# OpenStack.NET [![MyGet Build Status](https://www.myget.org/BuildSource/Badge/openstacknetsdk?identifier=32094041-4be1-4ba5-9691-beb27c4b8f02)](https://www.myget.org/) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/openstacknetsdk/openstack.net](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/openstacknetsdk/openstack.net?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) OpenStack.NET is an OpenStack .NET SDK, written for the Microsoft .NET platform, is designed to enable developers to seamlessly work with the many services provided by the OpenStack cloud operating system. # NEW! Vendor Support We have decided to make it easier for vendors, such as Rackspace or HP, to build their own package on top of OpenStack.NET, rather than directly supporting them. Read more about the ongoing effort: * [Rackspace.NET and OpenStack.NET: Peas and Carrots](https://github.com/openstacknetsdk/openstack.net/wiki/Rackspace-and-OpenStack.NET) * [Introducing Rackspace.NET](https://developer.rackspace.com/blog/2015-introducing-rackspace.net) ## Contributing We welcome and encourage contributions from the developer community. For an overview of the contribution process, including an explanation of our issue labels and common emoji used in discussions, please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Building from Source ### Prerequisites The recommended development environment for this project is Visual Studio 2013 or Visual Studio 2015. When using Visual Studio 2015, a [custom analyzer](https://github.com/openstacknetsdk/OpenStackNetAnalyzers) is provided which uses static analysis to identify common mistakes, and in many cases is able to automatically fix the issue. ### Build script Execute `build.cmd` to download all dependencies and build. Use `build.cmd help` or `build.cmd /?` to view the available command line arguments. ```bash build.cmd [Build|UnitTest|Documentation|Package] [/Configuration Debug|Release] # Execute Build target in Debug mode build.cmd # Execute UnitTest target in Debug mode build.cmd UnitTest # Execute Build target in Release mode build.cmd /Configuration Release # Execute Package target in Release mode build.cmd Package /Configuration Release ``` See the [Documentation README](src/Documentation/README.md) if you would like to build the Sandcastle documentation which is published to http://www.openstacknetsdk.org/docs/. ### Integration Tests You must have an OpenStack environment to test against in order to run the integration tests. We use the [all-in-one OpenStack Ansible Deployment](https://github.com/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment/blob/master/development-stack.rst) to set everything up on a single server. The tests look for the identity endpoint and credentials in environment variables: OPENSTACKNET_USER, OPENSTACKNET_PASSWORD, OPENSTACKNET_PROJECT and OPENSTACKNET_IDENTITY_URL. After you have set the environment variables you will need to log out then log back in. ```batchfile setx OPENSTACKNET_USER secretusername setx OPENSTACKNET_PASSWORD secretpassword setx OPENSTACKNET_PROJECT projectname setx OPENSTACKNET_IDENTITY_URL http://localhost:5000/v2.0 ``` #### This is not an official OpenStack project