{ "HotkeysActions": "Taking action on selected items", "HotkeysActionsInPreview": "Other actions", "HotkeysApplicationActions": "Application actions", "HotkeysChangeView": "Switch between grid and list view", "HotkeysClearAll": "Clear all selections", "HotkeysClose": "Close/Undo action", "HotkeysCreateDocument": "Create document", "HotkeysCreateFolder": "Create folder", "HotkeysCreateForm": "Create blank form template", "HotkeysCreateFormFromFile": "Create form template from file", "HotkeysCreatePresentation": "Create presentation", "HotkeysCreateSpreadsheet": "Create spreadsheet", "HotkeysCreatingObjects": "Creating items", "HotkeysEnterKey": "Enter", "HotkeysExtendSelectionDown": "Extend selection down", "HotkeysExtendSelectionLeft": "Extend selection left", "HotkeysExtendSelectionRight": "Extend selection right", "HotkeysExtendSelectionUp": "Extend selection up", "HotkeysGoToParentFolder": "Jump to the folder one level up", "HotkeysMove": "Move between items", "HotkeysMoveDown": "Move down without changing selection", "HotkeysMoveLeft": "Move left without changing selection", "HotkeysMoveRight": "Move right without changing selection", "HotkeysMoveUp": "Move up without changing selection", "HotkeysNavigation": "Navigation", "HotkeysOpen": "Open selected item/Confirm action", "HotkeysPlayPause": "Play/Pause", "HotkeysRedoLastUndoneAction": "Redo the last undone action", "HotkeysRemove": "Remove selected items", "HotkeysSelectAll": "Select all visible folders and files", "HotkeysSelectDown": "Select next item down", "HotkeysSelection": "Selecting items", "HotkeysSelectItem": "Select or deselect item", "HotkeysSelectLeft": "Select next item to the left", "HotkeysSelectRight": "Select next item to the right", "HotkeysSelectUp": "Select next item up", "HotkeysShortcuts": "Display keyboard hotkeys list", "HotkeysSpaceKey": "Space", "HotkeysUndoLastAction": "Undo the last action", "HotkeysUploadFile": "Upload file", "HotkeysUploadingObjects": "Uploading items" }