/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2018 * * This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). * In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that * Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights. * * THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details, see GNU GPL at https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at sales@onlyoffice.com * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display * Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains * relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic * form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE" * in every copy of the program you distribute. * Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * */ using ASC.Common.Caching; using ASC.Common.Threading.Workers; using ASC.CRM.Resources; using ASC.Data.Storage; using ASC.Web.Core; using ASC.Web.Core.Utility.Skins; using ASC.Web.CRM.Configuration; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; namespace ASC.Web.CRM.Classes { public class ResizeWorkerItem { public int ContactID { get; set; } public bool UploadOnly { get; set; } public String TmpDirName { get; set; } public Size[] RequireFotoSize { get; set; } public byte[] ImageData { get; set; } public IDataStore DataStore { get; set; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (!(obj is ResizeWorkerItem)) return false; var item = (ResizeWorkerItem)obj; return item.ContactID.Equals(ContactID) && RequireFotoSize.Equals(item.RequireFotoSize) && ImageData.Length == item.ImageData.Length; } public override int GetHashCode() { return ContactID ^ RequireFotoSize.GetHashCode() ^ ImageData.Length; } } public static class ContactPhotoManager { #region Members private const string PhotosBaseDirName = "photos"; private const string PhotosDefaultTmpDirName = "temp"; private static readonly Dictionary> _photoCache = new Dictionary>(); private static readonly WorkerQueue ResizeQueue = new WorkerQueue(2, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), 1, true); private static readonly ICacheNotify cachyNotify; private static readonly Size _oldBigSize = new Size(145, 145); private static readonly Size _bigSize = new Size(200, 200); private static readonly Size _mediumSize = new Size(82, 82); private static readonly Size _smallSize = new Size(40, 40); private static readonly object locker = new object(); #endregion #region Cache and DataStore Methods static ContactPhotoManager() { cachyNotify = AscCache.Notify; cachyNotify.Subscribe>>( (item, action) => { var contactID = item.Key; var sizeUriPair = item.Value; switch (action) { case CacheNotifyAction.InsertOrUpdate: ToPrivateCache(contactID, sizeUriPair.Value, sizeUriPair.Key); break; case CacheNotifyAction.Remove: RemoveFromPrivateCache(contactID); break; } }); } private static String FromCache(int contactID, Size photoSize) { lock (locker) { if (_photoCache.ContainsKey(contactID)) { if (_photoCache[contactID].ContainsKey(photoSize)) { return _photoCache[contactID][photoSize]; } if (photoSize == _bigSize && _photoCache[contactID].ContainsKey(_oldBigSize)) { return _photoCache[contactID][_oldBigSize]; } } } return String.Empty; } private static void RemoveFromCache(int contactID) { cachyNotify.Publish(CreateCacheItem(contactID, "", Size.Empty), CacheNotifyAction.Remove); } private static void RemoveFromPrivateCache(int contactID) { lock (locker) { _photoCache.Remove(contactID); } } private static void ToCache(int contactID, String photoUri, Size photoSize) { cachyNotify.Publish(CreateCacheItem(contactID, photoUri, photoSize), CacheNotifyAction.InsertOrUpdate); } private static void ToPrivateCache(int contactID, String photoUri, Size photoSize) { lock (locker) { if (_photoCache.ContainsKey(contactID)) if (_photoCache[contactID].ContainsKey(photoSize)) _photoCache[contactID][photoSize] = photoUri; else _photoCache[contactID].Add(photoSize, photoUri); else _photoCache.Add(contactID, new Dictionary {{photoSize, photoUri}}); } } private static KeyValuePair> CreateCacheItem(int contactID, String photoUri, Size photoSize) { var sizeUriPair = new KeyValuePair(photoSize, photoUri); return new KeyValuePair>(contactID, sizeUriPair); } private static String FromDataStore(int contactID, Size photoSize) { return FromDataStore(contactID, photoSize, false, null); } private static String FromDataStore(int contactID, Size photoSize, Boolean isTmpDir, String tmpDirName) { var directoryPath = !isTmpDir ? BuildFileDirectory(contactID) : (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpDirName) ? BuildFileTmpDirectory(contactID) : BuildFileTmpDirectory(tmpDirName)); var filesURI = Global.GetStore().ListFiles(directoryPath, BuildFileName(contactID, photoSize) + "*", false); if (filesURI.Length == 0 && photoSize == _bigSize) { filesURI = Global.GetStore().ListFiles(directoryPath, BuildFileName(contactID, _oldBigSize) + "*", false); } if (filesURI.Length == 0) { return String.Empty; } return filesURI[0].ToString(); } private static String FromDataStoreRelative(int contactID, Size photoSize, Boolean isTmpDir, String tmpDirName) { var directoryPath = !isTmpDir ? BuildFileDirectory(contactID) : (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpDirName) ? BuildFileTmpDirectory(contactID) : BuildFileTmpDirectory(tmpDirName)); var filesPaths = Global.GetStore().ListFilesRelative("", directoryPath, BuildFileName(contactID, photoSize) + "*", false); if (filesPaths.Length == 0 && photoSize == _bigSize) { filesPaths = Global.GetStore().ListFilesRelative("", directoryPath, BuildFileName(contactID, _oldBigSize) + "*", false); } if (filesPaths.Length == 0) { return String.Empty; } return Path.Combine(directoryPath, filesPaths[0]); } private static PhotoData FromDataStore(Size photoSize, String tmpDirName) { var directoryPath = BuildFileTmpDirectory(tmpDirName); if (!Global.GetStore().IsDirectory(directoryPath)) return null; var filesURI = Global.GetStore().ListFiles(directoryPath, BuildFileName(0, photoSize) + "*", false); if (filesURI.Length == 0) return null; return new PhotoData { Url = filesURI[0].ToString(), Path = tmpDirName }; } #endregion #region Private Methods private static String GetPhotoUri(int contactID, bool isCompany, Size photoSize) { var photoUri = FromCache(contactID, photoSize); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(photoUri)) return photoUri; photoUri = FromDataStore(contactID, photoSize); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(photoUri)) photoUri = GetDefaultPhoto(isCompany, photoSize); ToCache(contactID, photoUri, photoSize); return photoUri; } private static String BuildFileDirectory(int contactID) { var s = contactID.ToString("000000"); return String.Concat(PhotosBaseDirName, "/", s.Substring(0, 2), "/", s.Substring(2, 2), "/", s.Substring(4), "/"); } private static String BuildFileTmpDirectory(int contactID) { return String.Concat(BuildFileDirectory(contactID), PhotosDefaultTmpDirName, "/"); } private static String BuildFileTmpDirectory(string tmpDirName) { return String.Concat(PhotosBaseDirName, "/", tmpDirName.TrimEnd('/'), "/"); } private static String BuildFileName(int contactID, Size photoSize) { return String.Format("contact_{0}_{1}_{2}", contactID, photoSize.Width, photoSize.Height); } private static String BuildFilePath(int contactID, Size photoSize, String imageExtension) { if (photoSize.IsEmpty || contactID == 0) throw new ArgumentException(); return String.Concat(BuildFileDirectory(contactID), BuildFileName(contactID, photoSize), imageExtension); } private static String BuildFileTmpPath(int contactID, Size photoSize, String imageExtension, String tmpDirName) { if (photoSize.IsEmpty || (contactID == 0 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpDirName))) throw new ArgumentException(); return String.Concat( String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpDirName) ? BuildFileTmpDirectory(contactID) : BuildFileTmpDirectory(tmpDirName), BuildFileName(contactID, photoSize), imageExtension); } private static void ExecResizeImage(ResizeWorkerItem resizeWorkerItem) { foreach (var fotoSize in resizeWorkerItem.RequireFotoSize) { var data = resizeWorkerItem.ImageData; using (var stream = new MemoryStream(data)) using (var img = new Bitmap(stream)) { var imgFormat = img.RawFormat; if (fotoSize != img.Size) { using (var img2 = CommonPhotoManager.DoThumbnail(img, fotoSize, false, false, false)) { data = CommonPhotoManager.SaveToBytes(img2, Global.GetImgFormatName(imgFormat)); } } else { data = Global.SaveToBytes(img); } var fileExtension = String.Concat("." + Global.GetImgFormatName(imgFormat)); var photoPath = !resizeWorkerItem.UploadOnly ? BuildFilePath(resizeWorkerItem.ContactID, fotoSize, fileExtension) : BuildFileTmpPath(resizeWorkerItem.ContactID, fotoSize, fileExtension, resizeWorkerItem.TmpDirName); using (var fileStream = new MemoryStream(data)) { var photoUri = resizeWorkerItem.DataStore.Save(photoPath, fileStream).ToString(); photoUri = String.Format("{0}?cd={1}", photoUri, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks); if (!resizeWorkerItem.UploadOnly) { ToCache(resizeWorkerItem.ContactID, photoUri, fotoSize); } } } } } private static String GetDefaultPhoto(bool isCompany, Size photoSize) { int contactID; if (isCompany) contactID = -1; else contactID = -2; var defaultPhotoUri = FromCache(contactID, photoSize); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultPhotoUri)) return defaultPhotoUri; if (isCompany) defaultPhotoUri = WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath(String.Format("empty_company_logo_{0}_{1}.png", photoSize.Height, photoSize.Width), ProductEntryPoint.ID); else defaultPhotoUri = WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath(String.Format("empty_people_logo_{0}_{1}.png", photoSize.Height, photoSize.Width), ProductEntryPoint.ID); ToCache(contactID, defaultPhotoUri, photoSize); return defaultPhotoUri; } #endregion #region Delete Methods public static void DeletePhoto(int contactID) { DeletePhoto(contactID, false, null, true); } public static void DeletePhoto(int contactID, bool isTmpDir, string tmpDirName, bool recursive) { if (contactID == 0) throw new ArgumentException(); lock (locker) { ResizeQueue.GetItems().Where(item => item.ContactID == contactID) .All(item => { ResizeQueue.Remove(item); return true; }); var photoDirectory = !isTmpDir ? BuildFileDirectory(contactID) : (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpDirName) ? BuildFileTmpDirectory(contactID) : BuildFileTmpDirectory(tmpDirName)); var store = Global.GetStore(); if (store.IsDirectory(photoDirectory)) { store.DeleteFiles(photoDirectory, "*", recursive); if (recursive) { store.DeleteDirectory(photoDirectory); } } if (!isTmpDir) { RemoveFromCache(contactID); } } } public static void DeletePhoto(string tmpDirName) { lock (locker) { var photoDirectory = BuildFileTmpDirectory(tmpDirName); var store = Global.GetStore(); if (store.IsDirectory(photoDirectory)) { store.DeleteFiles(photoDirectory, "*", false); } } } #endregion public static void TryUploadPhotoFromTmp(int contactID, bool isNewContact, string tmpDirName) { var directoryPath = BuildFileDirectory(contactID); var dataStore = Global.GetStore(); try { if (dataStore.IsDirectory(directoryPath)) { DeletePhoto(contactID, false, null, false); } foreach (var photoSize in new[] {_bigSize, _mediumSize, _smallSize}) { var photoTmpPath = FromDataStoreRelative(isNewContact ? 0 : contactID, photoSize, true, tmpDirName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(photoTmpPath)) throw new Exception("Temp phono not found"); var imageExtension = Path.GetExtension(photoTmpPath); var photoPath = String.Concat(directoryPath, BuildFileName(contactID, photoSize), imageExtension).TrimStart('/'); byte[] data; using (var photoTmpStream = dataStore.GetReadStream(photoTmpPath)) { data = Global.ToByteArray(photoTmpStream); } using (var fileStream = new MemoryStream(data)) { var photoUri = dataStore.Save(photoPath, fileStream).ToString(); photoUri = String.Format("{0}?cd={1}", photoUri, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks); ToCache(contactID, photoUri, photoSize); } } DeletePhoto(contactID, true, tmpDirName, true); } catch(Exception ex) { LogManager.GetLogger("ASC.CRM").ErrorFormat("TryUploadPhotoFromTmp for contactID={0} failed witth error: {1}", contactID, ex); return; } } #region Get Photo Methods public static String GetSmallSizePhoto(int contactID, bool isCompany) { if (contactID <= 0) return GetDefaultPhoto(isCompany, _smallSize); return GetPhotoUri(contactID, isCompany, _smallSize); } public static String GetMediumSizePhoto(int contactID, bool isCompany) { if (contactID <= 0) return GetDefaultPhoto(isCompany, _mediumSize); return GetPhotoUri(contactID, isCompany, _mediumSize); } public static String GetBigSizePhoto(int contactID, bool isCompany) { if (contactID <= 0) return GetDefaultPhoto(isCompany, _bigSize); return GetPhotoUri(contactID, isCompany, _bigSize); } #endregion private static PhotoData ResizeToBigSize(byte[] imageData, string tmpDirName) { return ResizeToBigSize(imageData, 0, true, tmpDirName); } private static PhotoData ResizeToBigSize(byte[] imageData, int contactID, bool uploadOnly, string tmpDirName) { var resizeWorkerItem = new ResizeWorkerItem { ContactID = contactID, UploadOnly = uploadOnly, RequireFotoSize = new[] {_bigSize}, ImageData = imageData, DataStore = Global.GetStore(), TmpDirName = tmpDirName }; ExecResizeImage(resizeWorkerItem); if (!uploadOnly) { return new PhotoData { Url = FromCache(contactID, _bigSize) }; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpDirName)) { return new PhotoData { Url = FromDataStore(contactID, _bigSize, true, null), Path = PhotosDefaultTmpDirName }; } else { return FromDataStore(_bigSize, tmpDirName); } } private static void ExecGenerateThumbnail(byte[] imageData, int contactID, bool uploadOnly) { ExecGenerateThumbnail(imageData, contactID, uploadOnly, null); } private static void ExecGenerateThumbnail(byte[] imageData, string tmpDirName) { ExecGenerateThumbnail(imageData, 0, true, tmpDirName); } private static void ExecGenerateThumbnail(byte[] imageData, int contactID, bool uploadOnly, string tmpDirName) { var resizeWorkerItem = new ResizeWorkerItem { ContactID = contactID, UploadOnly = uploadOnly, RequireFotoSize = new[] {_mediumSize, _smallSize}, ImageData = imageData, DataStore = Global.GetStore(), TmpDirName = tmpDirName }; if (!ResizeQueue.GetItems().Contains(resizeWorkerItem)) ResizeQueue.Add(resizeWorkerItem); if (!ResizeQueue.IsStarted) ResizeQueue.Start(ExecResizeImage); } private static byte[] ToByteArray(Stream inputStream, int streamLength) { using (var br = new BinaryReader(inputStream)) { return br.ReadBytes(streamLength); } } #region UploadPhoto Methods public static PhotoData UploadPhoto(String imageUrl, int contactID, bool uploadOnly, bool checkFormat = true) { var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(imageUrl); using (var response = request.GetResponse()) { using (var inputStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { var imageData = ToByteArray(inputStream, (int)response.ContentLength); return UploadPhoto(imageData, contactID, uploadOnly, checkFormat); } } } public static PhotoData UploadPhoto(Stream inputStream, int contactID, bool uploadOnly, bool checkFormat = true) { var imageData = Global.ToByteArray(inputStream); return UploadPhoto(imageData, contactID, uploadOnly, checkFormat); } public static PhotoData UploadPhoto(byte[] imageData, int contactID, bool uploadOnly, bool checkFormat = true) { if (contactID == 0) throw new ArgumentException(); if (checkFormat) CheckImgFormat(imageData); DeletePhoto(contactID, uploadOnly, null, false); ExecGenerateThumbnail(imageData, contactID, uploadOnly); return ResizeToBigSize(imageData, contactID, uploadOnly, null); } public static PhotoData UploadPhotoToTemp(String imageUrl, String tmpDirName, bool checkFormat = true) { var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(imageUrl); using (var response = request.GetResponse()) { using (var inputStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { var imageData = ToByteArray(inputStream, (int)response.ContentLength); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpDirName)) { tmpDirName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } return UploadPhotoToTemp(imageData, tmpDirName, checkFormat); } } } public static PhotoData UploadPhotoToTemp(Stream inputStream, String tmpDirName, bool checkFormat = true) { var imageData = Global.ToByteArray(inputStream); return UploadPhotoToTemp(imageData, tmpDirName, checkFormat); } public static PhotoData UploadPhotoToTemp(byte[] imageData, String tmpDirName, bool checkFormat = true) { if (checkFormat) CheckImgFormat(imageData); DeletePhoto(tmpDirName); ExecGenerateThumbnail(imageData, tmpDirName); return ResizeToBigSize(imageData, tmpDirName); } public static ImageFormat CheckImgFormat(byte[] imageData) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageData)) using (var img = new Bitmap(stream)) { var format = img.RawFormat; if (!format.Equals(ImageFormat.Png) && !format.Equals(ImageFormat.Jpeg)) throw new Exception(CRMJSResource.ErrorMessage_NotImageSupportFormat); return format; } } public class PhotoData { public string Url; public string Path; } #endregion } }