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${cspErrorText} Please add it via the Developer Tools section.
`; iframe.srcdoc = html; e.message && config.events.onAppError(e.message); this.setIsLoaded(); }); } return iframe; }; #sendMessage = (message) => { let mes = { frameId: this.config.frameId, type: "", data: message, }; const targetFrame = document.getElementById(this.config.frameId); if (!!targetFrame.contentWindow) { targetFrame.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify(mes, (key, value) => typeof value === "function" ? value.toString() : value ), this.config.src ); } }; #onMessage = (e) => { if (typeof e.data == "string") { let data = {}; try { data = JSON.parse(e.data); } catch (err) { data = {}; } switch (data.type) { case "onMethodReturn": { if (this.#callbacks.length > 0) { const callback = this.#callbacks.shift(); callback && callback(data.methodReturnData); } if (this.#tasks.length > 0) { this.#sendMessage(this.#tasks.shift()); } break; } case "onEventReturn": { if ( data?.eventReturnData?.event in this.config.events && typeof this.config.events[data?.eventReturnData.event] === "function" ) { this.config.events[data?.eventReturnData.event]( data?.eventReturnData?.data ); } break; } case "onCallCommand": { this[data.commandName].call(this, data.commandData); break; } default: break; } } }; #executeMethod = (methodName, params, callback) => { if (!this.#isConnected) { this.config.events.onAppError( "Message bus is not connected with frame" ); return; } this.#callbacks.push(callback); const message = { type: "method", methodName, data: params, }; if (this.#callbacks.length !== 1) { this.#tasks.push(message); return; } this.#sendMessage(message); }; initButton(config) { const configFull = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; this.config = { ...this.config, ...configFull }; const target = document.getElementById(this.config.frameId); let button = null; if (target) { button = this.#createButtonView(this.config); this.#classNames = target.className; const isSelfReplace = target.parentNode.isEqualNode( document.getElementById(this.config.frameId + "-container"), ); target && isSelfReplace ? target.parentNode.replaceWith(button) : target.replaceWith(button); window.addEventListener("message", this.#onMessage, false); this.#isConnected = true; } window.DocSpace.SDK.frames = window.DocSpace.SDK.frames || []; window.DocSpace.SDK.frames[this.config.frameId] = this; return button; } initFrame(config) { const configFull = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; this.config = { ...this.config, ...configFull }; const target = document.getElementById(this.config.frameId); let iframe = null; if (target) { iframe = this.#createIframe(this.config); iframe.style.opacity = this.#frameOpacity; iframe.style.zIndex = 2; iframe.style.position = "absolute"; iframe.width = "95%"; iframe.height = "95%"; const frameLoader = this.#createLoader(this.config); this.#classNames = target.className; const renderContainer = document.createElement("div"); renderContainer.id = this.config.frameId + "-container"; renderContainer.style.display = "relative"; renderContainer.style.width = this.config.width; renderContainer.style.height = this.config.height || "100%"; renderContainer.appendChild(iframe); renderContainer.appendChild(frameLoader); const isSelfReplace = target.parentNode.isEqualNode( document.getElementById(this.config.frameId + "-container") ); target && isSelfReplace ? target.parentNode.replaceWith(renderContainer) : target.replaceWith(renderContainer); window.addEventListener("message", this.#onMessage, false); this.#isConnected = true; } window.DocSpace.SDK.frames = window.DocSpace.SDK.frames || []; window.DocSpace.SDK.frames[this.config.frameId] = this; return iframe; } initManager(config = {}) { config.mode = "manager"; return this.initFrame(config); } setIsLoaded() { const targetFrame = document.getElementById(this.config.frameId); const loader = document.getElementById(this.config.frameId + "-loader"); if (targetFrame) { targetFrame.style.opacity = 1; targetFrame.style.position = "relative"; targetFrame.width = this.config.width; targetFrame.height = this.config.height; targetFrame.parentNode.style.height = "inherit"; if (loader) loader.remove(); } } initEditor(config = {}) { config.mode = "editor"; return this.initFrame(config); } initViewer(config = {}) { config.mode = "viewer"; return this.initFrame(config); } initRoomSelector(config = {}) { config.mode = "room-selector"; return this.initFrame(config); } initFileSelector(config = {}) { config.mode = "file-selector"; return this.initFrame(config); } initSystem(config = {}) { config.mode = "system"; return this.initFrame(config); } destroyFrame() { const target = document.createElement("div"); target.setAttribute("id", this.config.frameId); target.innerHTML = this.config.destroyText; target.className = this.#classNames; const targetFrame = document.getElementById( this.config.frameId + "-container" ); if (targetFrame) { window.removeEventListener("message", this.#onMessage, false); this.#isConnected = false; delete window.DocSpace.SDK.frames[this.config.frameId]; targetFrame.parentNode && targetFrame.parentNode.replaceChild(target, targetFrame); } this.config = {}; } #getMethodPromise = (methodName, params = null, withReload = false) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (withReload) { this.initFrame(this.config); resolve(this.config); } else { this.#executeMethod(methodName, params, (data) => resolve(data)); } }); }; getFolderInfo() { return this.#getMethodPromise("getFolderInfo"); } getSelection() { return this.#getMethodPromise("getSelection"); } getFiles() { return this.#getMethodPromise("getFiles"); } getFolders() { return this.#getMethodPromise("getFolders"); } getList() { return this.#getMethodPromise("getList"); } getRooms(filter) { return this.#getMethodPromise("getRooms", filter); } getUserInfo() { return this.#getMethodPromise("getUserInfo"); } getConfig() { return this.config; } getHashSettings() { return this.#getMethodPromise("getHashSettings"); } setConfig(newConfig = {}, reload = false) { if (this.#oneOfExistInObject(this.config.keysForReload, newConfig)) reload = true; this.config = { ...this.config, ...newConfig }; return this.#getMethodPromise("setConfig", this.config, reload); } openModal(type, options) { return this.#getMethodPromise("openModal", { type, options }); } createFile(folderId, title, templateId, formId) { return this.#getMethodPromise("createFile", { folderId, title, templateId, formId, }); } createFolder(parentFolderId, title) { return this.#getMethodPromise("createFolder", { parentFolderId, title, }); } createRoom(title, roomType) { return this.#getMethodPromise("createRoom", { title, roomType, }); } setListView(type) { return this.#getMethodPromise("setItemsView", type); } createHash(password, hashSettings) { return this.#getMethodPromise("createHash", { password, hashSettings }); } login(email, passwordHash) { return this.#getMethodPromise("login", { email, passwordHash }); } logout() { return this.#getMethodPromise("logout"); } createTag(name) { return this.#getMethodPromise("createTag", name); } addTagsToRoom(roomId, tags) { return this.#getMethodPromise("addTagsToRoom", { roomId, tags }); } removeTagsFromRoom(roomId, tags) { return this.#getMethodPromise("removeTagsFromRoom", { roomId, tags }); } } const config = getConfigFromParams(); window.DocSpace = window.DocSpace || {}; window.DocSpace.SDK = new DocSpace(config); if (config.init) { config?.isButtonMode ? window.DocSpace.SDK.initButton(config) : window.DocSpace.SDK.initFrame(config); } })();