/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2018 * * This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). * In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that * Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights. * * THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details, see GNU GPL at https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at sales@onlyoffice.com * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display * Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains * relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic * form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE" * in every copy of the program you distribute. * Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using ASC.Common.Data; using ASC.Common.Data.Sql; using ASC.Common.Data.Sql.Expressions; namespace ASC.Resource.Manager { public static class ResourceData { private const string Dbid = "tmresource"; private const string ResDataTable = "res_data"; private const string ResCultureTable = "res_cultures"; private const string ResFilesTable = "res_files"; private const string ResReserveTable = "res_reserve"; private const string ResAuthorsTable = "res_authors"; private const string ResAuthorsLangTable = "res_authorslang"; private const string ResAuthorsFileTable = "res_authorsfile"; public static DateTime GetLastUpdate() { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResFilesTable).SelectMax("LastUpdate"); return dbManager.ExecuteScalar(sql); } public static List GetListLanguages(int fileId, string title) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResCultureTable) .Select("res_cultures.title", "res_cultures.value", "res_cultures.available") .LeftOuterJoin("res_data", Exp.EqColumns("res_cultures.title", "res_data.cultureTitle")) .Where("res_data.fileID", fileId) .Where("res_data.title", title); var language = dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ConvertAll(GetCultureFromDB); language.Remove(language.Find(p => p.Title == "Neutral")); return language; } public static Dictionary> GetCulturesWithAuthors() { using var dbManager = new DbManager("tmresource"); var sql = new SqlQuery("res_authorslang ral") .Select(new[] { "ral.authorLogin", "rc.title", "rc.value" }) .InnerJoin("res_cultures rc", Exp.EqColumns("rc.title", "ral.cultureTitle")) .InnerJoin("res_authors ra", Exp.EqColumns("ra.login", "ral.authorLogin")) .Where("ra.isAdmin", false); return dbManager.ExecuteList(sql) .GroupBy(r => new ResCulture { Title = (string)r[1], Value = (string)r[2] }, r => (string)r[0]) .ToDictionary(r => r.Key, r => r.ToList()); } public static void AddCulture(string cultureTitle, string name) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sqlInsert = new SqlInsert(ResCultureTable); sqlInsert.InColumnValue("title", cultureTitle).InColumnValue("value", name); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlInsert); } public static void AddResource(string cultureTitle, string resType, DateTime date, ResWord word, bool isConsole, string authorLogin, bool updateIfExist = true) { using var db = new DbManager(Dbid); var resData = db.ExecuteScalar(GetQuery(ResDataTable, cultureTitle, word)); var resReserve = db.ExecuteScalar(GetQuery(ResReserveTable, cultureTitle, word)); //нет ключа if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resData)) { //добавляем в основную таблицу db.ExecuteNonQuery(Insert(ResDataTable, cultureTitle, word) .InColumnValue("resourceType", resType) .InColumnValue("timechanges", date) .InColumnValue("flag", 2) .InColumnValue("authorLogin", authorLogin)); //добавляем в резервную таблицу if (isConsole) db.ExecuteNonQuery(Insert(ResReserveTable, cultureTitle, word)); } else { if (cultureTitle == "Neutral" && isConsole) { updateIfExist = db.ExecuteScalar(new SqlQuery(ResDataTable) .SelectCount() .Where("fileID", word.ResFile.FileID) .Where(!Exp.Eq("cultureTitle", cultureTitle)) .Where("title", word.Title)) == 0; } var isChangeResData = resData != word.ValueFrom; var isChangeResReserve = resReserve != word.ValueFrom; if (!updateIfExist) return; //при работе с консолью изменилось по сравнению с res_data и res_reserve, либо при работе с сайтом изменилось по сравнению с res_reserve if ((isConsole && isChangeResData && isChangeResReserve) || !isConsole) { // изменилась нейтральная культура - выставлен флаг у всех ключей из выбранного файла с выбранным title if (cultureTitle == "Neutral") { var update = new SqlUpdate(ResDataTable) .Set("flag", 3) .Where("fileID", word.ResFile.FileID) .Where("title", word.Title); db.ExecuteNonQuery(update); } // изменилась не нейтральная культура db.ExecuteNonQuery(Insert(ResDataTable, cultureTitle, word) .InColumnValue("resourceType", resType) .InColumnValue("timechanges", date) .InColumnValue("flag", 2) .InColumnValue("authorLogin", authorLogin)); if (isConsole) db.ExecuteNonQuery(Update(ResReserveTable, cultureTitle, word)); } else if (isChangeResData) { db.ExecuteNonQuery(Update(ResReserveTable, cultureTitle, word)); } } } public static void EditEnglish(ResWord word) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var update = new SqlUpdate(ResDataTable); update.Set("textvalue", word.ValueFrom).Where("fileID", word.ResFile.FileID).Where("title", word.Title).Where("cultureTitle", "Neutral"); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(update); } public static void AddComment(ResWord word) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sqlUpdate = new SqlUpdate(ResDataTable); sqlUpdate.Set("description", word.TextComment).Where("title", word.Title).Where("fileID", word.ResFile.FileID).Where("cultureTitle", "Neutral"); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUpdate); } public static int AddFile(string fileName, string projectName, string moduleName) { var fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); if (fileNameWithoutExtension != null && fileNameWithoutExtension.Split('.').Length > 1) { fileName = fileNameWithoutExtension.Split('.')[0] + Path.GetExtension(fileName); } using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResFilesTable) .SelectCount() .Where("resName", fileName) .Where("projectName", projectName) .Where("moduleName", moduleName); if (dbManager.ExecuteScalar(sql) == 0) { var insert = new SqlInsert(ResFilesTable) .InColumns("resName", "projectName", "moduleName") .Values(fileName, projectName, moduleName); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(insert); } var update = new SqlUpdate(ResFilesTable) .Set("lastUpdate", DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(4)); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(update); sql = new SqlQuery(ResFilesTable) .Select("id") .Where("resName", fileName) .Where("projectName", projectName) .Where("moduleName", moduleName); return dbManager.ExecuteScalar(sql); } public static IEnumerable GetCultures() { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResCultureTable); sql.Select("title", "value", "available") .OrderBy("title", true); return dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ConvertAll(GetCultureFromDB); } public static void SetCultureAvailable(string title) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlUpdate(ResCultureTable); sql.Set("available", true).Where("title", title); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } private static ResCulture GetCultureFromDB(IList r) { return new ResCulture { Title = (string)r[0], Value = (string)r[1], Available = (bool)r[2] }; } public static List GetAllFiles() { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResFilesTable); return dbManager.ExecuteList(sql.SelectAll()).Select(r => new ResFile { FileID = (int)r[0], ProjectName = (string)r[1], ModuleName = (string)r[2], FileName = (string)r[3] }).ToList(); } public static IEnumerable GetListResWords(ResCurrent current, string search) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var exist = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable + " rd3") .Select("rd3.title") .Where("rd3.fileid = rd1.fileid") .Where("rd3.title = concat('del_', rd1.title)") .Where("rd3.cultureTitle = rd1.cultureTitle"); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable + " rd1") .Select("rd1.title", "rd1.fileid", "rd1.textValue", "rd1.description", "rd1.flag", "rd1.link", "rf.resName", "rd2.id", "rd2.flag", "rd2.textValue") .LeftOuterJoin(ResDataTable + " rd2", Exp.EqColumns("rd1.fileid", "rd2.fileid") & Exp.EqColumns("rd1.title", "rd2.title") & Exp.Eq("rd2.cultureTitle", current.Language.Title)) .InnerJoin(ResFilesTable + " rf", Exp.EqColumns("rf.ID", "rd1.fileID")) .Where("rd1.cultureTitle", "Neutral") .Where("rd1.flag != 4") .Where("rd1.resourceType", "text") .Where(!Exp.Like("rd1.title", @"del\_", SqlLike.StartWith) & !Exp.Exists(exist)) .OrderBy("rd1.id", true); if (current.Module != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(current.Module.Name)) { sql.Where("rf.moduleName", current.Module.Name); } if (current.Project != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(current.Project.Name)) { sql.Where("rf.projectName", current.Project.Name); } if (current.Word != null && current.Word.ResFile != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(current.Word.ResFile.FileName)) { sql.Where("rf.resName", current.Word.ResFile.FileName); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) sql.Where(Exp.Like("rd1.textvalue", search)); return dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ConvertAll(r => { var word = GetWord(r); word.ResFile.FileName = Convert.ToString(r[6]); if (r[7] != null) { word.Status = (int)r[8] == 3 ? WordStatusEnum.Changed : WordStatusEnum.Translated; word.ValueTo = Convert.ToString(r[9]); } else { word.Status = WordStatusEnum.Untranslated; } return word; }).OrderBy(r => r.ValueFrom); } public static List GetListResWords(ResFile resFile, string to, string search) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable) .Select("title", "fileid", "textValue", "description", "flag", "link") .InnerJoin(ResFilesTable, Exp.EqColumns(ResFilesTable + ".ID", ResDataTable + ".fileID")) .Where("moduleName", resFile.ModuleName) .Where("projectName", resFile.ProjectName) .Where("cultureTitle", to) .Where("flag != 4") .Where("resourceType", "text") .OrderBy(ResDataTable + ".id", true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resFile.FileName)) sql.Where("resName", resFile.FileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) sql.Where(Exp.Like("textvalue", search)); return dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ConvertAll(GetWord); } public static void GetListModules(ResCurrent currentData) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var notExist = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable + " rd1") .Select("1") .Where("rd1.fileid = rd.fileid") .Where("rd1.title = concat('del_', rd.title)") .Where("rd1.cultureTitle = 'Neutral'"); var exist = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable + " rd2") .Select("1") .Where("rd2.fileid = rd.fileid") .Where("rd2.title = rd.title") .Where("rd2.cultureTitle = 'Neutral'"); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResFilesTable + " rf").Select("rf.moduleName", string.Format("sum(case rd.cultureTitle when '{0}' then (case rd.flag when 3 then 0 else 1 end) else 0 end)", currentData.Language.Title), string.Format("sum(case rd.cultureTitle when '{0}' then (case rd.flag when 3 then 1 else 0 end) else 0 end)", currentData.Language.Title), string.Format("sum(case rd.cultureTitle when '{0}' then 1 else 0 end)", "Neutral")) .InnerJoin(ResDataTable + " rd", Exp.EqColumns("rd.fileid", "rf.id")) .Where("rf.projectName", currentData.Project.Name) .Where("rd.resourceType", "text") .Where(!Exp.Like("rd.title", @"del\_", SqlLike.StartWith) & Exp.Exists(exist) & !Exp.Exists(notExist)) .GroupBy("moduleName"); dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ForEach(r => { var module = currentData.Project.Modules.Find(mod => mod.Name == r[0].ToString()); if (module == null) return; module.Counts[WordStatusEnum.Translated] = Convert.ToInt32(r[1]); module.Counts[WordStatusEnum.Changed] = Convert.ToInt32(r[2]); module.Counts[WordStatusEnum.All] = Convert.ToInt32(r[3]); module.Counts[WordStatusEnum.Untranslated] = module.Counts[WordStatusEnum.All] - module.Counts[WordStatusEnum.Changed] - module.Counts[WordStatusEnum.Translated]; }); } public static void LockModules(string projectName, string modules) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sqlUpdate = new SqlUpdate(ResFilesTable); sqlUpdate.Set("isLock", 1).Where("projectName", projectName).Where(Exp.In("moduleName", modules.Split(','))); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUpdate); } public static void UnLockModules() { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sqlUpdate = new SqlUpdate(ResFilesTable); sqlUpdate.Set("isLock", 0); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUpdate); } public static void AddLink(string resource, string fileName, string page) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var query = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable); query.Select(ResDataTable + ".id") .InnerJoin(ResFilesTable, Exp.EqColumns(ResFilesTable + ".id", ResDataTable + ".fileid")) .Where(ResDataTable + ".title", resource).Where(ResFilesTable + ".resName", fileName).Where(ResDataTable + ".cultureTitle", "Neutral"); var key = dbManager.ExecuteScalar(query); var update = new SqlUpdate(ResDataTable); update.Set("link", page).Where("id", key); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(update); } public static void GetResWordByKey(ResWord word, string to) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable) .Select("textvalue", "description", "link") .Where("fileID", word.ResFile.FileID) .Where("cultureTitle", "Neutral") .Where("title", word.Title); dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ForEach(r => GetValue(word, to, r)); GetValueByKey(word, to); sql = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable + " as res1").Select("res1.textvalue").Distinct() .InnerJoin(ResDataTable + " as res2", Exp.EqColumns("res1.title", "res2.title") & Exp.EqColumns("res1.fileid", "res2.fileid")) .Where("res1.cultureTitle", to) .Where("res2.cultureTitle", "Neutral") .Where("res2.textvalue", word.ValueFrom); word.Alternative = new List(); dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ForEach(r => word.Alternative.Add((string)r[0])); word.Alternative.Remove(word.ValueTo); sql = new SqlQuery(ResFilesTable) .Select("resname") .Where("id", word.ResFile.FileID); word.ResFile.FileName = dbManager.ExecuteScalar(sql); } public static void GetValueByKey(ResWord word, string to) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable); sql.Select("textvalue") .Where("fileID", word.ResFile.FileID) .Where("cultureTitle", to) .Where("title", word.Title); word.ValueTo = dbManager.ExecuteScalar(sql) ?? ""; } private static void GetValue(ResWord word, string to, IList r) { word.ValueFrom = (string)r[0] ?? ""; word.TextComment = (string)r[1] ?? ""; var langs = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["resources.com-lang"] ?? string.Empty).Split(';').ToList(); var dom = langs.Exists(lang => lang == to) ? ".info" : ".com"; word.Link = !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)r[2]) ? string.Format("http://{0}-translator.teamlab{1}{2}", to, dom, r[2]) : ""; } public static List GetListAuthors() { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResAuthorsTable) .Select("login", "password", "isAdmin"); return dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ConvertAll(r => new Author { Login = (string)r[0], Password = (string)r[1], IsAdmin = Convert.ToBoolean(r[2]) }); } public static Author GetAuthor(string login) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResAuthorsTable) .Select("login", "password", "isAdmin") .Where("login", login); var author = dbManager.ExecuteList(sql) .ConvertAll(r => new Author { Login = (string)r[0], Password = (string)r[1], IsAdmin = Convert.ToBoolean(r[2]) }).FirstOrDefault(); if (author != null) { sql = new SqlQuery("res_cultures rc") .Select("rc.title", "rc.value", "rc.available") .InnerJoin(ResAuthorsLangTable + " ral", Exp.EqColumns("rc.title", "ral.cultureTitle")) .Where("ral.authorLogin", author.Login); author.Langs = dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ConvertAll(GetCultureFromDB); sql = new SqlQuery(ResFilesTable + " rf") .Select("rf.projectName").Distinct() .InnerJoin(ResAuthorsFileTable + " raf", Exp.EqColumns("raf.fileid", "rf.id")) .Where("raf.authorlogin", login) .Where("rf.isLock", 0); var projects = dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).Select(r => new ResProject { Name = (string)r[0] }).ToList(); foreach (var resProject in projects) { sql = new SqlQuery(ResFilesTable + " rf") .Select("rf.moduleName").Distinct() .InnerJoin(ResAuthorsFileTable + " raf", Exp.EqColumns("raf.fileid", "rf.id")) .Where("rf.projectName", resProject.Name) .Where("raf.authorlogin", login) .Where("rf.isLock", 0); resProject.Modules = dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).Select(r => new ResModule { Name = (string)r[0] }).ToList(); } author.Projects = projects; } return author; } public static void CreateAuthor(Author author, IEnumerable languages, string modules) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sqlInsert = new SqlInsert(ResAuthorsTable, true) .InColumnValue("login", author.Login) .InColumnValue("password", author.Password) .InColumnValue("isAdmin", author.IsAdmin); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlInsert); var delete = new SqlDelete(ResAuthorsLangTable).Where("authorLogin", author.Login); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(delete); delete = new SqlDelete(ResAuthorsFileTable).Where("authorLogin", author.Login); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(delete); foreach (var lang in languages) { sqlInsert = new SqlInsert(ResAuthorsLangTable, true) .InColumnValue("authorLogin", author.Login) .InColumnValue("cultureTitle", lang); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlInsert); } var resFiles = GetAllFiles(); //project1:module1-access1,module2-access2;project2:module3-access3,module4-access4 foreach (var projectData in modules.Split(';').Select(project => project.Split(':'))) { foreach (var mod in projectData[1].Split(',')) { //var modData = mod.Split('-'); var fileid = resFiles.Where(r => r.ModuleName == mod && r.ProjectName == projectData[0]).Select(r => r.FileID).FirstOrDefault(); sqlInsert = new SqlInsert(ResAuthorsFileTable, true) .InColumnValue("authorLogin", author.Login) .InColumnValue("fileId", fileid); //.InColumnValue("writeAccess", Convert.ToBoolean(modData[1])); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlInsert); } } } public static List SearchAll(string projectName, string moduleName, string languageTo, string searchText, string searchType) { using var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable) .Select("title", "fileid", "textValue", "resName", "moduleName", "projectName") .InnerJoin(ResFilesTable, Exp.EqColumns(ResFilesTable + ".ID", ResDataTable + ".fileID")) .Where("cultureTitle", languageTo) .Where("flag != 4") .Where(Exp.Like(searchType, searchText)) .Where("resourceType", "text") .OrderBy("textValue", true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName) && projectName != "All") { sql.Where("projectName", projectName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleName) && moduleName != "All") sql.Where("moduleName", moduleName); } return dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ConvertAll(GetSearchWord); } public static void UpdateHashTable(ref Hashtable table, DateTime date) { using var dbManager = new DbManager("tmresourceTrans"); var sql = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable) .Select(ResDataTable + ".textValue", ResDataTable + ".title", ResFilesTable + ".ResName", ResDataTable + ".cultureTitle") .InnerJoin(ResFilesTable, Exp.EqColumns(ResFilesTable + ".id", ResDataTable + ".fileID")) .Where(Exp.Ge("timechanges", date)); var list = dbManager.ExecuteList(sql); foreach (var t in list) { var key = t[1] + t[2].ToString() + t[3]; if (table.ContainsKey(key)) table[key] = t[0]; else table.Add(key, t[0]); } } private static ResWord GetWord(IList r) { return new ResWord { Title = (string)r[0], ResFile = new ResFile { FileID = (int)r[1] }, ValueFrom = (string)r[2], TextComment = (string)r[3], Flag = (int)r[4], Link = (string)r[5] }; } private static ResWord GetSearchWord(IList r) { var resfile = new ResFile { FileID = (int)r[1], FileName = (string)r[3], ModuleName = (string)r[4], ProjectName = (string)r[5] }; return new ResWord { Title = (string)r[0], ResFile = resfile, ValueFrom = (string)r[2] }; } private static SqlQuery GetQuery(string table, string cultureTitle, ResWord word) { return new SqlQuery(table) .Select("textvalue") .Where("fileID", word.ResFile.FileID) .Where("cultureTitle", cultureTitle) .Where("title", word.Title); } private static SqlUpdate Update(string table, string cultureTitle, ResWord word) { return new SqlUpdate(table) .Set("flag", 2) .Set("textvalue", word.ValueFrom) .Where("fileID", word.ResFile.FileID) .Where("title", word.Title) .Where("cultureTitle", cultureTitle); } private static SqlInsert Insert(string table, string cultureTitle, ResWord word) { return new SqlInsert(table, true) .InColumns("title", "textvalue", "cultureTitle", "fileID") .Values(word.Title, word.ValueFrom, cultureTitle, word.ResFile.FileID); } } }