import Head from "next/head"; import { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { initSSR } from "@appserver/common/api/client"; import Script from "next/script"; import { isMobile } from "react-device-detect"; import FilesFilter from "@appserver/common/api/files/filter"; import combineUrl from "@appserver/common/utils/combineUrl"; import { AppServerConfig } from "@appserver/common/constants"; import { homepage } from "../package.json"; import throttle from "lodash/throttle"; import Loader from "@appserver/components/loader"; // import Toast from "@appserver/components/toast"; // import toastr from "../../../../../ASC.Web.Client/src/helpers/toastr"; // import { toast } from "react-toastify"; import { getDocServiceUrl, getFileInfo, checkFillFormDraft, restoreDocumentsVersion, openEdit, markAsFavorite, removeFromFavorite, getEditDiff, getEditHistory, updateFile, } from "@appserver/common/api/files"; import { getSettings } from "@appserver/common/api/settings"; import { getUser } from "@appserver/common/api/people"; import { serverSideTranslations } from "next-i18next/serverSideTranslations"; import { useTranslation } from "next-i18next"; //import { getDefaultFileName } from "@appserver/files/src/helpers/utils"; import SharingDialog from "@appserver/files/src/components/panels/SharingDialog"; const LoaderComponent = ( ); const loadScript = (url, id, onLoad, onError) => { try { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); script.setAttribute("id", id); if (onLoad) script.onload = onLoad; if (onError) script.onerror = onError; script.src = url; script.async = true; document.body.appendChild(script); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; // TODO: i18n const onSDKInfo = (event) => { console.log( "ONLYOFFICE Document Editor is opened in mode " + ); }; const onSDKRequestEditRights = async () => { console.log("ONLYOFFICE Document Editor requests editing rights"); // const index = url.indexOf("&action=view"); // if (index) { // let convertUrl = url.substring(0, index); // if (canConvert(fileInfo.fileExst)) { // convertUrl = await convertDocumentUrl(); // } // history.pushState({}, null, convertUrl); // document.location.reload(); // } }; const onSDKWarning = (event) => { console.log( "ONLYOFFICE Document Editor reports a warning: code " + + ", description " + ); }; const onSDKError = (event) => { console.log( "ONLYOFFICE Document Editor reports an error: code " + + ", description " + ); }; const initDesktop = (cfg) => { const encryptionKeys = cfg?.editorConfig?.encryptionKeys; regDesktop( user, !!encryptionKeys, encryptionKeys, (keys) => { setEncryptionKeys(keys); }, true, (callback) => { getEncryptionAccess(fileId) .then((keys) => { var data = { keys, }; callback(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); // toastr.error( // typeof error === "string" ? error : error.message, // null, // 0, // true // ); }); }, i18n.t ); }; const text = "text"; const presentation = "presentation"; const insertImageAction = "imageFileType"; let documentIsReady = false; // move to state? let docSaved = null; // move to state? let docTitle = null; let docEditor; export default function Home({ fileInfo, docApiUrl, config, personal, successAuth, isSharingAccess, user, url, doc, fileId, actionLink, error, needLoader, }) { const [titleSelectorFolder, setTitleSelectorFolder] = useState(""); const [urlSelectorFolder, setUrlSelectorFolder] = useState(""); const [extension, setExtension] = useState(); const [isFolderDialogVisible, setIsFolderDialogVisible] = useState(false); const [typeInsertImageAction, setTypeInsertImageAction] = useState(); const [filesType, setFilesType] = useState(""); const [isFileDialogVisible, setIsFileDialogVisible] = useState(false); // ?? const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false); const [isLoaded, setIsLoaded] = useState(false); const [documentTitle, setNewDocumentTitle] = useState("Loading..."); const [faviconHref, setFaviconHref] = useState("/favicon.ico"); // try without state useEffect(() => { console.log("useEffect error catch", error); if (error) { error?.unAuthorized && error?.redirectPath && (window.location.href = error?.redirectPath); } }, []); useEffect(() => { if (config) { console.log("useEffect meta change", config); setFavicon(config?.documentType); setDocumentTitle(config?.document?.title); } }, []); const { t } = useTranslation("Editor"); const getDefaultFileName = (format) => { switch (format) { case "docx": return t("NewDocument"); case "xlsx": return t("NewSpreadsheet"); case "pptx": return t("NewPresentation"); case "docxf": return t("NewMasterForm"); default: return t("NewFolder"); } }; const setFavicon = (documentType) => { const favicon = document.getElementById("favicon"); if (!favicon) return; let icon = null; switch (documentType) { case "text": icon = "text.ico"; break; case "presentation": icon = "presentation.ico"; break; case "spreadsheet": icon = "spreadsheet.ico"; break; default: break; } if (icon) setFaviconHref(`${homepage}/images/${icon}`); }; const throttledChangeTitle = throttle(() => changeTitle(), 500); const onSDKRequestHistoryClose = () => { document.location.reload(); }; const onSDKRequestEditRights = async () => { console.log("ONLYOFFICE Document Editor requests editing rights"); const index = url.indexOf("&action=view"); if (index) { let convertUrl = url.substring(0, index); // if (canConvert(fileInfo.fileExst)) { // convertUrl = await convertDocumentUrl(); // } // TODO: need move can canConvert from docsevicestore history.pushState({}, null, convertUrl); document.location.reload(); } }; const onMakeActionLink = (event) => { const actionData =; const link = generateLink(actionData); const urlFormation = !actionLink ? url : url.split("&anchor=")[0]; const linkFormation = `${urlFormation}&anchor=${link}`; docEditor.setActionLink(linkFormation); }; const generateLink = (actionData) => { return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(actionData)); }; const onSDKRequestRename = (event) => { const title =; updateFile(, title); }; const onSDKRequestSharingSettings = () => { setIsVisible(true); }; const onSDKRequestRestore = async (event) => { const restoreVersion =; try { const updateVersions = await restoreDocumentsVersion( fileId, restoreVersion, doc ); const historyLength = updateVersions.length; docEditor.refreshHistory({ currentVersion: getCurrentDocumentVersion( updateVersions, historyLength ), history: getDocumentHistory(updateVersions, historyLength), }); } catch (e) { docEditor.refreshHistory({ error: `${e}`, //TODO: maybe need to display something else. }); } }; const onSDKRequestCompareFile = () => { setFilesType(compareFilesAction); setIsFileDialogVisible(true); }; const onSDKRequestMailMergeRecipients = () => { setFilesType(mailMergeAction); setIsFileDialogVisible(true); }; const onSDKRequestInsertImage = (event) => { setTypeInsertImageAction(; setFilesType(insertImageAction); setIsFileDialogVisible(true); }; const getDocumentHistory = (fileHistory, historyLength) => { let result = []; for (let i = 0; i < historyLength; i++) { const changes = fileHistory[i].changes; const serverVersion = fileHistory[i].serverVersion; const version = fileHistory[i].version; const versionGroup = fileHistory[i].versionGroup; let obj = { ...(changes.length !== 0 && { changes }), created: `${new Date(fileHistory[i].created).toLocaleString( config.editorConfig.lang )}`, ...(serverVersion && { serverVersion }), key: fileHistory[i].key, user: { id: fileHistory[i], name: fileHistory[i], }, version, versionGroup, }; result.push(obj); } return result; }; // +++ const getCurrentDocumentVersion = (fileHistory, historyLength) => { return url.indexOf("&version=") !== -1 ? +url.split("&version=")[1] : fileHistory[historyLength - 1].version; }; // +++ const onSDKRequestHistory = async () => { try { const fileHistory = await getEditHistory(fileId, doc); const historyLength = fileHistory.length; docEditor.refreshHistory({ currentVersion: getCurrentDocumentVersion(fileHistory, historyLength), history: getDocumentHistory(fileHistory, historyLength), }); } catch (e) { docEditor.refreshHistory({ error: `${e}`, //TODO: maybe need to display something else. }); } }; // +++ const onSDKRequestHistoryData = async (event) => { const version =; try { const versionDifference = await getEditDiff(fileId, version, doc); const changesUrl = versionDifference.changesUrl; const previous = versionDifference.previous; const token = versionDifference.token; docEditor.setHistoryData({ ...(changesUrl && { changesUrl }), key: versionDifference.key, fileType: versionDifference.fileType, ...(previous && { previous: { fileType: previous.fileType, key: previous.key, url: previous.url, }, }), ...(token && { token }), url: versionDifference.url, version, }); } catch (e) { docEditor.setHistoryData({ error: `${e}`, //TODO: maybe need to display something else. version, }); } }; // +++ const loadUsersRightsList = () => { // SharingDialog.getSharingSettings(fileId).then((sharingSettings) => { // docEditor.setSharingSettings({ // sharingSettings, // }); // }); TODO: console.log("loadUsersRightsList"); }; const onDocumentReady = () => { documentIsReady = true; if (isSharingAccess) { loadUsersRightsList(); } }; const updateFavorite = (favorite) => { docEditor.setFavorite(favorite); }; //+++ const onMetaChange = (event) => { const newTitle =; const favorite =; if (newTitle && newTitle !== docTitle) { setDocumentTitle(newTitle); docTitle = newTitle; } if (!newTitle) { const onlyNumbers = new RegExp("^[0-9]+$"); const isFileWithoutProvider = onlyNumbers.test(fileId); const convertFileId = isFileWithoutProvider ? +fileId : fileId; favorite ? markAsFavorite([convertFileId]) .then(() => updateFavorite(favorite)) .catch((error) => console.log("error", error)) : removeFromFavorite([convertFileId]) .then(() => updateFavorite(favorite)) .catch((error) => console.log("error", error)); } }; // +++ const setDocumentTitle = (subTitle = null) => { //const { isAuthenticated, settingsStore, product: currentModule } = auth; //const { organizationName } = settingsStore; const organizationName = "ONLYOFFICE"; //TODO: Replace to API variant const moduleTitle = "Documents"; //TODO: Replace to API variant let title; if (subTitle) { if (successAuth && moduleTitle) { title = subTitle + " - " + moduleTitle; } else { title = subTitle + " - " + organizationName; } } else if (moduleTitle && organizationName) { title = moduleTitle + " - " + organizationName; } else { title = organizationName; } console.log("setDocumentTitle", title); document.title = title; setNewDocumentTitle(title); }; //+++ const changeTitle = () => { docSaved ? setDocumentTitle(docTitle) : setDocumentTitle(`*${docTitle}`); }; // +++ const onDocumentStateChange = (event) => { if (!documentIsReady) return; docSaved = !; throttledChangeTitle(); }; //+++ const onSDKRequestSaveAs = (event) => { setTitleSelectorFolder(; setUrlSelectorFolder(; setExtension(".").pop()); setIsFolderDialogVisible(true); }; // +++ const onSDKAppReady = () => { console.log("ONLYOFFICE Document Editor is ready"); const index = url.indexOf("#message/"); if (index > -1) { const splitUrl = url.split("#message/"); const message = decodeURIComponent(splitUrl[1]).replaceAll("+", " "); history.pushState({}, null, url.substring(0, index)); docEditor.showMessage(message); } // const tempElm = document.getElementById("loader"); // if (tempElm) { // tempElm.outerHTML = ""; // } not need to ssr }; // +++ const onLoad = () => { try { if (!window.DocsAPI) throw new Error("DocsAPI is not defined"); console.log("Editor config: ", config); if (isMobile) { config.type = "mobile"; } let goBack; const url = window.location.href; if (fileInfo) { const filterObj = FilesFilter.getDefault(); filterObj.folder = fileInfo.folderId; const urlFilter = filterObj.toUrlParams(); const filesUrl = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("/doceditor")); goBack = { blank: true, requestClose: false, text: t("FileLocation"), url: `${combineUrl(filesUrl, `/filter?${urlFilter}`)}`, }; } config.editorConfig.customization = { ...config.editorConfig.customization, goback: goBack, }; if (personal && !fileInfo) { //TODO: add conditions for SaaS = null; } //let url = window.location.href; if (url.indexOf("anchor") !== -1) { const splitUrl = url.split("anchor="); const decodeURI = decodeURIComponent(splitUrl[1]); const obj = JSON.parse(decodeURI); config.editorConfig.actionLink = { action: obj.action, }; } if (successAuth) { const documentType = config.documentType; const fileExt = documentType === text ? "docx" : documentType === presentation ? "pptx" : "xlsx"; const defaultFileName = getDefaultFileName(fileExt); if (!user.isVisitor) config.editorConfig.createUrl = combineUrl( window.location.origin, AppServerConfig.proxyURL, "products/files/", `/httphandlers/filehandler.ashx?action=create&doctype=text&title=${encodeURIComponent( defaultFileName )}` ); } let onRequestSharingSettings, onRequestRename, onRequestSaveAs, onRequestInsertImage, onRequestMailMergeRecipients, onRequestCompareFile, onRequestRestore; if (isSharingAccess) { onRequestSharingSettings = onSDKRequestSharingSettings; // +++ } if (fileInfo && fileInfo.canEdit) { onRequestRename = onSDKRequestRename; // +++ } if (successAuth) { onRequestSaveAs = onSDKRequestSaveAs; //+++ onRequestInsertImage = onSDKRequestInsertImage; // +++ onRequestMailMergeRecipients = onSDKRequestMailMergeRecipients; // +++ onRequestCompareFile = onSDKRequestCompareFile; // +++ } if (!!config.document.permissions.changeHistory) { onRequestRestore = onSDKRequestRestore; // +++ } const events = { events: { onAppReady: onSDKAppReady, // +++ onDocumentStateChange: onDocumentStateChange, // +++ onMetaChange: onMetaChange, // +++ onDocumentReady: onDocumentReady, // ++- onInfo: onSDKInfo, // +++ onWarning: onSDKWarning, // +++ onError: onSDKError, // +++ onRequestSharingSettings, // +++ onRequestRename, // +++ onMakeActionLink: onMakeActionLink, // +++ onRequestInsertImage, //+++ onRequestSaveAs, // +++ onRequestMailMergeRecipients, // +++ onRequestCompareFile, // +++ onRequestEditRights: onSDKRequestEditRights, // // TODO: need move can canConvert from docsevicestore onRequestHistory: onSDKRequestHistory, // +++ onRequestHistoryClose: onSDKRequestHistoryClose, // +++ onRequestHistoryData: onSDKRequestHistoryData, // +++ onRequestRestore, // +++ }, }; const newConfig = Object.assign(config, events); docEditor = window.DocsAPI.DocEditor("editor", newConfig); console.log("docEditor", docEditor); setIsLoaded(true); } catch (error) { console.log(error, "init error"); //toastr.error(error.message, null, 0, true); } }; return (
{documentTitle} {needLoader ? ( LoaderComponent ) : ( <>
{!isLoaded && LoaderComponent}