import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import Toast from "@appserver/components/toast"; import toastr from "studio/toastr"; import { toast } from "react-toastify"; import Box from "@appserver/components/box"; import { regDesktop } from "@appserver/common/desktop"; import Loaders from "@appserver/common/components/Loaders"; import { combineUrl, getObjectByLocation, //showLoader, //hideLoader, } from "@appserver/common/utils"; import { getDocServiceUrl, openEdit, setEncryptionKeys, getEncryptionAccess, getFileInfo, } from "@appserver/common/api/files"; import { checkIsAuthenticated } from "@appserver/common/api/user"; import { getUser } from "@appserver/common/api/people"; import FilesFilter from "@appserver/common/api/files/filter"; import throttle from "lodash/throttle"; import { isIOS, deviceType } from "react-device-detect"; import { homepage } from "../package.json"; import { AppServerConfig } from "@appserver/common/constants"; import SharingDialog from "files/SharingDialog"; import SelectFileDialog from "files/SelectFileDialog"; import i18n from "./i18n"; let documentIsReady = false; let docTitle = null; let fileType = null; let config; let docSaved = null; let docEditor; let fileInfo; const url = window.location.href; const filesUrl = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("/doceditor")); toast.configure(); const Editor = () => { const urlParams = getObjectByLocation(window.location); const fileId = urlParams ? urlParams.fileId || urlParams.fileid || null : null; const version = urlParams ? urlParams.version || null : null; const doc = urlParams ? urlParams.doc || null : null; const isDesktop = window["AscDesktopEditor"] !== undefined; const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true); const [isAuthenticated, setIsAuthenticated] = useState(true); const throttledChangeTitle = throttle( () => changeTitle(docSaved, docTitle), 500 ); useEffect(() => { init(); }, []); const updateUsersRightsList = () => { SharingDialog.getSharingSettings(fileId).then((sharingSettings) => { docEditor.setSharingSettings({ sharingSettings, }); }); }; const init = async () => { try { if (!fileId) return; console.log( `Editor componentDidMount fileId=${fileId}, version=${version}, doc=${doc}` ); if (isIPad()) { const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01;"--vh", `${vh}px`); } //showLoader(); const docApiUrl = await getDocServiceUrl(); const success = await checkIsAuthenticated(); if (!doc && !success) { combineUrl(AppServerConfig.proxyURL, "/login"), "_self", "", true ); return; } if (success) { try { fileInfo = await getFileInfo(fileId); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } setIsAuthenticated(success); } config = await openEdit(fileId, version, doc); if (isDesktop) { const isEncryption = config.editorConfig["encryptionKeys"] !== undefined; const user = await getUser(); regDesktop( user, isEncryption, config.editorConfig.encryptionKeys, (keys) => { setEncryptionKeys(keys); }, true, (callback) => { getEncryptionAccess(fileId) .then((keys) => { var data = { keys, }; callback(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); toastr.error( typeof error === "string" ? error : error.message, null, 0, true ); }); }, i18n.t ); } if ( config && config.document.permissions.edit && config.document.permissions.modifyFilter && fileInfo ) { const sharingSettings = await SharingDialog.getSharingSettings(fileId); = {, sharingSettings, }; } setIsLoading(false); loadDocApi(docApiUrl, () => onLoad(config)); } catch (error) { console.log(error); toastr.error( typeof error === "string" ? error : error.message, null, 0, true ); } }; const isIPad = () => { return isIOS && deviceType === "tablet"; }; const setFavicon = (fileType) => { const favicon = document.getElementById("favicon"); if (!favicon) return; let icon = null; switch (fileType) { case "docx": icon = "text.ico"; break; case "pptx": icon = "presentation.ico"; break; case "xlsx": icon = "spreadsheet.ico"; break; default: break; } if (icon) favicon.href = `${homepage}/images/${icon}`; }; const changeTitle = (docSaved, docTitle) => { docSaved ? setDocumentTitle(docTitle) : setDocumentTitle(`*${docTitle}`); }; const setDocumentTitle = (subTitle = null) => { //const { isAuthenticated, settingsStore, product: currentModule } = auth; //const { organizationName } = settingsStore; const organizationName = "ONLYOFFICE"; //TODO: Replace to API variant const moduleTitle = "Documents"; //TODO: Replace to API variant let title; if (subTitle) { if (isAuthenticated && moduleTitle) { title = subTitle + " - " + moduleTitle; } else { title = subTitle + " - " + organizationName; } } else if (moduleTitle && organizationName) { title = moduleTitle + " - " + organizationName; } else { title = organizationName; } document.title = title; }; const loadDocApi = (docApiUrl, onLoadCallback) => { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); script.setAttribute("id", "scripDocServiceAddress"); script.onload = onLoadCallback; script.src = docApiUrl; script.async = true; console.log("PureEditor componentDidMount: added script"); document.body.appendChild(script); }; const onLoad = (config) => { console.log("Editor config: ", config); try { console.log(config); docTitle = config.document.title; fileType = config.document.fileType; setFavicon(fileType); setDocumentTitle(docTitle); if (window.innerWidth < 720) { config.type = "mobile"; } let goback; if (fileInfo) { const filterObj = FilesFilter.getDefault(); filterObj.folder = fileInfo.folderId; const urlFilter = filterObj.toUrlParams(); goback = { blank: true, requestClose: false, text: i18n.t("FileLocation"), url: `${combineUrl(filesUrl, `/filter?${urlFilter}`)}`, }; } config.editorConfig.customization = { ...config.editorConfig.customization, goback, }; let onRequestSharingSettings; if ( fileInfo && config.document.permissions.edit && config.document.permissions.modifyFilter ) { onRequestSharingSettings = onSDKRequestSharingSettings; } const events = { events: { onAppReady: onSDKAppReady, onDocumentStateChange: onDocumentStateChange, onMetaChange: onMetaChange, onDocumentReady: onDocumentReady, onInfo: onSDKInfo, onWarning: onSDKWarning, onError: onSDKError, onRequestSharingSettings, onRequestInsertImage, }, }; const newConfig = Object.assign(config, events); if (!window.DocsAPI) throw new Error("DocsAPI is not defined"); docEditor = window.DocsAPI.DocEditor("editor", newConfig); } catch (error) { console.log(error); toastr.error(error.message, null, 0, true); } }; const onSDKAppReady = () => { console.log("ONLYOFFICE Document Editor is ready"); }; const onSDKInfo = (event) => { console.log( "ONLYOFFICE Document Editor is opened in mode " + ); }; const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false); const [isInsertImageDialogVisible, setIsInsertImageDialogVisible] = useState( false ); const onSDKRequestSharingSettings = () => { setIsVisible(true); }; const onCancel = () => { setIsVisible(false); }; const onSDKWarning = (event) => { console.log( "ONLYOFFICE Document Editor reports a warning: code " + + ", description " + ); }; const onSDKError = (event) => { console.log( "ONLYOFFICE Document Editor reports an error: code " + + ", description " + ); }; const onDocumentStateChange = (event) => { if (!documentIsReady) return; docSaved = !; throttledChangeTitle(); }; const onDocumentReady = () => { documentIsReady = true; }; const onMetaChange = (event) => { const newTitle =; if (newTitle && newTitle !== docTitle) { setDocumentTitle(newTitle); docTitle = newTitle; } }; const onRequestInsertImage = () => { console.log("Insert Image"); setIsInsertImageDialogVisible(true); }; const onClickInput = () => { console.log("onClickInput"); }; const onSelectFile = () => { console.log("onSelectFile"); }; const onClose = () => { setIsInsertImageDialogVisible(false); }; return ( {!isLoading ? ( <>
{fileInfo && ( )} ) : ( )}
); }; export default Editor;