# SelectedItem ### Usage ```js import Selector from "@docspace/components/selector"; ``` ```jsx {}} onAccept={function noRefCheck() {}} onAccessRightsChange={function noRefCheck() {}} onBackClick={function noRefCheck() {}} onCancel={function noRefCheck() {}} onClearSearch={function noRefCheck() {}} onSearch={function noRefCheck() {}} onSelect={function noRefCheck() {}} onSelectAll={function noRefCheck() {}} rowLoader={<>} searchEmptyScreenDescription=" SEARCH !!! The list of users previously invited to DocSpace or separate rooms will appear here. You will be able to invite these users for collaboration at any time." searchEmptyScreenHeader="No other accounts here yet search" searchEmptyScreenImage={EmptyScreenFilterPng} searchLoader={<>} searchPlaceholder="Search" searchValue="" selectAllIcon={RoomArchiveSvgUrl} selectAllLabel="All accounts" selectedAccessRight={{}} selectedItems={[]} totalItems={0} withBreadCrumbs={false} breadCrumbs={[]} onSelectBreadCrumb={function noRefCheck() {}} breadCrumbsLoader={<>} withSearch={true} isBreadCrumbsLoading={false} withFooterInput={false} footerInputHeader={""} footerCheckboxLabel={""} currentFooterInputValue={""} alwaysShowFooter={false} /> ``` ### Properties | Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description | | ------------------------------ | :------------: | :------: | :----: | :-----: | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | `id` | `string` | - | - | - | Accepts id | | `className` | `string` | - | - | - | Accepts class | | `style` | `obj`, `array` | - | - | - | Accepts css style | | `headerLabel` | `string` | - | - | - | Selector header text | | `withoutBackButton` | `bool` | - | - | - | Hide header back button | | `onBackClick` | `func` | - | - | - | What the header arrow will trigger when clicked | | `searchPlaceholder` | `string` | - | - | - | Placeholder for search input | | `withSearch` | `bool` | - | - | true | Show search input | | `onSearch` | `func` | - | - | - | What the search input will trigger when user stopped typing | | `onClearSearch` | `func` | - | - | - | What the clear icon of search input will trigger when clicked | | `items` | `array` | - | - | - | Displaying items | | `onSelect` | `func` | - | - | - | What the item will trigger when clicked | | `isMultiSelect` | `bool` | - | - | false | Allows you to select multiple objects | | `selectedItems` | `array` | - | - | [] | Tells when the items should present a checked state | | `acceptButtonLabel` | `string` | - | - | - | Accept button text | | `onAccept` | `func` | - | - | - | What the accept button will trigger when clicked | | `withSelectAll` | `bool` | - | - | false | Add option for select all items | | `selectAllLabel` | `string` | - | - | - | Text for select all component | | `selectAllIcon` | `string` | - | - | - | Icon for select all component | | `onSelectAll` | `func` | - | - | - | What the select all will trigger when clicked | | `withAccessRights` | `bool` | - | - | false | Add combobox for displaying access rights at footer | | `accessRights` | `array` | - | - | - | Access rights items | | `selectedAccessRight` | `object` | - | - | - | Selected access rights items | | `onAccessRightsChange` | `func` | - | - | - | What the access right will trigger when changed | | `withCancelButton` | `bool` | - | - | false | Add cancel button at footer | | `cancelButtonLabel` | `string` | - | - | - | Displaying text at cancel button | | `onCancel` | `func` | - | - | - | What the cancel button will trigger when clicked | | `emptyScreenImage` | `string` | - | - | - | Image for default empty screen | | `emptyScreenHeader` | `string` | - | - | - | Header for default empty screen | | `emptyScreenDescription` | `string` | - | - | - | Description for default empty screen | | `searchEmptyScreenImage` | `string` | - | - | - | Image for search empty screen | | `searchEmptyScreenHeader` | `string` | - | - | - | Header for search empty screen | | `searchEmptyScreenDescription` | `string` | - | - | - | Description for search empty screen | | `totalItems` | `number` | - | - | - | Count items for infinity scroll | | `hasNextPage` | `bool` | - | - | - | Has next page for infinity scroll | | `isNextPageLoading` | `bool` | - | - | - | Tells when next page already loading | | `loadNextPage` | `func` | - | - | - | Function for load next page | | `isLoading` | `bool` | - | - | - | Set loading state for select | | `searchLoader` | `node` | - | - | - | Loader element for search block | | `rowLoader` | `node` | - | - | - | Loader element for item | | `withBreadCrumbs` | `bool` | - | - | - | Add displaying bread crumbs | | `breadCrumbs` | `array` | - | - | - | Bread crumbs items | | `onSelectBreadCrumb` | `func` | - | - | - | Function for select bread crumb item | | `breadCrumbsLoader` | `node` | - | - | - | Loader element for bread crumbs | | `isBreadCrumbsLoading` | `bool` | - | - | false | Set loading state for bread crumbs | | `currentFooterInputValue` | `string` | - | - | - | Current file name | | `footerCheckboxLabel` | `string` | - | - | - | Title of checkbox | | `footerInputHeader` | `string` | - | - | - | Header of new name block | | `withFooterInput` | `bool` | - | - | false | Show name change input | | `alwaysShowFooter` | `bool` | - | - | false | Always show buttons | | `disableAcceptButton` | `bool` | - | - | false | Disable click at accept button |