import React from "react"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import EmptyScreenContainer from "."; const baseProps = { imageSrc: "empty_screen_filter.png", imageAlt: "Empty Screen Filter image", headerText: "No results matching your search could be found", descriptionText: "No results matching your search could be found", buttons: Go to home, }; describe("", () => { it("renders without error", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper).toExist(); }); it("accepts id", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("id")).toEqual("testId"); }); it("accepts className", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.prop("className")).toEqual("test"); }); it("accepts style", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.getDOMNode().style).toHaveProperty("color", "red"); }); });