text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Blog was created at Bookmark was created at CRM case was created at Comment was added at CRM contact was created at CRM opportunity was created at Discussion was created at Event was created at Document was created/uploaded at Folder was created at Forum was created at Poll was created at Post was created at Milestone was created at Project was created at Task was created at Accept Access Control Panel Access Your Portal Access Your Web-Office Click here to activate your email address Buy now Change email address Change password Change mobile phone number Change backup codes Configure Right Now Confirm Confirm Portal Address Change Confirm Portal Owner Update Confirm account termination Deactivate Portal Delete Portal Invite Right Now Click here to join the portal Leave Feedback Remove profile Renew now Request a Call Select the Pricing Plans Right Now Send Request Start free trial Start now Use discount Learn More >> h1.Activate your email for "${__VirtualRootPath}":"$InviteLink" portal. Hello! To start participating in the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"$InviteLink" portal life you need to activate your email address. This is done for security reasons. $GreenButton This link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete your email activation within that period. h1."${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal backup created Dear $OwnerName, A backup file containing data from your "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal has been created. To learn more on the backup procedure please refer to our "Data backup":"http://helpcenter.onlyoffice.com/tipstricks/data-backup-restore.aspx" user guide. If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at "support.onlyoffice.com":"http://support.onlyoffice.com" Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal backup created Dear $OwnerName, A backup file containing data from your [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal has been created. To learn more on the backup procedure please refer to our [Data backup](${__HelpLink}/tipstricks/data-backup-restore.aspx) user guide. If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at [support.onlyoffice.com](http://support.onlyoffice.com) Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team [www.onlyoffice.com](http://onlyoffice.com/) h1.Email address change request You have requested to change your email address used to enter the ${LetterLogoText} portal. Please follow the link below to change your email address: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete your email change process within that period. You might need your old email address to access the portal when you follow the link. If you do not remember the old email address, please contact your portal administrator. If you do not want to change your email or received this email by mistake, please ignore it or contact your portal administrator to find out the details. h1.Password change request for the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal There has been a request to change your password used to enter the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. Please follow the link below to change your password: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the password change process within that period. If you do not want to change your password or received this email by mistake, please ignore it or contact your "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal administrator to find out the details. h1.Mobile phone change request You have requested to change your mobile phone used to enter the ${LetterLogoText} portal. Please follow the link below to change your mobile phone: $GreenButton If you do not want to change your mobile phone or received this email by mistake, please ignore it or contact your portal administrator to find out the details. h1.Backup codes change request You have requested to change your backup codes used to enter the ${LetterLogoText} portal. Please follow the link below to change your backup codes: $GreenButton h1.Change of "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal owner Dear $OwnerName, There has been a request to change the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal owner to $UserName. Please follow the link below to confirm the operation: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the portal owner change process within that period. h1.Change of portal address Dear $OwnerName, There has been a request to change the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal address to "$PortalAddress":"$PortalAddress" #if($PortalDns != "") ("$PortalDns":"$PortalDns" )#end. Please follow the link below to confirm the operation: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the portal address change process within that period. Hello, $UserName! You have just created the ONLYOFFICE portal, your team's cloud office that would enhance internal cooperation. Its address is "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Please, confirm your email: $GreenButton You may change your email or password in your "personal profile page":"$MyStaffLink". To send notifications, we use the SMTP settings of ONLYOFFICE mail server. To change them, please follow the instructions "here":"${__HelpLink}/server/windows/community/smtp-settings.aspx". More information in ONLYOFFICE "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}". Hello, $UserName! You can customize ONLYOFFICE for your needs, for example: $TableItemsTop $TableItem1 $TableItem2 $TableItem3 $TableItem4 $TableItem5 $TableItemsBtm $GreenButton Done. It's time to invite teammates to your web-office! More information in our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}". Let your team members use Facebook, Twitter, Google or LinkedIn to sign in. Link up your portal with Box, Dropbox, OneDrive and Google to transfer your documents. Connect DocuSign to use e-signature, Twilio - for VoIP, Bitly - to shorten links and Firebase to get notifications when you're offline. Tip #5: Connect 3rd-party services Uploading your company's logos in the Control Panel. To change the default portal title displayed on the Welcome page, go to Settings >> Common >> Customization >> Welcome Page Settings. Tip #1: Brand it Name the portal groups, its members and their activities following Settings >> Common >> Customization >> Team Template. Select the color theme that best suits your company brand. Tip #3: Customize interface Enable instruments you need for work following Settings >> Common >> Modules & Tools. The disabled ones will be hidden. Tip #4: Select your tools Choose the language and set the correct time zone. It's particularly important for the notifications and the correct calendar work. Go to Settings >> Common >> Customization. Tip #2: Adjust the regional settings Hello, $UserName! Your cloud office is ready at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". It's time to invite your teammates! The easiest way to add your team is to import the necessary users and groups from an LDAP Server (e.g. OpenLDAP Server or Microsoft Active Directory). The LDAP settings are available in your Control Panel. Instructions are available in our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}/server/windows/community/ldap-settings.aspx". You can also distribute the invitation link using the Invite users to portal option or add your teammates manually one by one using the *Create New...* button in the *People* module or export users from: "your Yahoo or Google account":"${__HelpLink}/administratorguides/import-contacts-from-web.aspx"; "your mail client address book":"${__HelpLink}/administratorguides/import-contacts-from-mail-client.aspx"; "a CSV file":"${__HelpLink}/administratorguides/import-contacts-from-csv.aspx". Hello, $UserName! Please note that your ONLYOFFICE subscription is about to expire in a week. To extend your subscription, you need to purchase a product renewal for ONLYOFFICE. Click on the link below to start the renewal process: "Pricing page":"$PricingPage" For any further ONLYOFFICE installation, activation and technical support issues, please contact our support team at "https://support.onlyoffice.com/":"https://support.onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! Please note that your ONLYOFFICE subscription expires today. To extend your subscription, you need to purchase a product renewal for ONLYOFFICE. Click on the link below to start the renewal process: "Pricing page":"$PricingPage" For any further product installation, activation and technical support issues, please contact our support team at "https://support.onlyoffice.com/":"https://support.onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! Thanks for choosing ONLYOFFICE. We just want to remind you that the trial period for your Enterprise Edition will be over in seven days. Please, check all the available pricing plans for Enterprise Edition and choose the most suitable one for your business. $GreenButton $BlueButton For any purchase questions, contact us at "sales@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:sales@onlyoffice.com". For solving any technical problems, write to "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Hello, $UserName! Thanks for choosing ONLYOFFICE. You trial expires today. To continue using it, purchase the full license. Buy now: "https://www.onlyoffice.com/enterprise-edition.aspx":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/enterprise-edition.aspx" For any purchase questions, contact us at "sales@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:sales@onlyoffice.com". For solving any technical problems, write to "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Hello, $UserName! Get free ONLYOFFICE apps to work on documents and projects from any of your devices. # To work on documents offline on Windows, Linux and Mac, download "ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/apps.aspx". # To edit documents on mobile devices, ONLYOFFICE Documents app for "iOS":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/onlyoffice-documents/id944896972" or "Android":"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onlyoffice.documents". # To manage your team performance on the go, get ONLYOFFICE Projects for "iOS":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/onlyoffice-projects/id1353395928". Hello, $UserName! We hope you enjoy using document editors available in your web-office. Here are some tips on how to make it more effective. $TableItemsTop $TableItem1 $TableItem2 $TableItem3 $TableItem4 $TableItem5 $TableItem6 $TableItem7 $TableItemsBtm Hello, $UserName! Here’s what you can do to make your web-office even more secure: *Get an SSL certificate* if you are going to provide not only local but also external portal access for your users. Generate a new signed certificate in the Control Panel or purchase one from the provider you trust. *Enable automatic backups* in the Control Panel. We also recommend that you use third-party services and make a backup copy of the server with ONLYOFFICE installed from time to time. Instructions in our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}/server/controlpanel/enterprise/backup-restore.aspx". *Adjust portal security settings*: restrict access using IP whitelisting, specify trusted mail domains, set password length and more. "More information >>":"${__HelpLink}/server/enterprise/configure-enterprise.aspx" *Enable 2-factor authentication* via SMS or authenticator app. Instructions "here":"${__HelpLink}/guides/two-factor-authentication.aspx". *Use LDAP for access centralization*. Easily import the necessary users and groups from your LDAP server (e.g. OpenLDAP Server or Microsoft Active Directory) to your portal. Learn more "here":"${__HelpLink}/server/windows/community/ldap-settings.aspx". *Use own SMPT server*. By default notifications for ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition users (for example, if they are granted access to a document) are provided by means of standard ONLYOFFICE SMPT server. Configure your own SMTP server so that your notifications won’t pass through any third-party server. "Instructions >>":"${__HelpLink}/server/enterprise/configure-enterprise.aspx" *Close all the unnecessary ports*. The list of all the ports which must be opened for ONLYOFFICE is "here":"${__HelpLink}/server/docker/community/open-ports.aspx". Make your ONLYOFFICE more secure now. $GreenButton More information in our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}". Hello, $UserName! We hope you enjoy using ONLYOFFICE. How everything is going with your trial? We would really appreciate your feedback! Please, don’t hesitate to contact us at "support.onlyoffice.com":"https://support.onlyoffice.com" whenever you have questions or ideas. Hello, $UserName! $__AuthorName has invited you as a guest user to "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Accept the invitation by clicking the link: $GreenButton The link is only valid for 7 days. You will get more tips on how to use your web-office. You can cancel the subscriptions on your Profile page at any moment as well as re-enable them. Hello, $UserName! Your guest profile has been successfully added to "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Now you can: # Edit your "profile":"$MyStaffLink". # View and comment the content available in the "Community":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/community/" and "Projects":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/projects/". # Add and download files available for you in the "Documents":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/files/". # Organize your schedule with the built-in "Calendar":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/calendar/". # Use "Chat":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/talk/" to exchange instant messages. $GreenButton Hello, $UserName! $__AuthorName has invited you to join your company's safe and secure web-office that would enhance your collaboration. Its address is "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Accept the invitation by clicking the link: $GreenButton The link is only valid for 7 days. You will get more tips on how to use your we-office. You can cancel the subscriptions on your Profile page at any moment as well as re-enable them. Hello, $UserName! Your user profile has been successfully added to the portal at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Now you can: # Create and edit "Documents":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/files/", share them with teammates, and collaborate in real time. # Add your email accounts and manage all correspondence in one place with "Mail":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/mail/". # Manage your workflow with "Projects":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/projects/" and your customer relationships using "CRM":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/crm/". # Use "Community":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/community/" to start your blogs, forums, add events, share bookmarks. # Organize your work schedule with the built-in "Calendar":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/calendar/". # Use "Chat":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/talk/" to exchange instant messages. $GreenButton Hello, $UserName! You have just created your corporate web-office, your team's cloud office that would enhance internal cooperation. Its address is "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Please, confirm your email: $GreenButton You may change your email or password in your "personal profile page":"$MyStaffLink". Hello, $UserName! You can customize your web-office, for example: $TableItemsTop $TableItem1 $TableItem2 $TableItem3 $TableItem4 $TableItem5 $TableItemsBtm $GreenButton Done. It's time to invite teammates to your web-office! Hello, $UserName! Please note that your web-office subscription is about to expire in a week. To extend your subscription, you need to purchase a product renewal. Click on the link below to start the renewal process: "Pricing page":"$PricingPage" Hello, $UserName! Please note that your your web-office subscription expires today. To extend your subscription, you need to purchase a product renewal. Click on the link below to start the renewal process: "Pricing page":"$PricingPage" Hello, $UserName! Here’s what you can do to make your web-office even more secure: *Get an SSL certificate* if you are going to provide not only local but also external portal access for your users. Generate a new signed certificate in the Control Panel or purchase one from the provider you trust. *Enable automatic backups* in the Control Panel. We also recommend that you use third-party services and make a backup copy of the server from time to time. *Adjust portal security settings*: restrict access using IP whitelisting, specify trusted mail domains, set password length and more. *Enable 2-factor authentication* via SMS or authenticator app. *Use LDAP for access centralization*. Easily import the necessary users and groups from your LDAP server (e.g. OpenLDAP Server or Microsoft Active Directory) to your portal. *Use own SMPT server* and close all the unnecessary ports. Make your ONLYOFFICE more secure now. $GreenButton Hello, $UserName! $__AuthorName has invited you as a guest user to "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Accept the invitation by clicking the link: $GreenButton The link is only valid for 7 days. You will get more tips on how to use your web-office. You can cancel the subscriptions on your Profile page at any moment as well as re-enable them. Hello, $UserName! Your guest profile has been successfully added to "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Now you can: # Edit your "profile":"$MyStaffLink". # View and comment the content available in the "Community":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/community/" and "Projects":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/projects/". # Add and download files available for you in the "Documents":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/files/". # Organize your schedule with the built-in "Calendar":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/calendar/". # Use "Chat":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/talk/" to exchange instant messages. $GreenButton Hello, $UserName! $__AuthorName has invited you to join your company's safe and secure web-office that would enhance your collaboration. Its address is "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Accept the invitation by clicking the link: $GreenButton The link is only valid for 7 days. You will get more tips on how to use your we-office. You can cancel the subscriptions on your Profile page at any moment as well as re-enable them. Hello, $UserName! Your user profile has been successfully added to the portal at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Now you can: # Create and edit "Documents":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/files/", share them with teammates, and collaborate in real time. # Add your email accounts and manage all correspondence in one place with "Mail":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/mail/". # Manage your workflow with "Projects":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/projects/" and your customer relationships using "CRM":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/crm/". # Use "Community":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/community/" to start your blogs, forums, add events, share bookmarks. # Organize your work schedule with the built-in "Calendar":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/calendar/". # Use "Chat":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/talk/" to exchange instant messages. $GreenButton h1.Message from the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal Email: $UserEmail $Body Message from the [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal Email: $UserEmail $Body h1.Invitation to join "${__VirtualRootPath}":"$InviteLink" portal Hello, You have requested to join the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"$InviteLink" portal at ${LetterLogoText} - a platform for document and project management. Join the portal and start collaborating with your colleagues or friends right away. To accept the invitation please enter your name and password following this link: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 48 hours only. Please complete the operation within that period. Dear $UserName, Administrator has created a new <b>$Address</b> mailbox for you at the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. Use the following settings for other email clients: Login: <b>$Login</b> Password: "<b>set password</b>":"$MyStaffLink" Incoming Mail (IMAP): Server: <b>$Server</b> Port: <b>$ImapPort</b> SSL/TLS: <b>$Encryption</b> Outgoing Mail (SMTP): Server: <b>$Server</b> Port: <b>$SmtpPort</b> SSL/TLS: <b>$Encryption</b> Requires Authentication: <b>Yes</b> If you received this email by mistake, please ignore it or contact your portal administrator to find out the details. Dear $UserName, The password for the <b>$Address</b> mailbox has been changed. If you received this email by mistake, please ignore it or contact your portal administrator to find out the details. Dear $UserName, Administrator has created a new <b>$Address</b> mailbox for you at the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. If you received this email by mistake, please ignore it or contact your portal administrator to find out the details. h1.Another region portal migration error An error has occurred while migrating to the $RegionName region. Please, try once again later. Your portal is now available at the old address "$PortalUrl":"$PortalUrl" If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. To change the notification type, please manage your "subscription settings":"$RecipientSubscriptionConfigURL".^ h1.Another region portal migration error An error has occurred while migrating to another region. Please, try once again later. Your portal is now available at the old address "$PortalUrl":"$PortalUrl" If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. To change the notification type, please manage your "subscription settings":"$RecipientSubscriptionConfigURL".^ h1.Another region portal migration started The portal migration to the $RegionName region is started. It might take some time depending on your data amount. *Note*: the portal will not be available during the migration process. After the migration is complete the portal URL will be changed and all the shared documents links will be inaccessible. If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal.^ h1.Another region portal migration successfully completed The portal migration to the $RegionName region is successfully completed. Your portal is now available at "$PortalUrl":"$PortalUrl" If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "$PortalUrl":"$PortalUrl" portal.^ Hello, $UserName! You have just created the ONLYOFFICE portal, your team's cloud office that would enhance internal cooperation. Its address is "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Please, confirm your email following the "link":"$ActivateUrl". You can change your email or password in your "personal profile page":"$MyStaffLink". To send notifications, we use the SMTP settings of ONLYOFFICE mail server. To change them, follow the instructions "here":"${__HelpLink}/server/windows/community/smtp-settings.aspx". More information in ONLYOFFICE "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}". Hello, $UserName! We hope you enjoy using integrated ONLYOFFICE document editors. Here are some tips that might be useful: *#1. Share documents* to individuals and groups. Choose their access level - Read Only, Comment, Form Filling, Review or Full Access. Let other users apply their own filters in spreadsheets without disturbing co-authors. Restrict downloading and printing using "ONLYOFFICE API":"https://api.onlyoffice.com/editors/config/document/permissions". *#2. Learn how document saving works* and adjust it to your own needs. "Learn more":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/blog/2020/04/save-and-force-save-in-onlyoffice-never-lose-a-document/" *#3. Get help* from the community by creating issues on "GitHub":"https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues" or asking questions on "our forum":"https://dev.onlyoffice.org/". You can also buy subscription to premium support or just ask our support team to help in certain cases. "Learn more":"https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues" *#4. Get the free apps*. To work on documents offline on Windows, Linux and macOS, download "this free desktop app":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/apps.aspx". To edit documents on mobile devices, get free Documents app for "iOS":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/onlyoffice-documents/id944896972" or "Android":"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onlyoffice.documents". *#5. Activate private rooms for encrypted collaboration*. All the docs stored in these rooms as well as data transfer while collaboration are encrypted using the AES-256 encryption algorithm to prevent unwanted access. "Learn more":"${__HelpLink}". Hello, $UserName! Here’s what you can do to make your web-office even more secure: *Get an SSL certificate* if you are going to provide not only local but also external portal access for your users. Generate a new signed certificate in the Control Panel or purchase one from the provider you trust. *Enable automatic backups* in the Control Panel. We also recommend that you use 3rd services and make a backup copy of the server with ONLYOFFICE installed from time to time. Instructions in our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}/server/controlpanel/enterprise/backup-restore.aspx". *Adjust portal security settings*: restrict access using IP whitelisting, specify trusted mail domains, set password length and more. "More information>>":"${__HelpLink}/server/enterprise/configure-enterprise.aspx?_ga=2.111477636.160074001.1555312634-699576329.1539952318" *Enable 2-factor authentication* via SMS or authenticator app. Instructions "here":"${__HelpLink}/guides/two-factor-authentication.aspx?_ga=2.115795846.160074001.1555312634-699576329.1539952318". *Use LDAP for access centralization*. Easily import the necessary users and groups from your LDAP server (e.g. OpenLDAP Server or Microsoft Active Directory) to your portal. Learn more "here":"${__HelpLink}/server/windows/community/ldap-settings.aspx". *Use own SMPT server*. By default notifications for users (for example, if they are granted access to a document) are provided by means of standard ONLYOFFICE SMPT server. Configure your own SMTP server so that your notifications won’t pass through any third-party server. "Instructions>>":"${__HelpLink}/server/windows/community/smtp-settings.aspx" *Close all the unnecessary ports*. The list of all the ports which must be opened for ONLYOFFICE is "here":"${__HelpLink}/server/docker/community/open-ports.aspx". *Encrypt your data at rest*. To do so, follow "the instructions":"${__HelpLink}". If you want to protect collaboration process, activate Private Rooms. "Learn more":"${__HelpLink}" To secure your web-office, follow "the link":"$ControlPanelUrl" More information in our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}". Hello! You are invited to join "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" as a guest user. Accept the invitation by clicking the link: "$ActivateUrl":"$ActivateUrl" The link is only valid for 7 days. You will get more tips on how to use your web-office. You can cancel the subscriptions on your Profile page at any moment as well as re-enable them. Hello, $UserName! You are now a guest user at"${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Now you can: *Introduce yourself* to the team by editing your profile. *View shared documents* as well as download them and upload new files to shared folders. *View and comment projects* you’ve been invited to as well as blog and forum posts. *Exchange instant messages* and quickly share files using Talk. *Use personal and shared calendars* to arrange meetings, set reminders, and create to-do lists! To access your web-office, follow "the link":"${__VirtualRootPath}". If you want to create your own web-office, visit "ONLYOFFICE official website":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/". Hello! You are invited to join your company's safe and secure web-office that would enhance your collaboration. Its address is "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Accept the invitation by following the "link":"$ActivateUrl" The link is only valid for 7 days. You will get more tips on how to use your web-office. You can cancel the subscriptions on your Profile page at any moment as well as re-enable them. Hello, $UserName! We hope you enjoy using integrated ONLYOFFICE document editors. Here are some tips that might be useful: *#1. Explore advanced formatting*. The doc editors provide you with the most complete set of styling and formatting tools. *#2. Share documents* to individuals or user groups. Choose their access level - Read Only, Comment, Form Filling, Review or Full Access. *#3. Choose co-editing mode*. While co-editing a doc with your team in real time, switch to Fast mode to see changes as your co-author is typing or to Strict mode to get more privacy. "Watch video":"https://youtu.be/8z1iLv32J2M" *#4. Review, comment, and chat*. Use "Review":"https://youtu.be/D1tbffuQeUA" to suggest changes without modifying the original doc, add Comments to share your thoughts on a specific extract, or chat inside your doc via instant messages. *#5. Connect 3rd party clouds*, like Dropbox or Google Drive, to manage your files in one place. *#6. Get the apps*. To work on documents offline on Windows, Linux and macOS, download "this free desktop app":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/apps.aspx". To edit documents on mobile devices, get free Documents app for "iOS":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/onlyoffice-documents/id944896972" or "Android":"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onlyoffice.documents". Congratulations, $UserName! You have officially joined your team’s web-office at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Now you can: *Store, manage and share documents*. View pictures, play videos and audios. "Learn more":"${__HelpLink}/gettingstarted/documents.aspx" *Edit and co-author documents, spreadsheets, and presentations* using integrated ONLYOFFICE editors. Use hundreds of formatting tools and collaborate efficiently. "Watch video":"https://youtu.be/ep1VLGlmsdI" *Manage your tasks*. Use "ONLYOFFICE Projects":"${__HelpLink}/projects.aspx" to plan activities, set tasks and deadlines. *Customer relationships*. Build your customer database, manage business processes, analyse potential deal success rate, and track sales with "ONLYOFFICE CRM":"${__HelpLink}/crm.aspx". *Create personal and shared calendars*. Arrange meetings, set reminders, create to-do lists! "Learn more":"${__HelpLink}/calendar.aspx" *Use internal wiki and social network*. Maintain an internal knowledge base to help new members get involved quickly. Share your thoughts with blogs, forums, and polls. "Learn more":"${__HelpLink}/community.aspx" *Handle all emails and create project mailboxes*. Gather correspondence from different accounts in one workspace or ask your admin to create a new corporate mailbox. "Learn more":"${__HelpLink}/mail.aspx" *Exchange instant messages* and quickly share files using Talk. "Learn more":"${__HelpLink}/talk.aspx" To access your web-office, follow the "link":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Hello, $UserName You’ve been successfully registered at ONLYOFFICE Personal "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Connect your favorite cloud storage: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or Box to create a single workspace for your documents accessible from anywhere. Learn more about ONLYOFFICE Personal in "our blog":"$TagBlogLink". We're glad you're here. Stay tuned! Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team h1.Welcome to ONLYOFFICE Personal You have just created your personal office in the cloud. h3.It's a virtual workspace where you can edit and store documents, work with them from anywhere providing access to your friends or colleagues. ONLYOFFICE is compatible with Microsoft Office™ document formats and guarantees no loss of formatting or quality of created objects. We promise to relieve you from formatting fidelity headache and give full professional editing toolset in your hands. h3.For a quick start, here's what you can do in ONLYOFFICE: - Upload files from your computer or create new; - Work with all popular file formats; - Edit autoshapes, charts, tables, equations and other objects; - Use various addons for extended editing features; - Easily access your Personal cloud via "Chrome extension":"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onlyoffice-personal/ohdlcmpahmacjddiaokoogleflddlahc?hl=en-US". You can also edit documents offline with our free "desktop editors":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/download-desktop.aspx" or get a "mobile editing suite":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/mobile.aspx" for your iOS or Android device. Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team $PersonalHeaderStart A few tips for freelancers $PersonalHeaderEnd h3.ONLYOFFICE provides a number of features for freelance community whether you are on a contract or hiring for a project yourself: - Sharing for reads, reviews or collaboration; - Real-time collaborative editing and commenting in Fast mode; - Strict co-editing mode for editing parts of the document privately; - Version History; - Change tracking & suggesting; - built-in chat. No need to download files and send them via email. Simply share them from your cloud office with external links and collaborate from wherever you are.   Need more work instruments?   ONLYOFFICE solutions for business are free for a 30 day trial period and provide you with even more opportunities for freelance and distant work. For instance, you can create and submit invoices to your clients, contact them with email and VoIP. To learn more about ONLYOFFICE for commerce proceed to our "CRM overview":"http://www.onlyoffice.com/crm.aspx". Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team $PersonalHeaderStart Need more features and automation? Give a try to ONLYOFFICE for teams $PersonalHeaderEnd h3.In case you collaborate with a team or manage a project, we suggest you to try ONLYOFFICE for business. In addition to the online editors and document management features, you'll be able to: - Control tasks and use *Gantt* chart in the project management module; - Track sales, relations with customers and create invoices in *CRM*; - Manage all your email accounts in the email *aggregator*; - Set up team communication with messenger, blog, forums and wiki. Create a single collaborative workspace for you and your teammates. Register a trial "in the cloud":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/registration.aspx" or "on your server":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/enterprise-edition-free.aspx?from=enterprise-edition" without any functional restrictions for 30 days and see how your workflow would immediately improve! Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team $PersonalHeaderStart How to enhance security of your web office $PersonalHeaderEnd Looking for the ways to protect your data? h3.Сonsider additional instruments for keeping your documents safe and secure offered in our private server solutions: - Get full control over your data with *a private cloud* on your own server; - Set up *two-factor authentication* and use *Single Sign-On* with third-party services; - Apply multi-level *log-in security settings*; - Monitor *user activity* in your web office; - Perform manual or automatic *back up* of your data. $GreenButton Learn more about how ONLYOFFICE keeps your data safe in our security overview. Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team $PersonalHeaderStart Connect your favorite cloud storage to ONLYOFFICE $PersonalHeaderEnd It has been a week since you created your cloud office, so we believe it's time to unveil some beneficial features you might have missed. Connect *Dropbox*, *Google Drive*, *Box*, *OneDrive*, *Nextcloud*, *ownCloud* or *Yandex.Disk* to ONLYOFFICE and create a single document management space for all your documents. You'll be able to edit external files in ONLYOFFICE and save them to the storage you keep documents in. Read details about connecting file storages to ONLYOFFICE "here":"http://helpcenter.onlyoffice.com/tipstricks/add-resource.aspx". You can also integrate ONLYOFFICE editors into Google Drive using our "connector app":"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onlyoffice-personal/iohfebkcjhlelaoibebeohcgkohkcgpn". Need more of document management? h3.Try ONLYOFFICE for business "in the cloud":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/cloud-office.aspx" or "on your server":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/server-solutions.aspx" for free for 30 days and check out extended document management opportunities together with a business toolset: - Manage team documents in projects; - Integrate documents with CRM and Email; - Share files to groups of users; - Optimize your workflow with team communication tools. Interested? Learn more about "ONLYOFFICE for business":"http://www.onlyoffice.com/document-management.aspx". Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team $PersonalHeaderStart Connect your favorite cloud storage to ONLYOFFICE $PersonalHeaderEnd It has been a week since you created your cloud office, so we believe it's time to unveil some beneficial features you might have missed. Connect *Dropbox*, *Google Drive*, *Box*, *OneDrive*, *Nextcloud*, *ownCloud*, *kDrive* or *Yandex.Disk* to ONLYOFFICE and create a single document management space for all your documents. You'll be able to edit external files in ONLYOFFICE and save them to the storage you keep documents in. Read details about connecting file storages to ONLYOFFICE "here":"${__HelpLink}/tipstricks/add-resource.aspx". You can also integrate ONLYOFFICE editors into Google Drive using our "connector app":"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onlyoffice-personal/iohfebkcjhlelaoibebeohcgkohkcgpn". Need more of document management? h3.Try ONLYOFFICE for business "in the cloud":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/cloud-office.aspx" or "on your server":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/server-solutions.aspx" for free for 30 days and check out extended document management opportunities together with a business toolset: - Manage team documents in projects; - Integrate documents with CRM and Email; - Share files to groups of users; - Optimize your workflow with team communication tools. Interested? Learn more about "ONLYOFFICE for business":"http://www.onlyoffice.com/document-management.aspx". Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team You have requested to change your email address used to enter the ${LetterLogoText} portal. Please follow the link below to change your email address: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete your email change process within that period. If you do not want to change your email or received this email by mistake, please ignore it. Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team There has been a request to change your password used to enter the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. Please follow the link below to change your password: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the password change process within that period. If you do not want to change your password or received this email by mistake, please ignore it. Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team Hello, You've just registered an account at the ONLYOFFICE solution for personal use. Click "here":"$InviteLink" to confirm the registration and create a password. If you can't open the link, please copy the following "$InviteLink":"$InviteLink" and paste it into your browser address bar. Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team You have requested a termination of your account at personal.onlyoffice.com. Follow the link to complete the request (the link is active for a 7-day period): $GreenButton *Note*: After the deletion, your account and all data associated with it will be erased permanently in accordance with our "Privacy statement":"https://help.onlyoffice.com/products/files/doceditor.aspx?fileid=5048502&doc=SXhWMEVzSEYxNlVVaXJJeUVtS0kyYk14YWdXTEFUQmRWL250NllHNUFGbz0_IjUwNDg1MDIi0". Ignore this email if you do not want to proceed. If you have any questions, please contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Sincerely, ONLYOFFICE team h1.Deactivation of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal Dear $OwnerName, You have requested a temporary deactivation of your "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. Please follow the link below to confirm the operation: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the portal deactivation process within that period. You can reactivate your portal any time by clicking the following link: p=. "Reactivate Portal":"$ActivateUrl" (this link has no time limit) If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Deactivation of the [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal Dear $OwnerName, You have requested a temporary deactivation of your [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal. Please follow the link below to confirm the operation: $GreenButton _Note_: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the portal deactivation process within that period. You can reactivate your portal any time by clicking the following link: [Reactivate Portal]($ActivateUrl) (this link has no time limit) If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at [support@onlyoffice.com](mailto:support@onlyoffice.com) Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team [www.onlyoffice.com](http://onlyoffice.com/) h1.Deletion of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal Dear $OwnerName, You have requested to permanently delete your "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. *Important! All the data stored on your portal, as well as your registration details will be lost and cannot be recovered.* #if($AutoRenew == "True") Before you delete the portal, please make sure that automatic billing is turned off. You may check the status of automatic billing in your "Avangate account":"https://secure.avangate.com/myaccount/". #end If you still want to delete your "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal please follow the link below to confirm the operation: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the portal deletion process within that period. If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Your ONLYOFFICE has been successfully deactivated. Please note that all of your data will be deleted in accordance with "our Privacy statement":"https://help.onlyoffice.com/products/files/doceditor.aspx?fileid=5048502&doc=SXhWMEVzSEYxNlVVaXJJeUVtS0kyYk14YWdXTEFUQmRWL250NllHNUFGbz0_IjUwNDg1MDIi0". Why have you decided to leave? Share your experience with us. $GreenButton Thank you and good luck! Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Deletion of the [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal Dear $OwnerName, You have requested to permanently delete your [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal. _Important! All the data stored on your portal, as well as your registration details will be lost and cannot be recovered._ #if($AutoRenew == "True") Before you delete the portal, please make sure that automatic billing is turned off. You may check the status of automatic billing in your [Avangate account](https://secure.avangate.com/myaccount/"). #end If you still want to delete your [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal please follow the link below to confirm the operation: $GreenButton _Note_: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the portal deletion process within that period. If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at [support@onlyoffice.com](mailto:support@onlyoffice.com) Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team [www.onlyoffice.com](http://onlyoffice.com/) h1.Change of portal address Dear $UserDisplayName, Your $PortalUrl portal address was changed to the new "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" address. *Note*: All the shared documents links are inaccessible now, as well as DNS settings and single sign-on options stop working until you change them. The third-party iCal links added to your calendar will also stop updating until you reload them. h1.Removal of the profile from the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal You have requested to permanently delete your profile from the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. If you still want to delete your profile please follow the link below to confirm the operation: $GreenButton *Note*: this link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the profile deletion process within that period. User "$FromUserName":"$FromUserLink" has deleted his/her profile, and this profile is now blocked. All user’s files are still assigned to him/her and occupy disk space. You can reassign the user’s documents shared with others to another active user or remove them to free up the portal disk space. Please go to the user profile using "this link":"$FromUserLink" to reassign documents to another user or remove the data. h1.Your profile at "$__VirtualRootPath":"$__VirtualRootPath" has been changed Dear $UserName, Your user profile details at "$__VirtualRootPath":"$__VirtualRootPath" have been changed by "$__AuthorName":"$__AuthorUrl". To view your profile follow the link below: "$UserName":"$MyStaffLink" ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal.^ Your profile at [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) has been changed Dear $UserName, Your user profile details at [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) have been changed by [$__AuthorName]($__AuthorUrl). To view your profile follow the link below: [$UserName]($MyStaffLink) You receive this email because you are a registered user of the [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal. Dear $UserName, The process of data reassignment from user "$FromUserName":"$FromUserLink" to user "$ToUserName":"$ToUserLink" has been successfully completed. ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal.^ Dear $UserName, The process of data reassignment from user "$FromUserName":"$FromUserLink" to user "$ToUserName":"$ToUserLink" failed. Exception message: $Message ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal.^ Dear $UserName, The process of data removal from user "$FromUserName":"$FromUserLink" has been successfully completed. The deletion of personal data allowed to free: # Documents - $DocsSpace # CRM - $CrmSpace # Mail - $MailSpace # Talk - $TalkSpace ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal.^ Dear $UserName, The process of data removal for user "$FromUserName":"$FromUserLink" failed. Exception message: $Message ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal.^ h1.Enterprise license request h3.First name $UserName h3.Last name $UserLastName h3.Position $Position h3.Email "$UserEmail":"mailto:$UserEmail" h3.Phone $Phone h3.Company Website $Website h3.Company name $CompanyTitle h3.Company size $CompanySize h3.Request content $Body h3.Portal address "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" h1.SAAS Tariff Request for "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" h3.First name $UserName h3.Last name $UserLastName h3.Position $Position h3.Email "$UserEmail":"mailto:$UserEmail" h3.Phone $Phone h3.Company Website $Website h3.Company name $CompanyTitle h3.Company size $CompanySize h3.Request content $Body h1.Portal restoration started The portal restoration is started. It might take some time depending on your data amount. *Note*: the portal will not be available during the restoration process. If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" Best regards, ONLYOFFICE™ Support Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. To change the notification type, please manage your "subscription settings":"$RecipientSubscriptionConfigURL".^ Hello, $UserName! You have just created the ONLYOFFICE portal, your team's cloud office that would enhance internal cooperation. Its address is "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Please, confirm your email: $GreenButton The link will be valid for 7 days. Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! The cloud office is ready at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". It's time to invite your teammates! The easiest way to do that is to distribute the invitation link using the *Invite users to portal* option. $GreenButton You can also add your teammates manually one by one using the *Create New...* button in the *People* module or export users from: "your Yahoo or Google account":"${__HelpLink}/administratorguides/import-contacts-from-web.aspx", "your mail client address book":"${__HelpLink}/administratorguides/import-contacts-from-mail-client.aspx", "a CSV file":"${__HelpLink}/administratorguides/import-contacts-from-csv.aspx". Learn more about adding users in our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}". Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! Earlier you have paid for a monthly subscription. If you are planning to continue using ONLYOFFICE, we recommend you purchasing longer subscriptions. Here’s our special offer - use this coupon *10%discountyear* to get 10% discount on 1-year subscription or this one *upgradethreeyears20%* to buy 3-year subscription with 20% off. $GreenButton If you need assistance, contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com". We will be happy to help! Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Your ONLYOFFICE subscription has expired. Renew your ONLYOFFICE subscription to continue using it. $GreenButton Enable the "Auto-renew" license option to automatically renew your license at expiration time and never worry about your payment time again. You can disable it any time "here":"https://secure.avangate.com/myaccount/?lang=en&e=example@customer-email.com&k=xxxxxxxxxx" For payment related issues, contact Avangate at "support@avangate.com":"mailto:support@avangate.com" Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Your ONLYOFFICE subscription is about to expire in 5 days. Renew your ONLYOFFICE subscription to continue using it. $GreenButton Enable the "Auto-renew" license option to automatically renew your license at expiration time and never worry about your payment time again. You can disable it any time "here":"https://secure.avangate.com/myaccount/?lang=en&e=example@customer-email.com&k=xxxxxxxxxx":"https://secure.avangate.com/myaccount/?lang=en&e=example@customer-email.com&k=xxxxxxxxxx". For payment related issues, contact Avangate at "support@avangate.com":"mailto:support@avangate.com" Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" You haven't entered your ONLYOFFICE "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" for more than half a year. Since you have decided not to use it anymore, your web-office and all the data will be deleted in accordance with "our Privacy statement":"https://help.onlyoffice.com/products/files/doceditor.aspx?fileid=5048502&doc=SXhWMEVzSEYxNlVVaXJJeUVtS0kyYk14YWdXTEFUQmRWL250NllHNUFGbz0_IjUwNDg1MDIi0". We would appreciate your feedback. Why have you decided to stop using ONLYOFFICE? $GreenButton If you think this is a mistake and want to continue using ONLYOFFICE, please contact our "support team":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com". Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! You haven’t added any teammates, so maybe ONLYOFFICE Personal suits you more? It is free and you will be able to: # Work with text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. # Share docs with your friends and collaborate on them in real-time. # Embed documents to your web page. # Connect 3rd party cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Drive to manage docs from one place. To get a quick start, sign up via your Facebook or Google account. $GreenButton You can also install this "Chrome extension":"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onlyoffice-personal/ohdlcmpahmacjddiaokoogleflddlahc?hl=en-US" to get quick access to ONLYOFFICE Personal or "this application":"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onlyoffice-personal/iohfebkcjhlelaoibebeohcgkohkcgpn" to use ONLYOFFICE editors within Google Drive. Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! Didn’t manage to have a closer look at ONLYOFFICE? Extend your trial today! Even more - pay less if your decision is quick and positive! Get 20 additional days of the trial or a 20% discount on 1 or 3-year subscription. You will be able to use the discount within 5 days after receiving this message. $GreenButton You can also deploy ONLYOFFICE on your private network to get full control over your data. "Learn more":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/server-solutions.aspx" Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! The trial period for your account at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" will be over in 5 days. *Buy a subscription today with 10% off!* Just use this coupon code while purchasing: *$Coupon* It will be valid within the next 10 days. At this moment the number of active users in the portal is $ActiveUsers. We recommend you a $$Price/$PricePeriod plan. $GreenButton Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! The trial period for your portal at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" is due to expire today. To continue using it "buy subscription":"$PricingPage". *Note*: you can deploy ONLYOFFICE on your private network to get full control over your data. "Learn more":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/server-solutions.aspx" Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! Get free ONLYOFFICE apps to work on documents and projects from any of your devices. # To work on documents offline on Windows, Linux and Mac, download "ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/apps.aspx". # To edit documents on mobile devices, ONLYOFFICE Documents app for "iOS":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/onlyoffice-documents/id944896972" or "Android":"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onlyoffice.documents". # To manage your team performance on the go, get ONLYOFFICE Projects for "iOS":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/onlyoffice-projects/id1353395928". Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! We have prepared several tips to make your work with ONLYOFFICE more comfortable. *#1 Find quick answers about ONLYOFFICE functionality* Browse "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}" when you are not sure how to perform your task. The answers to the most popular question like "how to import contacts to CRM":"${__HelpLink}/guides/import-contacts.aspx" or "how to export data from CRM":"${__HelpLink}/tipstricks/crm-export.aspx", or "how to add a recurring event":"${__HelpLink}/guides/add-recurring-event.aspx" can easily be found there. *#2 Don’t forget about 3rd party extensions* ONLYOFFICE functionality can be enhanced with 3rd party extensions. For example, you can easily publish documents on your WordPress website thanks to WordPress integration or e-sign your documents with DocuSign. "Find out more >>":"${__HelpLink}/server/windows/community/authorization-keys.aspx" *#3 Manage your subscriptions* You’ll get notified about shared docs, projects updates, and your colleagues birthdays. Switch notifications on and off on your Profile page. Pick those that are useful for you and choose whether you want to get them via email, Chat, or both. You can also unsubscribe from these emails with tips and tricks there or, vice versa, re-enable them. "Learn more >>":"${__HelpLink}/tipstricks/managing-subscriptions.aspx" *#4 Request special training* To get a real quick start with ONLYOFFICE, ask us to teach your whole team to use all the modules and features. This is a paid option. "Contact us >>":"https://support.onlyoffice.com" Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello, $UserName! We hope you enjoy using ONLYOFFICE editors. Here are some tips on how to make it more effective. $TableItemsTop $TableItem1 $TableItem2 $TableItem3 $TableItem4 $TableItem5 $TableItem6 $TableItem7 $TableItemsBtm $GreenButton By the way, have you noticed using the most powerful editors in the cloud? Compare to other online editors to "learn more":"https://www.onlyoffice.com/document-editor-comparison.aspx". Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Connect Dropbox, Google Drive or other services to manage your files in one place. Connect 3rd party clouds Download the apps to work on docs <a target="_blank" style="color: #0078bd; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;" href="https://www.onlyoffice.com/apps.aspx">offline</a> as well as on <a target="_blank" style="color: #0078bd; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/onlyoffice-documents/id944896972">iOS</a> and <a target="_blank" style="color: #0078bd; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;" href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onlyoffice.documents">Android</a> devices. Get the apps Documents are integrated with all the other ONLYOFFICE modules, so you’ll forget about downloading docs and uploading them somewhere else forever. Attach docs to projects and emails While co-editing a doc with your team in real time, switch to Fast mode to see changes as your co-author is typing or to Strict mode to get more privacy. Choose co-editing mode ONLYOFFICE provides you with the most complete set of styling and formatting tools. Explore advanced formatting Use Review to suggest changes without modifying the original doc, add Comments to share your thoughts on a specific extract, or chat inside your doc via instant messages. Review, comment, and chat Share docs to individuals or user groups. Choose their access level - Read Only, Comment, Form Filling, Review or Full Access. Share documents Hello, $UserName! Customize and manage your ONLYOFFICE to make it more comfortable and secure: $TableItemsTop $TableItem1 $TableItem2 $TableItem3 $TableItem4 $TableItem5 $TableItem6 $TableItem7 $TableItemsBtm And that’s not the full list of what you can do! $GreenButton Visit our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}" to learn more about customizing your office. Always consult it when you have questions about the functionality and encourage your users to do so. Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Do data backups. Customize ONLYOFFICE with your team name and logo, select a color theme, set an alternative URL. Choose which modules your users need, add your own links to the navigation menu, select a default start page. Set the language and time zone. Determine security settings, like the password strength and trusted mail domains, and set up access rights. Connect 3rd-party services - Twilio for VoIP, DocuSign for e-signatures, and many others. Track user logins and other actions. Hello, $UserName! We hope you enjoy using ONLYOFFICE. How everything is going with your trial? We would really appreciate your feedback! Please, don’t hesitate to contact us at "support@onlyoffice.com":"mailto:support@onlyoffice.com" whenever you have questions or ideas. Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello! You are invited to join "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" as a guest user. Accept the invitation by clicking the link: $GreenButton We will also send you useful tips, latest ONLYOFFICE news, and special offers once in a while. You can cancel the subscriptions on your Profile page at any moment as well as re-enable them. Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello! Your guest profile has been successfully added to "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Now you can: # Edit your "profile":"$MyStaffLink". # View and comment the content available in the "Community":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/community/" and "Projects":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/projects/". # Add and download files available for you in the "Documents":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/files/". # Organize your schedule with the built-in "Calendar":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/calendar/". # Use "Chat":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/talk/" to exchange instant messages. $GreenButton If you need help, browse our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}" or ask our "support team":"https://support.onlyoffice.com". Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello! You are invited to join ONLYOFFICE at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Accept the invitation by clicking the link: $GreenButton We will also send you useful tips, latest ONLYOFFICE news and special offers once in a while. You can cancel the subscriptions on your Profile page at any moment as well as re-enable them. Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" Hello! Welcome to ONLYOFFICE! Your user profile has been successfully added to the portal at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Now you can: # Create and edit "Documents":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/files/", share them with teammates, and collaborate in real time. # Add your email accounts and manage all correspondence in one place with "Mail":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/mail/". # Manage your workflow with "Projects":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/projects/" and your customer relationships using "CRM":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/crm/". # Use "Community":"${__VirtualRootPath}/products/community/" to start your blogs, forums, add events, share bookmarks. # Organize your work schedule with the built-in "Calendar":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/calendar/". # Use "Chat":"${__VirtualRootPath}/addons/talk/" to exchange instant messages. $GreenButton If you need help, browse our "Help Center":"${__HelpLink}" or ask our "support team":"https://support.onlyoffice.com". Truly yours, ONLYOFFICE Team "www.onlyoffice.com":"http://onlyoffice.com/" h1."${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal profile change notification "$__AuthorName":"$__AuthorUrl" has changed his/her profile details at the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. ^You receive this email because you are an administrator of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. If you do not want to receive the notifications about profile updates, please manage your "subscription settings":"$RecipientSubscriptionConfigURL".^ [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal profile change notification [$__AuthorName]($__AuthorUrl) has changed his/her profile details at the [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal. h1.What's new on "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal for $Date #foreach($activity in $Activities) h2.$activity.Key #foreach($whatsNewActivity in $activity.Value) #foreach($b in $whatsNewActivity.BreadCrumbs) h3.$b #end "$whatsNewActivity.Title":"$whatsNewActivity.URL" *Author*: "$whatsNewActivity.UserName":"$whatsNewActivity.UserAbsoluteURL", $whatsNewActivity.Action: $whatsNewActivity.Date.ToShortTimeString() #end #end ^You receive this email because you are a registered user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. If you do not want to receive the notifications about the new events on the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal, please manage your "subscription settings":"$RecipientSubscriptionConfigURL".^ SMTP test message This message was generated automatically to test your SMTP settings. If you are viewing it this means that the settings are correct and you can use them on your portal. Best regards, ONLYOFFICE Team Hello, $UserName! The file decryption process on your portal "${PortalUrl}":"${PortalUrl}" has been failed. Some files could not be decrypted. Find more details in the "Control Panel":"${ControlPanelUrl}/storage". Hello, $UserName! The file decryption process has been started on your portal "${PortalUrl}":"${PortalUrl}". The decryption might take some time, so the portal will be temporarily unavailable. As soon as the decryption is over, you will be able to work with your data again. Hello, $UserName! The file decryption process on your portal "${PortalUrl}":"${PortalUrl}" has been successfully completed. Your portal is available again. Hello, $UserName! The file encryption process on the "${PortalUrl}":"${PortalUrl}" portal has been failed. Some files could not be encrypted. Find more details in the "Control Panel":"${ControlPanelUrl}/storage". Hello, $UserName! The file encryption process has been started on your portal "${PortalUrl}":"${PortalUrl}". The encryption might take some time, so the portal will be temporarily unavailable. As soon as the encryption is over, you will be able to work with your data again. Hello, $UserName! The file encryption process on your portal "${PortalUrl}":"${PortalUrl}" has been successfully completed. Your portal is available again. h1.New user added to "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal "$__AuthorName":"$__AuthorUrl" has joined your portal at "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". ^You receive this email because you are an administrator user of the "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}" portal. If you do not want to receive the notifications about new users, please manage your "subscription settings":"$RecipientSubscriptionConfigURL".^ New user added to [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}) portal [$__AuthorName]($__AuthorUrl) has joined your portal at [${__VirtualRootPath}](${__VirtualRootPath}). Dear $UserName, You have been invited to join your company's safe and secure web-office that would enhance your collaboration. Its address is "${__VirtualRootPath}":"${__VirtualRootPath}". Adding this link to your bookmarks is a good idea, you are likely to use it a lot. Accept the invitation by following the link below and use your login and password from the corporate account to sign in. $GreenButton The link is only valid for 7 days. ${LetterLogoText}. Please activate your email address ${LetterLogoText}. ${__VirtualRootPath} portal backup created ${LetterLogoText}. Email change request ${LetterLogoText} password assistance ${LetterLogoText}. Mobile phone change request ${LetterLogoText}. Backup codes change request ${LetterLogoText}. Change of portal owner ${LetterLogoText}. Change of portal address Confirm your email Customize ONLYOFFICE Invite your teammates ONLYOFFICE Renewal Notification ONLYOFFICE Renewal Notification How is your trial going so far? Your Enterprise Edition trial expires today Get free ONLYOFFICE apps 7 tips for effective work on your docs Make your ONLYOFFICE more secure Follow up from ONLYOFFICE team Join ${__VirtualRootPath} Welcome to your web-office Join ${__VirtualRootPath} Welcome to your web-office Confirm your email Customize your web-office Your web-office renewal notification Your web-office renewal notification Make your online office more secure Join ${__VirtualRootPath} Welcome to your web-office Join ${__VirtualRootPath} Welcome to your web-office User message to administrators Invitation to join ${__VirtualRootPath} portal ${LetterLogoText}. Mailbox creation ${LetterLogoText}. Change of mailbox password ${LetterLogoText}. Another region portal migration error ${LetterLogoText}. Another region portal migration started ${LetterLogoText}. Another region portal migration successfully completed Confirm your email 5 tips for effective work on your docs Make your ONLYOFFICE more secure Join ${__VirtualRootPath} Welcome to your web-office Join ${__VirtualRootPath} 6 tips for effective work on your docs Welcome to your web-office Welcome to ONLYOFFICE for personal use! Welcome to ONLYOFFICE Personal A few tips for freelance work Need more features? Give a try to ONLYOFFICE for teams How to enhance security of your web office Connect your favorite cloud storage to ONLYOFFICE ONLYOFFICE Personal. Email change request ONLYOFFICE Personal password assistance ONLYOFFICE Personal. Please activate your email address ONLYOFFICE Personal account termination Deactivation of the ${__VirtualRootPath} portal Deletion of the ${__VirtualRootPath} portal ONLYOFFICE has been deactivated ${LetterLogoText}. Change of portal address Deletion of your profile from ${__VirtualRootPath} portal User has deleted his/her profile Your profile at ${__VirtualRootPath} has been changed ${LetterLogoText}. User data reassignment is completed ${LetterLogoText}. User data reassignment failed ${LetterLogoText}. User data removal completed ${LetterLogoText}. User data removal failed Enterprise license request SaaS pricing plan request ${LetterLogoText}. Restore completed ${LetterLogoText}. Restore started Welcome to ONLYOFFICE cloud! Invite people to the cloud office Your special offer for ONLYOFFICE ONLYOFFICE renewal notification Renew ONLYOFFICE subscription Your ONLYOFFICE will be deleted Switch to free ONLYOFFICE Personal Extend your ONLYOFFICE trial and get discounts Use this discount before your trial ends Your ONLYOFFICE Trial Expires Today Get free ONLYOFFICE apps Tips for comfortable work 7 tips for effective work on your docs Configure your ONLYOFFICE Follow up from ONLYOFFICE Team Join ${__VirtualRootPath} Welcome to your ONLYOFFICE Join ${__VirtualRootPath} Welcome to your ONLYOFFICE ${__VirtualRootPath} portal profile change notification What's new on your portal for $Date SMTP test message ${LetterLogoText}. Decryption process failed ${LetterLogoText}. Decryption process started ${LetterLogoText}. Decryption process completed ${LetterLogoText}. Encryption process failed ${LetterLogoText}. Encryption process started ${LetterLogoText}. Encryption process completed New user added to ${LetterLogoText} portal You’re invited to join ${__VirtualRootPath}