This commit is contained in:
Andrey Savihin 2019-06-26 18:17:59 +03:00
commit 556439df53
16 changed files with 175 additions and 1 deletions

View File

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View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 321 B

View File

@ -18,6 +18,21 @@ import OrigCloudServicesOneDriveIcon from './';
import OrigCloudServicesBoxIcon from './';
import OrigCloudServicesNextcloudIcon from './';
import OrigCommunityIcon from './community.react.svg';
import OrigAppsIcon from './apps.react.svg';
import OrigCalendarCheckedIcon from './calendar.checked.react.svg';
import OrigCrmIcon from './crm.react.svg';
import OrigDocumentsIcon from './documents.react.svg';
import OrigFollowIcon from './follow.react.svg';
import OrigMailIcon from './mail.react.svg';
import OrigMoneyIcon from './money.react.svg';
import OrigProjectsIcon from './projects.react.svg';
import OrigSearchIcon from './search.react.svg';
import OrigSettingsCatalogIcon from './settings.catalog.react.svg';
import OrigProjectDocumentsUpIcon from './project.documents.up.react.svg';
import OrigProjectsTemplatesIcon from './projects.templates.react.svg';
import OrigItemPausedIcon from './item.paused.react.svg';
import OrigProjectsTasksIcon from './projects.tasks.react.svg';
import OrigActionsReportsIcon from './actions.reports.react.svg';
export const PeopleIcon = createStyledIcon(
@ -95,4 +110,64 @@ export const CloudServicesNextcloudIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const CommunityIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const AppsIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const CalendarCheckedIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const CrmIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const DocumentsIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const FollowIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const MailIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const MoneyIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const ProjectsIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const SearchIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const SettingsCatalogIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const ProjectDocumentsUpIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const ProjectsTemplatesIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const ItemPausedIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const ProjectsTasksIcon = createStyledIcon(
export const ActionsReportsIcon = createStyledIcon(

View File

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