import React from "react"; import Icon from "../../../public/images/button.alert.react.svg"; import Button from "./"; export default { title: "Components/Button", component: Button, argTypes: { label: { description: "Button text" }, size: { description: "Size of button" }, primary: { description: "Tells when the button should be primary" }, scale: { description: "Scale width of button to 100%" }, isClicked: { description: "Tells when the button should present a clicked state", }, isDisabled: { description: "Tells when the button should present a disabled state", }, isHovered: { description: "Tells when the button should present a hovered state", }, isLoading: { description: "Tells when the button should show loader icon" }, disableHover: { description: "Disable hover effect" }, icon: { description: "Icon node element" }, onClick: { description: "What the button will trigger when clicked " }, className: { description: "Accepts class" }, id: { description: "Accepts id" }, style: { description: "Accepts CSS style" }, tabIndex: { description: "Button tab index" }, minwidth: { description: "Sets the nim width of the button" }, }, parameters: { docs: { description: { component: "Button is used for a action on a page.", }, source: { code: ` import Button from "@appserver/components/button";