import React, { useRef, useState, useEffect, useCallback } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import Header from "./Header"; import Search from "./Search"; import GroupList from "./GroupList"; import GroupHeader from "./GroupHeader"; import OptionList from "./OptionList"; import Option from "./Option"; import Footer from "./Footer"; import Text from "@appserver/components/text"; import Tooltip from "@appserver/components/tooltip"; import StyledSelector from "./StyledSelector"; const convertGroups = (items) => { if (!items) return []; const wrappedGroups =; return wrappedGroups; }; const convertGroup = (group) => { return { key: group.key, label: `${group.label} (${})`, total:, selectedCount: 0, }; }; const getCurrentGroup = (items) => { const currentGroup = items.length > 0 ? items[0] : {}; return currentGroup; }; const Selector = (props) => { const { groups, isDisabled, isMultiSelect, hasNextPage, options, isNextPageLoading, loadNextPage, selectedOptions, selectedGroups, searchPlaceHolderLabel, emptySearchOptionsLabel, emptyOptionsLabel, loadingLabel, onSelect, getOptionTooltipContent, onSearchChanged, onGroupChanged, size, embeddedComponent, showCounter, onArrowClick, headerLabel, total, isFirstLoad, } = props; const listOptionsRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { Object.keys(currentGroup).length === 0 && setCurrentGroup(getCurrentGroup(convertGroups(groups))); resetCache(); }, [searchValue, currentGroup, hasNextPage]); const resetCache = useCallback(() => { if (listOptionsRef && listOptionsRef.current) { listOptionsRef.current.resetloadMoreItemsCache(true); } }, [listOptionsRef]); const [selectedOptionList, setSelectedOptionList] = useState( selectedOptions || [] ); const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useState(""); const [groupList, setGroupList] = useState([]); const [currentGroup, setCurrentGroup] = useState( getCurrentGroup(convertGroups(groups)) ); const [groupHeader, setGroupHeader] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { if (groups.length === 0) return; const newGroupList = [...groups]; if ( groups.length === 1 && selectedOptions && selectedOptions.length === 0 ) { return setGroupHeader(newGroupList[0]); } if (selectedOptions && selectedOptions.length === 0) { return setGroupList(newGroupList); } if (selectedOptions) { newGroupList[0].selectedCount = selectedOptions.length; if (groups.length === 1) return setGroupHeader(newGroupList[0]); selectedOptions.forEach((option) => { option?.groups?.forEach((group) => { const groupIndex = newGroupList.findIndex( (newGroup) => group === ); if (groupIndex > -1) { newGroupList[groupIndex].selectedCount = newGroupList[groupIndex].selectedCount + 1; } }); }); } if (groups.length === 1) return setGroupHeader(newGroupList[0]); setGroupList(newGroupList); }, [groups, selectedOptions]); useEffect(() => { if (total) { setGroupHeader({ ...groupHeader, total: total }); const newGroupList = groupList; if (newGroupList.length > 0) { newGroupList.find( (group) => group.key === groupHeader.key ).total = total; } setGroupList(newGroupList); } }, [total]); const onSearchChange = useCallback( (value) => { setSearchValue(value); onSearchChanged && onSearchChanged(value); }, [onSearchChanged] ); const onSearchReset = useCallback(() => { onSearchChanged && onSearchChange(""); }, [onSearchChanged]); // Every row is loaded except for our loading indicator row. const isItemLoaded = useCallback( (index) => { return !hasNextPage || index < options.length; }, [hasNextPage, options] ); const onOptionChange = useCallback( (idx, isChecked) => { const indexList = Array.isArray(idx) ? idx : [idx]; let newSelected = selectedOptionList; let newGroupList = groupList; let newGroupHeader = { ...groupHeader }; indexList.forEach((index) => { newGroupHeader.selectedCount = isChecked ? newGroupHeader.selectedCount - 1 : newGroupHeader.selectedCount + 1; const option = options[index]; newSelected = !isChecked ? [option, ...newSelected] : newSelected.filter((el) => el.key !== option.key); if (!option.groups) { setSelectedOptionList(newSelected); setGroupHeader(newGroupHeader); return; } newGroupList[0].selectedCount = isChecked ? newGroupList[0].selectedCount - 1 : newGroupList[0].selectedCount + 1; option.groups.forEach((group) => { const groupIndex = newGroupList.findIndex( (item) => item.key === group ); if (groupIndex > 0) { newGroupList[groupIndex].selectedCount = isChecked ? newGroupList[groupIndex].selectedCount - 1 : newGroupList[groupIndex].selectedCount + 1; } }); }); setSelectedOptionList(newSelected); setGroupList(newGroupList); setGroupHeader(newGroupHeader); }, [options, groupList, selectedOptionList, groupHeader] ); const isOptionChecked = useCallback( (option) => { const checked = selectedOptionList.find( (item) => item.key === option.key ); return !!checked; }, [selectedOptionList] ); const onSelectOptions = (items) => { onSelect && onSelect(items); }; const onAddClick = useCallback(() => { onSelectOptions(selectedOptionList); }, [selectedOptionList]); const onLinkClick = useCallback( (index) => { const option = options[index]; if (!option) return; onSelectOptions([option]); }, [options] ); // If there are more items to be loaded then add an extra row to hold a loading indicator. // Only load 1 page of items at a time. // Pass an empty callback to InfiniteLoader in case it asks us to load more than once. const loadMoreItems = useCallback( (startIndex) => { if (isNextPageLoading) return; const options = { startIndex: startIndex || 0, searchValue: searchValue, currentGroup: currentGroup ? currentGroup.key : null, }; loadNextPage && loadNextPage(options); }, [isNextPageLoading, searchValue, currentGroup, options] ); const onSelectAll = useCallback(() => { const currentSelectedOption = []; selectedOptionList.forEach((selectedOption) => { options.forEach((option, idx) => { if (option.key === selectedOption.key) currentSelectedOption.push(idx); }); }); if (currentSelectedOption.length > 0) { return onOptionChange(currentSelectedOption, true); } onOptionChange(, index) => index), false ); }, [onOptionChange, selectedOptionList, options]); const onGroupClick = useCallback( (index) => { const group = groupList[index]; setGroupHeader({ }); onGroupChanged && onGroupChanged(group); setCurrentGroup(group); }, [groupList, onGroupChanged] ); const onArrowClickAction = useCallback(() => { if (groupHeader && groups.length !== 1) { setGroupHeader(null); onGroupChanged && onGroupChanged([]); setCurrentGroup([]); return; } onArrowClick && onArrowClick(); }, [groups, groupHeader && groupHeader.label, onArrowClick, onGroupChanged]); const renderGroupsList = useCallback(() => { if (groupList.length === 0) { return