import React from "react"; import Dropzone from "react-dropzone"; import ReactAvatarEditor from "./react-avatar-editor"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import Avatar from "../../avatar/index"; import accepts from "attr-accept"; import Text from "../../text"; import Box from "../../box"; import ContextMenuButton from "../../context-menu-button"; import IconButton from "../../icon-button"; import { isDesktop, //isTablet, //isMobile } from "../../utils/device"; import resizeImage from "resize-image"; import throttle from "lodash/throttle"; import Link from "../../link"; const step = 0.01; const min = 1; const max = 5; import { StyledAvatarEditorBody, StyledAvatarContainer, DropZoneContainer, Slider, StyledErrorContainer, } from "./styled-avatar-editor-body"; class AvatarEditorBody extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { image: this.props.image ? this.props.image : "", scale: 1, croppedImage: "", errorText: null, rotate: 0, }; this.setEditorRef = React.createRef(); this.dropzoneRef = React.createRef(); this.throttledSetCroppedImage = throttle(this.setCroppedImage, 300); } onPositionChange = (position) => { this.props.onPositionChange({ x: position.x, y: position.y, width: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().width, height: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().height, }); }; onDropRejected = (rejectedFiles) => { if (!accepts(rejectedFiles[0], this.props.accept)) { this.props.onLoadFileError(0); this.setState({ errorText: this.props.unknownTypeError, }); return; } else if (rejectedFiles[0].size > this.props.maxSize) { this.props.onLoadFileError(1); this.setState({ errorText: this.props.maxSizeFileError, }); return; } this.setState({ errorText: this.props.unknownError, }); this.props.onLoadFileError(2); }; onDropAccepted = (acceptedFiles) => { const _this = this; var fr = new FileReader(); fr.readAsDataURL(acceptedFiles[0]); fr.onload = function () { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { var canvas = resizeImage.resize2Canvas(img, img.width, img.height); var data = resizeImage.resize( canvas, img.width, img.height, resizeImage.JPEG ); _this.setState({ image: data, rotate: 0, errorText: null, }); fetch(data) .then((res) => res.blob()) .then((blob) => { const file = new File([blob], "File name", { type: "image/jpg", }); _this.props.onLoadFile(file); }); }; img.src = fr.result; }; }; deleteImage = () => { this.setState({ image: "", rotate: 0, croppedImage: "", }); this.props.deleteImage(); }; setCroppedImage = () => { if (this.setEditorRef && this.setEditorRef.current) { const image = this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().toDataURL(); this.setState({ croppedImage: image, }); this.props.onImageChange(image); } }; dist = 0; scaling = false; curr_scale = 1.0; scale_factor = 1.0; distance = (p1, p2) => { return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(p1.clientX - p2.clientX, 2) + Math.pow(p1.clientY - p2.clientY, 2) ); }; onTouchStart = (evt) => { //evt.preventDefault(); var tt = evt.targetTouches; if (tt.length >= 2) { this.dist = this.distance(tt[0], tt[1]); this.scaling = true; } else { this.scaling = false; } }; onTouchMove = (evt) => { //evt.preventDefault(); var tt = evt.targetTouches; if (this.scaling) { this.curr_scale = (this.distance(tt[0], tt[1]) / this.dist) * this.scale_factor; this.setState({ scale: this.curr_scale < min ? min : this.curr_scale > max ? max : this.curr_scale, }); this.props.onSizeChange({ width: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().width, height: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().height, }); } }; onTouchEnd = (evt) => { var tt = evt.targetTouches; if (tt.length < 2) { this.scaling = false; if (this.curr_scale < 1) { this.scale_factor = 1; } else { if (this.curr_scale > 10) { this.scale_factor = 10; } else { this.scale_factor = this.curr_scale; } } } else { this.scaling = true; } }; onWheel = (e) => { if (!this.setEditorRef.current) return; e = e || window.event; const delta = e.deltaY || e.detail || e.wheelDelta; let scale = delta > 0 && this.state.scale === 1 ? 1 : this.state.scale - (delta / 100) * 0.1; scale = Math.round(scale * 10) / 10; this.setState({ scale: scale < 1 ? 1 : scale > 10 ? 10 : scale, }); this.props.onSizeChange({ width: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().width, height: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().height, }); }; onRotateLeftClick = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ rotate: this.state.rotate - 90, }); }; onRotateRightClick = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ rotate: this.state.rotate + 90, }); }; onFlipVerticalClick = () => {}; onFlipHorizontalClick = () => {}; onZoomMinusClick = () => { const newScale = this.state.scale - step; this.setState({ scale: newScale < min ? min : newScale }); }; onZoomPlusClick = () => { const newScale = this.state.scale + step; this.setState({ scale: newScale > max ? max : newScale }); }; handleScale = (e) => { const scale = parseFloat(; this.setState({ scale }); this.props.onSizeChange({ width: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().width, height: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().height, }); }; onImageReady = () => { this.setState({ croppedImage: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().toDataURL(), }); this.props.onImageChange(this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().toDataURL()); this.props.onPositionChange({ x: 0.5, y: 0.5, width: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().width, height: this.setEditorRef.current.getImage().height, }); }; onSaveImage() { var img = new Image(); var _this = this; img.src = this.state.image; if (!this.state.image) _this.props.onLoadFile(null); img.onload = () => { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.setAttribute("width", img.width); canvas.setAttribute("height", img.height); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2); context.rotate((this.state.rotate * Math.PI) / 180); context.drawImage(img, -img.width / 2, -img.height / 2); var rotatedImageSrc = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg"); fetch(rotatedImageSrc) .then((res) => res.blob()) .then((blob) => { const file = new File([blob], "File name", { type: "image/jpg" }); _this.props.onLoadFile(file, true); }); }; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if ( prevProps.image !== this.props.image || prevProps.visible !== this.props.visible ) { this.setState({ image: this.props.image ? this.props.image : "", rotate: 0, }); } } openDialog = () => { if (!this.state.image) return; // Note that the ref is set async, // so it might be null at some point if (this.dropzoneRef.current) {; } }; renderLinkContainer = () => { const { selectNewPhotoLabel, orDropFileHereLabel, maxSizeLabel, } = this.props; const { image } = this.state; const desktopMode = isDesktop(); const labelAlign = image === "" ? "center" : "left"; //console.log("maxSizeLabel", maxSizeLabel); return ( {selectNewPhotoLabel} {" "} {desktopMode && orDropFileHereLabel} {maxSizeLabel} ); }; render() { const { maxSize, accept, role, title, useModalDialog } = this.props; const desktopMode = isDesktop(); //const tabletMode = isTablet(); //const mobileMode = isMobile(); let editorWidth = 174; let editorHeight = 174; if (!useModalDialog) { editorWidth = 270; editorHeight = 270; } /*if (tabletMode) { editorWidth = 320; editorHeight = 320; } else if (mobileMode) { editorWidth = 287; editorHeight = 287; }*/ return ( {({ getRootProps, getInputProps }) => ( {this.state.image === "" ? ( {this.renderLinkContainer()} ) : ( {desktopMode && useModalDialog && ( {title} )} {this.renderLinkContainer()} )} )} {this.state.errorText !== null && ( {this.state.errorText} )} ); } } AvatarEditorBody.propTypes = { onImageChange: PropTypes.func, onPositionChange: PropTypes.func, onSizeChange: PropTypes.func, visible: PropTypes.bool, onLoadFileError: PropTypes.func, onLoadFile: PropTypes.func, deleteImage: PropTypes.func, maxSize: PropTypes.number, image: PropTypes.string, accept: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), selectNewPhotoLabel: PropTypes.string, orDropFileHereLabel: PropTypes.string, unknownTypeError: PropTypes.string, maxSizeFileError: PropTypes.string, unknownError: PropTypes.string, role: PropTypes.string, title: PropTypes.string, useModalDialog: PropTypes.bool, maxSizeLabel: PropTypes.string, }; AvatarEditorBody.defaultProps = { accept: ["image/png", "image/jpeg"], maxSize: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, visible: false, selectNewPhotoLabel: "Select new photo", orDropFileHereLabel: "or drop file here", unknownTypeError: "Unknown image file type", maxSizeFileError: "Maximum file size exceeded", unknownError: "Error", role: "user", title: "Sample title", useModalDialog: true, }; export default AvatarEditorBody;