# EmailInput Email entry field with advanced capabilities for validation based on settings ### Usage ```js import EmailInput from "@docspace/components/email-input"; import { EmailSettings } from "@docspace/components/utils/email"; const settings = new EmailSettings(); settings.allowDomainPunycode = true; ``` ```jsx console.log("onValidateInput", result.value, result.isValid, result.errors); } />; ``` ### Properties You can apply all properties of the `TextInput` component to the component | Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description | | ----------------- | :-----------------------: | :------: | :-----------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `className` | `string` | - | - | - | Accepts class | | `customValidate` | `func` | - | - | - | Function for your custom validation input value. Function must return object with following parameters: `value`: string value of input, `isValid`: boolean result of validating, `errors`(optional): array of errors | | `emailSettings` | `Object`, `EmailSettings` | - | - | { allowDomainPunycode: false, allowLocalPartPunycode: false, allowDomainIp: false, allowStrictLocalPart: true, allowSpaces: false, allowName: false, allowLocalDomainName: false } | Settings for validating email | | `hasError` | `bool` | - | - | - | Used in your custom validation | | `id` | `string` | - | - | - | Accepts id | | `onChange` | `func` | - | - | - | Function for your custom handling changes in input | | `onValidateInput` | `func` | - | { isValid: bool, errors: array} | - | Will be validate our value, return object with following parameters: `isValid`: boolean result of validating, `errors`: array of errors | | `style` | `obj`, `array` | - | - | - | Accepts css style | ### Validate email Our validation algorithm based on [RFC 5322 email address parser](https://www.npmjs.com/package/email-addresses). For email validating you should use plain Object or EmailSettings with following settings: | Props | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------------------ | :----: | :------: | :-----: | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `allowDomainIp` | `bool` | - | `false` | Allow email with IP address in domain, e. g. `user@[]` is a valid email address | | `allowDomainPunycode` | `bool` | - | `false` | Allow email with punycode symbols in domain, e. g. `example@джpумлатест.bрфa` and `example@mañana.com` are valid email addresses | | `allowLocalDomainName` | `bool` | - | `false` | Allow local domain address, e. g. `admin@local` is a valid email address | | `allowLocalPartPunycode` | `bool` | - | `false` | Allow email with punycode symbols in local part, e. g. `джумла@example.com` and `mañana@example.com` are valid email addresses | | `allowName` | `bool` | - | `false` | Supports all features of RFC 5322, which means that `"Bob Example" ` is a valid email address | | `allowSpaces` | `bool` | - | `false` | Allow spaces in local part and domain, e. g. `" "@example.org` is a valid email address | | `allowStrictLocalPart` | `bool` | - | `true` | Allow email, started with latin symbols and digits(`([a-zA-Z0-9]+)`) and also contains `_,-,.,+`. Used RegEx `/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)([_\-\.\+][a-zA-Z0-9]+)\*\$/` | ### emailSettings prop Plain object: ```js const emailSettings = { allowDomainPunycode: false, allowLocalPartPunycode: false, allowDomainIp: false, allowStrictLocalPart: true, allowSpaces: false, allowName: false, allowLocalDomainName: false, }; ``` or instance of `EmailSettings` class: ```js import { EmailInput, utils } from "@docspace/components"; const { EmailSettings } = utils.email; const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.toObject(); /* returned Object with default settings: { allowDomainPunycode: false, allowLocalPartPunycode: false, allowDomainIp: false, allowStrictLocalPart: true, allowSpaces: false, allowName: false, allowLocalDomainName: false } */ email.allowName = true; // set allowName setting to true emailSettings.toObject(); /* returned Object with NEW settings: { allowDomainPunycode: false, allowLocalPartPunycode: false, allowDomainIp: false, allowStrictLocalPart: true, allowSpaces: false, allowName: true, allowLocalDomainName: false } */ ``` ### Custom validate email You should use custom validation with the `customValidate` prop. This prop contains function for your custom validation input value. Function must return object with following parameters: `value`: string value of input, `isValid`: boolean result of validating, `errors`(optional): array of errors. Base colors: | Сomponent actions | isValid | border-color | | ----------------- | :-----: | :--------------------------------------------------------------: | | `:focus` | `false` | ![#c30](https://placehold.it/15/c30/000000?text=+) #c30 | | `:focus` | `true` | ![#2DA7DB](https://placehold.it/15/2DA7DB/000000?text=+) #2DA7DB | | `:hover` | `false` | ![#c30](https://placehold.it/15/c30/000000?text=+) #c30 | | `:hover` | `true` | ![#D0D5DA](https://placehold.it/15/D0D5DA/000000?text=+) #D0D5DA | | `default` | `false` | ![#c30](https://placehold.it/15/c30/000000?text=+) #c30 | | `default` | `true` | ![#D0D5DA](https://placehold.it/15/D0D5DA/000000?text=+) #D0D5DA | ```js import React from "react"; import { EmailInput } from "@docspace/components"; const onChange = (e) => { // your event handling customValidate(e.target.value); }; const customValidate = (value) => { const isValid = !!(value && value.length > 0); return { value, isValid: isValid, errors: isValid ? [] : ["incorrect email"], }; }; const onValidateInput = (result) => { console.log("onValidateInput", result); }; ``` ```jsx ```