import React from "react"; import { mount, shallow } from "enzyme"; import DropDown from "."; const baseProps = { open: false, isOpen: false, directionX: "left", directionY: "bottom", manualWidth: "100%", showDisabledItems: true, withBackdrop: false, }; const baseChildren =
; describe("", () => { it("rendered without error", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper).toExist(); }); it("opened/isOpen", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("open")).toEqual(true); }); it("showDisabledItems", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.prop("showDisabledItems")).toEqual(false); }); it("render with backdrop", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("withBackdrop")).toEqual(true); }); it("directionX right", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("directionX")).toEqual("right"); }); it("directionX right manualX", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.prop("directionX")).toEqual("right"); }); it("directionY top", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("directionY")).toEqual("top"); }); it("directionY top manualY", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.prop("directionY")).toEqual("top"); }); it("withArrow", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("withArrow")).toEqual(true); }); it("manualY", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("manualY")).toEqual("100%"); }); it("manualX", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("manualX")).toEqual("100%"); }); it("isUserPreview", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("isUserPreview")).toEqual(true); }); it("with children", () => { const wrapper = mount({baseChildren}); expect(wrapper.children()).toHaveLength(1); }); it("with maxHeight and children", () => { const child =
; const wrapper = shallow( {child} ).instance(); expect(wrapper.props.children).toEqual(child); }); //TODO: Fix final condition checks /* it('componentDidUpdate() state lifecycle test', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const instance = wrapper.instance(); wrapper.setState({ opened: true }); instance.componentDidUpdate(wrapper.props(), wrapper.state()); expect(wrapper.state()).toBe(wrapper.state()); }); */ //TODO: Fix final condition checks /* it('componentDidUpdate() props lifecycle test', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.componentDidUpdate({ open: true }, wrapper.state()); expect(wrapper.props()).toBe(wrapper.props()); }); */ it("accepts id", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("id")).toEqual("testId"); }); it("accepts className", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("className")).toEqual("test"); }); it("accepts style", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.getDOMNode().style).toHaveProperty("color", "red"); }); });