LdapUniqueIdAttribute { get; set; }
private Dictionary<string, string[]> _capabilities;
public bool IsConnected
get { return _ldapConnection != null && _ldapConnection.Connected; }
public NovellLdapSearcher(
string login,
string password,
string server,
int portNumber,
bool startTls,
bool ssl,
bool acceptCertificate,
IConfiguration configuration,
IOptionsMonitor<ILog> option,
NovellLdapEntryExtension novellLdapEntryExtension,
string acceptCertificateHash = null)
Login = login;
Password = password;
Server = server;
PortNumber = portNumber;
StartTls = startTls;
Ssl = ssl;
AcceptCertificate = acceptCertificate;
AcceptCertificateHash = acceptCertificateHash;
_log = option.Get("ASC");
_configuration = configuration;
_novellLdapEntryExtension = novellLdapEntryExtension;
LdapUniqueIdAttribute = configuration["ldap:unique:id"];
public void Connect()
if (Server.StartsWith("LDAP://"))
Server = Server.Substring("LDAP://".Length);
var ldapConnection = new LdapConnection();
if (StartTls || Ssl)
ldapConnection.UserDefinedServerCertValidationDelegate += ServerCertValidationHandler;
if (Ssl)
ldapConnection.SecureSocketLayer = true;
ldapConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 30000; // 30 seconds
_log.DebugFormat("ldapConnection.Connect(Server='{0}', PortNumber='{1}');", Server, PortNumber);
ldapConnection.Connect(Server, PortNumber);
if (StartTls)
catch (Exception ex)
if (_certificateConfirmRequest == null)
if (ex.Message.StartsWith("Connect Error"))
throw new SocketException();
if (ex.Message.StartsWith("Unavailable"))
throw new NotSupportedException(ex.Message);
_log.Debug("LDAP certificate confirmation requested.");
var exception = new NovellLdapTlsCertificateRequestedException
CertificateConfirmRequest = _certificateConfirmRequest
throw exception;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Login) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
ldapConnection.Bind(null, null);
_log.DebugFormat("ldapConnection.Bind(Login: '{0}')", Login);
ldapConnection.Bind(Login, Password);
if (!ldapConnection.Bound)
throw new Exception("Bind operation wasn't completed successfully.");
_ldapConnection = ldapConnection;
private bool ServerCertValidationHandler(object sender, X509Certificate certificate,
X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
if (sslPolicyErrors == SslPolicyErrors.None)
return true;
lock (RootSync)
var certHash = certificate.GetCertHashString();
if (LdapUtils.IsCertInstalled(certificate, _log))
AcceptCertificate = true;
AcceptCertificateHash = certHash;
return true;
if (AcceptCertificate)
if (AcceptCertificateHash == null || AcceptCertificateHash.Equals(certHash))
if (LdapUtils.TryInstallCert(certificate, _log))
AcceptCertificateHash = certHash;
return true;
AcceptCertificate = false;
AcceptCertificateHash = null;
_log.WarnFormat("ServerCertValidationHandler: sslPolicyErrors = {0}", sslPolicyErrors);
_certificateConfirmRequest = LdapCertificateConfirmRequest.FromCert(certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors, false, true, _log);
return false;
public enum LdapScope
Base = LdapConnection.SCOPE_BASE,
One = LdapConnection.SCOPE_ONE,
Sub = LdapConnection.SCOPE_SUB
public List<LdapObject> Search(LdapScope scope, string searchFilter,
string[] attributes = null, int limit = -1, LdapSearchConstraints searchConstraints = null)
return Search("", scope, searchFilter, attributes, limit, searchConstraints);
public List<LdapObject> Search(string searchBase, LdapScope scope, string searchFilter,
string[] attributes = null, int limit = -1, LdapSearchConstraints searchConstraints = null)
if (!IsConnected)
if (searchBase == null)
searchBase = "";
var entries = new List<LdapEntry>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchFilter))
return new List<LdapObject>();
if (attributes == null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LdapUniqueIdAttribute))
attributes = new[]
"*", LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.ENTRY_DN, LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.ENTRY_UUID,
LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.NS_UNIQUE_ID, LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.GUID
attributes = new[] { "*", LdapUniqueIdAttribute };
var ldapSearchConstraints = searchConstraints ?? new LdapSearchConstraints
// Maximum number of search results to return.
// The value 0 means no limit. The default is 1000.
MaxResults = limit == -1 ? 0 : limit,
// Returns the number of results to block on during receipt of search results.
// This should be 0 if intermediate results are not needed, and 1 if results are to be processed as they come in.
//BatchSize = 0,
// The maximum number of referrals to follow in a sequence during automatic referral following.
// The default value is 10. A value of 0 means no limit.
HopLimit = 0,
// Specifies whether referrals are followed automatically
// Referrals of any type other than to an LDAP server (for example, a referral URL other than ldap://something) are ignored on automatic referral following.
// The default is false.
ReferralFollowing = true,
// The number of seconds to wait for search results.
// Sets the maximum number of seconds that the server is to wait when returning search results.
//ServerTimeLimit = 600000, // 10 minutes
// Sets the maximum number of milliseconds the client waits for any operation under these constraints to complete.
// If the value is 0, there is no maximum time limit enforced by the API on waiting for the operation results.
//TimeLimit = 600000 // 10 minutes
var queue = _ldapConnection.Search(searchBase,
(int)scope, searchFilter, attributes, false, ldapSearchConstraints);
while (queue.hasMore())
LdapEntry nextEntry;
nextEntry =;
if (nextEntry == null)
catch (LdapException ex)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Message) && ex.Message.Contains("Sizelimit Exceeded"))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Login) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) && limit == -1)
_log.Warn("The size of the search results is limited. Start TrySearchSimple()");
List<LdapObject> simpleResults;
if (TrySearchSimple(searchBase, scope, searchFilter, out simpleResults, attributes, limit,
if (entries.Count >= simpleResults.Count)
return simpleResults;
_log.ErrorFormat("Search({0}) error: {1}", searchFilter, ex);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LdapUniqueIdAttribute))
LdapUniqueIdAttribute = GetLdapUniqueId(nextEntry);
var result = _novellLdapEntryExtension.ToLdapObjects(entries, LdapUniqueIdAttribute);
return result;
private bool TrySearchSimple(string searchBase, LdapScope scope, string searchFilter, out List<LdapObject> results,
string[] attributes = null, int limit = -1, LdapSearchConstraints searchConstraints = null)
results = SearchSimple(searchBase, scope, searchFilter, attributes, limit, searchConstraints);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
_log.ErrorFormat("TrySearchSimple() failed. Error: {0}", ex);
results = null;
return false;
public List<LdapObject> SearchSimple(string searchBase, LdapScope scope, string searchFilter,
string[] attributes = null, int limit = -1, LdapSearchConstraints searchConstraints = null)
if (!IsConnected)
if (searchBase == null)
searchBase = "";
var entries = new List<LdapEntry>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchFilter))
return new List<LdapObject>();
if (attributes == null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LdapUniqueIdAttribute))
attributes = new[]
"*", LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.ENTRY_DN, LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.ENTRY_UUID,
LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.NS_UNIQUE_ID, LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.GUID
attributes = new[] { "*", LdapUniqueIdAttribute };
var ldapSearchConstraints = searchConstraints ?? new LdapSearchConstraints
// Maximum number of search results to return.
// The value 0 means no limit. The default is 1000.
MaxResults = limit == -1 ? 0 : limit,
// Returns the number of results to block on during receipt of search results.
// This should be 0 if intermediate results are not needed, and 1 if results are to be processed as they come in.
//BatchSize = 0,
// The maximum number of referrals to follow in a sequence during automatic referral following.
// The default value is 10. A value of 0 means no limit.
HopLimit = 0,
// Specifies whether referrals are followed automatically
// Referrals of any type other than to an LDAP server (for example, a referral URL other than ldap://something) are ignored on automatic referral following.
// The default is false.
ReferralFollowing = true,
// The number of seconds to wait for search results.
// Sets the maximum number of seconds that the server is to wait when returning search results.
//ServerTimeLimit = 600000, // 10 minutes
// Sets the maximum number of milliseconds the client waits for any operation under these constraints to complete.
// If the value is 0, there is no maximum time limit enforced by the API on waiting for the operation results.
//TimeLimit = 600000 // 10 minutes
// initially, cookie must be set to an empty string
var pageSize = 2;
sbyte[] cookie = Array.ConvertAll(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(""), b => unchecked((sbyte)b));
var i = 0;
var requestControls = new LdapControl[1];
requestControls[0] = new LdapPagedResultsControl(pageSize, cookie);
_ldapConnection.Constraints = ldapSearchConstraints;
var res = _ldapConnection.Search(searchBase,
(int)scope, searchFilter, attributes, false, (LdapSearchConstraints)null);
while (res.hasMore())
LdapEntry nextEntry;
nextEntry =;
if (nextEntry == null)
catch (LdapException ex)
if (ex is LdapReferralException)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Message) && ex.Message.Contains("Sizelimit Exceeded"))
_log.ErrorFormat("SearchSimple({0}) error: {1}", searchFilter, ex);
_log.DebugFormat("{0}. DN: {1}", ++i, nextEntry.DN);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LdapUniqueIdAttribute))
LdapUniqueIdAttribute = GetLdapUniqueId(nextEntry);
// Server should send back a control irrespective of the
// status of the search request
var controls = res.ResponseControls;
if (controls == null)
_log.Debug("No controls returned");
cookie = null;
// Multiple controls could have been returned
foreach (LdapControl control in controls)
/* Is this the LdapPagedResultsResponse control? */
if (!(control is LdapPagedResultsResponse))
var response = new LdapPagedResultsResponse(control.ID,
control.Critical, control.getValue());
cookie = response.Cookie;
// if cookie is empty, we are done.
} while (cookie != null && cookie.Length > 0);
var result = _novellLdapEntryExtension.ToLdapObjects(entries, LdapUniqueIdAttribute);
return result;
public Dictionary<string, string[]> GetCapabilities()
if (_capabilities != null)
return _capabilities;
_capabilities = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
var ldapSearchConstraints = new LdapSearchConstraints
MaxResults = int.MaxValue,
HopLimit = 0,
ReferralFollowing = true
var ldapSearchResults = _ldapConnection.Search("", LdapConnection.SCOPE_BASE, LdapConstants.OBJECT_FILTER,
new[] { "*", "supportedControls", "supportedCapabilities" }, false, ldapSearchConstraints);
while (ldapSearchResults.hasMore())
LdapEntry nextEntry;
nextEntry =;
if (nextEntry == null)
catch (LdapException ex)
_log.ErrorFormat("GetCapabilities()->LoopResults failed. Error: {0}", ex);
var attributeSet = nextEntry.getAttributeSet();
var ienum = attributeSet.GetEnumerator();
while (ienum.MoveNext())
var attribute = (LdapAttribute)ienum.Current;
if (attribute == null)
var attributeName = attribute.Name;
var attributeVals = attribute.StringValueArray
.Select(s =>
if (Base64.isLDIFSafe(s)) return s;
var tbyte = SupportClass.ToByteArray(s);
s = Base64.encode(SupportClass.ToSByteArray(tbyte));
return s;
_capabilities.Add(attributeName, attributeVals);
catch (Exception ex)
_log.ErrorFormat("GetCapabilities() failed. Error: {0}", ex);
return _capabilities;
private string GetLdapUniqueId(LdapEntry ldapEntry)
var ldapUniqueIdAttribute = _configuration["ldap:unique:id"];
if (ldapUniqueIdAttribute != null)
return ldapUniqueIdAttribute;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(
_novellLdapEntryExtension.GetAttributeValue(ldapEntry, LdapConstants.ADSchemaAttributes.OBJECT_SID) as string))
ldapUniqueIdAttribute = LdapConstants.ADSchemaAttributes.OBJECT_SID;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(
_novellLdapEntryExtension.GetAttributeValue(ldapEntry, LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.ENTRY_UUID) as string))
ldapUniqueIdAttribute = LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.ENTRY_UUID;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(
_novellLdapEntryExtension.GetAttributeValue(ldapEntry, LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.NS_UNIQUE_ID) as string))
ldapUniqueIdAttribute = LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.NS_UNIQUE_ID;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(
_novellLdapEntryExtension.GetAttributeValue(ldapEntry, LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.GUID) as string))
ldapUniqueIdAttribute = LdapConstants.RfcLDAPAttributes.GUID;
return ldapUniqueIdAttribute;
catch (Exception ex)
_log.Error("GetLdapUniqueId()", ex);
return null;
public void Dispose()
if (!IsConnected)
_ldapConnection.Constraints.TimeLimit = 10000;
_ldapConnection.SearchConstraints.ServerTimeLimit = 10000;
_ldapConnection.SearchConstraints.TimeLimit = 10000;
_ldapConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 10000;
if (_ldapConnection.TLS)
_ldapConnection = null;
catch (Exception ex)
_log.ErrorFormat("LDAP->Dispose() failed. Error: {0}", ex);