import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import colors from "colors/safe"; const shouldSilenceWarnings = (...messages) => [/Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed/].some((msgRegex) => messages.some((msg) => msgRegex.test(msg)) ); = { mcApiUrl: "http://localhost:8080", }; // setup file const logOrThrow = (log, method, messages) => { const warning = `console.${method} calls not allowed in tests`; if (process.env.CI) { if (shouldSilenceWarnings(messages)) { return; } log(warning, "\n", ...messages); throw new Error(warning); } else { log(" WARN "), warning, "\n", ...messages); } }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console const logMessage = console.log; global.console.log = (...messages) => { logOrThrow(logMessage, "log", messages); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console const logInfo =; = (...messages) => { logOrThrow(logInfo, "info", messages); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console const logWarning = console.warn; global.console.warn = (...messages) => { logOrThrow(logWarning, "warn", messages); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console const logError = console.error; global.console.error = (...messages) => { logOrThrow(logError, "error", messages); }; // Avoid unhandled promise rejections from going unnoticed // // In Node v7 unhandled promise rejections will terminate the process if (!process.env.LISTENING_TO_UNHANDLED_REJECTION) { process.on("unhandledRejection", (reason) => { logMessage("UNHANDLED REJECTION", reason); // We create a file in case there is an unhandled rejection // We later check for the existence of this file to fail CI if (process.env.CI && !process.env.HAS_CREATED_UNHANDLED_REJECTION_FILE) { const rootPath = process.cwd(); fs.writeFileSync( path.join( rootPath, "./fail-tests-because-there-was-an-unhandled-rejection.lock" ), "" ); process.env.HAS_CREATED_UNHANDLED_REJECTION_FILE = true; } }); // Avoid memory leak by adding too many listeners process.env.LISTENING_TO_UNHANDLED_REJECTION = true; }