Web: Components: refactoring stories, add public/images to components for storybook

This commit is contained in:
Artem Tarasov 2021-03-07 14:57:26 +03:00
parent 2ba54c3bdb
commit c8d614a3ba
123 changed files with 1490 additions and 1598 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module.exports = {
stories: [
@ -15,11 +15,16 @@ module.exports = {
addons: [
@ -27,5 +32,6 @@ module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
import { MINIMAL_VIEWPORTS } from "@storybook/addon-viewport";
export const parameters = {
actions: { argTypesRegex: "^on[A-Z].*" },
controls: { expanded: true },
viewport: {
export const globalTypes = {

View File

@ -1,48 +1,11 @@
import React from "react";
import AvatarEditor from "./";
import AvatarEditorComponent from "./";
import Avatar from "../avatar";
export default {
title: "Components/AvatarEditor",
component: AvatarEditor,
component: AvatarEditorComponent,
argTypes: {
visible: { description: "Display avatar editor" },
image: { description: "Display avatar editor" },
accept: { description: "Accepted file types" },
displayType: { description: "Display type" },
useModalDialog: {
description: "Use for the view of the modal dialog or not",
selectNewPhotoLabel: {
description: "Translation string for file selection",
orDropFileHereLabel: {
"Translation string for file dropping (concat with selectNewPhotoLabel prop)",
headerLabel: { description: "Translation string for title" },
saveButtonLabel: { description: "Translation string for save button" },
saveButtonLoading: {
description: "Tells when the button should show loader icon",
cancelButtonLabel: { description: "Translation string for cancel button" },
maxSizeFileError: { description: "Translation string for size warning" },
unknownTypeError: {
description: "Translation string for file type warning",
onLoadFileError: {
description: "Translation string for load file warning",
unknownError: { description: "Translation string for warning" },
maxSize: { description: "Max size of image" },
onSave: { description: "Save event" },
onClose: { description: "Closing event " },
onDeleteImage: { description: "Image deletion event" },
onLoadFile: { description: "Image upload event" },
onImageChange: { description: "Image change event" },
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
id: { description: "Accepts id" },
style: { description: "Accepts css style" },
openEditor: { action: "onOpen", table: { disable: true } },
closeEditor: { action: "onClose", table: { disable: true } },
onSave: { action: "onSave", table: { disable: true } },
@ -55,33 +18,11 @@ export default {
description: {
component: "Used to display user avatar editor on page.",
source: {
code: `
import AvatarEditor from "@appserver/components/avatar-editor";
onClose={() => {}}
onSave={() => {})}
onDeleteImage={() => {})}
onImageChange={() => {})}
onLoadFile={() => {}}
headerLabel="Edit Photo"
selectNewPhotoLabel="Select new photo"
orDropFileHereLabel="or drop file here"
maxSizeFileError="Maximum file size exceeded"
unknownTypeError="Unknown image file type"
class Wrapper extends React.Component {
class AvatarEditor extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
@ -145,7 +86,7 @@ class Wrapper extends React.Component {
visible={this.state.isOpen || this.props.visible}
@ -165,6 +106,6 @@ class Wrapper extends React.Component {
const Template = (args) => {
return <Wrapper {...args} />;
return <AvatarEditor {...args} />;
export const Default = Template.bind({});

View File

@ -223,30 +223,53 @@ class AvatarEditor extends React.Component {
AvatarEditor.propTypes = {
/** Display avatar editor */
visible: PropTypes.bool,
/** Translation string for title */
headerLabel: PropTypes.string,
/** Translation string for file selection */
selectNewPhotoLabel: PropTypes.string,
/** Translation string for file dropping (concat with selectNewPhotoLabel prop) */
orDropFileHereLabel: PropTypes.string,
/** Translation string for save button */
saveButtonLabel: PropTypes.string,
/** Translation string for cancel button */
cancelButtonLabel: PropTypes.string,
/** Tells when the button should show loader icon */
saveButtonLoading: PropTypes.bool,
/** Translation string for size warning */
maxSizeFileError: PropTypes.string,
/** Display avatar editor */
image: PropTypes.string,
/** Max size of image */
maxSize: PropTypes.number,
/** Accepted file types */
accept: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
/** Save event */
onSave: PropTypes.func,
/** Closing event */
onClose: PropTypes.func,
/** Image deletion event */
onDeleteImage: PropTypes.func,
/** Image upload event */
onLoadFile: PropTypes.func,
/** Image change event */
onImageChange: PropTypes.func,
/** Translation string for load file warning */
onLoadFileError: PropTypes.func,
/** Translation string for file type warning */
unknownTypeError: PropTypes.string,
/** Translation string for warning */
unknownError: PropTypes.string,
/** Display type */
displayType: PropTypes.oneOf(["auto", "modal", "aside"]),
/** Accepts class" */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Use for the view of the modal dialog or not */
useModalDialog: PropTypes.bool,

View File

@ -6,21 +6,8 @@ import Button from "../button";
export default {
title: "Components/Backdrop",
component: Backdrop,
subcomponents: { Button },
argTypes: {
visible: {
description: "Display or not",
zIndex: {
description: "CSS z-index",
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
id: { description: "Accepts id" },
style: { description: "Accepts CSS style" },
withBackground: {
"The background is not displayed if the viewport width is less than 1024, set it to true for display",
isAside: { description: "Must be true if used with Aside component" },
onClick: { action: "On Hide", table: { disable: true } },
parameters: {
@ -28,12 +15,6 @@ export default {
description: {
component: "Backdrop for displaying modal dialogs or other components",
source: {
code: `
import Backdrop from "@appserver/components/backdrop";
<Backdrop visible={true} zIndex={200}/>`,

View File

@ -99,12 +99,20 @@ class Backdrop extends React.Component {
Backdrop.propTypes = {
/** Display or not */
visible: PropTypes.bool,
/** CSS z-index */
zIndex: PropTypes.number,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.array]),
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** The background is not displayed if the viewport width is less than 1024,
* set it to true for display */
withBackground: PropTypes.bool,
/** Must be true if used with Aside component */
isAside: PropTypes.bool,

View File

@ -10,39 +10,8 @@ export default {
description: {
component: "Used for buttons, numbers or status markers next to icons.",
source: {
code: `
import Badge from "@appserver/components/badge";
padding="0 5px"
onClick={() => {}}
argTypes: {
backgroundColor: { control: "color", description: "CSS background-color" },
color: { control: "color", description: "CSS color" },
label: { control: "text", description: "Value" },
borderRadius: { description: "CSS border-radius" },
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
fontSize: { description: "CSS font-size" },
fontWeight: { description: "CSS font-weight" },
id: { description: "Accepts id" },
maxWidth: { description: "CSS max-width" },
onClick: { description: "onClick event" },
padding: { description: "CSS padding" },
style: { description: "Accepts css style" },
const Template = (args) => <Badge {...args} />;

View File

@ -42,17 +42,29 @@ const Badge = (props) => {
Badge.propTypes = {
/** Value */
label: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),
/** CSS background-color */
backgroundColor: PropTypes.string,
/** CSS color */
color: PropTypes.string,
/** CSS font-size */
fontSize: PropTypes.string,
/** CSS font-weight */
fontWeight: PropTypes.number,
/** CSS border-radius */
borderRadius: PropTypes.string,
/** CSS padding */
padding: PropTypes.string,
/** CSS max-width */
maxWidth: PropTypes.string,
/** onClick event */
onClick: PropTypes.func,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import React from "react";
//import { Box } from "./";
import Box from "./";
const containerProps = {

View File

@ -6,53 +6,13 @@ import Button from "./";
export default {
title: "Components/Button",
component: Button,
argTypes: {
label: { description: "Button text" },
size: { description: "Size of button" },
primary: { description: "Tells when the button should be primary" },
scale: { description: "Scale width of button to 100%" },
isClicked: {
description: "Tells when the button should present a clicked state",
isDisabled: {
description: "Tells when the button should present a disabled state",
isHovered: {
description: "Tells when the button should present a hovered state",
isLoading: { description: "Tells when the button should show loader icon" },
disableHover: { description: "Disable hover effect" },
icon: { description: "Icon node element" },
onClick: { description: "What the button will trigger when clicked " },
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
id: { description: "Accepts id" },
style: { description: "Accepts CSS style" },
tabIndex: { description: "Button tab index" },
minwidth: { description: "Sets the nim width of the button" },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: "Button is used for a action on a page.",
source: {
code: `
import Button from "@appserver/components/button";
onClick={() => alert("Button clicked")}
args: {
size: "base",
label: "Base Button",
const sizes = ["base", "medium", "big", "large"];
@ -263,6 +223,10 @@ const HoveredTemplate = (args) => {
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
size: "base",
label: "Base Button",
export const PrimaryButtons = PrimaryTemplate.bind({});
export const SecondaryButtons = SecondaryTemplate.bind({});
export const WithIconButtons = WithIconTemplate.bind({});

View File

@ -59,25 +59,37 @@ const Button = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
Button.propTypes = {
/** Button text */
label: PropTypes.string,
/** Tells when the button should be primary */
primary: PropTypes.bool,
/** Size of button */
size: PropTypes.oneOf(["base", "medium", "big", "large"]),
/** Scale width of button to 100% */
scale: PropTypes.bool,
/** Icon node element */
icon: PropTypes.node,
/** Button tab index */
tabIndex: PropTypes.number,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts CSS style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Tells when the button should present a hovered state */
isHovered: PropTypes.bool,
/** Disable hover effect */
disableHover: PropTypes.bool,
/** Tells when the button should present a clicked state */
isClicked: PropTypes.bool,
/** Tells when the button should present a disabled state */
isDisabled: PropTypes.bool,
/** Tells when the button should show loader icon */
isLoading: PropTypes.bool,
/** Sets the nim width of the button */
minwidth: PropTypes.string,
/** What the button will trigger when clicked */
onClick: PropTypes.func,

View File

@ -5,23 +5,12 @@ export default {
title: "Components/Calendar",
component: Calendar,
argTypes: {
themeColor: { control: "color", description: "Color of the selected day" },
maxDate: {
control: "date",
description: "Maximum date that the user can select",
selectedDate: { control: "date", description: "Selected date value" },
openToDate: {
control: "date",
"The beginning of a period that shall be displayed by default",
minDate: {
control: "date",
description: "Minimum date that the user can select.",
themeColor: { control: "color" },
selectedDate: { control: "date" },
openToDate: { control: "date" },
maxDate: { control: "date" },
minDate: { control: "date" },
locale: {
description: "Browser locale",
control: {
type: "select",
options: [
@ -53,38 +42,13 @@ export default {
onChange: {
description: "Function called when the user select a day",
action: "onChange",
size: { description: "Calendar size" },
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
id: { description: "Accepts id" },
style: { description: "Accepts css style" },
onChange: { action: "onChange" },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: "Used to display custom calendar",
source: {
code: `
import Calendar from "@appserver/components/calendar";
onChange={(date) => {
console.log("Selected date:", date);
selectedDate={new Date()}
openToDate={new Date()}
minDate={new Date("1970/01/01")}
maxDate={new Date("3000/01/01")}

View File

@ -530,17 +530,28 @@ class Calendar extends Component {
Calendar.propTypes = {
onChange: PropTypes.func,
/** Color of the selected day */
themeColor: PropTypes.string,
/** Selected date value */
selectedDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),
/** The beginning of a period that shall be displayed by default */
openToDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),
/** Minimum date that the user can select. */
minDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),
/** Maximum date that the user can select */
maxDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),
/** Browser locale */
locale: PropTypes.string,
/** Calendar size */
size: PropTypes.oneOf(["base", "big"]),
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Function called when the user select a day */
onChange: PropTypes.func,
Calendar.defaultProps = {

View File

@ -1,56 +1,23 @@
import React from "react";
import Checkbox from "./";
import CheckboxComponent from "./";
export default {
title: "Components/Checkbox",
component: Checkbox,
component: CheckboxComponent,
parameters: {
docs: {
description: { component: "Custom checkbox input" },
source: {
code: `
import Checkbox from "@appserver/components/checkbox";
onChange={() => {}}
argTypes: {
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
id: { description: "Used as HTML id property" },
isChecked: {
description: "The checked property sets the checked state of a checkbox",
isDisabled: { description: "Disables the Checkbox input " },
isIndeterminate: {
"If true, this state is shown as a rectangle in the checkbox",
label: { description: "Label of the input" },
name: { description: "Used as HTML `name` property" },
onChange: {
description: "Will be triggered whenever an CheckboxInput is clicked ",
action: "onChange",
style: { description: "Accepts css style " },
value: { description: "Value of the input" },
title: { description: "Title " },
truncate: { description: "Disables word wrapping" },
class Wrapper extends React.Component {
class Checkbox extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
@ -66,7 +33,7 @@ class Wrapper extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
isChecked={this.props.isChecked || this.state.isChecked}
@ -75,7 +42,7 @@ class Wrapper extends React.Component {
const Template = (args) => {
return <Wrapper {...args} />;
return <Checkbox {...args} />;
const AllCheckboxesTemplate = (args) => {

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import Text from "../text";
import { StyledLabel, HiddenInput } from "./styled-checkbox";
import CheckboxIndeterminateIcon from "../../../public/images/checkbox.indeterminate.react.svg";
import CheckboxCheckedIcon from "../../../public/images/checkbox.checked.react.svg";
import CheckboxIcon from "../../../public/images/checkbox.react.svg";
import CheckboxIndeterminateIcon from "./svg/checkbox.indeterminate.react.svg";
import CheckboxCheckedIcon from "./svg/checkbox.checked.react.svg";
import CheckboxIcon from "./svg/checkbox.react.svg";
// eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-types
const RenderCheckboxIcon = ({ isChecked, isIndeterminate }) => {
@ -108,19 +108,29 @@ class Checkbox extends React.Component {
Checkbox.propTypes = {
/** Used as HTML id property */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Used as HTML `name` property */
name: PropTypes.string,
/** Value of the input */
value: PropTypes.string,
/** Label of the input */
label: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object]),
/** The checked property sets the checked state of a checkbox */
isChecked: PropTypes.bool,
/** If true, this state is shown as a rectangle in the checkbox */
isIndeterminate: PropTypes.bool,
/** Disables the Checkbox input */
isDisabled: PropTypes.bool,
/** Will be triggered whenever an CheckboxInput is clicked */
onChange: PropTypes.func,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Title */
title: PropTypes.string,
/** Disables word wrapping */
truncate: PropTypes.bool,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<rect x="0.5" y="0.5" width="15" height="15" rx="2.5" fill="white" stroke="#D0D5DA" stroke-opacity="1"/>
<rect x="0.5" y="0.5" width="15" height="15" rx="2.5" fill="white" stroke="#D0D5DA" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8%" />
<path d="M7.97926 11.6351C7.48054 12.1216 6.67132 12.1216 6.17284 11.6351L3.37404 8.90491C2.87532 8.41864 2.87532 7.62926 3.37404 7.14299C3.87252 6.65649 4.68174 6.65649 5.18046 7.14299L6.84799 8.76943C6.97387 8.89199 7.17822 8.89199 7.30435 8.76943L11.8195 4.36487C12.318 3.87838 13.1272 3.87838 13.626 4.36487C13.8655 4.5985 14 4.91547 14 5.24583C14 5.57619 13.8655 5.89317 13.626 6.12679L7.97926 11.6351Z" fill="#333333"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 758 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<rect x="0.5" y="0.5" width="15" height="15" rx="2.5" fill="white" stroke="#D0D5DA" stroke-opacity="1"/>
<rect x="0.5" y="0.5" width="15" height="15" rx="2.5" fill="white" stroke="#D0D5DA" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8%"/>
<rect x="3" y="3" width="10" height="10" rx="2" fill="#333333"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 395 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<rect x="0.5" y="0.5" width="15" height="15" rx="2.5" fill="white" stroke="#D0D5DA" stroke-opacity="1" />
<rect x="0.5" y="0.5" width="15" height="15" rx="2.5" fill="white" stroke="#D0D5DA" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8%" />


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 334 B

View File

@ -5,148 +5,6 @@ import RadioButton from "../radio-button";
import DropDownItem from "../drop-down-item";
import NavLogoIcon from "../../../public/images/nav.logo.opened.react.svg";
export default {
title: "Components/ComboBox",
component: ComboBox,
decorators: [
(Story) => (
<div style={{ height: "230px" }}>
<Story />
argTypes: {
advancedOptions: {
description: "If you need display options not basic options",
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
displayType: { description: "Component Display Type" },
dropDownMaxHeight: { description: "Height of Dropdown" },
id: { description: "Accepts id" },
isDisabled: { description: "Indicates that component is disabled" },
noBorder: {
description: "Indicates that component is displayed without borders",
onSelect: {
description: "Will be triggered whenever an ComboBox is selected option",
action: "onSelect",
options: { description: "Combo box options" },
scaledOptions: {
"Indicates that component`s options is scaled by ComboButton",
scaled: { description: "Indicates that component is scaled by parent" },
selectedOption: { description: "Selected option" },
size: { description: "Select component width, one of default" },
style: { description: "Accepts css style" },
toggleAction: {
"The event will be raised when using `displayType: toggle` when clicking on a component",
showDisabledItems: {
description: "Display disabled items or not when displayType !== toggle ",
children: { description: "Children element" },
directionX: { description: "X direction selection" },
directionY: { description: "Y direction selection" },
opened: { description: "Tells when a component is open" },
textOverflow: { description: "Accepts css text-overflow" },
disableIconClick: { description: "Вisables clicking on the icon" },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: { component: "Custom combo box input" },
source: {
code: `
### Usage
import ComboBox from "@appserver/components/combobox";
import NavLogoIcon from "../../../../../public/images/nav.logo.react.svg";
const options = [
key: 1,
icon: "static/images/catalog.employee.react.svg", // optional item
label: "Option 1",
disabled: false, // optional item
onClick: clickFunction, // optional item
#### Options have options:
- key - Item key, may be a string or a number
- label - Display text
- icon - Optional name of icon that will be displayed before label
- disabled - Make option disabled
- onClick - On click function
ComboBox perceives all property's for positioning from DropDown!
If you need to display a custom list of options, you must use advancedOptions property. Like this:
const advancedOptions = (
<RadioButton value="asc" name="first" label="A-Z" isChecked={true} />
<RadioButton value="desc" name="first" label="Z-A" />
<DropDownItem isSeparator />
<RadioButton value="first" name="second" label="First name" />
label="Last name"
options={[]} // An empty array will enable advancedOptions
onSelect={(option) => console.log("Selected option", option)}
key: 0,
label: "Select",
<NavLogoIcon size="medium" key="comboIcon" />
To use Combobox as a toggle button, you must declare it according to the parameters:
options={[]} // Required to display correctly
key: 0,
label: "Selected option",
<NavLogoIcon size="medium" key="comboIcon" />
const comboOptions = [
key: 1,
@ -155,7 +13,7 @@ const comboOptions = [
key: 2,
icon: "CatalogGuestIcon",
icon: "static/images/catalog.guest.react.svg",
label: "Option 2",
@ -207,68 +65,78 @@ const advancedOptions = (
const Wrapper = (props) => (
<div style={{ height: "220px" }}>{props.children}</div>
const childrenItems = children.length > 0 ? children : null;
const Template = (args) => (
{ key: 1, label: "Option 1" },
{ key: 2, label: "Option 2" },
key: 0,
label: "Select",
{ key: 1, label: "Option 1" },
{ key: 2, label: "Option 2" },
key: 0,
label: "Select",
const BaseOptionsTemplate = (args) => (
onSelect={(option) => args.onSelect(option)}
key: 0,
label: "Select",
default: true,
onSelect={(option) => args.onSelect(option)}
key: 0,
label: "Select",
default: true,
const AdvancedOptionsTemplate = (args) => (
onSelect={(option) => args.onSelect(option)}
key: 0,
label: "Select",
default: true,
<NavLogoIcon size="medium" key="comboIcon" />
onSelect={(option) => args.onSelect(option)}
key: 0,
label: "Select",
default: true,
<NavLogoIcon size="medium" key="comboIcon" />
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
export const basic = Template.bind({});
basic.args = {
opened: true,
scaled: false
scaled: false,
export const BaseOptions = BaseOptionsTemplate.bind({});
BaseOptions.args = {
export const baseOption = BaseOptionsTemplate.bind({});
baseOption.args = {
scaledOptions: false,
scaled: false,
noBorder: false,
isDisabled: false,
opened: true,
export const AdvancedOptions = AdvancedOptionsTemplate.bind({});
AdvancedOptions.args = {
export const advancedOption = AdvancedOptionsTemplate.bind({});
advancedOption.args = {
opened: true,
isDisabled: false,
scaled: false,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
import { Meta, Story, ArgsTable, Canvas } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks";
import ComboBox from "./";
import * as stories from "./combobox.stories.js";
onSelect: {
action: "onSelect",
selectedOption: { required: true },
options: { required: true },
# ComboBox
Custom combo box input
<Story story={stories.basic} name="Default" />
### Properties
<ArgsTable story="Default" />
### Base options
source: {
code: stories.baseOption,
<Story story={stories.baseOption} name="Base Option" />
### Advanced options
<Story story={stories.advancedOption} name="Advanced Options" />
import ComboBox from "@appserver/components/combobox";
import NavLogoIcon from "../../../../../public/images/nav.logo.react.svg";
const options = [
key: 1,
icon: "static/images/catalog.employee.react.svg", // optional item
label: "Option 1",
disabled: false, // optional item
onClick: clickFunction, // optional item
key: 0,
label: "Select",
onSelect={(option) => console.log("selected", option)}
Options have options:
- key - Item key, may be a string or a number
- label - Display text
- icon - Optional name of icon that will be displayed before label
- disabled - Make option disabled
- onClick - On click function
ComboBox perceives all property`s for positioning from DropDown!
If you need to display a custom list of options, you must use advancedOptions property. Like this:
const advancedOptions = (
<RadioButton value="asc" name="first" label="A-Z" isChecked={true} />
<RadioButton value="desc" name="first" label="Z-A" />
<DropDownItem isSeparator />
<RadioButton value="first" name="second" label="First name" />
label="Last name"
options={[]} // An empty array will enable advancedOptions
onSelect={(option) => console.log("Selected option", option)}
key: 0,
label: "Select",
<NavLogoIcon size="medium" key="comboIcon" />
To use Combobox as a toggle button, you must declare it according to the parameters:
options={[]} // Required to display correctly
key: 0,
label: "Selected option",
<NavLogoIcon size="medium" key="comboIcon" />

View File

@ -166,26 +166,49 @@ class ComboBox extends React.Component {
ComboBox.propTypes = {
/** If you need display options not basic options */
advancedOptions: PropTypes.element,
/** Children elements */
children: PropTypes.any,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** X direction selection */
directionX: PropTypes.oneOf(["left", "right"]),
/** Y direction selection */
directionY: PropTypes.oneOf(["bottom", "top"]),
/** Component Display Type */
displayType: PropTypes.oneOf(["default", "toggle"]),
/** Height of Dropdown */
dropDownMaxHeight: PropTypes.number,
/** Display disabled items or not when displayType !== toggle */
showDisabledItems: PropTypes.bool,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Indicates that component is disabled */
isDisabled: PropTypes.bool,
/** Indicates that component is displayed without borders */
noBorder: PropTypes.bool,
/** Will be triggered whenever an ComboBox is selected option */
onSelect: PropTypes.func,
/** Tells when a component is open */
opened: PropTypes.bool,
/** Combo box options */
options: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
/** Indicates that component is scaled by parent */
scaled: PropTypes.bool,
/** Indicates that component`s options is scaled by ComboButton */
scaledOptions: PropTypes.bool,
/** Selected option */
selectedOption: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
/** Select component width, one of default */
size: PropTypes.oneOf(["base", "middle", "big", "huge", "content"]),
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** The event will be raised when using `displayType: toggle` when clicking on a component */
toggleAction: PropTypes.func,
/** Accepts css text-overflow */
textOverflow: PropTypes.bool,
/** Disables clicking on the icon */
disableIconClick: PropTypes.bool,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import React from "react";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import ContextMenuButton from "./";
@ -6,88 +6,28 @@ export default {
title: "Components/ContextMenuButton",
component: ContextMenuButton,
argTypes: {
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
clickColor: {
description: "Specifies the icon click color",
control: "color",
color: { description: "Specifies the icon color", control: "color" },
data: { description: "Array of options for display " },
directionX: {
description: "What the button will trigger when mouse out of button",
getData: { description: "Function for converting to inner data " },
hoverColor: {
description: "Specifies the icon hover color",
control: "color",
iconClickName: { description: "Specifies the icon click name" },
iconHoverName: { description: "Specifies the icon hover name" },
iconName: { description: "Specifies the icon name" },
id: { description: "Accepts id" },
isDisabled: {
description: "Tells when the button should present a disabled state",
onMouseEnter: {
description: "What the button will trigger when mouse hovered",
action: "onMouseEnter",
onMouseLeave: {
description: "What the button will trigger when mouse leave",
action: "onMouseLeave",
onMouseOut: {
description: "What the button will trigger when mouse out of button",
action: "onMouseOut",
onMouseOver: {
description: "What the button will trigger when mouse over button",
action: "onMouseOver",
opened: {
description: "Tells when the button should present a opened state",
size: { description: "Specifies the icon size" },
style: { description: "Accepts css style" },
title: { description: "Specifies the icon title" },
iconOpenName: { description: "Specifies the icon open name" },
directionY: { description: "Direction Y" },
columnCount: { description: "Set the number of columns" },
displayType: { description: "Set the display type" },
clickColor: { control: "color" },
color: { control: "color" },
getData: { required: true },
hoverColor: { control: "color" },
onClickLabel: { action: "onClickLabel", table: { disable: true } },
onMouseLeave: { action: "onMouseLeave" },
onMouseEnter: { action: "onMouseEnter" },
onMouseOver: { action: "onMouseOver" },
onMouseOut: { action: "onMouseOut" },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: `ContextMenuButton is used for displaying context menu actions on a list's item`,
source: {
code: `
import ContextMenuButton from "@appserver/components/context-menu-button";
getData={() => [
key: "key",
label: "label",
onClick: () => alert("label"),
const Template = (args) => {
function getData() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(args.opened);
const getData = () => {
return [
key: "key1",
@ -100,18 +40,31 @@ const Template = (args) => {
onClick: () => args.onClickLabel("label2"),
const onClickHandler = () => {
return (
<div style={{ height: "100px" }}>
export const Default = Template.bind({});
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
title: "Actions",
iconName: "/static/images/vertical-dots.react.svg",
size: 16,
color: "#A3A9AE",
directionX: "right",
isDisabled: false,

View File

@ -234,34 +234,53 @@ class ContextMenuButton extends React.Component {
ContextMenuButton.propTypes = {
/** Tells when the button should present a opened state */
opened: PropTypes.bool,
/** Array of options for display */
data: PropTypes.array,
/** Function for converting to inner data */
getData: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
/** Specifies the icon title */
title: PropTypes.string,
/** Specifies the icon name */
iconName: PropTypes.string,
/** Specifies the icon size */
size: PropTypes.number,
/** Specifies the icon color */
color: PropTypes.string,
/** Tells when the button should present a disabled state */
isDisabled: PropTypes.bool,
/** Specifies the icon hover color */
hoverColor: PropTypes.string,
/** Specifies the icon click color */
clickColor: PropTypes.string,
/** Specifies the icon hover name */
iconHoverName: PropTypes.string,
/** Specifies the icon click name */
iconClickName: PropTypes.string,
/** Specifies the icon open name */
iconOpenName: PropTypes.string,
/** What the button will trigger when mouse hovered */
onMouseEnter: PropTypes.func,
/** What the button will trigger when mouse leave */
onMouseLeave: PropTypes.func,
/** What the button will trigger when mouse over button */
onMouseOver: PropTypes.func,
/** What the button will trigger when mouse out of button */
onMouseOut: PropTypes.func,
/** Direction X */
directionX: PropTypes.string,
/** Direction Y */
directionY: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Set the number of columns */
columnCount: PropTypes.number,
/** Set the display type */
displayType: PropTypes.string,

View File

@ -8,14 +8,7 @@ import ContextMenu from "./index";
export default {
title: "Components/ContextMenu",
component: ContextMenu,
argTypes: {
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
id: { description: "Accepts id" },
options: { description: "DropDownItems collection" },
style: { description: "Accepts css style" },
targetAreaId: { description: "Id of container apply to" },
withBackdrop: { description: "Used to display backdrop" },
subcomponents: { RowContainer, Row, RowContent },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
@ -27,13 +20,6 @@ For use within separate component it is necessary to determine active zone and e
In particular case, state is created containing options for particular Row element and passed to component when called.
source: {
code: `
import ContextMenu from "@appserver/components/context-menu";
<ContextMenu targetAreaId="rowContainer" options={[]} />

View File

@ -111,11 +111,17 @@ class ContextMenu extends React.PureComponent {
ContextMenu.propTypes = {
/** DropDownItems collection */
options: PropTypes.array,
/** Id of container apply to */
targetAreaId: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Used to display backdrop */
withBackdrop: PropTypes.bool,

View File

@ -1,116 +1,71 @@
import React from "react";
import DatePicker from "./";
const locales = [
export default {
title: "Components/DatePicker",
component: DatePicker,
decorators: [
(Story) => (
<div style={{ height: "380px" }}>
<Story />
argTypes: {
themeColor: { description: "Color of the selected day", control: "color" },
selectedDate: { description: "Selected date value", control: "date" },
openToDate: { description: "Opened date value", control: "date" },
minDate: {
description: "Minimum date that the user can select.",
control: "date",
maxDate: {
description: "Maximum date that the user can select.",
control: "date",
calendarHeaderContent: {
description: "Calendar header content (calendar opened in aside)",
calendarSize: { description: "Calendar size" },
className: { description: "Accepts class " },
displayType: { description: "Calendar display type " },
hasError: { description: "Set error date-input style" },
id: { description: "Accepts id " },
isDisabled: { description: "Disabled react-calendar" },
isOpen: { description: "Opens calendar" },
isReadOnly: { description: "Set input type is read only" },
locale: { description: "Browser locale" },
onChange: {
description: "Function called when the user select a day ",
action: "onChange",
scaled: { description: "Selected calendar size" },
style: { description: "Accepts css style" },
zIndex: { description: "Calendar css z-index" },
themeColor: { control: "color" },
selectedDate: { control: "date" },
openToDate: { control: "date" },
minDate: { control: "date" },
maxDate: { control: "date" },
onChange: { action: "onChange" },
locale: { control: { type: "select", options: locales } },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: "Base DatePicker component",
source: {
code: `
import DatePicker from "@appserver/components/date-picker";
onChange={(date) => {
console.log("Selected date", date);
selectedDate={new Date()}
minDate={new Date("1970/01/01")}
maxDate={new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + 1 + "/01/01")}
const Template = (args) => {
const locales = [
return (
onChange={(date) => {
selectedDate={new Date(args.selectedDate)}
minDate={new Date(args.minDate)}
maxDate={new Date(args.maxDate)}
openToDate={new Date(args.openToDate)}
<div style={{ height: "380px" }}>
onChange={(date) => {
selectedDate={new Date(args.selectedDate)}
minDate={new Date(args.minDate)}
maxDate={new Date(args.maxDate)}
openToDate={new Date(args.openToDate)}
@ -124,4 +79,5 @@ Default.args = {
maxDate: new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + 1 + "/01/01"),
openToDate: new Date(),
calendarSize: "base",
locale: "en",

View File

@ -379,24 +379,42 @@ class DatePicker extends Component {
DatePicker.propTypes = {
/** Function called when the user select a day */
onChange: PropTypes.func,
/** Color of the selected day */
themeColor: PropTypes.string,
/** Selected date value */
selectedDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),
/** Opened date value */
openToDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),
/** Minimum date that the user can select */
minDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),
/** Maximum date that the user can select */
maxDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),
/** Browser locale */
locale: PropTypes.string,
/** Disabled react-calendar */
isDisabled: PropTypes.bool,
/** Set input type is read only */
isReadOnly: PropTypes.bool,
/** Set error date-input style */
hasError: PropTypes.bool,
hasWarning: PropTypes.bool,
//hasWarning: PropTypes.bool,
/** Opens calendar */
isOpen: PropTypes.bool,
/** Calendar size */
calendarSize: PropTypes.oneOf(["base", "big"]),
/** Calendar display type */
displayType: PropTypes.oneOf(["dropdown", "aside", "auto"]),
/** Calendar css z-index */
zIndex: PropTypes.number,
/** Calendar header content (calendar opened in aside) */
calendarHeaderContent: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),

View File

@ -6,37 +6,16 @@ export default {
title: "Components/DragAndDrop",
component: DragAndDrop,
argTypes: {
dragging: { description: "Show that the item is being dragged now." },
isDropZone: { description: "Sets the component as a dropzone" },
onDrop: {
action: "onDrop",
"Occurs when the dragged element is dropped on the drop target",
onDrop: { action: "onDrop" },
targetFile: { action: "File: ", table: { disable: true } },
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
onMouseDown: {
description: "Occurs when the mouse button is pressed",
action: "onMouseDown",
children: { table: { disable: true } },
onMouseDown: { action: "onMouseDown" },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: `Drag And Drop component can be used as Dropzone
See documentation: https://github.com/react-dropzone/react-dropzone
source: {
code: `
import DragAndDrop from "@appserver/components/drag-and-drop";
component: `Drag And Drop component can be used as Dropzone.
<DragAndDrop onDrop={onDrop} style={width: 200, height: 200, border: "5px solid #999"}>
<Text style={textStyles} color="#999" fontSize="20px">
Drop items here
See documentation: https://github.com/react-dropzone/react-dropzone
@ -66,4 +45,3 @@ const Template = (args) => {
export const Default = Template.bind({});

View File

@ -32,11 +32,17 @@ const DragAndDrop = (props) => {
DragAndDrop.propTypes = {
/** Children elements */
children: PropTypes.any,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Sets the component as a dropzone */
isDropZone: PropTypes.bool,
/** Show that the item is being dragged now. */
dragging: PropTypes.bool,
/** Occurs when the mouse button is pressed */
onMouseDown: PropTypes.func,
/** Occurs when the dragged element is dropped on the drop target */
onDrop: PropTypes.func,

View File

@ -5,36 +5,9 @@ import DropDownItem from ".";
export default {
title: "Components/DropDownItem",
component: DropDownItem,
decorators: [
(Story) => (
<div style={{ height: "200px", position: "relative" }}>
<Story />
subcomponents: { DropDown },
argTypes: {
isHeader: {
description: "Tells when the dropdown item should display like header",
isSeparator: {
description: "Tells when the dropdown item should display like separator",
noHover: { description: "Disable default style hover effect" },
className: { description: "Accepts class" },
disabled: {
description: "Tells when the dropdown item should display like disabled",
icon: { description: "Dropdown item icon" },
id: { description: "Accepts id" },
label: { description: "Dropdown item text" },
onClick: {
description: "What the dropdown item will trigger when clicked",
action: "onClick",
style: { description: "Accepts css style" },
tabIndex: { table: { disable: true } },
children: { table: { disable: true } },
textOverflow: { table: { disable: true } },
onClick: { action: "onClick" },
parameters: {
docs: {
@ -45,17 +18,6 @@ An item can act as separator, header, or container.
When used as container, it will retain all styling features and positioning. To disable hover effects in container mode, you can use _noHover_ property.`,
source: {
code: `import DropDownItem from "@appserver/components/drop-down-item";
label="Button 1"
onClick={() => console.log("Button 1 clicked")}
@ -69,59 +31,61 @@ const Template = (args) => {
const disabled = args.disabled;
const { onClick } = args;
return (
<DropDown directionX={direction} manualY="1%" open={true}>
label={isHeader ? "Category" : ""}
label="Button 1"
onClick={() => onClick("Button 1 clicked")}
label="Button 2"
onClick={() => onClick("Button 2 clicked")}
label={args.label || "Button 3"}
onClick={() => onClick("Button 3 clicked")}
label="Button 4"
onClick={() => onClick("Button 4 clicked")}
<DropDownItem isSeparator={isSeparator} />
label={isHeader ? "Category" : ""}
label="Button 5"
onClick={() => onClick("Button 5 clicked")}
label="Button 6"
onClick={() => console.log("Button 6 clicked")}
<div style={{ height: "220px", position: "relative" }}>
<DropDown directionX={direction} manualY="1%" open={true}>
label={isHeader ? "Category" : ""}
label="Button 1"
onClick={() => onClick("Button 1 clicked")}
label="Button 2"
onClick={() => onClick("Button 2 clicked")}
label={args.label || "Button 3"}
onClick={() => onClick("Button 3 clicked")}
label="Button 4"
onClick={() => onClick("Button 4 clicked")}
<DropDownItem isSeparator={isSeparator} />
label={isHeader ? "Category" : ""}
label="Button 5"
onClick={() => onClick("Button 5 clicked")}
label="Button 6"
onClick={() => console.log("Button 6 clicked")}
export const Default = Template.bind({});

View File

@ -38,18 +38,31 @@ const DropDownItem = (props) => {
DropDownItem.propTypes = {
/** Tells when the dropdown item should display like separator */
isSeparator: PropTypes.bool,
/** Tells when the dropdown item should display like header */
isHeader: PropTypes.bool,
/** Accepts tab-index */
tabIndex: PropTypes.number,
/** Dropdown item text */
label: PropTypes.string,
/** Tells when the dropdown item should display like disabled */
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
/** Dropdown item icon */
icon: PropTypes.string,
/** Disable default style hover effect */
noHover: PropTypes.bool,
/** What the dropdown item will trigger when clicked */
onClick: PropTypes.func,
/** Children elements */
children: PropTypes.any,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Accepts css text-overflow */
textOverflow: PropTypes.bool,

View File

@ -8,47 +8,7 @@ export default {
title: "Components/DropDown",
component: DropDown,
subcomponents: { DropDownItem, GroupButton },
decorators: [
(Story) => (
<div style={{ height: "200px", position: "relative" }}>
<Story />
argTypes: {
open: { description: "Tells when the dropdown should be opened" },
className: { description: " Accepts class" },
clickOutsideAction: {
"Required for determining a click outside DropDown with the withBackdrop parameter",
directionX: {
description: "Sets the opening direction relative to the parent",
directionY: {
description: "Sets the opening direction relative to the parent",
id: { description: "Accepts id " },
manualWidth: {
"Required if you need to specify the exact width of the component, for example 100%",
manualX: {
"Required if you need to specify the exact distance from the parent component",
manualY: {
"Required if you need to specify the exact distance from the parent component",
maxHeight: { description: "Required if the scrollbar is displayed" },
style: { description: "Accepts css style" },
withBackdrop: { description: "Used to display backdrop" },
showDisabledItems: { description: "Display disabled items or not" },
children: { table: { disable: true } },
columnCount: { table: { disable: true } },
disableOnClickOutside: { table: { disable: true } },
enableOnClickOutside: { table: { disable: true } },
onClick: { action: "onClickItem", table: { disable: true } },
parameters: {
@ -74,66 +34,70 @@ const Template = (args) => {
return (
style={{ top: 0, left: 0 }}
onClick={() => {}}
<DropDownItem isHeader label="Category 1" />
<div style={{ height: "200px", position: "relative" }}>
style={{ top: 0, left: 0 }}
onClick={() => {}}
<DropDownItem isHeader label="Category 1" />
label="Button 1"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 1 clicked")}
label="Button 2"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 2 clicked")}
label="Button 3"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 3 clicked")}
label="Button 4"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 4 clicked")}
<DropDownItem isSeparator />
label="Button 5"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 5 clicked")}
label="Button 6"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 6 clicked")}
label="Button 1"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 1 clicked")}
label="Button 2"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 2 clicked")}
label="Button 3"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 3 clicked")}
label="Button 4"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 4 clicked")}
<DropDownItem isSeparator />
label="Button 5"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 5 clicked")}
label="Button 6"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 6 clicked")}
const WithButtonTemplate = (args) => {
return (
label="Dropdown demo"
style={{ top: 0, left: 0 }}
label="Button 1"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 2 clicked")}
label="Button 2"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 2 clicked")}
label="Button 3"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 3 clicked")}
<div style={{ height: "200px", position: "relative" }}>
label="Dropdown demo"
style={{ top: 0, left: 0 }}
label="Button 1"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 2 clicked")}
label="Button 2"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 2 clicked")}
label="Button 3"
onClick={() => args.onClick("Button 3 clicked")}
@ -142,68 +106,7 @@ export const Default = Template.bind({});
export const WithButton = WithButtonTemplate.bind({});
Default.args = { open: true };
Default.parameters = {
docs: {
source: {
code: `import DropDown from "@appserver/components/drop-down";
import DropDownItem from "@appserver/components/drop-down-item";
<DropDown {...props}>
<DropDownItem isHeader label="Category 1" />
label="Button 1"
onClick={() => action("Button 1 clicked")}
label="Button 2"
onClick={() => action("Button 2 clicked")}
label="Button 3"
onClick={() => action("Button 3 clicked")}
label="Button 4"
onClick={() => action("Button 4 clicked")}
<DropDownItem isSeparator />
label="Button 5"
onClick={() => action("Button 5 clicked")}
label="Button 6"
onClick={() => action("Button 6 clicked")}
WithButton.args = {
open: true,
WithButton.parameters = {
docs: {
source: {
code: `import GroupButton from "@appserver/components/group-button";
import DropDownItem from "@appserver/components/drop-down-item";
<GroupButton label="Dropdown demo" isDropdown={true}>
label="Button 1"
onClick={() => console.log("Button 1 clicked")}
label="Button 2"
onClick={() => console.log("Button 2 clicked")}
label="Button 3"
onClick={() => console.log("Button 3 clicked")}

View File

@ -198,24 +198,42 @@ class DropDownContainer extends React.Component {
DropDownContainer.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.any,
className: PropTypes.string,
clickOutsideAction: PropTypes.func,
directionX: PropTypes.oneOf(["left", "right"]), //TODO: make more informative
directionY: PropTypes.oneOf(["bottom", "top"]),
DropDown.propTypes = {
disableOnClickOutside: PropTypes.func,
enableOnClickOutside: PropTypes.func,
DropDownContainer.propTypes = {
/** Children elements */
children: PropTypes.any,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Required for determining a click outside DropDown with the withBackdrop parameter */
clickOutsideAction: PropTypes.func,
/** Sets the opening direction relative to the parent */
directionX: PropTypes.oneOf(["left", "right"]), //TODO: make more informative
/** Sets the opening direction relative to the parent */
directionY: PropTypes.oneOf(["bottom", "top"]),
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Required if you need to specify the exact width of the component, for example 100% */
manualWidth: PropTypes.string,
/** Required if you need to specify the exact distance from the parent component */
manualX: PropTypes.string,
/** Required if you need to specify the exact distance from the parent component */
manualY: PropTypes.string,
/** Required if the scrollbar is displayed */
maxHeight: PropTypes.number,
/** Tells when the dropdown should be opened */
open: PropTypes.bool,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Used to display backdrop */
withBackdrop: PropTypes.bool,
/** Count of columns */
columnCount: PropTypes.number,
showDisabledItems: PropTypes.bool
/** Display disabled items or not */
showDisabledItems: PropTypes.bool,
DropDownContainer.defaultProps = {

View File

@ -6,39 +6,13 @@ import CrossIcon from "../../../public/images/cross.react.svg";
export default {
title: "Components/EmptyScreenContainer",
component: EmptyScreenContainer,
argTypes: { onClick: { action: "Reset filter clicked" } },
argTypes: {
onClick: { action: "Reset filter clicked", table: { disable: true } },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: `Used to display empty screen page
### Properties
| Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description |
| ----------------- | :------------: | :------: | :----: | :-----: | --------------------------------------- |
| buttons | element | - | - | - | Content of EmptyContentButtonsContainer |
| className | string | - | - | - | Accepts class |
| descriptionText | string | - | - | - | Description text |
| headerText | string | - | - | - | Header text |
| subheadingText | string | - | - | - | Subheading text |
| id | string | - | - | - | Accepts id |
| imageAlt | string | - | - | - | Alternative image text |
| imageSrc | string | - | - | - | Image url source |
| style | obj, array | - | - | - | Accepts css style |
source: {
code: `
import EmptyScreenContainer from "@appserver/components/empty-screen-container";
imageAlt="Empty Screen Filter image"
headerText="No results matching your search could be found"
subheading="No files to be displayed in this section"
descriptionText="No results matching your search could be found"
buttons={<a href="/">Go to home</a>}
component: "Used to display empty screen page",
@ -63,7 +37,7 @@ const Template = (args) => {
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
imageSrc: "empty_screen_filter.png",
imageSrc: "/static/images/empty_screen_filter.png",
imageAlt: "Empty Screen Filter image",
headerText: "No results matching your search could be found",
subheadingText: "No files to be displayed in this section",

View File

@ -48,14 +48,23 @@ const EmptyScreenContainer = (props) => {
EmptyScreenContainer.propTypes = {
/** Image url source */
imageSrc: PropTypes.string,
/** Alternative image text */
imageAlt: PropTypes.string,
/** Header text */
headerText: PropTypes.string,
/** Subheading text */
subheadingText: PropTypes.string,
/** Description text */
descriptionText: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string]),
/** Content of EmptyContentButtonsContainer */
buttons: PropTypes.any,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),

View File

@ -11,34 +11,7 @@ export default {
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: `Responsive form field container
### Properties
| Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description |
| ------------------------- | :---------------: | :------: | :----: | :-------: | ------------------------------------------------ |
| className | string | - | - | - | Accepts class |
| errorColor | string | - | - | ![#C96C27](https://placehold.it/15/C96C27/000000?text=+) #C96C27 | Error text color |
| errorMessageWidth | string | - | - | 320px | Error text width |
| errorMessage | string | - | - | - | Error message text |
| hasError | bool | - | - | false | Indicates that the field is incorrect |
| helpButtonHeaderContent | string | - | - | - | Tooltip header content (tooltip opened in aside) |
| id | string | - | - | - | Accepts id |
| isRequired | bool | - | - | false | Indicates that the field is required to fill |
| isVertical | bool | - | - | false | Vertical or horizontal alignment |
| labelText | string | - | - | - | Field label text |
| labelVisible | bool | - | - | true | Sets visibility of field label section |
| maxLabelWidth | string | - | - | 110px | Max label width in horizontal alignment |
| style | obj, array | - | - | - | Accepts css style |
| tooltipContent | object, string | - | - | - | Tooltip content |
source: {
code: `import FieldContainer from "@appserver/components/field-container";
<FieldContainer labelText="Name:">
<TextInput value="" onChange={(e) => console.log(e.target.value)} />
component: "Responsive form field container",
@ -76,73 +49,3 @@ Default.args = {
errorColor: "#C96C27",
errorMessageWidth: "293px",
Default.parameters = {
decorators: [
(Story) => (
<div style={{ marginTop: 100, marginLeft: 50 }}>
<Story />
import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";
import { action } from "@storybook/addon-actions";
import { StringValue } from "react-values";
import { text, boolean, withKnobs, color } from "@storybook/addon-knobs/react";
import FieldContainer from ".";
import TextInput from "../text-input";
import Section from "../../../.storybook/decorators/section";
import withReadme from "storybook-readme/with-readme";
import Readme from "./README.md";
storiesOf("Components|FieldContainer", module)
.add("base", () => (
onChange={(e) => {
{({ value, set }) => (
<div style={{ marginTop: 100, marginLeft: 50 }}>
isVertical={boolean("isVertical", false)}
isRequired={boolean("isRequired", false)}
hasError={boolean("hasError", false)}
labelVisible={boolean("labelVisible", true)}
labelText={text("labelText", "Name:")}
maxLabelWidth={text("maxLabelWidth", "110px")}
"Paste you tooltip content here"
"Tooltip header"
"Error text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit"
errorColor={color("errorColor", "#C96C27")}
errorMessageWidth={text("errorMessageWidth", "293px")}
hasError={boolean("hasError", false)}
onChange={(e) => {

View File

@ -74,25 +74,40 @@ class FieldContainer extends React.Component {
FieldContainer.displayName = "FieldContainer";
FieldContainer.propTypes = {
/** Vertical or horizontal alignment */
isVertical: PropTypes.bool,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Indicates that the field is required to fill */
isRequired: PropTypes.bool,
/** Indicates that the field is incorrect */
hasError: PropTypes.bool,
/** Sets visibility of field label section */
labelVisible: PropTypes.bool,
/** Field label text */
labelText: PropTypes.string,
icon: PropTypes.string,
/** Children elements */
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([
/** Tooltip content */
tooltipContent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object]),
place: PropTypes.string,
/** Tooltip header content (tooltip opened in aside) */
helpButtonHeaderContent: PropTypes.string,
/** Max label width in horizontal alignment */
maxLabelWidth: PropTypes.string,
/** Error message text */
errorMessage: PropTypes.string,
/** Error text color */
errorColor: PropTypes.string,
/** Error text width */
errorMessageWidth: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),

View File

@ -10,41 +10,7 @@ export default {
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: `File entry field
### Properties
| Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description |
| ------------- | :------------: | :------: | :--------------------------------------: | :-----: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| className | string | - | - | - | Accepts class |
| hasError | bool | - | - | false | Indicates the input field has an error |
| hasWarning | bool | - | - | false | Indicates the input field has a warning |
| id | string | - | - | - | Used as HTML 'id' property |
| isDisabled | bool | - | - | false | Indicates that the field cannot be used (e.g not authorised, or changes not saved) |
| name | string | - | - | - | Used as HTML 'name' property |
| onInput | func | - | - | - | Called when a file is selected |
| placeholder | string | - | - | - | Placeholder text for the input |
| scale | bool | - | - | false | Indicates the input field has scale |
| size | string | - | base, middle, big, huge, large | base | Supported size of the input fields. |
| style | obj, array | - | - | - | Accepts css style |
| accept | string | - | - | - | Specifies files visible for upload |
source: {
code: `import FileInput from "@appserver/components/file-input";
placeholder="Input file"
accept=".doc, .docx"
onInput={(file) => {
"name: ", file.name},
"lastModified: ", file.lastModifiedDate},
"size: ", file.size}
component: "File entry field",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import equal from "fast-deep-equal/react";
import IconButton from "../icon-button";
import TextInput from "../text-input";
import StyledFileInput from "./styled-file-input"
import StyledFileInput from "./styled-file-input";
class FileInput extends Component {
constructor(props) {
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class FileInput extends Component {
<div className="icon" onClick={this.onIconFileClick}>
@ -137,17 +137,29 @@ class FileInput extends Component {
FileInput.propTypes = {
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Placeholder text for the input */
placeholder: PropTypes.string,
/** Supported size of the input fields */
size: PropTypes.oneOf(["base", "middle", "big", "huge", "large"]),
/** Indicates the input field has scale */
scale: PropTypes.bool,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Indicates the input field has an error */
hasError: PropTypes.bool,
/** Indicates the input field has a warning */
hasWarning: PropTypes.bool,
/** Used as HTML `id` property */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Indicates that the field cannot be used (e.g not authorised, or changes not saved) */
isDisabled: PropTypes.bool,
/** Used as HTML `name` property */
name: PropTypes.string,
/** Called when a file is selected */
onInput: PropTypes.func,
/**Specifies files visible for upload */
accept: PropTypes.string,

View File

@ -9,27 +9,53 @@ const Grid = forwardRef(({ tag, as, ...rest }, ref) => {
Grid.propTypes = {
as: PropTypes.string,
/** sets the distribution of space between and around content items along a flexbox's cross-axis or a grid's block axis */
alignContent: PropTypes.string,
/** sets the align-self value on all direct children as a group. In Flexbox, it controls the alignment of items on the Cross Axis.
* In Grid Layout, it controls the alignment of items on the Block Axis within their grid area. */
alignItems: PropTypes.string,
/** overrides a grid or flex item's align-items value. In Grid, it aligns the item inside the grid area.
* In Flexbox, it aligns the item on the cross axis. */
alignSelf: PropTypes.string,
/** specifies named grid areas. Takes value as array of string arrays that specify named grid areas.
* Or objects array, that contains names and coordinates of areas. */
areasProp: PropTypes.array,
/** defines the sizing of the grid columns. Specifying a single string will repeat several columns of this size.
* Specifying an object allows you to specify the number of repetitions and the size of the column.
* Or you can specify an array with column sizes. The column size can be specified as an array of minimum and maximum widths. */
columnsProp: PropTypes.oneOfType([
/** is a shorthand property for grid-row-start, grid-column-start, grid-row-end and grid-column-end, specifying a grid items size and
* location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement,
* thereby specifying the edges of its grid area. */
gridArea: PropTypes.string,
/** sets the size of the gap (gutter) between an element's columns. */
gridColumnGap: PropTypes.string,
/** sets the gaps (gutters) between rows and columns. It is a shorthand for row-gap and column-gap. */
gridGap: PropTypes.string,
/** sets the size of the gap (gutter) between an element's grid rows. */
gridRowGap: PropTypes.string,
/** defines the height of the border of the element area. */
heightProp: PropTypes.string,
/** defines how the browser distributes space between and around content items along the main-axis of a flex container,
* and the inline axis of a grid container. */
justifyContent: PropTypes.string,
/** defines the default justify-self for all items of the box, giving them all a default way of justifying each box along the appropriate axis. */
justifyItems: PropTypes.string,
/** sets the way a box is justified inside its alignment container along the appropriate axis. */
justifySelf: PropTypes.string,
/** sets the margin area on all four sides of an element. It is a shorthand for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left */
marginProp: PropTypes.string,
/** sets the padding area on all four sides of an element. It is a shorthand for padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, and padding-left */
paddingProp: PropTypes.string,
/** defines the sizing of the grid rows. Specifying a single string will repeat several rows of this size. Or you can specify an array with rows sizes.
* The row size can be specified as an array of minimum and maximum heights. */
rowsProp: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.array]),
tag: PropTypes.string,
/** defines the width of the border of the element area. */
widthProp: PropTypes.string,

View File

@ -12,46 +12,8 @@ export default {
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: `A container that lays out its contents in a 2-dimensional grid system. Use Box components to define rows and columns.
### Properties
| Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description |
| :--------------: | :-----------------------: | :------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| alignContent | string | - | - | - | sets the distribution of space between and around content items along a flexbox's cross-axis or a grid's block axis |
| alignItems | string | - | - | - | sets the align-self value on all direct children as a group. In Flexbox, it controls the alignment of items on the Cross Axis. In Grid Layout, it controls the alignment of items on the Block Axis within their grid area. |
| alignSelf | string | - | - | - | overrides a grid or flex item's align-items value. In Grid, it aligns the item inside the grid area. In Flexbox, it aligns the item on the cross axis. |
| areasProp | array | - | [["header","header"],["navbar","main"]], [{ name: "header", start: [0, 0], end: [1, 0] }, { name: "navbar", start: [0, 1], end: [0, 1] }, { name: "main", start: [1, 1], end: [1, 1] }] | - | specifies named grid areas. Takes value as array of string arrays that specify named grid areas. Or objects array, that contains names and coordinates of areas. |
| columnsProp | string,array,object | - | "25%", ["200px", ["100px","1fr"], "auto"], { count: 3, size: "100px" } | - | defines the sizing of the grid columns. Specifying a single string will repeat several columns of this size. Specifying an object allows you to specify the number of repetitions and the size of the column. Or you can specify an array with column sizes. The column size can be specified as an array of minimum and maximum widths. |
| gridArea | string | - | - | - | is a shorthand property for grid-row-start, grid-column-start, grid-row-end and grid-column-end, specifying a grid items size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement, thereby specifying the edges of its grid area. |
| gridColumnGap | string | - | - | - | sets the size of the gap (gutter) between an element's columns. |
| gridGap | string | - | - | - | sets the gaps (gutters) between rows and columns. It is a shorthand for row-gap and column-gap. |
| gridRowGap | string | - | - | - | sets the size of the gap (gutter) between an element's grid rows. |
| heightProp | string | - | - | 100% | defines the height of the border of the element area. |
| justifyContent | string | - | - | - | defines how the browser distributes space between and around content items along the main-axis of a flex container, and the inline axis of a grid container. |
| justifyItems | string | - | - | - | defines the default justify-self for all items of the box, giving them all a default way of justifying each box along the appropriate axis. |
| justifySelf | string | - | - | - | sets the way a box is justified inside its alignment container along the appropriate axis. |
| marginProp | string | - | - | - | sets the margin area on all four sides of an element. It is a shorthand for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left. |
| paddingProp | string | - | - | - | sets the padding area on all four sides of an element. It is a shorthand for padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, and padding-left |
| rowsProp | string,array | - | "50px", ["100px", ["100px","1fr"], "auto"] | - | defines the sizing of the grid rows. Specifying a single string will repeat several rows of this size. Or you can specify an array with rows sizes. The row size can be specified as an array of minimum and maximum heights. |
| widthProp | string | - | - | 100% | defines the width of the border of the element area. |
source: {
code: `import Grid from "@appserver/components/grid";
<Grid {...args} {...gridProps}>
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F4991A">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F2EAD3">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F9F5F0">
"A container that lays out its contents in a 2-dimensional grid system. Use Box components to define rows and columns",
@ -223,135 +185,3 @@ Default.args = {
export const Columns = TemplateColumns.bind({});
export const Rows = TemplateRows.bind({});
export const Layout = TemplateLayout.bind({});
import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";
import withReadme from "storybook-readme/with-readme";
import Readme from "./README.md";
import Grid from ".";
import Box from "../box";
import Text from "../text";
const gridProps = {
marginProp: "0 0 20px 0",
const boxProps = {
paddingProp: "10px",
displayProp: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
storiesOf("Components|Grid", module)
.add("Columns", () => (
<Grid {...gridProps} columnsProp={["200px", ["100px", "1fr"], "auto"]}>
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F4991A">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F2EAD3">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F9F5F0">
<Grid {...gridProps} columnsProp="25%">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F4991A">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F2EAD3">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F9F5F0">
<Grid {...gridProps} columnsProp={{ count: 3, size: "100px" }}>
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F4991A">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F2EAD3">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F9F5F0">
<Grid {...gridProps} columnsProp={{ count: 3, size: ["100px", "1fr"] }}>
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F4991A">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F2EAD3">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F9F5F0">
.add("Rows", () => (
<Grid {...gridProps} rowsProp={["100px", ["100px", "1fr"], "auto"]}>
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F4991A">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F2EAD3">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F9F5F0">
<Grid {...gridProps} rowsProp="50px">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F4991A">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F2EAD3">
<Box {...boxProps} backgroundProp="#F9F5F0">
.add("Layout", () => (
rowsProp={["auto", "1fr", "auto"]}
columnsProp={[["100px", "1fr"], "3fr", ["100px", "1fr"]]}
{ name: "header", start: [0, 0], end: [2, 0] },
{ name: "navbar", start: [0, 1], end: [0, 1] },
{ name: "main", start: [1, 1], end: [1, 1] },
{ name: "sidebar", start: [2, 1], end: [2, 1] },
{ name: "footer", start: [0, 2], end: [2, 2] },
<Box {...boxProps} gridArea="header" backgroundProp="#F4991A">
<Box {...boxProps} gridArea="navbar" backgroundProp="#F2EAD3">
<Box {...boxProps} gridArea="main" backgroundProp="#F9F5F0">
<Box {...boxProps} gridArea="sidebar" backgroundProp="#F2EAD3">
<Box {...boxProps} gridArea="footer" backgroundProp="#F4991A">

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
import React from "react";
import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";
import withReadme from "storybook-readme/with-readme";
import Readme from "./README.md";
import GroupButton from ".";
import DropDownItem from "../drop-down-item";
const rowStyle = { marginTop: 8 };
const headerStyle = { marginLeft: 16 };
storiesOf("Components|GroupButton", module)
.addParameters({ options: { showAddonPanel: false } })
.add("all", () => (
padding: "8px 0 0 40px",
display: "grid",
gridTemplateColumns: "1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr",
<div style={rowStyle}>
<div style={headerStyle}>Active</div>
<GroupButton />
<GroupButton isDropdown>
<DropDownItem label="Action 1" />
<div style={rowStyle}>
<div style={headerStyle}>Hover</div>
<GroupButton hovered />
<GroupButton isDropdown hovered>
<DropDownItem label="Action 2" />
<div style={rowStyle}>
<div style={headerStyle}>Click*(Press)</div>
<GroupButton activated />
<GroupButton isDropdown activated>
<DropDownItem label="Action 3" />
<div style={rowStyle}>
<div style={headerStyle}>Disable</div>
<GroupButton disabled />
<GroupButton isDropdown disabled>
<DropDownItem label="Action 4" />

View File

@ -1,23 +1,107 @@
import React from "react";
import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";
import { withKnobs, boolean, text } from "@storybook/addon-knobs/react";
import withReadme from "storybook-readme/with-readme";
import Readme from "./README.md";
import GroupButton from ".";
import GroupButton from "./";
import DropDownItem from "../drop-down-item";
storiesOf("Components|GroupButton", module)
.add("base", () => (
label={text("Label", "Base group button")}
disabled={boolean("disabled", false)}
isDropdown={boolean("isDropdown", false)}
opened={boolean("opened", false)}
export default {
title: "Components/GroupButton",
component: GroupButton,
subcomponents: { DropDownItem },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: `Base Button is used for a group action on a page
It can be used as selector with checkbox for this following properties are combined: _isDropdown_, _isSeparato
_isSeparator_ will add vertical bar after button.
_isDropdown_ allows adding items to dropdown list in children.
For health of checkbox, button inherits part of properties of this component.
const Template = (args) => {
return (
<div style={{ height: "200px", position: "relative" }}>
<GroupButton {...args}>
<DropDownItem label="Action 1" />
<DropDownItem label="Action 2" />
<DropDownItem label="Action 3" />
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
label: "Base group button",
disabled: false,
isDropdown: true,
opened: true,
const AllTemplate = (args) => {
const rowStyle = { marginTop: 8 };
const headerStyle = { marginLeft: 16 };
return (
padding: "8px 0 0 40px",
display: "grid",
gridTemplateColumns: "1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr",
height: "200px",
position: "relative",
<DropDownItem label="Action 1" />
<DropDownItem label="Action 2" />
<DropDownItem label="Action 3" />
<div style={rowStyle}>
<div style={headerStyle}>Active</div>
<GroupButton />
<GroupButton isDropdown>
<DropDownItem label="Action 1" />
<div style={rowStyle}>
<div style={headerStyle}>Hover</div>
<GroupButton hovered />
<GroupButton isDropdown hovered>
<DropDownItem label="Action 2" />
<div style={rowStyle}>
<div style={headerStyle}>Click*(Press)</div>
<GroupButton activated />
<GroupButton isDropdown activated>
<DropDownItem label="Action 3" />
<div style={rowStyle}>
<div style={headerStyle}>Disable</div>
<GroupButton disabled />
<GroupButton isDropdown disabled>
<DropDownItem label="Action 4" />
export const All = AllTemplate.bind({});

View File

@ -166,25 +166,43 @@ class GroupButton extends React.Component {
GroupButton.propTypes = {
activated: PropTypes.bool,
/** Initial value of checkbox */
checked: PropTypes.bool,
/** Children elements */
children: PropTypes.any,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Tells when the button should present a disabled state */
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
/** Selected height value of DropDown */
dropDownMaxHeight: PropTypes.number,
/** Value of font weight */
fontWeight: PropTypes.string,
hovered: PropTypes.bool,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
/** Tells when the button should present a dropdown state */
isDropdown: PropTypes.bool,
/** Initial value of Indeterminate checkbox */
isIndeterminate: PropTypes.bool,
isSelect: PropTypes.bool,
/** Tells when the button should contain separator */
isSeparator: PropTypes.bool,
/** Value of the group button */
label: PropTypes.string,
/** Called when checkbox is checked */
onChange: PropTypes.func,
/** Property for onClick action */
onClick: PropTypes.func,
/** Called when value is selected in selector */
onSelect: PropTypes.func,
/** Tells when the button should be opened by default */
opened: PropTypes.bool,
/** Selected value label */
selected: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts css style */
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
/** Value of tab index */
tabIndex: PropTypes.number,

View File

@ -1,159 +1,189 @@
import React from "react";
import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";
import { withKnobs, text, boolean } from "@storybook/addon-knobs/react";
import { BooleanValue } from "react-values";
import withReadme from "storybook-readme/with-readme";
import styled from "@emotion/styled";
import Readme from "./README.md";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
import GroupButtonsMenu from ".";
import DropDownItem from "../drop-down-item";
import Button from "../button";
import DropDownItem from "../drop-down-item";
export default {
title: "Components/GroupButtonsMenu",
component: GroupButtonsMenu,
argTypes: {
disableOdd: { description: "Disable odd", control: "boolean" },
disableEven: { description: "Disable even", control: "boolean" },
onClose: { action: "onClose" },
onChange: { action: "onChange" },
onClick: { action: "onClick" },
onSelectClick: { action: "onSelect", table: { disable: true } },
onItemClick: { action: "onItemClick", table: { disable: true } },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: "Menu for group actions on a page",
const GroupButtonsMenuContainer = styled.div`
height: 2000px;
storiesOf("Components|GroupButtonsMenu", module)
.add("base", () => {
const disableEven = boolean("disable even", false);
const disableOdd = boolean("disable odd", false);
const Template = ({
}) => {
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(rest.visible);
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(rest.checked);
const [groupItems, setGroupItem] = useState([
label: "Select",
isDropdown: true,
isSeparator: true,
isSelect: true,
fontWeight: "bold",
children: [
<DropDownItem key="aaa" label="aaa" />,
<DropDownItem key="bbb" label="bbb" />,
<DropDownItem key="ccc" label="ccc" />,
onSelect: (a) => onSelectClick(a),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => onItemClick("Menu item action"),
const groupItems = [
label: "Select",
isDropdown: true,
isSeparator: true,
isSelect: true,
fontWeight: "bold",
children: [
<DropDownItem key="aaa" label="aaa" />,
<DropDownItem key="bbb" label="bbb" />,
<DropDownItem key="ccc" label="ccc" />,
onSelect: (a) => console.log(a),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableEven,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
label: "Menu item",
disabled: disableOdd,
onClick: () => console.log("Menu item action"),
const toggleVisible = () => setIsVisible(!isVisible);
const toggleChecked = () => {
return (
{({ value: visible, toggle }) => (
label="Show menu"
onClick={() => {
{({ value: checked, toggle }) => (
moreLabel={text("moreLabel", "More")}
closeTitle={text("closeTitle", "Close")}
onClose={() => console.log("Close action")}
onChange={() => toggle(checked)}
return (
label={`${isVisible ? "Hide" : "Show"} menu`}
onClose={() => {
onClose("Close action");
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
disableEven: false,
disableOdd: false,
moreLabel: "More",
closeTitle: "Close",

View File

@ -197,16 +197,25 @@ class GroupButtonsMenu extends React.Component {
GroupButtonsMenu.propTypes = {
/** onClick action on GroupButton's */
onClick: PropTypes.func,
/** onClose action if menu closing */
onClose: PropTypes.func,
/** onChange action on use selecting */
onChange: PropTypes.func,
onSelect: PropTypes.func,
/** Button collection */
menuItems: PropTypes.array,
/** Sets initial value of checkbox */
checked: PropTypes.bool,
isIndeterminate: PropTypes.bool,
/** Selected header value */
selected: PropTypes.string,
/** Sets menu visibility */
visible: PropTypes.bool,
/** Label for more button */
moreLabel: PropTypes.string,
/** Title for close menu button */
closeTitle: PropTypes.string,
sectionWidth: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),

View File

@ -1,36 +1,33 @@
import React from "react";
import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";
import {
} from "@storybook/addon-knobs/react";
import Heading from ".";
import Section from "../../../.storybook/decorators/section";
import withReadme from "storybook-readme/with-readme";
import Readme from "./README.md";
const levels = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
const size = ["xsmall", "small", "medium", "large", "xlarge"];
export default {
title: "Components/Heading",
component: Heading,
argTypes: {
color: { control: "color" },
headerText: { control: "text", description: "Header text" },
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: "Heading text structured in levels",
storiesOf("Components|Heading", module)
.add("base", () => (
<div style={{ width: "100%" }}>
color={color("color", "#333333")}
level={select("level", levels, 1)}
title={text("title", "")}
truncate={boolean("truncate", false)}
isInline={boolean("isInline", false)}
size={select("size", size, "large")}
{text("Text", "Sample text Heading")}
const Template = ({ headerText, ...args }) => {
return <Heading {...args}>{headerText}</Heading>;
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
color: "#333333",
level: "1",
title: "",
truncate: false,
isInline: false,
size: "large",
headerText: "Sample text Heading",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import StyledHeading from "./styled-heading"
import StyledHeading from "./styled-heading";
const Heading = ({ level, color, ...rest }) => {
return (
@ -10,12 +9,19 @@ const Heading = ({ level, color, ...rest }) => {
Heading.propTypes = {
/** The heading level. It corresponds to the number after the 'H' for the DOM tag. Set the level for semantic accuracy and accessibility. */
level: PropTypes.oneOf([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
/** Specifies the headline color */
color: PropTypes.string,
/** Title */
title: PropTypes.string,
/** Disables word wrapping */
truncate: PropTypes.bool,
/** Sets the 'display: inline-block' property */
isInline: PropTypes.bool,
/** Sets the size of headline */
size: PropTypes.oneOf(["xsmall", "small", "medium", "large", "xlarge"]),
/** Accepts css class */
className: PropTypes.string,

View File

@ -1,71 +1,97 @@
import React from "react";
import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";
import { withKnobs, number } from "@storybook/addon-knobs/react";
import withReadme from "storybook-readme/with-readme";
import Readme from "./README.md";
import HelpButton from ".";
import Section from "../../../.storybook/decorators/section";
import Text from "../text";
import Link from "../link";
import styled from "styled-components";
import HelpButton from ".";
const IconButtons = styled.div`
margin-top: 150px;
margin-left: 70px;
display: flex;
export default {
title: "Components/HelpButton",
component: HelpButton,
subcomponents: { Text, Link },
argTypes: {},
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: "HelpButton is used for a action on a page",
.icon-button {
margin-left: 10px;
const Template = (args) => {
return (
<HelpButton {...args} />
storiesOf("Components|Buttons", module)
.add("help button", () => {
return (
offsetTop={number("offsetTop", 0)}
offsetRight={number("offsetRight", 0)}
offsetBottom={number("offsetBottom", 0)}
offsetLeft={number("offsetLeft", 0)}
<Text fontSize="13px">Paste you tooltip content here</Text>
helpButtonHeaderContent="Aside position HelpButton"
You tooltip content with{" "}
helpButtonHeaderContent="Auto position HelpButton"
<p>You can put every thing here</p>
<ul style={{ marginBottom: 0 }}>
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
displayType: "auto",
offsetTop: 0,
offsetRight: 0,
offsetBottom: 0,
offsetLeft: 0,
tooltipContent: <Text fontSize="13px">Paste you tooltip content here</Text>,
const DropDownTemplate = (args) => {
return (
<Text fontSize="13px">Paste you tooltip content here</Text>
export const DropDownPosition = DropDownTemplate.bind({});
const AsideTemplate = (args) => {
return (
helpButtonHeaderContent="Aside position HelpButton"
You tooltip content with{" "}
export const AsidePosition = AsideTemplate.bind({});
const AutoTemplate = (args) => {
return (
helpButtonHeaderContent="Auto position HelpButton"
<p>You can put every thing here</p>
<ul style={{ marginBottom: 0 }}>
export const AutoPosition = AutoTemplate.bind({});

View File

@ -207,18 +207,23 @@ HelpButton.propTypes = {
tooltipId: PropTypes.string,
place: PropTypes.string,
zIndex: PropTypes.number,
/** Tooltip display type */
displayType: PropTypes.oneOf(["dropdown", "aside", "auto"]),
/** Tooltip header content (tooltip opened in aside) */
helpButtonHeaderContent: PropTypes.string,
iconName: PropTypes.string,
color: PropTypes.string,
dataTip: PropTypes.string,
getContent: PropTypes.func,
/** Accepts class */
className: PropTypes.string,
/** Accepts id */
id: PropTypes.string,
style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
HelpButton.defaultProps = {
iconName: "./static/images/question.react.svg",
place: "top",
offsetRight: 120,
offsetLeft: 0,
@ -227,7 +232,6 @@ HelpButton.defaultProps = {
zIndex: 310,
displayType: "auto",
className: "icon-button",
iconName: "/static/images/question.react.svg",
color: "#A3A9AE",

View File

@ -8,17 +8,10 @@
"test": "jest",
"test:watch": "jest --watch",
"test:coverage": "jest --coverage",
"storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006",
"storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006 -s public",
"build-storybook": "build-storybook"
"devDependencies": {
"@storybook/addon-actions": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/addon-controls": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/addon-docs": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/addon-essentials": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/addon-links": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/react": "^6.1.20",
"react-values": "^0.3.3",
"@babel/cli": "^7.12.10",
"@babel/core": "^7.12.10",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.12.1",
@ -29,6 +22,13 @@
"@babel/preset-react": "^7.12.10",
"@emotion/babel-preset-css-prop": "^10.2.1",
"@emotion/styled": "^10.0.27",
"@storybook/addon-actions": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/addon-controls": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/addon-docs": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/addon-essentials": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/addon-links": "^6.1.20",
"@storybook/addon-viewport": "^6.1.21",
"@storybook/react": "^6.1.20",
"@svgr/rollup": "^5.5.0",
"@svgr/webpack": "^5.5.0",
"@testing-library/react": "^9.5.0",
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
"prettier": "2.1.2",
"react": "^16.14.0",
"react-dom": "^16.14.0",
"react-values": "^0.3.3",
"rollup": "^1.32.1",
"rollup-plugin-babel": "^4.4.0",
"rollup-plugin-cleanup": "^3.2.1",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 738 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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View File

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