import { Story, ArgsTable, Canvas, Meta } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks"; import * as stories from "./toast.stories.js"; import Toast from "./"; # Toast Toast allow you to add notification to your page with ease. `` is container for your notification. Remember to render the `` _once_ in your application tree. If you can't figure out where to put it, rendering it in the application root would be the best bet. `toastr` is a function for showing notifications. ### Usage ```js import Toast from "@appserver/components/toast"; import toastr from "@appserver/components/toast/toastr"; ``` ```jsx ``` or ```jsx {toastr.success("Some text for toast")} ``` You can use simple html tags. For this action you should wrap your message by empty tags: ```jsx ``` If your notification include only text in html tags or data in JSX tags, you can omit empty tags: ```jsx ``` #### Other Options ```js // Remove all toasts in your page programmatically ```