import ShareGoogleReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/"; import ShareFacebookReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/share.facebook.react.svg?url"; import ShareTwitterReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/share.twitter.react.svg?url"; import ShareLinkedinReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/share.linkedin.react.svg?url"; export const LANGUAGE = "asc_language"; export const COOKIE_EXPIRATION_YEAR = 31536000000; export const ARTICLE_PINNED_KEY = "asc_article_pinned_key"; export const LIVE_CHAT_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = "live_chat_state"; /** * Enum for employee activation status. * @readonly */ export const EmployeeActivationStatus = Object.freeze({ NotActivated: 0, Activated: 1, Pending: 2, AutoGenerated: 4, }); /** * Enum for employee status. * @readonly */ export const EmployeeStatus = Object.freeze({ Active: 1, Disabled: 2, }); /** * Enum for employee type. * @readonly */ export const EmployeeType = Object.freeze({ User: 1, Guest: 2, Admin: 3, Collaborator: 4, UserString: "user", RoomAdmin: "manager", DocSpaceAdmin: "admin", Owner: "Owner", CollaboratorString: "collaborator", }); /** * Enum for user payments type. * @readonly */ export const PaymentsType = Object.freeze({ Paid: "0", Free: "1", }); /** * Enum for filter subject. * @readonly */ export const FilterSubject = Object.freeze({ Owner: "0", Member: "1", }); /** * Enum for filter type. * @readonly */ export const FilterType = Object.freeze({ None: 0, FilesOnly: 1, FoldersOnly: 2, DocumentsOnly: 3, PresentationsOnly: 4, SpreadsheetsOnly: 5, ImagesOnly: 7, ByUser: 8, ByDepartment: 9, ArchiveOnly: 10, ByExtension: 11, MediaOnly: 12, OFormTemplateOnly: 18, OFormOnly: 19, }); /** * Enum for file type. * @readonly */ export const FileType = Object.freeze({ Unknown: 0, Archive: 1, Video: 2, Audio: 3, Image: 4, Spreadsheet: 5, Presentation: 6, Document: 7, OFormTemplate: 8, OForm: 9, }); /** * Enum for room type. * @readonly */ export const RoomsType = Object.freeze({ //FillingFormsRoom: 1, //TODO: Restore when certs will be done EditingRoom: 2, //ReviewRoom: 3, //TODO: Restore when certs will be done //ReadOnlyRoom: 4, //TODO: Restore when certs will be done CustomRoom: 5, }); export const RoomsTypeValues = Object.freeze( Object.values(RoomsType).reduce((acc, current) => { return { ...acc, [current]: current }; }, {}) ); export const RoomsTypeTranslations = Object.freeze({ 1: "Files:FillingFormRooms", 2: "Files:CollaborationRooms", 3: "Common:Review", 4: "Files:ViewOnlyRooms", 5: "Files:CustomRooms", }); /** * Enum for room provider type. * @readonly */ export const RoomsProviderType = Object.freeze({ Box: 1, DropBox: 2, GoogleDrive: 3, kDrive: 4, OneDrive: 5, SharePoint: 6, WebDav: 7, Yandex: 8, }); export const RoomsProviderTypeName = Object.freeze({ 1: "Box", 2: "DropBox", 3: "Google Drive", 4: "kDrive", 5: "OneDrive", 6: "SharePoint", 7: "WebDav", 8: "Yandex", }); /** * Enum for room search area. * @readonly */ export const RoomSearchArea = Object.freeze({ Any: "Any", Active: "Active", Archive: "Archive", }); /** * Enum for file action. * @readonly */ export const FileAction = Object.freeze({ Create: 0, Rename: 1, }); /** * Enum for root folders type. * @readonly */ export const FolderType = Object.freeze({ DEFAULT: 0, COMMON: 1, BUNCH: 2, TRASH: 3, USER: 5, SHARE: 6, Projects: 8, Favorites: 10, Recent: 11, Templates: 12, Privacy: 13, Rooms: 14, Archive: 20, }); // extends FolderType keys export const FolderNames = Object.freeze({ 0: "default", 1: "common", 2: "bunch", 3: "trash", 5: "personal", 6: "share", 8: "projects", 10: "favorites", 11: "recent", 12: "templates", 13: "privacy", 14: "shared", 20: "archive", }); export const ShareAccessRights = Object.freeze({ None: 0, FullAccess: 1, ReadOnly: 2, DenyAccess: 3, Varies: 4, Review: 5, Comment: 6, FormFilling: 7, CustomFilter: 8, RoomManager: 9, Editing: 10, Collaborator: 11, }); export const ConflictResolveType = Object.freeze({ Skip: 0, Overwrite: 1, Duplicate: 2, }); export const providersData = Object.freeze({ google: { label: "google", icon: ShareGoogleReactSvgUrl, }, facebook: { label: "facebook", icon: ShareFacebookReactSvgUrl, }, twitter: { label: "twitter", icon: ShareTwitterReactSvgUrl, iconOptions: { color: "#2AA3EF" }, }, linkedin: { label: "linkedin", icon: ShareLinkedinReactSvgUrl, }, }); export const LoaderStyle = { title: "", width: "100%", height: "32", backgroundColor: "#000000", foregroundColor: "#000000", backgroundOpacity: 0.1, foregroundOpacity: 0.15, borderRadius: "3", radius: "3", speed: 2, animate: true, }; /** * Enum for third-party storages. * @readonly */ export const ThirdPartyStorages = Object.freeze({ GoogleId: "googlecloud", RackspaceId: "rackspace", SelectelId: "selectel", AmazonId: "s3", }); /** * Enum for backup types. * @readonly */ export const BackupStorageType = Object.freeze({ DocumentModuleType: 0, ResourcesModuleType: 1, LocalFileModuleType: 3, TemporaryModuleType: 4, StorageModuleType: 5, }); export const AutoBackupPeriod = Object.freeze({ EveryDayType: 0, EveryWeekType: 1, EveryMonthType: 2, }); /** * Enum for Tenant trusted domains on registration. * @readonly */ export const TenantTrustedDomainsType = Object.freeze({ None: 0, Custom: 1, All: 2, }); export const PasswordLimitSpecialCharacters = "!@#$%^&*"; /** * Enum for file status. * @readonly */ export const FileStatus = Object.freeze({ None: 0, IsEditing: 1, IsNew: 2, IsConverting: 4, IsOriginal: 8, IsEditingAlone: 16, IsFavorite: 32, IsTemplate: 64, IsFillFormDraft: 128, }); /** * Enum for tenant status. * @readonly */ export const TenantStatus = Object.freeze({ PortalDeactivate: 1, PortalRestore: 4, }); /** * Enum for theme keys. * @readonly */ export const ThemeKeys = Object.freeze({ Base: "0", BaseStr: "Base", Dark: "1", DarkStr: "Dark", System: "2", SystemStr: "System", }); /** * Enum for global events. * @readonly */ export const Events = Object.freeze({ CREATE: "create", RENAME: "rename", ROOM_CREATE: "create_room", ROOM_EDIT: "edit_room", CHANGE_COLUMN: "change_column", CHANGE_USER_TYPE: "change_user_type", }); /** * Enum for feed action types. * @readonly */ export const FeedActionTypes = Object.freeze({ Create: 0, Update: 1, Rename: 2, Move: 3, Delete: 4, }); /** * Enum for feed item types. * @readonly */ export const FeedItemTypes = Object.freeze({ File: "file", Folder: "folder", Room: "room", Tag: "tag", User: "sharedRoom", }); /** * Enum for theme keys. * @readonly */ export const TariffState = Object.freeze({ Trial: 0, Paid: 1, Delay: 2, NotPaid: 3, }); /** * Enum for theme keys. * @readonly */ export const PortalFeaturesLimitations = Object.freeze({ Limitless: -1, Unavailable: 0, }); export const EDITOR_ID = "docspace_editor"; export const wrongPortalNameUrl = (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.DocSpaceConfig?.wrongPortalNameUrl) || ``; /** * Enum for notifications. * @readonly */ export const NotificationsType = Object.freeze({ Badges: 0, RoomsActivity: 1, DailyFeed: 2, UsefulTips: 3, }); export const FilterGroups = Object.freeze({ filterType: "filter-filterType", filterAuthor: "filter-author", filterFolders: "filter-folders", filterContent: "filter-withContent", roomFilterProviderType: "filter-provider-type", roomFilterType: "filter-type", roomFilterSubject: "filter-subject", roomFilterOwner: "filter-owner", roomFilterTags: "filter-tags", roomFilterFolders: "filter-withSubfolders", roomFilterContent: "filter-content", }); export const FilterKeys = Object.freeze({ withSubfolders: "withSubfolders", excludeSubfolders: "excludeSubfolders", withContent: "withContent", me: "me", other: "other", user: "user", });