Web:EmptyContainer Added empty screen for the trash page

This commit is contained in:
Akmal Isomadinov 2024-08-13 16:14:31 +05:00
parent 90bdf3cff4
commit 1f3bc2c502
4 changed files with 108 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -325,6 +325,11 @@ export const getOptions = (
icon: <FolderIcon />,
description: t("Files:GoToMyRooms"),
.with([FolderType.TRASH, P._], () => ({
icon: <PersonIcon />,
description: t("Files:GoToPersonal"),
.otherwise(() => []);

View File

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ import EmptyRoomsRootLightIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/empty.rooms.roo
import EmptyRecentDarkIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/empty.recent.dark.svg";
import EmptyRecentLightIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/empty.recent.light.svg";
import EmptyTrashDarkIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/empty.trash.dark.svg";
import EmptyTrashLightIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/empty.trash.light.svg";
import EmptyArchiveDarkIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/empty.archive.dark.svg";
import EmptyArchiveLightIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/empty.archive.light.svg";
@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ export const getRootDesctiption = (
.with([FolderType.Archive, ShareAccessRights.DenyAccess], () =>
.with([FolderType.TRASH, P._], () => t("Test"))
.with([FolderType.TRASH, P._], () => t("Files:TrashEmptyDescription"))
.otherwise(() => "");
@ -280,7 +282,7 @@ export const getRootTitle = (
.with([FolderType.Recent, P._], () => t("Files:NoFilesHereYet"))
.with([FolderType.Archive, P._], () => t("Files:ArchiveEmptyScreenHeader"))
.with([FolderType.TRASH, P._], () => t("Test"))
.with([FolderType.TRASH, P._], () => t("Files:EmptyScreenFolder"))
.otherwise(() => "");
@ -424,7 +426,9 @@ export const getRootIcom = (
<EmptyArchiveUserDarkIcon />
.with([FolderType.TRASH, P._], () => <div />)
.with([FolderType.TRASH, P._], () =>
isBaseTheme ? <EmptyTrashLightIcon /> : <EmptyTrashDarkIcon />,
.otherwise(() => <div />);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
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View File

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