
202 lines
6.4 KiB

"folders": [
"name": "🌐 root",
"path": ".",
"name": "🚀 @docspace/client",
"path": "packages/client",
"name": "🔑 @docspace/login",
"path": "packages/login",
"name": "📄 @docspace/editor",
"path": "packages/editor",
"name": "🗂 @docspace/management",
"path": "packages/management",
"name": "📦 @docspace/shared",
"path": "packages/shared",
"settings": {
"window.zoomLevel": 0,
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"liveServer.settings.multiRootWorkspaceName": "✨ docspace",
"cSpell.words": ["docspace", "browserslist", "debuginfo", "doceditor"],
"jest.autoRun": {},
"jest.disabledWorkspaceFolders": [
"🌐 root",
"🔑 @docspace/login",
"🚀 @docspace/client",
"📄 @docspace/editor",
"📦 @docspace/common",
"🗂 @docspace/management",
"[javascript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"VsCodeTaskButtons.tasks": [
"label": "Server",
"tasks": [
"label": "Docker : Build-EE",
"task": "Backend | build EE",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker build EE\" task",
"label": "Docker : ReBuild-EE",
"task": "Backend | rebuild EE",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker rebuild EE\" task",
"label": "Docker : Build-CE",
"task": "Backend | build CE",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker build CE\" task",
"label": "Docker : Build-SAAS + dnsmasq",
"task": "Backend | build SAAS + dnsmasq",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker build SAAS + dnsmasq\" task",
"label": "Docker : ReBuild-SAAS + dnsmasq",
"task": "Backend | rebuild SAAS + dnsmasq",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker rebuild SAAS + dnsmasq\" task",
"label": "Docker : Build-EE + dnsmasq",
"task": "Backend | build EE + dnsmasq",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker build EE + dnsmasq\" task",
"label": "Docker : Clear",
"task": "Backend | clear",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker clear\" task",
"label": "Docker : Stop",
"task": "Backend | stop",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker stop\" task",
"label": "Docker : Start",
"task": "Backend | start",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker start\" task",
"label": "Docker : Restart",
"task": "Backend | restart",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"backend docker restart\" task",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Server tasks",
"label": "Client",
"tasks": [
"label": "Install",
"task": "Frontend | install",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend install packages\" task",
"label": "Update yarn.lock",
"task": "Frontend | update yarn.lock",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend update yarn.lock\" task",
"label": "Build",
"task": "Frontend | build",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend build\" task",
"label": "Build and start prod",
"task": "Frontend | build-and-start-prod",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend build and start production\" task",
"label": "Start",
"task": "Frontend | start",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend start\" task",
"label": "Start prod",
"task": "Frontend | start-prod",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend start production\" task",
"label": "Start storybook",
"task": "Frontend | storybook",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend start storybook\" task",
"label": "Start storybook prod",
"task": "Frontend | storybook prod",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend start storybook\" task",
"label": "Lint",
"task": "Frontend | Eslint",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend start storybook\" task",
"label": "Lint:fix",
"task": "Frontend | Eslint:fix",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend start storybook\" task",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Client tasks",
"label": "Tests",
"tasks": [
"label": "translations",
"task": "Test | frontend-translations",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend translation tests\" task",
"label": "spellcheck",
"task": "Test | frontend-translations-spellcheck",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend translation spellcheck tests\" task",
"label": "spellcheck-force-save",
"task": "Test | frontend-translations-spellcheck-force-save",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"frontend translation spellcheck tests\" task",
"label": "unit",
"task": "Test | Jest:unit",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Start the \"Test | Jest:unit\" task",
"tooltip": "🛠️ Client tests tasks",
"extensions": {
"recommendations": [