{ "ChangePasswordSuccess": "Password has been successfully changed", "ConfirmOwnerPortalSuccessMessage": "Portal owner has been successfully changed. {0}In 10 seconds you will be redirected {1}here{2}", "ConfirmOwnerPortalTitle": "Please confirm that you want to change portal owner to {{newOwner}}", "CopyEmailAndPassword": "Copy email and password", "DeleteProfileBtn": "Delete my account", "DeleteProfileConfirmation": "Attention! You are about to delete your account.", "DeleteProfileConfirmationInfo": "By clicking \u0022Delete my account\u0022 you agree with our Privacy policy.", "DeleteProfileSuccessMessage": "Your account has been successfully deleted.", "DeleteProfileSuccessMessageInfo": "See our Privacy policy to learn more about deleting your account and the data associated with it.", "Email": "Email", "EmailAndPasswordCopiedToClipboard": "Email and password copied to clipboard", "ErrorPasswordLength": "from {{fromNumber}} to {{toNumber}} characters", "ErrorPasswordMessage": "Password must contain", "ErrorPasswordNoDigits": "digits", "ErrorPasswordNoSpecialSymbols": "special characters", "ErrorPasswordNoUpperCase": "capital letters", "FirstName": "First name", "InviteTitle": "You are invited to join this portal!", "LastName": "Last Name", "LoginRegistryButton": "Join", "LoginWithAccount": "or log in with:", "PassworResetTitle": "Now you can create a new password.", "ProviderLoginError": "Authorization error", "ProviderNotConnected": "Provider is not connected to your account", "SignInWithFacebook": "Sign in with Facebook", "SignInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google", "SignInWithLinkedIn": "Sign in with LinkedIn", "SignInWithTwitter": "Sign in with Twitter" }