{ "ActivationLink": "Activation link", "AddContact": "Add contact", "AddPhoto": "Add photo", "Calendar": "Calendar", "CalendarSelectDate": "Select date", "ChangeButton": "Change", "ChangesSavedSuccessfully": "Changes saved successfully", "ContactInformation": "Contact information", "CopiedResourceText": "Copied", "CustomCreation": "{{user}} (creation)", "EditPhoto": "Edit Photo", "EditUserDialogTitle": "Edit profile", "EmailPopupHelper": "The main email is used for notifications and restoring access. <1> You can create a new email on this domain for the user and set a one-time password for the first login.", "ErrorInvalidUserFirstName": "Invalid first name", "ErrorInvalidUserLastName": "Invalid last name", "FirstName": "First name", "Message": "Talk", "ProductsAndInstruments_Products": "Modules", "ProfileAction": "Profile action", "ProfileTypePopupHelper": "Guests have limited access to some portal features and modules", "TemporaryPassword": "Temporary password", "TermsOfUsePopupHelperLink": "Read more about terms of use", "UpdatingProcess": "Updating...", "WriteComment": "Add comment" }