fixed tests

This commit is contained in:
pavelbannov 2023-05-12 12:20:37 +03:00
parent 9386b2ae09
commit aca3cf4e3b

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
// content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
// International. See the License terms at
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using NUnit.Framework;
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ public class Tests
var resources = GetResources(directory);
var netralresources = resources.Where(f => IsNetral(f.Name));
_resources = new Dictionary<FileInfo, IEnumerable<FileInfo>>();
foreach(var resource in netralresources)
foreach (var resource in netralresources)
var nameWithoutExt = resource.FullName.Substring(0, resource.FullName.Length - 5);
_resources.Add(resource, resources.Where(r => r.FullName.StartsWith(nameWithoutExt)));
@ -112,13 +113,61 @@ public class Tests
[Test, Order(1)]
public void ResourceFilesExist()
public void LanguageTranslatedPercentTest()
var all = 0;
var setByCulture = new Dictionary<string, int>();
var allExist = true;
var message = new StringBuilder("Next languages translated less then 100%:\n\n");
foreach (var pair in _resources)
var set = new HashSet<string>();
var dictionary = new Dictionary<FileInfo, HashSet<string>>();
foreach (var resource in pair.Value)
var culture = GetCulture(resource.Name);
var valid = CultureHelper.IsValidCultureName(culture);
if (valid && !setByCulture.ContainsKey(culture))
setByCulture.Add(culture, 0);
foreach (var entry in CreateTranslateDictionary(resource.FullName))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Value.ToString()))
if (valid)
setByCulture[culture] += 1;
all += set.Count;
var counter = 0;
foreach (var pair in setByCulture.Where(r => r.Value != all).OrderByDescending(r => Math.Round((r.Value * 100.0) / all, 1)))
allExist = false;
message.AppendLine($"{++counter}. Language '{pair.Key}' translated by '{Math.Round((pair.Value * 100.0) / all, 1)}%'");
Assert.True(allExist, message.ToString());
[Test, Order(2)]
public void NotAllLanguageTranslatedTest()
var all = new HashSet<string>();
var groupByFile = new Dictionary<FileInfo, HashSet<string>>();
var allExist = true;
var message = "resource files is not exist: \n";
foreach(var pair in _resources)
var message = new StringBuilder("Next languages are not equal 'en' by translated files count: \n\n");
foreach (var pair in _resources)
var resources = pair.Value;
var set = new HashSet<string>();
@ -149,27 +198,36 @@ public class Tests
groupByFile.Add(pair.Key, set);
foreach(var pair in groupByFile)
var counter = 0;
foreach (var culture in all)
var notExist = all.Where(l => !pair.Value.Contains(l));
if(notExist.Count() > 0)
var notExist = groupByFile.Where(l => !l.Value.Contains(culture)).ToList();
if (notExist.Any())
allExist = false;
message += $"{pair.Key.Name}: \n";
message += string.Join(',', notExist) + "\n\n";
message.AppendLine($"{++counter}. Language '{culture}'. Not found files: \n");
foreach (var f in notExist)
Assert.True(allExist, message);
Assert.True(allExist, message.ToString());
[Test, Order(2)]
public void ResoureFilesFilled()
[Test, Order(3)]
public void NotTranslatedKeysTest()
var all = new Dictionary<FileInfo, HashSet<string>>();
var groupByFile = new Dictionary<FileInfo, Dictionary<FileInfo, HashSet<string>>>();
var allExist = true;
var message = "Next resources filled less then 100%: \n";
var message = new StringBuilder("Next languages are not equal 'en' by translated keys count:\n\n");
foreach (var pair in _resources)
@ -192,51 +250,62 @@ public class Tests
all.Add(pair.Key, set);
foreach(var pair in groupByFile)
var counter = 0;
foreach (var pair in groupByFile)
foreach(var keyValue in pair.Value)
foreach (var keyValue in pair.Value)
var notExist = all[pair.Key].Where(l => !keyValue.Value.Contains(l));
if (notExist.Count() > 0)
var notExist = all[pair.Key].Where(l => !keyValue.Value.Contains(l)).ToList();
if (notExist.Any())
allExist = false;
var x = notExist.Count();
var x = notExist.Count;
var y = all[pair.Key].Count();
var percent = (int)((double)(y - x) / y * 100);
message += $"{keyValue.Key.Name}: {percent}%\n";
var culture = GetCulture(keyValue.Key.Name);
message.AppendLine($"{++counter}. Language ('{culture}'={x}/'en'={y}). Path '{pair.Key.FullName}' Not found keys:");
foreach (var key in notExist)
Assert.True(allExist, message);
Assert.True(allExist, message.ToString());
[Test, Order(3)]
[Test, Order(4)]
public void CompliesToRulePunctuationLead()
CompliesToRule("The punctuation at the start of the messages doesn't match up:\n", CheckRules.CompliesToRulePunctuationLead);
[Test, Order(4)]
[Test, Order(5)]
public void CompliesToRulePunctuationTail()
CompliesToRule("The punctuation at the end of the messages doesn't match up:\n", CheckRules.CompliesToRulePunctuationTail);
[Test, Order(5)]
[Test, Order(6)]
public void CompliesToRuleWhiteSpaceLead()
CompliesToRule("The whitespaces at the start of the sequence don't match up:\n", CheckRules.CompliesToRuleWhiteSpaceLead);
[Test, Order(6)]
[Test, Order(7)]
public void CompliesToRuleWhiteSpaceTail()
CompliesToRule("The whitespaces at the end of the sequence don't match up:\n", CheckRules.CompliesToRuleWhiteSpaceTail);
[Test, Order(7)]
[Test, Order(8)]
public void CompliesToRuleWhiteStringFormat()
CompliesToRule("This items contains string format parameter mismatches:\n", CheckRules.CompliesToRuleStringFormat);
@ -244,32 +313,45 @@ public class Tests
private void CompliesToRule(string message, Func<string, string, bool> compliesToRile)
var result = new StringBuilder(message);
var counter = 0;
var allRuleCheck = true;
foreach (var pair in _resources)
var netral = CreateTranslateDictionary(pair.Key.FullName);
foreach (var resource in pair.Value)
var list = new List<string>();
var list = new Dictionary<string, (string, string)>();
foreach (var entry in CreateTranslateDictionary(resource.FullName))
if (netral.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out var value))
if (compliesToRile(value, entry.Value))
list.Add(entry.Key, (value, entry.Value));
allRuleCheck = false;
if (list.Count > 0)
message += $"\n{resource.Name}: \n";
message += string.Join(',', list) + "\n";
var culture = GetCulture(resource.Name);
foreach (var item in list)
result.AppendLine($"{++counter}. {resource.FullName}\n");
Assert.True(allRuleCheck, message);
Assert.True(allRuleCheck, result.ToString());
private Dictionary<string, string> CreateTranslateDictionary(string filePath)
@ -301,4 +383,10 @@ public class Tests
return dictionary;
private string GetCulture(string fullName)
var split = fullName.Split('.');
return split[split.Length - 2];