import React from "react"; import { mount, shallow } from "enzyme"; import PasswordInput from "."; const basePasswordSettings = { minLength: 6, upperCase: false, digits: false, specSymbols: false, }; const baseProps = { inputName: "demoPasswordInput", emailInputName: "demoEmailInput", inputValue: "", tooltipPasswordTitle: "Password must contain:", tooltipPasswordLength: "from 6 to 30 characters", tooltipPasswordDigits: "digits", tooltipPasswordCapital: "capital letters", tooltipPasswordSpecial: "special characters (!@#$%^&*)", generatorSpecial: "!@#$%^&*", passwordSettings: basePasswordSettings, isDisabled: false, placeholder: "password", onChange: () => jest.fn(), onValidateInput: () => jest.fn(), }; describe("", () => { it("renders without error", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper).toExist(); }); it("render password input", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.find("input").prop("type")).toEqual("password"); }); it("have an HTML name", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.find("input").prop("name")).toEqual("demoPasswordInput"); }); it("forward passed value", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.props().inputValue).toEqual("demo"); }); it("call onChange when changing value", () => { const onChange = jest.fn((event) => { expect("demoPasswordInput"); expect("demoPasswordInput"); expect("demo"); }); const wrapper = mount( ); const event = { target: { value: "demo" } }; wrapper.simulate("change", event); }); it("call onFocus when input is focused", () => { const onFocus = jest.fn((event) => { expect("demoPasswordInput"); expect("demoPasswordInput"); }); const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.simulate("focus"); }); it("call onBlur when input loses focus", () => { const onBlur = jest.fn((event) => { expect("demoPasswordInput"); expect("demoPasswordInput"); }); const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.simulate("blur"); }); it("disabled when isDisabled is passed", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("isDisabled")).toEqual(true); }); it("not re-render test", () => { const wrapper = shallow().instance(); const shouldUpdate = wrapper.shouldComponentUpdate( wrapper.props, wrapper.state ); expect(shouldUpdate).toBe(false); }); it("re-render test", () => { const wrapper = shallow().instance(); const shouldUpdate = wrapper.shouldComponentUpdate( { inputName: "demoPasswordInput", emailInputName: "demoEmailInput", inputValue: "", tooltipPasswordTitle: "Password must contain:", tooltipPasswordLength: "from 6 to 30 characters", tooltipPasswordDigits: "digits", tooltipPasswordCapital: "capital letters", tooltipPasswordSpecial: "special characters (!@#$%^&*)", generatorSpecial: "!@#$%^&*", passwordSettings: { minLength: 8, upperCase: false, digits: false, specSymbols: false, }, isDisabled: false, placeholder: "password", onChange: () => jest.fn(), onValidateInput: () => jest.fn(), }, wrapper.state ); expect(shouldUpdate).toBe(true); }); it("generate password with props: 10 , false , false , false", () => { const newPasswordSettings = { minLength: 10, upperCase: false, digits: false, specSymbols: false, }; const wrapper = shallow( ); const instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.onGeneratePassword(); expect(wrapper.state("type")).toBe("text"); }); it("generate password with props: 10 , true , false , false", () => { const newPasswordSettings = { minLength: 10, upperCase: true, digits: false, specSymbols: false, }; const wrapper = shallow( ); const instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.onGeneratePassword(); expect(wrapper.state("type")).toBe("text"); }); it("generate password with props: 10 , true , true , false", () => { const newPasswordSettings = { minLength: 10, upperCase: true, digits: true, specSymbols: false, }; const wrapper = shallow( ); const instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.onGeneratePassword(); expect(wrapper.state("type")).toBe("text"); }); it("generate password with props: 10 , true , true , true", () => { const newPasswordSettings = { minLength: 10, upperCase: true, digits: true, specSymbols: true, }; const wrapper = shallow( ); const instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.onGeneratePassword(); expect(wrapper.state("type")).toBe("text"); }); it("accepts style", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.getDOMNode().style).toHaveProperty("color", "red"); }); it("accepts className", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.prop("className")).toEqual("test"); }); it("Tooltip disabled when isDisableTooltip is true", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.prop("isDisableTooltip")).toEqual(true); }); it("TextTooltip shown when isTextTooltipVisible is true", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.prop("isTextTooltipVisible")).toEqual(true); }); });