{ "AbortTransfer": "Abort transfer", "AllDataTransferred": "All data transferred", "DataReassignment": "Data reassignment", "DeleteProfileIsFinished": "Delete profile when reassignment is finished", "DescriptionDataReassignment": "We will transfer rooms created by user and documents stored in user’s rooms.", "InProgress": "In progress", "Interrupted": "Interrupted, some data could not be transferred", "MoreAboutDataTransfer": "More about data transfer", "NewDataOwner": "New data owner", "NoteDataReassignment": "Note: this action cannot be undone.", "ProcessComplete": "You can close this page. When the process is completed, the responsible administrator will be notified by email.", "Reassign": "Reassign", "ReassignData": "Reassign data", "ReassigningDataToAnother": "The process of data reassignment from user <0>{{fromUser}} to user <1>{{toUser}} has started. Please note that it may take a considerable time.", "ReassigningDataToItself": "The process of data reassignment from user <0>{{fromUser}} to user <1>{{toUser}} <2>{{you}} has started. Please note that it may take a considerable time.", "StartTransferAgain": "Start transfer again", "UserToWhomTheDataWillBeTransferred": "User to whom the data will be transferred" }