Web: i18n: Replaced i18next-http-backend package with custom realization from @appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend (fix issue: too many same translations files are loading at once)

This commit is contained in:
Alexey Safronov 2022-07-04 17:47:12 +03:00
parent 31fbe6f058
commit d8a459f397
38 changed files with 990 additions and 472 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "../../constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "../../utils";

View File

@ -93,10 +93,6 @@ module.exports = {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: deps["react-i18next"],
"i18next-http-backend": {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: deps["i18next-http-backend"],
"prop-types": {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: deps["prop-types"],

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
"fast-deep-equal": "^3.1.3",
"global": "^4.4.0",
"i18next": "^20.6.1",
"i18next-http-backend": "^1.3.1",
"mobx": "^6.3.3",
"mobx-react": "^7.2.0",
"moment": "^2.29.1",

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { Workbox } from "workbox-window";
import SnackBar from "@appserver/components/snackbar";
import i18n from "i18next";
import { useTranslation, initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "../constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "../utils";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import backend from './lib/index.js'
export default backend

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
var fetchApi
if (typeof fetch === 'function') {
if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && global.fetch) {
fetchApi = global.fetch
} else if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.fetch) {
fetchApi = window.fetch
if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && (typeof window === 'undefined' || typeof window.document === 'undefined')) {
var f = fetchApi || require('cross-fetch')
if (f.default) f = f.default
exports.default = f
module.exports = exports.default

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
import { defaults, makePromise } from "./utils.js";
import request from "./request.js";
const getDefaults = () => {
return {
loadPath: "/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json",
addPath: "/locales/add/{{lng}}/{{ns}}",
allowMultiLoading: false,
parse: (data) => JSON.parse(data),
stringify: JSON.stringify,
parsePayload: (namespace, key, fallbackValue) => ({
[key]: fallbackValue || "",
reloadInterval: typeof window !== "undefined" ? false : 60 * 60 * 1000,
customHeaders: {},
queryStringParams: {},
crossDomain: false, // used for XmlHttpRequest
withCredentials: false, // used for XmlHttpRequest
overrideMimeType: false, // used for XmlHttpRequest
requestOptions: {
// used for fetch
mode: "cors",
credentials: "same-origin",
cache: "default",
class Backend {
constructor(services, options = {}, allOptions = {}) {
this.services = services;
this.options = options;
this.allOptions = allOptions;
this.type = "backend";
this.init(services, options, allOptions);
init(services, options = {}, allOptions = {}) {
this.services = services;
this.options = defaults(options, this.options || {}, getDefaults());
this.allOptions = allOptions;
if (this.services && this.options.reloadInterval) {
setInterval(() => this.reload(), this.options.reloadInterval);
readMulti(languages, namespaces, callback) {
this._readAny(languages, languages, namespaces, namespaces, callback);
read(language, namespace, callback) {
this._readAny([language], language, [namespace], namespace, callback);
) {
let loadPath = this.options.loadPath;
if (typeof this.options.loadPath === "function") {
loadPath = this.options.loadPath(languages, namespaces);
loadPath = makePromise(loadPath);
loadPath.then((resolvedLoadPath) => {
if (!resolvedLoadPath) return callback(null, {});
const url = this.services.interpolator.interpolate(resolvedLoadPath, {
lng: languages.join("+"),
ns: namespaces.join("+"),
this.loadUrl(url, callback, loadUrlLanguages, loadUrlNamespaces);
loadUrl(url, callback, languages, namespaces) {
//console.log("loadUrl", url, languages, namespaces);
if (!window.i18n) {
window.i18n = {
inLoad: [],
loaded: {},
var index = window.i18n.inLoad.findIndex((item) => item.url == url);
if (index > -1) {
//console.log("skip already in load url", url);
if (window.i18n.loaded[url]) {
return callback(null, window.i18n.loaded[url].data);
if (namespaces == "translation") {
//console.log("skip defaultNS");
return callback(
`failed loading ${url}; status code: 404`,
false /* retry */
window.i18n.inLoad.push({ url, callbacks: [callback] });
this.options.request(this.options, url, undefined, (err, res) => {
if (res && ((res.status >= 500 && res.status < 600) || !res.status))
return this.sendCallbacks(
`failed loading ${url}; status code: ${res.status}`,
true /* retry */
if (res && res.status >= 400 && res.status < 500)
return this.sendCallbacks(
`failed loading ${url}; status code: ${res.status}`,
false /* no retry */
if (
!res &&
err &&
err.message &&
err.message.indexOf("Failed to fetch") > -1
return this.sendCallbacks(
`failed loading ${url}: ${err.message}`,
true /* retry */
if (err) return this.sendCallbacks(url, namespaces, err, false);
let ret, parseErr;
try {
if (typeof res.data === "string") {
ret = this.options.parse(res.data, languages, namespaces);
} else {
// fallback, which omits calling the parse function
ret = res.data;
} catch (e) {
parseErr = `failed parsing ${url} to json`;
if (parseErr) return this.sendCallbacks(url, namespaces, parseErr, false);
this.sendCallbacks(url, namespaces, null, ret);
sendCallbacks(url, namespaces, error, data) {
var index = window.i18n.inLoad.findIndex((item) => item.url == url);
if (index == -1) return;
window.i18n.inLoad[index].callbacks.forEach((cb) => cb(error, data));
window.i18n.inLoad.splice(index, 1);
if (!error) {
window.i18n.loaded[url] = {
create(languages, namespace, key, fallbackValue, callback) {
// If there is a falsey addPath, then abort -- this has been disabled.
if (!this.options.addPath) return;
if (typeof languages === "string") languages = [languages];
const payload = this.options.parsePayload(namespace, key, fallbackValue);
let finished = 0;
const dataArray = [];
const resArray = [];
languages.forEach((lng) => {
let addPath = this.options.addPath;
if (typeof this.options.addPath === "function") {
addPath = this.options.addPath(lng, namespace);
const url = this.services.interpolator.interpolate(addPath, {
lng: lng,
ns: namespace,
this.options.request(this.options, url, payload, (data, res) => {
// TODO: if res.status === 4xx do log
finished += 1;
if (finished === languages.length) {
if (callback) callback(dataArray, resArray);
reload() {
const { backendConnector, languageUtils, logger } = this.services;
const currentLanguage = backendConnector.language;
if (currentLanguage && currentLanguage.toLowerCase() === "cimode") return; // avoid loading resources for cimode
const toLoad = [];
const append = (lng) => {
const lngs = languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(lng);
lngs.forEach((l) => {
if (toLoad.indexOf(l) < 0) toLoad.push(l);
if (this.allOptions.preload)
this.allOptions.preload.forEach((l) => append(l));
toLoad.forEach((lng) => {
this.allOptions.ns.forEach((ns) => {
backendConnector.read(lng, ns, "read", null, null, (err, data) => {
if (err)
`loading namespace ${ns} for language ${lng} failed`,
if (!err && data)
logger.log(`loaded namespace ${ns} for language ${lng}`, data);
backendConnector.loaded(`${lng}|${ns}`, err, data);
Backend.type = "backend";
export default Backend;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
import { defaults, hasXMLHttpRequest } from './utils.js'
import * as fetchNode from './getFetch.cjs'
let fetchApi
if (typeof fetch === 'function') {
if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && global.fetch) {
fetchApi = global.fetch
} else if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.fetch) {
fetchApi = window.fetch
let XmlHttpRequestApi
if (hasXMLHttpRequest()) {
if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && global.XMLHttpRequest) {
XmlHttpRequestApi = global.XMLHttpRequest
} else if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.XMLHttpRequest) {
XmlHttpRequestApi = window.XMLHttpRequest
let ActiveXObjectApi
if (typeof ActiveXObject === 'function') {
if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && global.ActiveXObject) {
ActiveXObjectApi = global.ActiveXObject
} else if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.ActiveXObject) {
ActiveXObjectApi = window.ActiveXObject
if (!fetchApi && fetchNode && !XmlHttpRequestApi && !ActiveXObjectApi) fetchApi = fetchNode.default || fetchNode // because of strange export
if (typeof fetchApi !== 'function') fetchApi = undefined
const addQueryString = (url, params) => {
if (params && typeof params === 'object') {
let queryString = ''
// Must encode data
for (const paramName in params) {
queryString += '&' + encodeURIComponent(paramName) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[paramName])
if (!queryString) return url
url = url + (url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?') + queryString.slice(1)
return url
// fetch api stuff
const requestWithFetch = (options, url, payload, callback) => {
if (options.queryStringParams) {
url = addQueryString(url, options.queryStringParams)
const headers = defaults({}, typeof options.customHeaders === 'function' ? options.customHeaders() : options.customHeaders)
if (payload) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
fetchApi(url, defaults({
method: payload ? 'POST' : 'GET',
body: payload ? options.stringify(payload) : undefined,
}, typeof options.requestOptions === 'function' ? options.requestOptions(payload) : options.requestOptions)).then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) return callback(response.statusText || 'Error', { status: response.status })
response.text().then((data) => {
callback(null, { status: response.status, data })
// xml http request stuff
const requestWithXmlHttpRequest = (options, url, payload, callback) => {
if (payload && typeof payload === 'object') {
// if (!cache) payload._t = Date.now()
// URL encoded form payload must be in querystring format
payload = addQueryString('', payload).slice(1)
if (options.queryStringParams) {
url = addQueryString(url, options.queryStringParams)
try {
let x
if (XmlHttpRequestApi) {
x = new XmlHttpRequestApi()
} else {
x = new ActiveXObjectApi('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0')
x.open(payload ? 'POST' : 'GET', url, 1)
if (!options.crossDomain) {
x.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest')
x.withCredentials = !!options.withCredentials
if (payload) {
x.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
if (x.overrideMimeType) {
let h = options.customHeaders
h = typeof h === 'function' ? h() : h
if (h) {
for (const i in h) {
x.setRequestHeader(i, h[i])
x.onreadystatechange = () => {
x.readyState > 3 && callback(x.status >= 400 ? x.statusText : null, { status: x.status, data: x.responseText })
} catch (e) {
console && console.log(e)
const request = (options, url, payload, callback) => {
if (typeof payload === 'function') {
callback = payload
payload = undefined
callback = callback || (() => {})
if (fetchApi) {
// use fetch api
return requestWithFetch(options, url, payload, callback)
if (hasXMLHttpRequest() || typeof ActiveXObject === 'function') {
// use xml http request
return requestWithXmlHttpRequest(options, url, payload, callback)
export default request

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
const arr = []
const each = arr.forEach
const slice = arr.slice
export function defaults (obj) {
each.call(slice.call(arguments, 1), (source) => {
if (source) {
for (const prop in source) {
if (obj[prop] === undefined) obj[prop] = source[prop]
return obj
export function hasXMLHttpRequest () {
return (typeof XMLHttpRequest === 'function' || typeof XMLHttpRequest === 'object')
* Determine whether the given `maybePromise` is a Promise.
* @param {*} maybePromise
* @returns {Boolean}
function isPromise (maybePromise) {
return !!maybePromise && typeof maybePromise.then === 'function'
* Convert any value to a Promise than will resolve to this value.
* @param {*} maybePromise
* @returns {Promise}
export function makePromise (maybePromise) {
if (isPromise(maybePromise)) {
return maybePromise
return Promise.resolve(maybePromise)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import config from "../package.json";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import config from "../package.json";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";

View File

@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "EmbeddingPanel"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "EmbeddingPanel"),
ns: ["EmbeddingPanel", "Common"],
defaultNS: "EmbeddingPanel",
ns: ["EmbeddingPanel", "Common"],
defaultNS: "EmbeddingPanel",
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
ns: ["SelectFile", "Common", "Home", "Translations"],
defaultNS: "SelectFile",
ns: ["SelectFile", "Common", "Home", "Translations"],
defaultNS: "SelectFile",
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
ns: ["SelectFile"],
defaultNS: "SelectFile",
ns: ["SelectFile"],
defaultNS: "SelectFile",
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
ns: ["SelectFolder"],
defaultNS: "SelectFolder",
ns: ["SelectFolder"],
defaultNS: "SelectFolder",
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
ns: ["SelectFolder"],
defaultNS: "SelectFolder",
ns: ["SelectFolder"],
defaultNS: "SelectFolder",
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,42 +1,46 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
ns: [
defaultNS: "SharingPanel",
ns: [
defaultNS: "SharingPanel",
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
ns: ["Home"],
defaultNS: "Home",
ns: ["Home"],
defaultNS: "Home",
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import config from "../package.json";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
@ -8,40 +9,43 @@ const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
const lng = localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en";
lng: lng,
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: lng,
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
ns: [
ns: [
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
allowMultiLoading: false,
crossDomain: true,
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
allowMultiLoading: false,
crossDomain: true,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "PrivacyPage"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "PrivacyPage"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import config from "../package.json";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "GroupSelector"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "GroupSelector"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,36 +1,40 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
ns: ["PeopleSelector", "Common", "Translations"],
defaultNS: "PeopleSelector",
ns: ["PeopleSelector", "Common", "Translations"],
defaultNS: "PeopleSelector",
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import config from "../package.json";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ i18n
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
allowMultiLoading: false,
crossDomain: false,
ns: ["ChangePasswordDialog", "ChangeEmailDialog"],

View File

@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
ns: ["Profile", "ProfileAction", "Common"],
defaultNS: "Profile",
ns: ["Profile", "ProfileAction", "Common"],
defaultNS: "Profile",
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import config from "../package.json";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "NavMenu"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "NavMenu"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "About"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "About"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "Errors"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import config from "../../../package.json";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "ToastHeaders"),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage, "ToastHeaders"),
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,38 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import config from "../package.json";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
lng: localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en",
fallbackLng: "en",
load: "currentOnly",
//debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format) {
if (format === "lowercase") return value.toLowerCase();
return value;
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
backend: {
loadPath: loadLanguagePath(config.homepage),
allowMultiLoading: false,
crossDomain: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
react: {
useSuspense: false,
export default newInstance;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import config from "../package.json";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
const lng = localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en";
lng: lng,
fallbackLng: "en",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import Backend from "@appserver/common/utils/i18next-http-backend";
import config from "../package.json";
import { LANGUAGE } from "@appserver/common/constants";
import { loadLanguagePath } from "@appserver/common/utils";
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ const newInstance = i18n.createInstance();
const lng = localStorage.getItem(LANGUAGE) || "en";
lng: lng,
fallbackLng: "en",