import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import throttle from "lodash.throttle"; import { StyledTableHeader, StyledTableRow, StyledEmptyTableContainer, } from "./StyledTableContainer"; import TableSettings from "./TableSettings"; import TableHeaderCell from "./TableHeaderCell"; import { size } from "../utils/device"; const minColumnSize = 150; const defaultMinColumnSize = 110; const settingsSize = 24; const containerMargin = 25; class TableHeader extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { columnIndex: null, hideColumns: false }; this.headerRef = React.createRef(); this.throttledResize = throttle(this.onResize, 300); } componentDidMount() { this.onResize(); window.addEventListener("resize", this.throttledResize); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener("resize", this.throttledResize); } componentDidUpdate() { this.onResize(); } getSubstring = (str) => +str.substring(0, str.length - 2); getNextColumn = (array, index) => { let i = 1; while (array.length !== i) { const item = array[index + i]; if (!item || this.state.hideColumns) return null; else if (!item.enable) i++; else return item; } }; getColumn = (array, index) => { let i = 1; while (array.length !== i) { const item = array[index + i]; if (!item) return [0, i]; else if (item === "0px") i++; else return [this.getSubstring(item), i]; } }; moveToLeft = (widths, newWidth, index) => { const { columnIndex } = this.state; let leftColumn; let colIndex = index !== undefined ? index : columnIndex - 1; if (colIndex < 0) return; while (colIndex >= 0) { leftColumn = document.getElementById("column_" + colIndex); if (leftColumn) { if (leftColumn.dataset.enable === "true") break; else colIndex--; } else return false; } const minSize = leftColumn.dataset.minWidth ? leftColumn.dataset.minWidth : defaultMinColumnSize; if (leftColumn.clientWidth <= minSize) { if (colIndex < 0) return false; return this.moveToLeft(widths, newWidth, colIndex - 1); } const offset = this.getSubstring(widths[+columnIndex]) - newWidth; const column2Width = this.getSubstring(widths[colIndex]); const leftColumnWidth = column2Width - offset; const newLeftWidth = leftColumnWidth < minSize ? minSize : leftColumnWidth; widths[colIndex] = newLeftWidth + "px"; widths[+columnIndex] = this.getSubstring(widths[+columnIndex]) + (offset - (newLeftWidth - leftColumnWidth)) + "px"; }; moveToRight = (widths, newWidth, index) => { const { columnIndex } = this.state; let rightColumn; let colIndex = index ? index : +columnIndex + 1; while (colIndex !== this.props.columns.length) { rightColumn = document.getElementById("column_" + colIndex); if (rightColumn) { if (rightColumn.dataset.enable === "true") break; else colIndex++; } else return false; } const offset = this.getSubstring(widths[+columnIndex]) - newWidth; const column2Width = this.getSubstring(widths[colIndex]); const defaultColumn = document.getElementById("column_" + colIndex); if (!defaultColumn || defaultColumn.dataset.defaultSize) return; if (column2Width + offset >= defaultMinColumnSize) { widths[+columnIndex] = newWidth + "px"; widths[colIndex] = column2Width + offset + "px"; } else { if (colIndex === this.props.columns.length) return false; return this.moveToRight(widths, newWidth, colIndex + 1); } }; addNewColumns = (gridTemplateColumns, activeColumnIndex, containerWidth) => { const { columns, columnStorageName } = this.props; const filterColumns = columns.filter((x) => !x.defaultSize); const clearSize = => this.getSubstring(c)); const maxSize = Math.max.apply(Math, clearSize); const defaultSize = columns[activeColumnIndex - 1].defaultSize; const defaultColSize = defaultSize ? defaultSize : containerWidth / filterColumns.length; const indexOfMaxSize = clearSize.findIndex((s) => s === maxSize); const newSize = maxSize - defaultColSize; const AddColumn = () => { gridTemplateColumns[indexOfMaxSize] = newSize + "px"; gridTemplateColumns[activeColumnIndex] = defaultColSize + "px"; return false; }; const ResetColumnsSize = () => { localStorage.removeItem(columnStorageName); this.resetColumns(); return true; }; if (indexOfMaxSize === 1) { if (newSize <= 180 || newSize <= defaultColSize) return ResetColumnsSize(); else return AddColumn(); } else if (newSize <= defaultColSize) return ResetColumnsSize(); else return AddColumn(); }; onMouseMove = (e) => { const { columnIndex } = this.state; const { containerRef } = this.props; if (!columnIndex) return; const column = document.getElementById("column_" + columnIndex); const columnSize = column.getBoundingClientRect(); const newWidth = e.clientX - columnSize.left; const tableContainer =; const widths = tableContainer.split(" "); const minSize = column.dataset.minWidth ? column.dataset.minWidth : defaultMinColumnSize; if (newWidth <= minSize) { const columnChanged = this.moveToLeft(widths, newWidth); if (!columnChanged) { widths[+columnIndex] = widths[+columnIndex]; } } else { this.moveToRight(widths, newWidth); } const str = widths.join(" "); = str; = str; this.updateTableRows(str); }; onMouseUp = () => { !this.props.infoPanelVisible ? localStorage.setItem( this.props.columnStorageName, ) : localStorage.setItem( this.props.columnInfoPanelStorageName, ); window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp); }; onMouseDown = (event) => { this.setState({ columnIndex: }); window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove); window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp); }; onResize = () => { const { containerRef, columnStorageName, columnInfoPanelStorageName, resetColumnsSize, sectionWidth, infoPanelVisible, columns, setHideColumns, } = this.props; if (!infoPanelVisible && this.state.hideColumns) { this.setState({ hideColumns: false }); setHideColumns && setHideColumns(false); } let activeColumnIndex = null; const container = containerRef.current ? containerRef.current : document.getElementById("table-container"); // // 400 - it is desktop info panel width // const minSize = infoPanelVisible ? size.tablet - 400 : size.tablet; // if ( // !container || // +container.clientWidth + containerMargin <= minSize || // sectionWidth <= minSize // ) // return; const storageSize = !resetColumnsSize && localStorage.getItem(columnStorageName); const defaultSize = this.props.columns.find((col) => col.defaultSize)?.defaultSize || 0; //TODO: Fixed columns size if something went wrong if (storageSize) { const splitStorage = storageSize.split(" "); const isInvalid = splitStorage.some((s) => s === "NaNpx"); if ( (defaultSize && splitStorage[splitStorage.length - 2] !== `${defaultSize}px`) || this.getSubstring(splitStorage[0]) <= defaultMinColumnSize || isInvalid ) { localStorage.removeItem(columnStorageName); return this.onResize(); } } const tableContainer = storageSize ? storageSize.split(" ") :" "); // columns.length + 1 - its settings column if (tableContainer.length !== columns.length + 1) { return this.resetColumns(true); } if (!container) return const containerWidth = +container.clientWidth; const oldWidth = tableContainer .map((column) => this.getSubstring(column)) .reduce((x, y) => x + y) - defaultSize - settingsSize; let str = ""; if (tableContainer.length > 1) { const gridTemplateColumns = []; let hideColumns = false; if (infoPanelVisible) { const storageInfoPanelSize = localStorage.getItem( columnInfoPanelStorageName ); const tableInfoPanelContainer = storageInfoPanelSize ? storageInfoPanelSize.split(" ") : tableContainer; let containerMinWidth = containerWidth - defaultSize - settingsSize; tableInfoPanelContainer.forEach((item, index) => { const column = document.getElementById("column_" + index); const enable = index == tableContainer.length - 1 || (column ? column.dataset.enable === "true" : item !== "0px"); if ( enable && (item !== `${defaultSize}px` || `${defaultSize}px` === `0px`) && item !== `${settingsSize}px` ) { if (column?.dataset?.minWidth) { containerMinWidth = containerMinWidth - column.dataset.minWidth; } else { containerMinWidth = containerMinWidth - defaultMinColumnSize; } } }); if (containerMinWidth < 0) { hideColumns = true; } if (this.state.hideColumns !== hideColumns) { this.setState({ hideColumns: hideColumns }); setHideColumns(hideColumns); } if (hideColumns) { tableInfoPanelContainer.forEach((item, index) => { const column = document.getElementById("column_" + index); if (column?.dataset?.minWidth) { gridTemplateColumns.push( `${containerWidth - defaultSize - settingsSize}px` ); } else if ( item === `${defaultSize}px` || item === `${settingsSize}px` ) { gridTemplateColumns.push(item); } else { gridTemplateColumns.push("0px"); } }); } else { let contentWidth = containerWidth - defaultSize - settingsSize; let enabledColumnsCount = 0; tableInfoPanelContainer.forEach((item, index) => { if ( index != 0 && item !== "0px" && item !== `${defaultSize}px` && item !== `${settingsSize}px` ) { enabledColumnsCount++; } }); const changedWidth = tableInfoPanelContainer .map((column) => this.getSubstring(column)) .reduce((x, y) => x + y) - defaultSize - settingsSize; if ( contentWidth - enabledColumnsCount * defaultMinColumnSize > this.getSubstring(tableInfoPanelContainer[0]) ) { const currentContentWidth = contentWidth - +this.getSubstring(tableInfoPanelContainer[0]); let overWidth = 0; tableInfoPanelContainer.forEach((item, index) => { if (index == 0) { gridTemplateColumns.push(item); } else { const column = document.getElementById("column_" + index); const enable = index == tableInfoPanelContainer.length - 1 || (column ? column.dataset.enable === "true" : item !== "0px"); const defaultColumnSize = column && column.dataset.defaultSize; if (!enable) { gridTemplateColumns.push("0px"); } else if (item !== `${settingsSize}px`) { const percent = (this.getSubstring(item) / (changedWidth - +this.getSubstring(tableInfoPanelContainer[0]))) * 100; const newItemWidth = defaultColumnSize ? `${defaultColumnSize}px` : (currentContentWidth * percent) / 100 > defaultMinColumnSize ? (currentContentWidth * percent) / 100 + "px" : defaultMinColumnSize + "px"; if ( (currentContentWidth * percent) / 100 < defaultMinColumnSize && !defaultColumnSize ) { overWidth += defaultMinColumnSize - (currentContentWidth * percent) / 100; } gridTemplateColumns.push(newItemWidth); } else { gridTemplateColumns.push(item); } } }); if (overWidth > 0) { gridTemplateColumns.forEach((column, index) => { const columnWidth = this.getSubstring(column); if ( index !== 0 && column !== "0px" && column !== `${defaultSize}px` && column !== `${settingsSize}px` && columnWidth > defaultMinColumnSize ) { const availableWidth = columnWidth - defaultMinColumnSize; if (availableWidth < Math.abs(overWidth)) { overWidth = Math.abs(overWidth) - availableWidth; return (gridTemplateColumns[index] = columnWidth - availableWidth + "px"); } else { const temp = overWidth; overWidth = 0; return (gridTemplateColumns[index] = columnWidth - Math.abs(temp) + "px"); } } }); } } else { tableInfoPanelContainer.forEach((item, index) => { const column = document.getElementById("column_" + index); const enable = index == tableInfoPanelContainer.length - 1 || (column ? column.dataset.enable === "true" : item !== "0px"); const defaultColumnSize = column && column.dataset.defaultSize; if (!enable) { gridTemplateColumns.push("0px"); } else if (item !== `${settingsSize}px`) { const newItemWidth = defaultColumnSize ? `${defaultColumnSize}px` : index == 0 ? `${contentWidth - enabledColumnsCount * defaultMinColumnSize }px` : `${defaultMinColumnSize}px`; gridTemplateColumns.push(newItemWidth); } else { gridTemplateColumns.push(item); } }); } } } else { for (let index in tableContainer) { const item = tableContainer[index]; const column = document.getElementById("column_" + index); const enable = index == tableContainer.length - 1 || (column ? column.dataset.enable === "true" : item !== "0px"); const defaultColumnSize = column && column.dataset.defaultSize; const isActiveNow = item === "0px" && enable; if (isActiveNow && column) activeColumnIndex = index; if (!enable) { gridTemplateColumns.push("0px"); let colIndex = 1; let leftEnableColumn = gridTemplateColumns[index - colIndex]; while (leftEnableColumn === "0px") { colIndex++; leftEnableColumn = gridTemplateColumns[index - colIndex]; } //added the size of the disabled column to the left column gridTemplateColumns[index - colIndex] = this.getSubstring(gridTemplateColumns[index - colIndex]) + this.getSubstring(item) + "px"; } else if (item !== `${settingsSize}px`) { const percent = (this.getSubstring(item) / oldWidth) * 100; const newItemWidth = defaultColumnSize ? `${defaultColumnSize}px` : percent === 0 ? `${minColumnSize}px` : ((containerWidth - defaultSize - settingsSize) * percent) / 100 + "px"; gridTemplateColumns.push(newItemWidth); } else { gridTemplateColumns.push(item); } } if (activeColumnIndex) { const needReset = this.addNewColumns( gridTemplateColumns, activeColumnIndex, containerWidth ); if (needReset) return; } } str = gridTemplateColumns.join(" "); } else { this.resetColumns(true); } if (str) { = str; this.updateTableRows(str); if (this.headerRef.current) { = str; = containerWidth + "px"; } infoPanelVisible ? localStorage.setItem(columnInfoPanelStorageName, str) : localStorage.setItem(columnStorageName, str); if (!infoPanelVisible) { localStorage.removeItem(columnInfoPanelStorageName); } } }; updateTableRows = (str) => { if (!this.props.useReactWindow) return; const rows = document.querySelectorAll(".table-row, .table-list-item"); if (rows?.length) { for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { rows[i].style.gridTemplateColumns = str; } } }; resetColumns = (resetToDefault = false) => { const { containerRef, columnStorageName, columnInfoPanelStorageName, columns, infoPanelVisible, } = this.props; const defaultSize = this.props.columns.find((col) => col.defaultSize) ?.defaultSize; let str = ""; const enableColumns = this.props.columns .filter((x) => x.enable) .filter((x) => !x.defaultSize) .filter((x) => !x.default); const container = containerRef.current ? containerRef.current : document.getElementById("table-container"); const containerWidth = +container.clientWidth; if (resetToDefault) { const firstColumnPercent = 40; const percent = 60 / enableColumns.length; const wideColumnSize = (containerWidth * firstColumnPercent) / 100 + "px"; const otherColumns = (containerWidth * percent) / 100 + "px"; for (let col of columns) { if (col.default) { str += `${wideColumnSize} `; } else str += col.enable ? col.defaultSize ? `${col.defaultSize}px ` : `${otherColumns} ` : "0px "; } } else { const percent = 100 / enableColumns.length; const newContainerWidth = containerWidth - containerMargin - (defaultSize || 0); const otherColumns = (newContainerWidth * percent) / 100 + "px"; str = ""; for (let col of this.props.columns) { str += col.enable ? /* col.minWidth ? `${col.minWidth}px ` : */ col.defaultSize ? `${col.defaultSize}px ` : `${otherColumns} ` : "0px "; } } str += `${settingsSize}px`; = str; if (this.headerRef.current) { = str; = containerWidth + "px"; } str ? !infoPanelVisible ? localStorage.setItem(columnStorageName, str) : localStorage.setItem(columnInfoPanelStorageName, str) : null; this.onResize(); }; render() { const { columns, sortBy, sorted, isLengthenHeader, sortingVisible, infoPanelVisible, showSettings, tagRef, settingsTitle, } = this.props; //console.log("TABLE HEADER RENDER", columns); return ( <> {, index) => { const nextColumn = this.getNextColumn(columns, index); const resizable = nextColumn ? nextColumn.resizable : false; return ( ); })} {showSettings && (
); } } TableHeader.defaultProps = { sortingVisible: true, infoPanelVisible: false, useReactWindow: false, showSettings: true, }; TableHeader.propTypes = { containerRef: PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.any }).isRequired, columns: PropTypes.array.isRequired, sortBy: PropTypes.string, sorted: PropTypes.bool, columnStorageName: PropTypes.string, sectionWidth: PropTypes.number, onClick: PropTypes.func, resetColumnsSize: PropTypes.bool, isLengthenHeader: PropTypes.bool, sortingVisible: PropTypes.bool, infoPanelVisible: PropTypes.bool, useReactWindow: PropTypes.bool, showSettings: PropTypes.bool, }; export default TableHeader;