2024-04-29 19:02:43 +05:00

460 lines
13 KiB

// (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2009-2024
// This program is a free software product.
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation. In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended
// to the effect that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of
// any third-party rights.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty
// the GNU AGPL at:
// You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021.
// The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of the Program must
// display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
// Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product logo when
// distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to grant you any rights under
// trademark law for use of our trademarks.
// All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as well as technical writing
// content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
// International. See the License terms at
import React from "react";
import type { TFile } from "@docspace/shared/api/files/types";
import MediaZoomInIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/media.zoomin.react.svg";
import MediaZoomOutIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/media.zoomout.react.svg";
import MediaRotateLeftIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/media.rotateleft.react.svg";
import MediaRotateRightIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/media.rotateright.react.svg";
import MediaDeleteIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/media.delete.react.svg";
import MediaDownloadIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/download.react.svg";
import ViewerSeparator from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/viewer.separator.react.svg";
import PanelReactSvg from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/panel.react.svg";
import EyeReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/eye.react.svg?url";
import CopyReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/copy.react.svg?url";
import AccessEditReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/access.edit.react.svg?url";
import InvitationLinkReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/";
import DownloadReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/download.react.svg?url";
import DownloadAsReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/download-as.react.svg?url";
import RenameReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/rename.react.svg?url";
import TrashReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/trash.react.svg?url";
import DuplicateReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/duplicate.react.svg?url";
import InfoOutlineReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/info.outline.react.svg?url";
import MoveReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/move.react.svg?url";
import { ToolbarActionType } from "./MediaViewer.enums";
import type { ContextFunctions, TranslationType } from "./MediaViewer.types";
export const getPDFContextModel = (
t: TranslationType,
item: TFile,
funcs: Omit<ContextFunctions, "onShowInfoPanel">,
) => {
const options: ContextMenuModel[] = [
id: "option_edit",
key: "edit",
label: t("Common:EditButton"),
icon: AccessEditReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => funcs.onClickLinkEdit?.(item),
disabled: !item.viewAccessibility.WebEdit,
id: "option_preview",
key: "preview",
label: t("Common:Preview"),
icon: EyeReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => funcs.onPreviewClick?.(item),
disabled: !,
key: "separator0",
isSeparator: true,
disabled: false,
id: "option_link-for-room-members",
key: "link-for-room-members",
label: t("Files:CopyLink"),
icon: InvitationLinkReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => funcs.onCopyLink?.(item, t),
disabled: false,
id: "option_copy-to",
key: "copy-to",
label: t("Common:Copy"),
icon: CopyReactSvgUrl,
onClick: funcs.onCopyAction,
disabled: !,
id: "option_create-copy",
key: "copy",
label: t("Common:Duplicate"),
icon: DuplicateReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => funcs.onDuplicate?.(item, t),
disabled: !,
key: "download",
label: t("Common:Download"),
icon: DownloadReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => funcs.onClickDownload?.(item, t),
disabled: !,
id: "option_download-as",
key: "download-as",
label: t("Translations:DownloadAs"),
icon: DownloadAsReactSvgUrl,
onClick: funcs.onClickDownloadAs,
disabled: !,
id: "option_rename",
key: "rename",
label: t("Common:Rename"),
icon: RenameReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => funcs.onClickRename?.(item),
disabled: !,
key: "separator1",
isSeparator: true,
disabled: false,
key: "delete",
label: t("Common:Delete"),
icon: TrashReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => funcs.onClickDelete?.(item, t),
disabled: !,
return options;
export const getMobileMediaContextModel = (
t: TranslationType,
targetFile: TFile,
isPublicFile: boolean,
funcs: Omit<
"onClickDownloadAs" | "onCopyLink" | "onPreviewClick" | "onClickLinkEdit"
) => {
const {
} = funcs;
const options = [
id: "option_room-info",
key: "room-info",
label: t("Common:Info"),
icon: InfoOutlineReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => {
return onShowInfoPanel?.(targetFile);
disabled: isPublicFile,
key: "download",
label: t("Common:Download"),
icon: DownloadReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => onClickDownload?.(targetFile, t),
disabled: false,
key: "move-to",
label: t("Common:MoveTo"),
icon: MoveReactSvgUrl,
onClick: onMoveAction,
disabled: ! || isPublicFile,
id: "option_copy-to",
key: "copy-to",
label: t("Common:Copy"),
icon: CopyReactSvgUrl,
onClick: onCopyAction,
disabled: ! || isPublicFile,
id: "option_create-copy",
key: "copy",
label: t("Common:Duplicate"),
icon: DuplicateReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => onDuplicate?.(targetFile, t),
disabled: ! || isPublicFile,
key: "rename",
label: t("Common:Rename"),
icon: RenameReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => onClickRename?.(targetFile),
disabled: ! || isPublicFile,
key: "separator0",
isSeparator: true,
disabled: ! || isPublicFile,
key: "delete",
label: t("Common:Delete"),
icon: TrashReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => onClickDelete?.(targetFile, t),
disabled: ! || isPublicFile,
return options;
export const getDesktopMediaContextModel = (
t: TranslationType,
targetFile: TFile,
archiveRoom: boolean,
isPublicFile: boolean,
funcs: Pick<
"onClickDownload" | "onClickRename" | "onClickDelete"
) => {
const { onClickDelete, onClickDownload, onClickRename } = funcs;
const options = [
key: "download",
label: t("Common:Download"),
icon: DownloadReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => onClickDownload?.(targetFile, t),
disabled: false,
key: "rename",
label: t("Common:Rename"),
icon: RenameReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => onClickRename?.(targetFile),
disabled: archiveRoom || isPublicFile,
key: "delete",
label: t("Common:Delete"),
icon: TrashReactSvgUrl,
onClick: () => onClickDelete?.(targetFile, t),
disabled: archiveRoom || isPublicFile,
return options;
export const getCustomToolbar = (
targetFile: TFile,
isEmptyContextMenu: boolean,
onDeleteClick?: VoidFunction,
onDownloadClick?: VoidFunction,
) => {
return [
key: "zoomOut",
percent: true,
actionType: ToolbarActionType.ZoomOut,
render: (
<div className="iconContainer zoomOut">
<MediaZoomOutIcon />
key: "percent",
actionType: ToolbarActionType.Reset,
key: "zoomIn",
actionType: ToolbarActionType.ZoomIn,
render: (
<div className="iconContainer zoomIn">
<MediaZoomInIcon />
key: "rotateLeft",
actionType: ToolbarActionType.RotateLeft,
render: (
<div className="iconContainer rotateLeft">
<MediaRotateLeftIcon />
key: "rotateRight",
actionType: ToolbarActionType.RotateRight,
render: (
<div className="iconContainer rotateRight">
<MediaRotateRightIcon />
key: "separator download-separator",
actionType: -1,
noHover: true,
render: (
<div className="separator" style={{ height: "16px" }}>
<ViewerSeparator />
disabled: !,
key: "download",
actionType: ToolbarActionType.Download,
render: (
<div className="iconContainer download" style={{ height: "16px" }}>
<MediaDownloadIcon />
onClick: onDownloadClick,
disabled: !,
key: "context-separator",
actionType: -1,
noHover: true,
render: (
<div className="separator" style={{ height: "16px" }}>
<ViewerSeparator />
disabled: isEmptyContextMenu,
key: "context-menu",
actionType: -1,
disabled: isEmptyContextMenu,
key: "delete",
actionType: 103,
render: (
<div className="iconContainer viewer-delete">
<MediaDeleteIcon />
onClick: onDeleteClick,
disabled: !,
export const getPDFToolbar = (): ReturnType<typeof getCustomToolbar> => {
return [
key: "panel",
actionType: ToolbarActionType.Panel,
render: (
<div className="iconContainer zoomOut panelToggle">
<PanelReactSvg transform="rotate(180)" />
key: "context-separator-panel",
actionType: -1,
noHover: true,
render: (
<div className="separator" style={{ height: "16px" }}>
<ViewerSeparator />
disabled: false,
key: "zoomOut",
percent: true,
actionType: ToolbarActionType.ZoomOut,
render: (
<div className="iconContainer zoomOut">
<MediaZoomOutIcon />
key: "percent",
actionType: ToolbarActionType.Reset,
key: "zoomIn",
actionType: ToolbarActionType.ZoomIn,
render: (
<div className="iconContainer zoomIn">
<MediaZoomInIcon />
// {
// key: "context-separator-zoom",
// actionType: -1,
// noHover: true,
// render: (
// <div className="separator" style={{ height: "16px" }}>
// <ViewerSeparator />
// </div>
// ),
// },
// {
// key: "rotateLeft",
// actionType: ToolbarActionType.RotateLeft,
// render: (
// <div className="iconContainer rotateLeft">
// <MediaRotateLeftIcon />
// </div>
// ),
// },
// {
// key: "rotateRight",
// actionType: ToolbarActionType.RotateRight,
// render: (
// <div className="iconContainer rotateRight">
// <MediaRotateRightIcon />
// </div>
// ),
// },
key: "context-separator-rotate",
actionType: -1,
noHover: true,
render: (
<div className="separator" style={{ height: "16px" }}>
<ViewerSeparator />
disabled: false,
key: "context-menu",
actionType: -1,
disabled: false,