{ "AddedToClipboard": "Items added to clipboard", "AdditionalLinks": "Additional links", "AddMembersDescription": "You can add new team members manually or invite them via link.", "AddNewLink": "Add new link", "All": "All", "AllFiles": "All files", "AllLinksAreDisabled": "All links are disabled", "AppointNewOwner": "You have appointed a new owner.", "ArchiveAction": "Empty archive", "ArchivedRoomAction": "The room '{{name}}' is archived", "ArchivedRoomsAction": "The rooms are archived", "ArchiveEmptyScreen": "You can archive rooms you don’t use and restore them in your DocSpace at any moment or delete them permanently. These rooms will appear here.", "ArchiveEmptyScreenHeader": "No archived rooms here yet", "ArchiveEmptyScreenUser": "Rooms that have been archived will appear here.", "Archives": "Archives", "AssignOwner": "Assign Owner", "BackToParentFolderButton": "Back to parent folder", "ByAuthor": "Author", "ByCreation": "Created", "ByErasure": "Erasure", "ByLastModified": "Modified", "ChangeTheRoomOwner": "Change the Room Owner", "ChooseExpirationDate": "Limit availability period for this link by setting an expiration date.", "Clean": "Clean", "CollaborationRooms": "Collaboration", "ContainsSpecCharacter": "The title can't contain any of the following characters: *+:\"<>?|/", "Convert": "Convert", "CopyGeneralLink": "Copy general link", "CopyItem": "{{title}} copied", "CopyItems": "{{qty}} elements copied", "CopyLink": "Copy link", "CopyLinkPassword": "Copy link password", "CopyPassword": "Copy password", "CreateAndCopy": "Create and copy", "CreateNewLink": "Create new link", "CreateRoom": "Create room", "CustomRooms": "Custom", "DaysRemaining": "Days remaining: {{daysRemaining}}", "DeleteGeneralLink": "The previous link will become unavailable. A new general link will be created.", "DeleteLink": "Delete link", "DeleteLinkNote": "The link will be deleted permanently. You will not be able to undo this action.", "DisableDownload": "Restrict file content copy, file download and printing", "DisableLink": "Disable link", "DisableNotifications": "Disable notifications", "Document": "Document", "DocumentEdited": "Cannot perform the action because the document is being edited.", "DownloadAll": "Download all", "EditAdditionalLink": "Edit additional link", "EditGeneralLink": "Edit general link", "EditLink": "Edit link", "EditRoom": "Edit room", "EmbeddingSettings": "Embedding settings", "EmptyFile": "Empty file", "EmptyFilterDescriptionText": "No files or folders match this filter. Try a different one or clear filter to view all files. ", "EmptyFilterSubheadingText": "No files to be displayed for this filter here", "EmptyFolderDecription": "Drop files here or create new ones", "EmptyFolderDescriptionUser": "Files and folders uploaded by admins will appear here.", "EmptyRecycleBin": "Empty Trash", "EmptyRootRoomHeader": "Welcome to DocSpace", "EmptyScreenFolder": "No docs here yet", "EnableLink": "Enable link", "EnableNotifications": "Enable notifications", "ExcludeSubfolders": "Exclude subfolders", "FavoritesEmptyContainerDescription": "To mark files as favorites or remove them from this list, use the context menu.", "FileContents": "File contents", "FileRemoved": "File moved to Trash", "FileRenamed": "The document '{{oldTitle}}' is renamed to '{{newTitle}}'", "FillingFormRooms": "Filling form", "Filter": "Filter", "FinalizeVersion": "Finalize version", "Folder": "Folder", "FolderRemoved": "Folder moved to Trash", "FolderRenamed": "The folder '{{folderTitle}}' is renamed to '{{newFoldedTitle}}'", "Forms": "Forms", "FormsTemplates": "Forms templates", "GeneralLink": "General link", "GeneralLinkDeletedSuccessfully": "New general link created successfully", "GoToMyRooms": "Go to rooms", "GoToPersonal": "Go to My Documents", "Images": "Images", "InviteUsersInRoom": "Invite users in room", "LeaveRoomDescription": "You are the owner of this room. Before you leave the room, you must transfer the owner's role to another user.", "LeaveTheRoom": "Leave the room", "LeftAndAppointNewOwner": "You have left the room and appointed a new owner", "LimitByTimePeriod": "Limit by time period", "LinkDeletedSuccessfully": "Link deleted successfully", "LinkDisabledSuccessfully": "Link disabled successfully", "LinkEditedSuccessfully": "Link successfully edited and copied", "LinkEnabledSuccessfully": "Link enabled successfully", "LinkForPortalUsers": "Link for DocSpace users", "LinkSuccessfullyCopied": "Link successfully copied to clipboard", "LinkSuccessfullyCreatedAndCopied": "Link successfully created and copied to clipboard", "LinkValidUntil": "This link will be valid until", "MarkAsFavorite": "Mark as favorite", "MarkAsRevision": "Mark as revision", "MarkAsVersion": "Mark as version", "MarkedAsFavorite": "Added to favorites", "MarkRead": "Mark as read", "MaximumNumberOfExternalLinksCreated": "Maximum number of external links created", "Media": "Media", "MoveItem": "{{title}} moved", "MoveItems": "{{qty}} elements have been moved", "MoveOrCopy": "Move or copy", "MoveToArchive": "Move to archive", "MoveToFolderMessage": "You can't move the folder to its subfolder", "MoveToPublicRoom": "This room and all its contents are available to anyone with the link. Do you want to continue?", "MoveToPublicRoomTitle": "Move to Public room", "New": "New", "NewRoom": "New room", "NoAccessRoomDescription": "You will be redirected to the My Rooms automatically in 5 seconds.", "NoAccessRoomTitle": "Sorry, you don't have access to this room.", "NoExternalLinks": "No external links", "NoFilesHereYet": "No files here yet", "Open": "Open", "OpenLocation": "Open location", "PasswordAccess": "Password access", "PasswordLink": "Add a password to protect your link.", "PasswordSuccessfullyCopied": "Password successfully copied", "Pin": "Pin", "PinToTop": "Pin to top", "Presentation": "Presentation", "PreventDownloadFilesAndFolders": "Enable this setting to disable downloads of files and folders from this room shared via a link", "PrivateRoomDescriptionEncrypted": "Encrypted editing and real-time collaboration.", "PrivateRoomDescriptionSafest": "The safest storage for docx, xlsx and pptx.", "PrivateRoomDescriptionSecure": "Secure sharing with trusted teammates.", "PrivateRoomDescriptionUnbreakable": "Unbreakable AES-256 algorithm.", "PrivateRoomHeader": "Welcome to ONLYOFFICE private room where every symbol you type is encrypted", "PrivateRoomSupport": "Work in Private Room is available via {{organizationName}} desktop app. <3>Instructions", "PublicRoom": "Public room", "RecentEmptyContainerDescription": "Your last viewed or edited docs will be displayed in this section.", "RecycleBinAction": "Empty trash", "RemovedFromFavorites": "Removed from favorites", "RemoveFromFavorites": "Remove from favorites", "RemoveFromList": "Remove from list", "RestoreAll": "Restore all", "RevokeLink": "Revoke link", "RoomAvailableViaExternalLink": "Room available via external link", "RoomCreated": "Room created", "RoomEmptyContainerDescription": "Please create the first room.", "RoomEmptyContainerDescriptionUser": "Rooms shared with you will appear here.", "RoomNotificationsDisabled": "Room notifications disabled", "RoomNotificationsEnabled": "Room notifications enabled", "RoomOwner": "Room owner", "RoomPinned": "Room pinned", "RoomRemoved": "Room removed", "RoomsPinned": "Rooms pinned: {{count}}", "RoomsRemoved": "Rooms removed", "RoomsUnpinned": "Rooms unpinned: {{count}}", "RoomUnpinned": "Room unpinned", "SearchByContent": "Search by file contents", "SelectorEmptyScreenHeader": "No files and folders here yet", "SendByEmail": "Send by email", "Share": "Share", "ShareRoom": "Share room", "ShowLinkActions": "Show link actions", "ShowVersionHistory": "Show version history", "Spreadsheet": "Spreadsheet", "TableSettingsTitle": "Manage displayed columns", "TooltipElementCopyMessage": "Copy {{element}}", "TooltipElementsCopyMessage": "Copy {{element}} elements", "TooltipElementsMoveMessage": "Move {{element}} elements", "TrashEmptyDescription": "All deleted files are moved to 'Trash'. Restore files deleted by mistake or delete them permanently. Files in 'Trash' are automatically deleted after 30 days. Please note, that the files deleted from the 'Trash' cannot be restored any longer.", "TrashErasureWarning": "Items in Trash are automatically deleted after 30 days.", "UnarchivedRoomAction": "The room '{{name}}' is unarchived.", "UnarchivedRoomsAction": "The rooms are unarchived.", "UnblockVersion": "Unblock/Check-in", "Unpin": "Unpin", "VersionBadge": "V.{{version}}", "VersionHistory": "Version history", "ViewList": "List", "ViewOnlyRooms": "View-only", "ViewTiles": "Tiles", "WantLeaveRoom": "Do you really want to leave this room? You will be able to join it again via new invitation by a room admin.", "WantToRestoreTheRoom": "All shared links in this room will become active, and its contents will be available to everyone with the link. Do you want to restore the room?", "WantToRestoreTheRooms": "All shared links in restored rooms will become active, and their contents will be available to everyone with the room links. Do you want to restore the rooms?", "WithSubfolders": "With subfolders", "YouLeftTheRoom": "You have left the room" }