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2021-12-06 08:28:11 +00:00
"AccessRights": "Access rights",
"AccessRightsAccessToProduct": "Access to {{product}} module is given to",
"AccessRightsAllUsers": "All {{users}}",
"AccessRightsChangeOwnerConfirmText": "Changes will be applied after the confirmation via email.",
"AccessRightsOwnerOpportunities": "Do the same as module administrators|Appoint module administrators|Set modules access rights|Manage portal configuration|Manage user accounts|Change portal owner|Backup portal data|Deactivate or delete portal",
"AccessRightsProductUsersCan": "{{category}} users can",
"AccessRightsUsersFromList": "{{users}} from the list",
"AccessSettings": "Access settings",
"AddAdmins": "Add admins",
"AddName": "Add Name",
"AdminInModules": "Admin in modules",
"AdministratorsAddedSuccessfully": "Administrators added successfully",
"AdministratorsRemovedSuccessfully": "Administrators removed successfully",
"Admins": "Admins",
"Backup": "Backup",
"BrowserNoCanvasSupport": "Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.",
"ByApp": "By authenticator app",
"BySms": "By sms",
"ChangeLogoButton": "Change Logo",
"ChangeOwner": "Change portal owner",
"ChooseOwner": "Choose owner",
"CompanyNameForCanvasLogo": "Company name",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Confirmation e-mail has been sent to {{ownerName}}",
"Customization": "Customization",
"CustomTitles": "Custom titles",
"CustomTitlesSettingsDescription": "Will be displayed on your welcome page and used for email notifications (From field). The custom domain name is a way to set an alternative URL for your portal. The custom portal name will appear next to the address.",
"DeactivateOrDeletePortal": "Deactivate or delete portal.",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"DocumentsAdministratorsCan": "Documents administrators can link Dropbox, Box, and other accounts to Common Documents and set up access rights in this section",
"Employees": "users",
"FullAccessTooltip": "Have the same access rights as the portal owner, except the right to:",
"Group": "Group",
"GroupLead": "Group Lead",
"Groups": "Groups",
"Guests": "Guests",
"Job/Title": "Job/Title",
"LanguageAndTimeZoneSettingsDescription": "Change language for all portal users and configure time zone so that all portal events are shown with the correct date and time.",
"LogoDark": "Logo for the About/Login page",
"LogoDocsEditor": "Logo for the editors header",
"LogoFavicon": "Favicon",
"LogoLightSmall": "Logo for the portal header",
"LogoSettings": "Portal Logo Settings",
"LogoUploadRecommendation": "We recommended that you use images in <1>PNG</1> format with transparent background",
"ManagementCategoryCommon": "Common",
"ManagementCategoryIntegration": "Integration",
"ManagementCategorySecurity": "Security",
"Migration": "Migration",
"NoAdmins": "No admins here yet",
"NoAdminsDescription": "You can add new administrator manually",
"NotFoundDescription": "Change filter settings or add people to the section.",
"NotFoundTitle": "Nothing found",
"PeopleAdministratorsCan": "People module admins can create profiles and groups, import people, and invite users.",
"PortalAccess": "Portal access",
"PortalAdmins": "Portal admins",
"PortalAdminsDescription": "Have the same access rights as the portal owner, except the right to: change portal owner; deactivate or delete portal.",
"PortalOwner": "Portal Owner",
"ProductUserOpportunities": "View profiles and groups",
"RegistrationDate": "Registration date",
"RestoreDefaultButton": "Restore to Default",
"SetDefaultTitle": "Set default title",
"StudioTimeLanguageSettings": "Language and Time Zone Settings",
"SuccessfullySaveGreetingSettingsMessage": "Welcome Page settings have been successfully saved",
"SuccessfullySaveSettingsMessage": "Settings have been successfully updated",
"TeamTemplate": "Team template",
"TeamTemplateSettingsDescription": "Team Template is a customizable way to name the organization (or group), its members and their activities. Drop down the Template list to choose one of the available presets or enter the names yourselves selecting the custom option from the list.",
"Template": "Template",
"ThirdPartyAuthorization": "Third-party Authorization",
"ThirdPartyBodyDescription": "Detailed instructions in our <2>Help Center</2>.",
"ThirdPartyBottomDescription": "Need help? Contact our <2>Support Team.</2>",
"ThirdPartyHowItWorks": "How It Works?",
"ThirdPartyPropsActivated": "Updated successfully",
"ThirdPartyPropsDeactivated": "Deactivated successfully",
"ThirdPartyTitleDescription": "With Authorization keys, you can connect third-party services to your portal. Sign in easily with Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn; add Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. to work with files stored there from the Documents module.",
"TimeZone": "Time Zone",
"TwoFactorAuth": "Two-factor authentication",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription": "Two-factor authentication provides a more secure way to log in. After entering the credentials, the user will have to enter a code from an SMS or the authentication app. ",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Use as logo",
"Users": "Users",
"WelcomePageTitle": "Welcome page title",
"YouHaveUnsavedChanges": "You have unsaved changes"