# Rackspace.NET Automating all things Rackspace! Checkout http://rackspace.github.io/rackspace-net-sdk for project information and how to get started with the SDK. ## Migration We are in the middle of migrating Rackspace solutions out of [OpenStack.NET](https://github.com/openstacknetsdk/openstack.net), creating a clean, clear separating between OpenStack and Rackspace functionality. * [Introducing Rackspace.NET](http://rackspace.github.io/rackspace-net-sdk/blog/introducing-rackspace-dotnet-sdk/) * [Migration Plan and FAQ](https://github.com/openstacknetsdk/openstack.net/wiki/Rackspace-and-OpenStack.NET) * [Rackspace.NET 0.x Milesones](https://github.com/rackspace/rackspace-net-sdk/milestones) * [OpenStack.NET 1.5.x Milestones](https://github.com/openstacknetsdk/openstack.net/milestones) ## Building from Source **Prerequisites** * Visual Studio 2015 **Optional** * We are using [Paket](http://fsprojects.github.io/Paket) for dependency management instead of NuGet. As long as you execute build.cmd before building, you do not need to install anything else, but if you like there is the [Paket Visual Studio Extension](http://fsprojects.github.io/Paket/editor-support.html#Visual-Studio) which lets you restore and update packages from the Tools menu in Visual Studio. ### Build script Execute `build.cmd` to download all dependencies and build. Use `build.cmd help` or `build.cmd /?` to view the available command line arguments. ```bash build.cmd [Build|UnitTest|Documentation|Package] [/Configuration Debug|Release] # Execute Build target in Debug mode build.cmd # Execute UnitTest target in Debug mode build.cmd UnitTest # Execute Build target in Release mode build.cmd /Configuration Release # Execute Package target in Release mode build.cmd Package /Configuration Release ``` ### Integration Tests You must have a Rackspace cloud account to test against in order to run the integration tests. The tests look for the credentials in environment variables: RACKSPACENET_USER and RACKSPACENET_APIKEY. After you have set the environment variables you will need to log out, then log back in. ```batchfile setx RACKSPACENET_USER secretusername setx RACKSPACENET_APIKEY secretpassword ```