namespace AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.Common.Net.Web { internal static class WebRequestMethodsEx { public static class WebDAV { /// /// MOVE Method. /// public const string Move = "MOVE"; /// /// PROPFIND Method. /// public const string PropFind = "PROPFIND"; /// /// DELETE Method. /// public const string Delete = "DELETE"; /// /// COPY Method. /// public const string Copy = "COPY"; /// /// OPTIONS Method. /// public const string Options = "OPTIONS"; } // Summary: // Represents the types of file protocol methods that can be used with a FILE // request. This class cannot be inherited. public static class File { // Summary: // Represents the FILE GET protocol method that is used to retrieve a file from // a specified location. public const string DownloadFile = "GET"; // // Summary: // Represents the FILE PUT protocol method that is used to copy a file to a // specified location. public const string UploadFile = "PUT"; } // Summary: // Represents the types of FTP protocol methods that can be used with an FTP // request. This class cannot be inherited. public static class Ftp { // Summary: // Represents the FTP APPE protocol method that is used to append a file to // an existing file on an FTP server. public const string AppendFile = "APPE"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP DELE protocol method that is used to delete a file on // an FTP server. public const string DeleteFile = "DELE"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP RETR protocol method that is used to download a file from // an FTP server. public const string DownloadFile = "RETR"; public const string GetDateTimestamp = "MDTM"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP SIZE protocol method that is used to retrieve the size // of a file on an FTP server. public const string GetFileSize = "SIZE"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP NLIST protocol method that gets a short listing of the // files on an FTP server. public const string ListDirectory = "NLST"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP LIST protocol method that gets a detailed listing of the // files on an FTP server. public const string ListDirectoryDetails = "LIST"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP MKD protocol method creates a directory on an FTP server. public const string MakeDirectory = "MKD"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP PWD protocol method that prints the name of the current // working directory. public const string PrintWorkingDirectory = "PWD"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP RMD protocol method that removes a directory. public const string RemoveDirectory = "RMD"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP RENAME protocol method that renames a directory. public const string Rename = "RENAME"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP STOR protocol method that uploads a file to an FTP server. public const string UploadFile = "STOR"; // // Summary: // Represents the FTP STOU protocol that uploads a file with a unique name to // an FTP server. public const string UploadFileWithUniqueName = "STOU"; } // Summary: // Represents the types of HTTP protocol methods that can be used with an HTTP // request. public static class Http { // Summary: // Represents the HTTP CONNECT protocol method that is used with a proxy that // can dynamically switch to tunneling, as in the case of SSL tunneling. public const string Connect = "CONNECT"; // // Summary: // Represents an HTTP GET protocol method. public const string Get = "GET"; // // Summary: // Represents an HTTP HEAD protocol method. The HEAD method is identical to // GET except that the server only returns message-headers in the response, // without a message-body. public const string Head = "HEAD"; // // Summary: // Represents an HTTP MKCOL request that creates a new collection (such as a // collection of pages) at the location specified by the request-Uniform Resource // Identifier (URI). public const string MkCol = "MKCOL"; // // Summary: // Represents an HTTP POST protocol method that is used to post a new entity // as an addition to a URI. public const string Post = "POST"; // // Summary: // Represents an HTTP PUT protocol method that is used to replace an entity // identified by a URI. public const string Put = "PUT"; } } }