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Tree menu description


import { TreeMenu } from "asc-web-components";
<TreeMenu data={data} />

Properties TreeMenu

Props Type Required Values Default Description
autoExpandParent bool - - false Whether auto expand parent treeNodes
checkable bool - - false Whether support checked
className string - - - Accepts class
defaultExpandAll bool - - false Expand all treeNodes
defaultExpandParent bool - - true Auto expand parent treeNodes when init
disabled bool - - false Whether disabled the tree
draggable bool - - false Whether can drag treeNode
id string - - - Accepts id
multiple bool - - false Whether multiple select
onDragEnd func - - - it execs when fire the tree's dragend event
onDragEnter func - - - it execs when fire the tree's dragenter event
onDragLeave func - - - it execs when fire the tree's dragleave event
onDragOver func - - - it execs when fire the tree's dragover event
onDragStart func - - - it execs when fire the tree's dragstart event
onDrop func - - - it execs when fire the tree's drop event
onExpand func - - - fire on treeNode expand or not
onLoad func - - - Trigger when a node is loaded. If you set the loadedKeys, you must handle onLoad to avoid infinity loop
onMouseEnter func - - - call when mouse enter a treeNode
onMouseLeave func - - - call when mouse leave a treeNode
onRightClick func - - - select current treeNode and show customized contextmenu
onSelect func - - - click the treeNode to fire
showIcon bool - - true Whether show icon
showLine bool - - false Whether show line
style obj, array - - - Accepts css style
badgeLabel string, number - - - badge text
onBadgeClick func - - - call when mouse click on badge
loadData func - - - load data asynchronously and the return value should be a promise

Properties TreeNode

Props Type Required Values Default Description
checkable bool - - - control node checkable if Tree is checkable
className string - - - additional class to treeNode
disableCheckbox bool - - false whether disable the treeNode' checkbox
disabled bool - - false whether disabled the treeNode
icon element,func - - false customize icon. When you pass component, whose render will receive full TreeNode props as component props
isLeaf bool - - false whether it's leaf node
key bool - - - it's used with tree props's (default)ExpandedKeys / (default)CheckedKeys / (default)SelectedKeys. you'd better to set it, and it must be unique in the tree's all treeNodes
style object - - - set style to treeNode
title string,element - - - tree/subTree's title