text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Action Action ID Action Type Administrator Added: {0} Administrator Deleted: {0} Administrator Message Settings Updated Administrators [{0}]. Full Access Opened Attach Audit Lifetime Settings Updated Audit Trail Report Downloaded Audit Trail Report ({0}-{1}) Third-party authorization keys updated Browser Color Theme Changed Cookie Settings Updated Copy Create Custom Navigation Settings Updated Date Default Start Page Settings Updated Delete Detach DNS Settings Updated Document Service Location Updated Forcesave settings Updated Overwriting Settings Updated Documents Settings Store forcesave settings Updated Third-Party Settings Updated Uploading Formats Settings Updated Download Export Set owner of [{0}] to [{1}] File Converted to Internal Format: {0} Files [{0}]. Copied From Folder "{1}" To Folder: "{2}" Files [{0}]. Copied With Overwriting From Folder "{1}" To Folder: "{2}" File Created: {0} Files [{0}]. Revision: {1}. Version Created File Deleted: {0} Files [{0}]. Revision: {1}. Version Deleted File Downloaded: {0} Files [{0}]. Downloaded As: {1} Folders [{0}]. File Imported: {1}. Provider: {2} File Locked: {0} Files [{0}]. Moved From Folder "{1}" To Folder: "{2}" Files [{0}]. Moved To Trash Folder Files [{0}]. Moved With Overwriting From Folder "{1}" To Folder: "{2}" File Renamed: {0} Files [{0}]. Revision: {1}. Version Restored Document {1} signed via {0} Sent shared link to the [{0}] file. Recipients: [{1}] Files Document {1} sent to sign via {0} File Unlocked: {0} File Updated: {0} Files [{0}]. Access Updated Files [{0}]. Revision {1}. Comment Updated File Uploaded: {0} Folders [{0}]. Copied To Folder: {1} Folders [{0}]. Copied With Overwriting To Folder: {1} Folder Created: {0} Folder Deleted: {0} Folders [{0}]. Moved To Folder: {1} Folders [{0}]. Moved To Trash Folder Folders [{0}]. Moved With Overwriting To Folder: {1} Folder Renamed: {0} Folders Folders [{0}]. Access Updated Follow Sphinx settings updated General Welcome Page Settings Updated Group Created: {0} Group Deleted: {0} Groups Group Updated: {0} Guest Account Guest Activated: {0} Guest Created: {0} Guest Created Via Invite: {0} Guest Imported: {0} Import IP Language Settings Updated License key uploaded Link Login Fail Login Fail. Too many attempts Login Fail. Profile Disabled Login Fail. Invalid username-password combination IP Security: Login Failed Login Fail. Recaptcha is invalid Login Fail. Associated Social Account Not Found Failed Login via API Failed Login via API & SMS Code Login via API & Social Media Failed Failed Login via API & authenticator application Login via SMS failed Login via SSO Failed Login via authenticator application Failed Login History Report Downloaded Login History Report ({0}-{1}) Login Success Login Via Social Account Success Successful login via social application Successful Login via API Successful Login via API & SMS Code Successful Login via API & authenticator application Login via SMS successful Login via API & Social Media Successful Successful Login via SSO Successful Login via authenticator application Logout Mail Service Settings Updated Module Move Others Owner Changed: {0} Owner [{0}]. Sent Change Owner Instructions Owner [{0}]. Sent Portal Deactivation Instructions Owner [{0}]. Sent Portal Delete Instructions Page Password Strength Settings Updated People Platform Portal Access Settings Updated Portal Deactivated Portal Deleted Private Room is disabled Private Room is enabled Products [{0}]. Access Opened Products: [{0}]. Groups [{1}]. Access Opened Products: [{0}]. Users [{1}]. Access Opened Products [{0}]. Access Restricted Products [{0}]. Administrator Added: {1} Product Products [{0}]. Administrator Deleted: {1} Products List Updated Products Reassigns Send Invite Instructions Sent: {0} Session Completed Session Started Settings SSO Disabled SSO Enabled Start backup Start storage decryption Start storage encryption Start portal region migration System Account Target ID Team Template Changed Third Party Created: {0}. Provider: {1} Third Party Deleted: {0}. Provider: {1} Third Party Updated: {0}. Provider: {1} Time Tracking Time Zone Settings Updated Trusted mail domain settings updated Two-factor Authentication Settings Updated: Two-factor auth was disabled Two-factor Authentication Settings Updated: SMS confirmation was enabled Two-factor Authentication Settings Updated: Authentication app was enabled Two-factor Authentication Settings Updated Unfollow Unknown Account Unlink Updated Access Update Upload User Activated: {0} Users [{0}]. Avatar Added User User Created: {0} User Created Via Invite: {0} Data Reassigned: from user {0} to user {1} User data for {0} has been deleted User Deleted: {0} Users [{0}]. Avatar Deleted Users [{0}]. File Updated: {1} User Imported: {0} Social Account Linked. Provider: {0} Users Deleted: {0} Users [{0}]. Sent Activation Instructions Sent Delete Profile Instructions Users [{0}]. Sent Email Change Instructions Users [{0}]. Sent Password Change Instructions Users Users [{0}]. Activation Instructions Sent Users [{0}]. Updated Status Users [{0}]. Updated Type Authenticator application disconnected: {0} New backup codes are created Social Account Unlinked. Provider: {0} User Updated: {0} Users [{0}]. Avatar Thumbnails Updated Email Updated Language Updated Users [{0}]. Mobile Number Updated: {1} Password Updated Room created Room archived Room unarchived Room renamed: {0} Logo created Logo deleted {0} appointed: {1} Link updated. Role: {1} Room deleted Added tags: [{1}] Deleted tags: [{1}] Tag created: {0} Tags deleted: {0} Added user: {0}. Role: {1} Deleted user: {0} Link created. Role: {1} Link deleted Rooms Trash emptied