{ "WizardTitle": " Portal Setup - Go through these easy steps to start your web office easily", "WelcomeTitle": "Welcome to your portal!", "Desc": "Please setup the portal registration data.", "PlaceholderEmail": "E-mail", "PlaceholderPass": "Password", "PlaceholderLicense": "Your license file", "License": "Accept the terms of the ", "LicenseLink": "License agreements", "Domain": "Domain:", "Email": "E-mail:", "Language": "Language:", "Timezone": "Time zone:", "ButtonContinue": "Continue", "ErrorLicenseTitle": "Loading error", "ErrorLicenseBody": "The license is not valid. Make sure you select the correct file", "ChangeEmailTitle": "Change e-mail", "ChangeEmailBtn": "Save", "CloseModalButton": "Close", "TooltipPasswordTitle": "Password must contain:", "TooltipPasswordLength": "-30 characters", "TooltipPasswordDigits": "digits", "TooltipPasswordCapital": "capital letters", "TooltipPasswordSpecial": "special characters (!@#$%^&*)", "Culture_en": "English (United Kingdom)", "Culture_en-US": "English (United States)", "Culture_ru-RU": "Russian (Russia)", "ErrorPassword": "Password does not meet the requirements", "ErrorEmail": "Invalid e-mail Address", "ErrorLicenseRead": "You must accept the terms of the license agreement", "ErrorUploadLicenseFile": "You must select a license file", "ErrorInitWizardHeader": "Something went wrong.", "ErrorInitWizard": "The service is currently unavailable, please try again later.", "ErrorInitWizardButton": "Try again", "GeneratePassword": "Generate password", "ErrorParamsTitle": "Registration error", "ErrorParamsBody": "Incorrect data entered:", "ErrorParamsFooter": "Close" }