import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import StyledText from "./styled-text"; const Text = ({ title, tag, as, fontSize, fontWeight, color, textAlign, }) => { return ( ); }; Text.propTypes = { /** Sets the tag through which to render the component */ as: PropTypes.string, tag: PropTypes.string, /** Sets background color */ backgroundColor: PropTypes.string, /** Specifies the text color */ color: PropTypes.string, /** Sets the 'display' property */ display: PropTypes.string, /** Sets the font size */ fontSize: PropTypes.string, /** Sets the font weight */ fontWeight: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]), /** Sets font weight value to bold */ isBold: PropTypes.bool, /** Sets the 'display: inline-block' property */ isInline: PropTypes.bool, /** Sets the font style */ isItalic: PropTypes.bool, /** Sets the line height */ lineHeight: PropTypes.string, /** Disable selection of text*/ noSelect: PropTypes.bool, /** Sets the 'text-align' property */ textAlign: PropTypes.string, /** Title */ title: PropTypes.string, /** Disables word wrapping */ truncate: PropTypes.bool, }; Text.defaultProps = { title: null, textAlign: "left", fontSize: "13px", truncate: false, isBold: false, isInline: false, isItalic: false, noSelect: false, }; export default React.memo(Text);