import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import StyledBackdrop from "./styled-backdrop"; class Backdrop extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { needBackdrop: false, needBackground: false, }; this.backdropRef = React.createRef(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if ( prevProps.visible !== this.props.visible || prevProps.isAside !== this.props.isAside || prevProps.withBackground !== this.props.withBackground ) { this.checkingExistBackdrop(); } } componentDidMount() { this.checkingExistBackdrop(); } checkingExistBackdrop = () => { const { visible, isAside, withBackground, withoutBlur } = this.props; if (visible) { const isTablet = window.innerWidth < 1024; const backdrops = document.querySelectorAll(".backdrop-active"); const needBackdrop = backdrops.length < 1 || (isAside && backdrops.length <= 2); let needBackground = needBackdrop && ((isTablet && !withoutBlur) || withBackground); if (isAside && needBackdrop) needBackground = true; this.setState({ needBackdrop: needBackdrop, needBackground: needBackground, }); } else { this.setState({ needBackground: false, needBackdrop: false, }); } }; modifyClassName = () => { const { className } = this.props; let modifiedClass = "backdrop-active not-selectable"; if (className) { if (typeof className !== "string") { if (!className.includes(modifiedClass)) { modifiedClass = className.push(modifiedClass); } else { modifiedClass = className; } } else { modifiedClass += ` ${className}`; } } return modifiedClass; }; onTouchHandler = (e) => { const { isModalDialog } = this.props; !isModalDialog && e.preventDefault();; }; render() { const { needBackdrop, needBackground } = this.state; const { isAside, visible } = this.props; const modifiedClassName = this.modifyClassName(); return visible && (needBackdrop || isAside) ? ( ) : null; } } Backdrop.propTypes = { /** Display or not */ visible: PropTypes.bool, /** CSS z-index */ zIndex: PropTypes.number, /** Accepts class */ className: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.array]), /** Accepts id */ id: PropTypes.string, /** Accepts css style */ style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]), /** The background is not displayed if the viewport width is less than 1024, * set it to true for display */ withBackground: PropTypes.bool, /** Must be true if used with Aside component */ isAside: PropTypes.bool, /** Must be true if used with Context menu */ withoutBlur: PropTypes.bool, }; Backdrop.defaultProps = { visible: false, zIndex: 203, withBackground: false, isAside: false, isModalDialog: false, withoutBlur: false, }; export default Backdrop;