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2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"AccessRights": "Access rights",
"AccessRightsAccessToProduct": "Access to {{product}} module is given to",
"AccessRightsAllUsers": "All {{users}}",
"AccessRightsChangeOwnerConfirmText": "Changes will be applied after the confirmation via email.",
"AccessRightsOwnerOpportunities": "Do the same as module administrators|Appoint module administrators|Set modules access rights|Manage portal configuration|Manage user accounts|Change portal owner|Backup portal data|Deactivate or delete portal",
"AccessRightsProductUsersCan": "{{category}} users can",
"AccessRightsUsersFromList": "{{users}} from the list",
"AccessSettings": "Access settings",
2022-03-30 16:39:34 +00:00
"AccessRightsSubTitle": "This section allows you to transfer portal owner rights and manage administrator access rights.",
2022-04-02 19:35:01 +00:00
"AddTrustedDomain": "Add trusted domain",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"AutoBackup": "Automatic backup",
"AutoBackupDescription": "Use this option for automatic backup of the portal data.",
"AutoBackupHelp": "The <strong>Automatic backup</strong> option is used to automate the portal data backup process to be able to restore it later to a local server.",
"AutoBackupHelpNote": "Choose the data storage, automatic backup period and maximal number of saved copies.<br/><strong>Note:</strong> before you can save the backup data to a third-party account (DropBox,, OneDrive or Google Drive), you will need to connect this account to {{organizationName}} Common folder.",
"AutoSavePeriod": "Autosave period",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"AddAdmins": "Add admins",
"AddName": "Add Name",
"AdminInModules": "Admin in modules",
"AdministratorsAddedSuccessfully": "Administrators added successfully",
"AdministratorsRemovedSuccessfully": "Administrators removed successfully",
"Admins": "Admins",
2022-04-02 19:35:01 +00:00
"AllDomains": "Any domains",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"Backup": "Backup",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"BackupCreatedSuccess": "The backup copy has been successfully created.",
"BackupCreatedError": "An error has been encountered. Please contact your administrator.",
"BackupList": "Backup List",
"BackupListWarningText": "If you delete any items from the list, their corresponding files will also be deleted. This action cannot be undone. To delete all the files use the link:",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"BrowserNoCanvasSupport": "Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.",
"ByApp": "By authenticator app",
"BySms": "By sms",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"ClearBackupList": "Delete all backups",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"ChangeLogoButton": "Change Logo",
"ChangeOwner": "Change portal owner",
2022-04-04 13:59:38 +00:00
"Characters": "{{length}} characters",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"ChooseOwner": "Choose owner",
"CompanyNameForCanvasLogo": "Company name",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Confirmation e-mail has been sent to {{ownerName}}",
"Customization": "Customization",
"CustomizationDescription": "This subsection allows you to change the look and feel of your portal. You can use your own company logo, name and text to match your organization brand.",
2022-04-02 19:35:01 +00:00
"CustomDomains": "Custom domains",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"CustomTitles": "Custom titles",
"CustomTitlesFrom": "From",
"CustomTitlesSettingsDescription": "Welcome Page Settings is a way to change the default portal title to be displayed on the Welcome Page of your portal. The same name is also used for the From field of your portal email notifications.",
"CustomTitlesSettingsTooltip": "<0>{{ welcomeText }}</0> is a way to change the default portal title to be displayed on the <2>{{ text }}</2> of your portal. The same name is also used for the <4>{{ from }}</4> field of your portal email notifications.",
"CustomTitlesSettingsTooltipDescription": "Enter the name you like in the <1>{{ header }}</1> field.",
"CustomTitlesText": "Welcome Page",
2022-03-31 15:24:03 +00:00
"CustomTitlesWelcome": "Welcome Page Settings",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"DeactivateOrDeletePortal": "Deactivate or delete portal.",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"DocumentsAdministratorsCan": "Documents administrators can link Dropbox, Box, and other accounts to Common Documents and set up access rights in this section",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"DocumentsModule": "Documents module",
"DocumentsModuleDescription": "Backup will be saved in the Common documents folder.",
"DownloadCopy": "Download the copy",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"Employees": "users",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"EmptyBackupList": "No backups have been created yet. Create one or more backups for them to appear in this list.",
"EnableAutomaticBackup": "Enable automatic backup.",
"EnableAutomaticBackupDescription": "Use this option to back up the portal data.",
"EveryDay": "Every day",
"EveryMonth": "Every month",
"EveryWeek": "Every week",
"ForcePathStyle": "Force Path Style",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"FullAccessTooltip": "Have the same access rights as the portal owner, except the right to:",
"Group": "Group",
"GroupLead": "Group Lead",
"Groups": "Groups",
"Guests": "Guests",
"Job/Title": "Job/Title",
"LanguageAndTimeZoneSettingsDescription": "Language and Time Zone Settings is a way to change the language of the whole portal for all portal users and to configure the time zone so that all the events of the ©linney portal will be shown with the correct date and time.",
"LanguageTimeSettingsTooltip": "<0>{{text}}</0> is a way to change the language of the whole portal for all portal users and to configure the time zone so that all the events of the ONLYOFFICE portal will be shown with the correct date and time.",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"LocalFile": "Local file",
"LanguageTimeSettingsTooltipDescription": "To make the parameters you set take effect click the <1>{{save}}</1> button at the bottom of the section.<3>{{learnMore}}</3>",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"LogoDark": "Logo for the About/Login page",
"LogoDocsEditor": "Logo for the editors header",
"LogoFavicon": "Favicon",
"LogoLightSmall": "Logo for the portal header",
"LogoSettings": "Portal Logo Settings",
"LogoUploadRecommendation": "We recommended that you use images in <1>PNG</1> format with transparent background",
"ManagementCategoryCommon": "Common",
"ManagementCategoryIntegration": "Integration",
"ManagementCategorySecurity": "Security",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"ManagementCategoryDataManagement": "Data Management",
"ManualBackup": "Manual backup",
"ManualBackupDescription": "Use this option if you want to get all data contained on the portal as a file.",
"ManualBackupHelp": "<strong>Data Backup</strong> option is used to back up the portal data to be able to restore it later to your local server. ",
"ManualBackupHelpNote": "Select the storage for the data (do not forget to enter your third-party storage details to be able to access it).<br/><strong>Note:</strong> you need to connect your third-party account (DropBox,, OneDrive or Google Drive) to {{organizationName}} Common folder before you will be able to save your backup there.",
"MaxCopies": "{{copiesCount}} - maximum number of backup copies",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"Migration": "Migration",
"NoAdmins": "No admins here yet",
"NoAdminsDescription": "You can add new administrator manually",
"NotFoundDescription": "Change filter settings or add people to the section.",
"NotFoundTitle": "Nothing found",
2022-04-04 14:11:44 +00:00
"PasswordMinLenght": "Minimal password length",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"Path": "Path",
"PleaseNote": "Please note",
"PleaseNoteDescription": " <0>{{pleaseNote}}</0>: your old portal address will become available to new ©linney users once you click the <2>{{save}}</2> button.",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"PeopleAdministratorsCan": "People module admins can create profiles and groups, import people, and invite users.",
"PortalAccess": "Portal access",
2022-03-30 17:56:56 +00:00
"PortalAccessSubTitle": "This section allows you to provide users with safe and convenient ways to access the portal.",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"PortalAdmins": "Portal admins",
"PortalAdminsDescription": "Have the same access rights as the portal owner, except the right to: change portal owner; deactivate or delete portal.",
"PortalOwner": "Portal Owner",
"PortalRenaming": "Portal Renaming",
"PortalRenamingDescription": "Here you can change your portal address.",
"PortalRenamingDescriptionTooltip": "Enter the part that will appear next to the portal address.",
"PortalRenamingLabelText": "New portal name",
"PortalRenamingMobile": "Enter the part that will appear next to the portal address. Please note: your old portal address will become available to new ©linney users once you click the Save button.",
"PortalRenamingSettingsTooltip": "<0>{{text}}</0> Enter the part that will appear next to the portal address.",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"ProductUserOpportunities": "View profiles and groups",
"RegistrationDate": "Registration date",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"RestoreBackup": "Data Restore",
"RestoreBackupDescription": "Use this option to restore your portal from the previously saved backup file.",
"RestoreBackupWarningText": "The portal will become unavailable during the restore process. After the restore is complete all the changes made after the date of the selected restore point will be lost.",
"RestoreBackupResetInfoWarningText": "All current passwords will be reset. Portal users will get an email with the access restoration link.",
"RestoreBackupHelp": "<strong>Data Restore</strong> option is used to restore your previously saved portal data (from a local server or SaaS portal). ",
"RestoreBackupHelpNote": "Select the storage where the data is saved, enter necessary details and check the <strong>Send notification to portal users</strong> to alert your portal users about the backup/restore operations.",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"RestoreDefaultButton": "Restore to Default",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"RecoveryFileNotSelected": "Recovery error. Recovery file not selected",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"SetDefaultTitle": "Set default title",
2022-04-01 11:59:55 +00:00
"SettingPasswordStrength": "Setting password strength",
"SettingPasswordStrengthDescription": "Password Strength Settings is a way to determine the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks.",
"SettingPasswordStrengthHelper": "Use the Minimum Password Length bar to determine how long the password should be. Check the appropriate boxes below to determine the character set that must be used in the password.",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"SendNotificationAboutRestoring": "Send notification about portal restoring to users",
"ServerSideEncryptionMethod": "Server Side Encryption Method",
"ServiceUrl": "Service Url",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"StudioTimeLanguageSettings": "Language and Time Zone Settings",
"SuccessfullySaveGreetingSettingsMessage": "Welcome Page settings have been successfully saved",
"SuccessfullySavePortalNameMessage": "Portal has been renamed successfully",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"SuccessfullySaveSettingsMessage": "Settings have been successfully updated",
"TeamTemplate": "Team template",
"TeamTemplateSettingsDescription": "Team Template is a customizable way to name the organization (or group), its members and their activities. Drop down the Template list to choose one of the available presets or enter the names yourselves selecting the custom option from the list.",
"Template": "Template",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"TemporaryStorage": "Temporary storage",
"TemporaryStorageDescription": "Backup is stored in the 'Backup' section, you will be able to download it within 24 hours after creating.",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"ThirdPartyAuthorization": "Third-party Authorization",
"ThirdPartyBodyDescription": "Detailed instructions in our <2>Help Center</2>.",
"ThirdPartyBottomDescription": "Need help? Contact our <2>Support Team.</2>",
"ThirdPartyHowItWorks": "How It Works?",
"ThirdPartyPropsActivated": "Updated successfully",
"ThirdPartyPropsDeactivated": "Deactivated successfully",
"ThirdPartyTitleDescription": "With Authorization keys, you can connect third-party services to your portal. Sign in easily with Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn; add Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. to work with files stored there from the Documents module.",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"ThirdPartyResource": "Third-party resource",
"ThirdPartyResourceDescription": "Backup can be saved to your third-party account (Dropbox,, OneDrive or Google Drive).You need to connect your third-party account (Dropbox,, OneDrive or Google Drive) to the Common documents folder before you will be able to save your backup there.",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Third-party storage",
"ThirdPartyStorageDescription": "Backup can be saved to a third-party storage. Before, you need to connect the corresponding service in the 'Integration' section. Otherwise, the following settings will be inactive.",
"TimeZone": "Time Zone",
2022-04-02 18:10:58 +00:00
"TrustedMail": "Trusted mail domain settings",
"TrustedMailDescription": "Trusted Mail Domain Settings is a way to specify the mail servers used for user self-registration.",
"TrustedMailHelper": "You can either check the Custom domains option and enter the trusted mail server in the field below so that a person who has an account at it will be able to register him(her)self by clicking the Join link on the Sign In page or disable this option.",
2022-04-02 19:35:01 +00:00
"TrustedMailWarningHelper": "Users with trusted email domains will automatically be listed in the Waiting Room section of the Address book.",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"TwoFactorAuth": "Two-factor authentication",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription": "Two-factor authentication provides a more secure way to log in. After entering the credentials, the user will have to enter a code from an SMS or the authentication app. ",
2022-03-31 10:12:18 +00:00
"TwoFactorAuthHelper": "Note: SMS messages can be sent if you have a positive balance only. You can always check your current balance in your SMS provider account. Do not forget to replenish your balance in good time. ",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"UseAsLogoButton": "Use as logo",
2022-04-04 08:22:07 +00:00
"UseDigits": "Use digits",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"Users": "Users",
2022-03-24 17:56:51 +00:00
"UserAgreement": "I confirm and want to proceed",
"UseHttp": "Use Http",
2022-04-04 08:22:07 +00:00
"UseSpecialChar": "Use special characters",
"UseUpperCase": "Use capital letters",
2021-11-12 16:00:01 +00:00
"WelcomePageTitle": "Welcome page title",
"YouHaveUnsavedChanges": "You have unsaved changes"