Client:EmptyScreenGroups Added new empty screen for groups

This commit is contained in:
Akmal Isomadinov 2024-08-23 18:29:09 +05:00
parent f593055dc9
commit 5995b8c8e0
6 changed files with 228 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -14,15 +14,24 @@
"CustomRoomEmptyTitle": "Welcome to the Custom room",
"DefaultFolderDescription": "Drop files here or create new ones.",
"EmptyDescription": "Get started with quick actions:",
"EmptyGroupAddedUserOptionDescription": "Add group members and assign the head",
"EmptyGroupDeleteOptionDescription": "If you don't need this group anymore",
"EmptyGroupsCreateGroupOptionDescription": "Create a group to add them to the room",
"EmptyRecentDescription": "Your last viewed or edited docs will be displayed in this section.",
"EmptyRootRoomUserDescription": "The shared room will appear here.",
"EmptyRootRoomUserTitle": "There are no rooms here yet",
"FormFolderDefaultDescription": "Drop PDF forms here or upload from {{productName}} or device.",
"FormFolderDefaultTitle": "No forms here yet",
"FormFolderDefaultUserDescription": "The forms uploaded by the administrators will be appeared here.",
"FormFolderDefaultUserTitle": "No forms in this folder yet",
"FormRoomEmptyTitle": "Welcome to the Form filling room",
"InviteNewUsers": "Invite new users",
"InviteRootRoomDescription": "Send an invitation to add new members to your {{productName}}",
"InviteUsersCollaborationOptionDescription": "Add members for joint editing in the room.",
"InviteUsersOptionDescription": "Add portal members for joint editing in the room",
"InviteUsersOptionTitle": "Inviting Attendees",
"MigrationDataDescription": "Import data to your {{productName}} from ONLYOFFICE Workspace, Google Workspace, or Nextcloud.",
"MigrationDataTitle": "Migration Data",
"PublicRoomEmptyTitle": "Welcome to the Public room",
"ShareOptionDescription": "Copy a public access link or invite other users to the room to start the form filling process.",
"ShareOptionTitle": "Share a room",
@ -35,13 +44,5 @@
"UploadFromPortalDescription": "Upload any type files from Documents or Rooms",
"UploadFromPortalTitle": "Upload from {{productName}}",
"UploadPDFFormOptionDescription": "Select a ready PDF form available in {{productName}} and upload it to the room.",
"UserEmptyDescription": "Files and folders uploaded by admins will appeared here.",
"InviteRootRoomDescription": "Send an invitation to add new members to your {{productName}}",
"MigrationDataTitle": "Migration Data",
"MigrationDataDescription": "Import data to your {{productName}} from ONLYOFFICE Workspace, Google Workspace, or Nextcloud.",
"EmptyRootRoomUserTitle": "There are no rooms here yet",
"EmptyRootRoomUserDescription": "The shared room will appear here.",
"EmptyRecentDescription": "Your last viewed or edited docs will be displayed in this section.",
"EmptyGroupAddedUserOptionDescription": "Add group members and assign the head",
"EmptyGroupDeleteOptionDescription": "If you don't need this group anymore"
"UserEmptyDescription": "Files and folders uploaded by admins will appeared here."

View File

@ -24,20 +24,20 @@
// content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
// International. See the License terms at
import EmptyScreenGroupSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/empty_screen_groups.svg?url";
import EmptyScreenGroupSvgDarkUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/empty_screen_groups_dark.svg?url";
import PlusSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/plus.svg?url";
import EmptyGroupLightIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/empty.groups.light.svg";
import EmptyGroupDarkIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/empty.groups.dark.svg";
import EmptyScreenPersonSvgLight from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyFilter/empty.filter.people.light.svg";
import EmptyScreenPersonSvgDark from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyFilter/empty.filter.people.dark.svg";
import ClearEmptyFilterSvg from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/clear.empty.filter.svg";
import GroupIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/emptyview/group.svg";
import React from "react";
import { inject, observer } from "mobx-react";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import ClearEmptyFilterSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/clear.empty.filter.svg?url";
import { EmptyScreenContainer } from "@docspace/shared/components/empty-screen-container";
import { IconButton } from "@docspace/shared/components/icon-button";
import { Link } from "@docspace/shared/components/link";
import { Box } from "@docspace/shared/components/box";
import { Grid } from "@docspace/shared/components/grid";
import { Events } from "@docspace/shared/enums";
import { EmptyView } from "@docspace/shared/components/empty-view";
const EmptyScreenGroups = ({
@ -46,92 +46,80 @@ const EmptyScreenGroups = ({
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation(["People", "PeopleTranslations", "Common"]);
const { t } = useTranslation([
const onCreateRoom = () => {
const event = new Event(Events.GROUP_CREATE);
const onResetFilter = () => {
const onResetFilter = (event) => {
const imageSrc = theme.isBase
? EmptyScreenGroupSvgUrl
: EmptyScreenGroupSvgDarkUrl;
const title = groupsIsFiltered
? t("Common:NotFoundGroups")
: t("Common:NoGroupsHere");
const getIcon = () => {
if (groupsIsFiltered) {
return theme.isBase ? (
<EmptyScreenPersonSvgLight />
) : (
<EmptyScreenPersonSvgDark />
return theme.isBase ? <EmptyGroupLightIcon /> : <EmptyGroupDarkIcon />;
const getDescription = () => {
if (groupsIsFiltered) return t("Common:GroupsNotFoundDescription");
return t("Common:ThisSectionIsEmpty");
* @returns {import("@docspace/shared/components/empty-view").EmptyViewOptionsType}
const getOptions = () => {
if (groupsIsFiltered) {
return {
to: "",
description: t("Common:ClearFilter"),
icon: <ClearEmptyFilterSvg />,
onClick: onResetFilter,
if (isRoomAdmin) return [];
return [
key: "create-group-option",
title: t("PeopleTranslations:CreateGroup"),
description: t("EmptyView:EmptyGroupsCreateGroupOptionDescription"),
icon: <GroupIcon />,
disabled: isRoomAdmin,
onClick: onCreateRoom,
return (
imageAlt="Empty Screen Filter image"
? t("Common:EmptyGroupsHeader")
: t("Common:NotFoundGroups")
? !isRoomAdmin
? t("Common:EmptyGroupsDescription")
: ""
: t("Common:NotFoundGroupsDescription")
<Grid gridColumnGap="8px" columnsProp={["12px 1fr"]}>
{groupsIsFiltered ? (
<Box marginProp="-4px 0 0 0">
) : (
!isRoomAdmin && (
<Box marginProp="-4px 0 0 0">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.0 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB

View File

@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
"EmptyRoomsDescription": "Please create the first room in My rooms.",
"EmptyRoomsHeader": "No rooms here yet",
"Enable": "Enable",
"EnableThirdPartyIntegration": "Please ask a DocSpace owner or administrator to enable the corresponding service in the Integration section of the DocSpace Settings.",
"EncryptingFile": "Encrypting file",
"EncryptionFilePreparing": "Preparing file for encryption",
"EncryptionKeysReload": "Encryption keys must be re-entered",
@ -310,6 +311,8 @@
"Next": "Next",
"No": "No",
"NoFindingsFound": "No findings found",
"NoGroupsHere": "No groups here",
"ThisSectionIsEmpty": "This section is empty",
"NoRoomsFound": "No rooms found",
"NotFoundGroups": "No groups found",
"NotFoundGroupsDescription": "No groups match your search. Please adjust your search parameters or clear the search field to view the full list of groups.",
@ -335,8 +338,8 @@
"OAuthRoomsWriteDescription": "View and manage all rooms",
"OCT": "OCT",
"OFORMsGallery": "Form Gallery",
"OkButton": "Ok",
"OKButton": "OK",
"OkButton": "Ok",
"Or": "or",
"orContinueWith": "or continue with",
"OrganizationName": "ONLYOFFICE",
@ -537,6 +540,5 @@
"Website": "Website",
"Yes": "Yes",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You": "You",
"EnableThirdPartyIntegration": "Please ask a DocSpace owner or administrator to enable the corresponding service in the Integration section of the DocSpace Settings."
"You": "You"