import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import styled from "styled-components"; import ImageViewer from "./sub-components/image-viewer"; import equal from "fast-deep-equal/react"; import Hammer from "hammerjs"; import { isMobileOnly } from "react-device-detect"; import { FileStatus } from "@docspace/common/constants"; import InfoOutlineReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/info.outline.react.svg?url"; import CopyReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/copy.react.svg?url"; import DuplicateReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/duplicate.react.svg?url"; import DownloadReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/download.react.svg?url"; import DownloadAsReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/download-as.react.svg?url"; import RenameReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/rename.react.svg?url"; import TrashReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/trash.react.svg?url"; import MoveReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/duplicate.react.svg?url"; const mediaTypes = Object.freeze({ audio: 1, video: 2, }); const ButtonKeys = Object.freeze({ leftArrow: 37, rightArrow: 39, upArrow: 38, downArrow: 40, space: 32, esc: 27, ctr: 17, one: 49, del: 46, s: 83, }); let ctrIsPressed = false; class MediaViewer extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const { playlist, currentFileId, visible } = props; const item = playlist.find( (file) => String(file.fileId) === String(currentFileId) ); if (!item) { console.error("MediaViewer: file not found in playlist", { playlist, currentFileId, }); return; } const playlistPos = item ? : 0; this.state = { visible, allowConvert: true, playlist, playlistPos, fileUrl: item.src, canSwipeImage: true, }; this.detailsContainer = React.createRef(); this.viewerToolbox = React.createRef(); } updateHammer() { const { playlistPos, playlist } = this.state; const currentFile = playlist[playlistPos]; const { title } = currentFile; const ext = this.getFileExtension(title); const _this = this; if (this.hammer) {"doubletap", this.prevMedia); } this.hammer = null; setTimeout(function () { try { if (_this.canImageView(ext)) { const pinch = new Hammer.Pinch(); _this.hammer = Hammer( document.getElementsByClassName("react-viewer-canvas")[0] ); _this.hammer.add([pinch]); _this.hammer.on("doubletap", _this.doubleTap); } } catch (ex) { //console.error("MediaViewer updateHammer", ex); this.hammer = null; } }, 500); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { const { visible, playlist, currentFileId, onEmptyPlaylistError, } = this.props; const { playlistPos, fileUrl } = this.state; const src = playlist[playlistPos]?.src; const title = playlist[playlistPos]?.title; const ext = this.getFileExtension(title); if (visible !== prevProps.visible) { const newPlaylistPos = playlist.length > 0 ? playlist.find((file) => file.fileId === currentFileId).id : 0; this.setState({ visible: visible, playlistPos: newPlaylistPos, }); } if ( src && src !== fileUrl && playlistPos === prevState.playlistPos && ext !== ".tif" && ext !== ".tiff" ) { this.setState({ fileUrl: src }); } if ( visible && visible === prevProps.visible && playlistPos !== prevState.playlistPos ) { this.updateHammer(); if (ext === ".tiff" || ext === ".tif") { this.getTiffDataURL(src); } else { this.setState({ fileUrl: src }); } } if ( visible && visible === prevProps.visible && !equal(playlist, prevProps.playlist) ) { if (playlist.length > 0) { this.updateHammer(); //switching from index to id const newPlaylistPos = currentFileId ? playlist.find((file) => file.fileId === currentFileId)?.id ?? 0 : 0; this.setState({ playlist: playlist, playlistPos: newPlaylistPos, }); } else { onEmptyPlaylistError(); this.setState({ visible: false, }); } } else if (!equal(playlist, prevProps.playlist)) { this.setState({ playlist: playlist, }); } } componentDidMount() { const { playlist, files, setBufferSelection } = this.props; const { playlistPos } = this.state; const currentFile = playlist[playlistPos]; const currentFileId = playlist.length > 0 ? playlist.find((file) => === playlistPos).fileId : 0; const targetFile = files.find((item) => === currentFileId); if (targetFile) setBufferSelection(targetFile); const { src, title } = currentFile; const ext = this.getFileExtension(title); if (ext === ".tiff" || ext === ".tif") { this.getTiffDataURL(src); } this.updateHammer(); document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeydown, false); document.addEventListener("keyup", this.onKeyup, false); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.hammer) {"doubletap", this.prevMedia); } document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKeydown, false); document.removeEventListener("keyup", this.onKeyup, false); this.onClose(); } mapSupplied = { ".aac": { supply: "m4a", type: }, ".flac": { supply: "mp3", type: }, ".m4a": { supply: "m4a", type: }, ".mp3": { supply: "mp3", type: }, ".oga": { supply: "oga", type: }, ".ogg": { supply: "oga", type: }, ".wav": { supply: "wav", type: }, ".f4v": { supply: "m4v", type: }, ".m4v": { supply: "m4v", type: }, ".mov": { supply: "m4v", type: }, ".mp4": { supply: "m4v", type: }, ".ogv": { supply: "ogv", type: }, ".webm": { supply: "webmv", type: }, ".wmv": { supply: "m4v", type:, convertable: true }, ".avi": { supply: "m4v", type:, convertable: true }, ".mpeg": { supply: "m4v", type:, convertable: true }, ".mpg": { supply: "m4v", type:, convertable: true }, }; canImageView = function (ext) { const { extsImagePreviewed } = this.props; return extsImagePreviewed.indexOf(ext) != -1; }; canPlay = (fileTitle, allowConvert) => { const { extsMediaPreviewed } = this.props; const ext = fileTitle[0] === "." ? fileTitle : this.getFileExtension(fileTitle); const supply = this.mapSupplied[ext]; const canConvert = allowConvert || this.props.allowConvert; return ( !!supply && extsMediaPreviewed.indexOf(ext) != -1 && (!supply.convertable || canConvert) ); }; getFileExtension = (fileTitle) => { if (!fileTitle) { return ""; } fileTitle = fileTitle.trim(); const posExt = fileTitle.lastIndexOf("."); return 0 <= posExt ? fileTitle.substring(posExt).trim().toLowerCase() : ""; }; zoom = 1; handleZoomEnd = () => { this.zoom = 1; }; handleZoomIn = (e) => { if (this.zoom - e.scale > 0.1) { this.zoom = e.scale; document.querySelector('li[data-key="zoomOut"]').click(); } }; handleZoomOut = (e) => { if (e.scale - this.zoom > 0.3) { this.zoom = e.scale; document.querySelector('li[data-key="zoomIn"]').click(); } }; doubleTap = () => { document.querySelector('li[data-key="zoomIn"]')?.click(); }; prevMedia = () => { const { playlistPos, playlist } = this.state; const { setBufferSelection } = this.props; let currentPlaylistPos = playlistPos; currentPlaylistPos--; if (currentPlaylistPos === -1) return; if (currentPlaylistPos < 0) currentPlaylistPos = playlist.length - 1; const currentFileId = playlist[currentPlaylistPos].fileId; const targetFile = this.props.files.find( (item) => === currentFileId ); setBufferSelection(targetFile); this.setState({ playlistPos: currentPlaylistPos, }); const id = playlist[currentPlaylistPos].fileId; this.props.onChangeUrl(id); }; nextMedia = () => { const { playlistPos, playlist } = this.state; const { setBufferSelection } = this.props; let currentPlaylistPos = playlistPos; currentPlaylistPos = (currentPlaylistPos + 1) % playlist.length; if (currentPlaylistPos === 0) return; const currentFileId = playlist[currentPlaylistPos].fileId; const targetFile = this.props.files.find( (item) => === currentFileId ); setBufferSelection(targetFile); this.setState({ playlistPos: currentPlaylistPos, }); const id = playlist[currentPlaylistPos].fileId; this.props.onChangeUrl(id); }; getOffset = () => { if (this.detailsContainer.current && this.viewerToolbox.current) { return ( this.detailsContainer.current.offsetHeight + this.viewerToolbox.current.offsetHeight ); } else { return 0; } }; onDelete = () => { const { playlist, playlistPos } = this.state; let currentFileId = playlist.length > 0 ? playlist.find((file) => === playlistPos).fileId : 0; this.props.onDelete && this.props.onDelete(currentFileId); this.setState({ canSwipeImage: false, }); }; onDownload = () => { const { playlist, playlistPos } = this.state; let currentFileId = playlist.length > 0 ? playlist.find((file) => === playlistPos).fileId : 0; this.props.onDownload && this.props.onDownload(currentFileId); }; onKeyup = (e) => { if (ButtonKeys.ctr === e.keyCode) { ctrIsPressed = false; } }; onKeydown = (e) => { let isActionKey = false; for (let key in ButtonKeys) { if (ButtonKeys[key] === e.keyCode) { e.preventDefault(); isActionKey = true; } } if (isActionKey) { switch (e.keyCode) { case ButtonKeys.leftArrow: if (document.fullscreenElement) return; this.state.canSwipeImage ? ctrIsPressed ? document.getElementsByClassName("iconContainer rotateLeft") .length > 0 && document .getElementsByClassName("iconContainer rotateLeft")[0] .click() : this.prevMedia() : null; break; case ButtonKeys.rightArrow: if (document.fullscreenElement) return; this.state.canSwipeImage ? ctrIsPressed ? document.getElementsByClassName("iconContainer rotateRight") .length > 0 && document .getElementsByClassName("iconContainer rotateRight")[0] .click() : this.nextMedia() : null; break; case document.getElementsByClassName("video-play").length > 0 && document.getElementsByClassName("video-play")[0].click(); break; case ButtonKeys.esc: if (!this.props.deleteDialogVisible) this.props.onClose(); break; case ButtonKeys.upArrow: document.getElementsByClassName("iconContainer zoomIn").length > 0 && document.getElementsByClassName("iconContainer zoomIn")[0].click(); break; case ButtonKeys.downArrow: document.getElementsByClassName("iconContainer zoomOut").length > 0 && document.getElementsByClassName("iconContainer zoomOut")[0].click(); break; case ButtonKeys.ctr: ctrIsPressed = true; break; case ButtonKeys.s: if (ctrIsPressed) this.onDownload(); break; case ctrIsPressed && document.getElementsByClassName("iconContainer reset").length > 0 && document.getElementsByClassName("iconContainer reset")[0].click(); break; case ButtonKeys.del: this.onDelete(); break; default: break; } } }; onClose = (e) => { //fix memory leak this.setState({ visible: false }); this.props.onClose(e); }; getTiffDataURL = (src) => { if (!window.Tiff) return; const _this = this; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";"GET", src); xhr.onload = function () { try { const tiff = new window.Tiff({ buffer: xhr.response }); const dataUrl = tiff.toDataURL(); _this.setState({ fileUrl: dataUrl }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; xhr.send(); }; render() { const { playlistPos, playlist, visible, fileUrl } = this.state; const { t, onClose, userAccess, canDelete, canDownload, errorLabel, isPreviewFile, onClickFavorite, onShowInfoPanel, onClickDownload, onMoveAction, onCopyAction, onDuplicate, onClickDownloadAs, getIcon, onClickRename, onClickDelete, setBufferSelection, files, archiveRoomsId, } = this.props; const currentFileId = playlist.length > 0 ? playlist.find((file) => === playlistPos).fileId : 0; const currentFile = playlist[playlistPos]; const targetFile = files.find((item) => === currentFileId) || playlist[0]; const archiveRoom = archiveRoomsId === targetFile.rootFolderId || (!targetFile?.security?.Rename && !targetFile?.security?.Delete); const { title } = currentFile; let isImage = false; let isVideo = false; let isAudio = false; let canOpen = true; const isFavorite = (playlist[playlistPos].fileStatus & FileStatus.IsFavorite) === FileStatus.IsFavorite; const ext = this.getFileExtension(title); const onSetSelectionFile = () => { setBufferSelection(targetFile); }; const getContextModel = () => { const desktopModel = [ { key: "download", label: t("Common:Download"), icon: DownloadReactSvgUrl, onClick: () => onClickDownload(targetFile, t), disabled: false, }, { key: "rename", label: t("Rename"), icon: RenameReactSvgUrl, onClick: () => onClickRename(targetFile), disabled: archiveRoom, }, { key: "delete", label: t("Common:Delete"), icon: TrashReactSvgUrl, onClick: () => onClickDelete(targetFile, t), disabled: archiveRoom, }, ]; const model = [ { id: "option_room-info", key: "room-info", label: t("Common:Info"), icon: InfoOutlineReactSvgUrl, onClick: () => { return onShowInfoPanel(targetFile); }, disabled: false, }, { key: "download", label: t("Common:Download"), icon: DownloadReactSvgUrl, onClick: () => onClickDownload(targetFile, t), disabled: false, }, { key: "move-to", label: t("MoveTo"), icon: MoveReactSvgUrl, onClick: onMoveAction, disabled: !, }, // { // key: "download-as", // label: t("Translations:DownloadAs"), // icon: DownloadAsReactSvgUrl, // TODO: uncomment when we can download media by changing the format // onClick: onClickDownloadAs, // disabled: false, // }, { id: "option_copy-to", key: "copy-to", label: t("Translations:Copy"), icon: CopyReactSvgUrl, onClick: onCopyAction, disabled: !, }, { id: "option_create-copy", key: "copy", label: t("Common:Duplicate"), icon: DuplicateReactSvgUrl, onClick: () => onDuplicate(targetFile, t), disabled: !, }, { key: "rename", label: t("Rename"), icon: RenameReactSvgUrl, onClick: () => onClickRename(targetFile), disabled: !, }, { key: "separator0", isSeparator: true, disabled: !, }, { key: "delete", label: t("Common:Delete"), icon: TrashReactSvgUrl, onClick: () => onClickDelete(targetFile, t), disabled: !, }, ]; return isMobileOnly ? model : isImage && !isMobileOnly ? desktopModel.filter((el) => el.key !== "download") : desktopModel; }; if (!this.canPlay(ext) && !this.canImageView(ext)) { canOpen = false; this.props.onError && this.props.onError(); } if (this.canImageView(ext)) { isImage = true; } else { isImage = false; isVideo = this.mapSupplied[ext] ? this.mapSupplied[ext].type == : false; isAudio = this.mapSupplied[ext] ? this.mapSupplied[ext].type == : false; } let audioIcon = getIcon(96, ext); let headerIcon = getIcon(24, ext); // TODO: rewrite with fileURL /*if (this.mapSupplied[ext]) if (!isImage && this.mapSupplied[ext].convertable && !src.includes("#")) { src += (src.includes("?") ? "&" : "?") + "convpreview=true"; }*/ return ( <> {canOpen && ( )} ); } } MediaViewer.propTypes = { allowConvert: PropTypes.bool, visible: PropTypes.bool, currentFileId: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]), playlist: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), extsImagePreviewed: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), extsMediaPreviewed: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), onError: PropTypes.func, canDelete: PropTypes.func, canDownload: PropTypes.func, onDelete: PropTypes.func, onDownload: PropTypes.func, onClose: PropTypes.func, onEmptyPlaylistError: PropTypes.func, deleteDialogVisible: PropTypes.bool, errorLabel: PropTypes.string, isPreviewFile: PropTypes.bool, onChangeUrl: PropTypes.func, }; MediaViewer.defaultProps = { currentFileId: 0, visible: false, allowConvert: true, canDelete: () => { return true; }, canDownload: () => { return true; }, isPreviewFile: false, }; export default MediaViewer;