import React, { Component } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import DomHelpers from "../utils/domHelpers"; import { classNames } from "../utils/classNames"; import { CSSTransition } from "react-transition-group"; import { withTheme } from "styled-components"; import Portal from "../portal"; import StyledContextMenu from "./styled-context-menu"; import SubMenu from "./sub-components/sub-menu"; import MobileSubMenu from "./sub-components/mobile-sub-menu"; import { isMobile, isMobileOnly } from "react-device-detect"; import { isMobile as isMobileUtils, isTablet as isTabletUtils, } from "../utils/device"; import Backdrop from "../backdrop"; import Text from "../text"; import Avatar from "../avatar"; import IconButton from "../icon-button"; import ArrowLeftReactUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/arrow-left.react.svg?url"; class ContextMenu extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { visible: false, reshow: false, resetMenu: false, model: null, changeView: false, showMobileMenu: false, onLoad: null, }; this.menuRef = React.createRef(); } onMenuClick = () => { this.setState({ resetMenu: false, }); }; onMenuMouseEnter = () => { this.setState({ resetMenu: false, }); }; show = (e) => { if (this.props.getContextModel) { const model = this.props.getContextModel(); this.setState({ model }); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); this.currentEvent = e; if (this.state.visible) { !isMobileOnly && this.setState({ reshow: true }); } else { this.setState({ visible: true }, () => { if (this.props.onShow) { this.props.onShow(this.currentEvent); } }); } }; componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (this.state.visible && prevState.reshow !== this.state.reshow) { let event = this.currentEvent; this.setState( { visible: false, reshow: false, resetMenu: true, changeView: false, }, () => ); } } hide = (e) => { this.currentEvent = e; this.props.onHide && this.props.onHide(e); this.setState({ visible: false, reshow: false, changeView: false, showMobileMenu: false, }); }; onEnter = () => { if (this.props.autoZIndex) { = String( this.props.baseZIndex + DomHelpers.generateZIndex() ); } this.position(this.currentEvent); }; onEntered = () => { this.bindDocumentListeners(); }; onExit = () => { this.currentEvent = null; this.unbindDocumentListeners(); }; onExited = () => { DomHelpers.revertZIndex(); }; position = (event) => { if (event) { const rects = this.props.containerRef?.current.getBoundingClientRect(); let left = rects ? rects.left - this.props.leftOffset : event.pageX + 1; let top = rects ? : event.pageY + 1; let width = this.menuRef.current.offsetParent ? this.menuRef.current.offsetWidth : DomHelpers.getHiddenElementOuterWidth(this.menuRef.current); let height = this.menuRef.current.offsetParent ? this.menuRef.current.offsetHeight : DomHelpers.getHiddenElementOuterHeight(this.menuRef.current); let viewport = DomHelpers.getViewport(); if ( this.props.theme.interfaceDirection === "rtl" && !rects && left > width ) { left = event.pageX - width + 1; } if ((isMobile || isTabletUtils()) && height > 483) { this.setState({ changeView: true }); return; } if ((isMobileOnly || isMobileUtils()) && height > 210) { this.setState({ changeView: true }); return; } //flip if (left + width - document.body.scrollLeft > viewport.width) { left -= width; } //flip if (top + height - document.body.scrollTop > viewport.height) { top -= height; } //fit if (left < document.body.scrollLeft) { left = document.body.scrollLeft; } //fit if (top < document.body.scrollTop) { top = document.body.scrollTop; } if (this.props.containerRef) { top += rects.height + 4; if (this.props.scaled) { = rects.width + "px"; } = "210px"; } = left + "px"; = top + "px"; } }; onLeafClick = (e) => { this.setState({ resetMenu: true, }); this.hide(e); e.stopPropagation(); }; isOutsideClicked = (e) => { return ( this.menuRef && this.menuRef.current && !( this.menuRef.current.isSameNode( || this.menuRef.current.contains( ) ); }; bindDocumentListeners = () => { this.bindDocumentResizeListener(); this.bindDocumentClickListener(); }; unbindDocumentListeners = () => { this.unbindDocumentResizeListener(); this.unbindDocumentClickListener(); }; bindDocumentClickListener = () => { if (!this.documentClickListener) { this.documentClickListener = (e) => { if (this.isOutsideClicked(e)) { //TODO: (&& e.button !== 2) restore after global usage this.hide(e); this.setState({ resetMenu: true, }); } }; document.addEventListener("click", this.documentClickListener); document.addEventListener("mousedown", this.documentClickListener); } }; bindDocumentContextMenuListener = () => { if (!this.documentContextMenuListener) { this.documentContextMenuListener = (e) => {; }; document.addEventListener( "contextmenu", this.documentContextMenuListener ); } }; bindDocumentResizeListener = () => { if (!this.documentResizeListener) { this.documentResizeListener = (e) => { if (this.state.visible) { this.hide(e); } }; window.addEventListener("resize", this.documentResizeListener); } }; unbindDocumentClickListener = () => { if (this.documentClickListener) { document.removeEventListener("click", this.documentClickListener); document.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.documentClickListener); this.documentClickListener = null; } }; unbindDocumentContextMenuListener = () => { if (this.documentContextMenuListener) { document.removeEventListener( "contextmenu", this.documentContextMenuListener ); this.documentContextMenuListener = null; } }; unbindDocumentResizeListener = () => { if (this.documentResizeListener) { window.removeEventListener("resize", this.documentResizeListener); this.documentResizeListener = null; } }; componentDidMount() { if ( { this.bindDocumentContextMenuListener(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.unbindDocumentListeners(); this.unbindDocumentContextMenuListener(); DomHelpers.revertZIndex(); } onMobileItemClick = (e, onLoad) => { e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({ showMobileMenu: true, onLoad, }); }; onBackClick = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({ showMobileMenu: false, }); }; renderContextMenu = () => { const className = classNames( "p-contextmenu p-component", this.props.className ); const changeView = this.state.changeView; const isIconExist = this.props.header?.icon; const isAvatarExist = this.props.header?.avatar; const withHeader = !!this.props.header?.title; return ( <>
{changeView && withHeader && (
{isIconExist && (this.state.showMobileMenu ? ( ) : (
))} {isAvatarExist && (
)} {this.props.header.title}
)} {this.state.showMobileMenu ? ( ) : ( )}
); }; render() { const element = this.renderContextMenu(); return ( <> {this.props.withBackdrop && ( )} ); } } ContextMenu.propTypes = { /** Unique identifier of the element */ id: PropTypes.string, /** An array of menuitems */ model: PropTypes.array, /** An object of header with icon and label */ header: PropTypes.object, /** Inline style of the component */ style: PropTypes.object, /** Style class of the component */ className: PropTypes.string, /** Attaches the menu to document instead of a particular item */ global: PropTypes.bool, /** Sets the context menu to be rendered with a backdrop */ withBackdrop: PropTypes.bool, /** Sets zIndex layering value automatically */ autoZIndex: PropTypes.bool, /** Sets automatic layering management */ baseZIndex: PropTypes.number, /** DOM element instance where the menu is mounted */ appendTo: PropTypes.any, /** Specifies a callback function that is invoked when a popup menu is shown */ onShow: PropTypes.func, /** Specifies a callback function that is invoked when a popup menu is hidden */ onHide: PropTypes.func, /** Displays a reference to another component */ containerRef: PropTypes.any, /** Scales width by the container component */ scaled: PropTypes.bool, /** Fills the icons with default colors */ fillIcon: PropTypes.bool, /** Function that returns an object containing the elements of the context menu */ getContextModel: PropTypes.func, /** Specifies the offset */ leftOffset: PropTypes.number, }; ContextMenu.defaultProps = { id: null, style: null, className: null, global: false, autoZIndex: true, baseZIndex: 0, appendTo: null, onShow: null, onHide: null, scaled: false, containerRef: null, leftOffset: 0, fillIcon: true, }; export default withTheme(ContextMenu);