import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import Scrollbar from "../scrollbar"; import { useClickOutside } from "../utils/useClickOutside.js"; import { StyledContent, StyledChipGroup, StyledChipWithInput, } from "./styled-emailchips"; import { MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH_WITH_DOTS, sliceEmail, } from "./sub-components/helpers"; import InputGroup from "./sub-components/input-group"; import ChipsRender from "./sub-components/chips-render"; import { EmailSettings, parseAddresses } from "../utils/email"; const calcMaxLengthInput = (exceededLimit) => exceededLimit * MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH_WITH_DOTS; const EmailChips = ({ options, placeholder, onChange, clearButtonLabel, existEmailText, invalidEmailText, exceededLimit, exceededLimitText, exceededLimitInputText, chipOverLimitText, ...props }) => { const [chips, setChips] = useState(options || []); const [currentChip, setCurrentChip] = useState(null); const [selectedChips, setSelectedChips] = useState([]); const [isExistedOn, setIsExistedOn] = useState(false); const [isExceededLimitChips, setIsExceededLimitChips] = useState(false); const [isExceededLimitInput, setIsExceededLimitInput] = useState(false); const containerRef = useRef(null); const inputRef = useRef(null); const blockRef = useRef(null); const scrollbarRef = useRef(null); const chipsCount = useRef(options?.length); useEffect(() => { onChange( => { if (it?.name === it?.email || it?.name === "") { return { email: it?.email, isValid: it?.isValid, }; } return { name: it?.name, email: it?.email, isValid: it?.isValid, }; }) ); }, [chips]); useEffect(() => { const isChipAdd = chips.length > chipsCount.current; if (scrollbarRef.current && isChipAdd) { scrollbarRef.current.scrollToBottom(); } chipsCount.current = chips.length; }, [chips.length]); useClickOutside( blockRef, () => { if (selectedChips.length > 0) { setSelectedChips([]); } }, selectedChips ); useClickOutside(inputRef, () => { onHideAllTooltips(); }); const onClick = (value, isShiftKey) => { if (isShiftKey) { const isExisted = !!selectedChips?.find((it) => ===; return isExisted ? setSelectedChips( selectedChips.filter((it) => != ) : setSelectedChips([value, ...selectedChips]); } else { setSelectedChips([value]); } }; const onDoubleClick = (value) => { setCurrentChip(value); }; const onDelete = useCallback( (value) => { setChips(chips.filter((it) => !==; }, [chips] ); const checkSelected = (value) => { return !!selectedChips?.find((item) => item?.email === value?.email); }; const onSaveNewChip = (value, newValue) => { const settings = new EmailSettings(); settings.allowName = true; let parsed = parseAddresses(newValue, settings); parsed[0].isValid = parsed[0].isValid(); if (newValue && newValue !== `"${value?.name}" <${value?.email}>`) { const newChips = => { return === ? sliceEmail(parsed[0]) : it; }); setChips(newChips); setSelectedChips([sliceEmail(parsed[0])]); } containerRef.current.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); containerRef.current.focus(); setCurrentChip(null); }; const copyToClipbord = () => { if (currentChip === null) { navigator.clipboard.writeText( selectedChips .map((it) => { if ( !== { let copyItem = `"${}" <${}>`; return copyItem; } else { return; } }) .join(", ") ); } }; const onKeyDown = (e) => { const whiteList = [ "Enter", "Escape", "Backspace", "Delete", "ArrowRigth", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", "KeyC", ]; const code = e.code; const isShiftDown = e.shiftKey; const isCtrlDown = e.ctrlKey; if (!whiteList.includes(code) && !isCtrlDown && !isShiftDown) { return; } if (code === "Enter" && selectedChips.length == 1 && !currentChip) { e.stopPropagation(); setCurrentChip(selectedChips[0]); return; } if (code === "Escape") { setSelectedChips(currentChip ? [currentChip] : []); containerRef.current.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); containerRef.current.focus(); return; } if ( selectedChips.length > 0 && (code === "Backspace" || code === "Delete") && !currentChip ) { const filteredChips = chips.filter((e) => !~selectedChips.indexOf(e)); setChips(filteredChips); setSelectedChips([]); inputRef.current.focus(); return; } if (selectedChips.length > 0 && !currentChip) { let chip = null; if (isShiftDown && code === "ArrowRigth") { chip = selectedChips[selectedChips.length - 1]; } else { chip = selectedChips[0]; } const index = chips.findIndex((it) => === chip?.email); switch (code) { case "ArrowLeft": { if (isShiftDown) { selectedChips.includes(chips[index - 1]) ? setSelectedChips( selectedChips.filter((it) => it !== chips[index]) ) : chips[index - 1] && setSelectedChips([chips[index - 1], ...selectedChips]); } else if (index != 0) { setSelectedChips([chips[index - 1]]); } break; } case "ArrowRight": { if (isShiftDown) { selectedChips.includes(chips[index + 1]) ? setSelectedChips( selectedChips.filter((it) => it !== chips[index]) ) : chips[index + 1] && setSelectedChips([chips[index + 1], ...selectedChips]); } else { if (index != chips.length - 1) { setSelectedChips([chips[index + 1]]); } else { setSelectedChips([]); if (inputRef) { inputRef.current.focus(); } } } break; } case "KeyC": { if (isCtrlDown) { copyToClipbord(); } break; } } } }; const goFromInputToChips = () => { setSelectedChips([chips[chips?.length - 1]]); }; const onClearClick = () => { setChips([]); }; const onHideAllTooltips = () => { setIsExceededLimitChips(false); setIsExistedOn(false); setIsExceededLimitInput(false); }; const showTooltipOfLimit = () => { setIsExceededLimitInput(true); }; const onAddChip = (chipsToAdd) => { setIsExceededLimitChips(chips.length >= exceededLimit); if (chips.length >= exceededLimit) return; const filterLimit = exceededLimit - chips.length; const filteredChips =, index) => { const isExisted = !!chips.find( (chip) => === it || === it?.email ); if (chipsToAdd.length === 1) { setIsExistedOn(isExisted); if (isExisted) return false; } return !isExisted && index < filterLimit; }); setChips([...chips, ...filteredChips]); }; return ( ); }; EmailChips.propTypes = { /** Array of objects with chips */ options: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), /** Placeholder text for the input */ placeholder: PropTypes.string, /** The text that is displayed in the button for cleaning all chips */ clearButtonLabel: PropTypes.string, /** Warning text when entering an existing email */ existEmailText: PropTypes.string, /** Warning text when entering an invalid email */ invalidEmailText: PropTypes.string, /** Limit of chips */ exceededLimit: PropTypes.number, /** Warning text when entering the number of chips exceeding the limit */ exceededLimitText: PropTypes.string, /** Warning text when entering the number of characters in input exceeding the limit */ exceededLimitInputText: PropTypes.string, /** Warning text when entering the number of email characters exceeding the limit */ chipOverLimitText: PropTypes.string, /** Will be called when the selected items are changed */ onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; EmailChips.defaultProps = { placeholder: "Invite people by name or email", clearButtonLabel: "Clear list", existEmailText: "This email address has already been entered", invalidEmailText: "Invalid email address", exceededLimitText: "The limit on the number of emails has reached the maximum", exceededLimitInputText: "The limit on the number of characters has reached the maximum value", exceededLimit: 50, }; export default EmailChips;