2022-08-11 19:02:52 +03:00

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// (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022
// This program is a free software product.
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation. In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended
// to the effect that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of
// any third-party rights.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty
// the GNU AGPL at:
// You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021.
// The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of the Program must
// display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
// Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product logo when
// distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to grant you any rights under
// trademark law for use of our trademarks.
// All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as well as technical writing
// content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
// International. See the License terms at
namespace ASC.Files.Api;
public class ThirdpartyController : ApiControllerBase
private readonly CoreBaseSettings _coreBaseSettings;
private readonly EntryManager _entryManager;
private readonly FilesSettingsHelper _filesSettingsHelper;
private readonly FileStorageService<int> _fileStorageService;
private readonly FileStorageService<string> _fileStorageServiceThirdparty;
private readonly GlobalFolderHelper _globalFolderHelper;
private readonly SecurityContext _securityContext;
private readonly ThirdpartyConfiguration _thirdpartyConfiguration;
private readonly UserManager _userManager;
private readonly WordpressHelper _wordpressHelper;
private readonly WordpressToken _wordpressToken;
private readonly RequestHelper _requestHelper;
public ThirdpartyController(
CoreBaseSettings coreBaseSettings,
EntryManager entryManager,
FilesSettingsHelper filesSettingsHelper,
FileStorageService<int> fileStorageService,
FileStorageService<string> fileStorageServiceThirdparty,
GlobalFolderHelper globalFolderHelper,
SecurityContext securityContext,
ThirdpartyConfiguration thirdpartyConfiguration,
UserManager userManager,
WordpressHelper wordpressHelper,
WordpressToken wordpressToken,
RequestHelper requestHelper,
FolderDtoHelper folderDtoHelper,
FileDtoHelper fileDtoHelper) : base(folderDtoHelper, fileDtoHelper)
_coreBaseSettings = coreBaseSettings;
_entryManager = entryManager;
_filesSettingsHelper = filesSettingsHelper;
_fileStorageService = fileStorageService;
_fileStorageServiceThirdparty = fileStorageServiceThirdparty;
_globalFolderHelper = globalFolderHelper;
_securityContext = securityContext;
_thirdpartyConfiguration = thirdpartyConfiguration;
_userManager = userManager;
_wordpressHelper = wordpressHelper;
_wordpressToken = wordpressToken;
_requestHelper = requestHelper;
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of available providers
/// </summary>
/// <category>Third-Party Integration</category>
/// <returns>List of provider key</returns>
/// <remarks>List of provider key: DropboxV2, Box, WebDav, Yandex, OneDrive, SharePoint, GoogleDrive</remarks>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<List<string>> Capabilities()
var result = new List<List<string>>();
if (_userManager.GetUsers(_securityContext.CurrentAccount.ID).IsVisitor(_userManager)
|| (!_filesSettingsHelper.EnableThirdParty
&& !_coreBaseSettings.Personal))
return result;
return _thirdpartyConfiguration.GetProviders();
/// <visible>false</visible>
public bool CreateWordpressPost(CreateWordpressPostRequestDto inDto)
var token = _wordpressToken.GetToken();
var meInfo = _wordpressHelper.GetWordpressMeInfo(token.AccessToken);
var parser = JObject.Parse(meInfo);
if (parser == null)
return false;
var blogId = parser.Value<string>("token_site_id");
if (blogId != null)
var createPost = _wordpressHelper.CreateWordpressPost(inDto.Title, inDto.Content, inDto.Status, blogId, token);
return createPost;
return false;
catch (Exception)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Removes the third party file storage service account with the ID specified in the request
/// </summary>
/// <param name="providerId">Provider ID. Provider id is part of folder id.
/// Example, folder id is "sbox-123", then provider id is "123"
/// </param>
/// <short>Remove third party account</short>
/// <category>Third-Party Integration</category>
/// <returns>Folder id</returns>
///<exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
public Task<object> DeleteThirdPartyAsync(int providerId)
return _fileStorageServiceThirdparty.DeleteThirdPartyAsync(providerId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
/// <visible>false</visible>
public object DeleteWordpressInfo()
var token = _wordpressToken.GetToken();
if (token != null)
return new
success = true
return new
success = false
/// <summary>
/// Returns the list of third party services connected in the 'Common Documents' section
/// </summary>
/// <category>Third-Party Integration</category>
/// <short>Get third party folder</short>
/// <returns>Connected providers folder</returns>
public async IAsyncEnumerable<FolderDto<string>> GetCommonThirdPartyFoldersAsync()
var parent = await _fileStorageService.GetFolderAsync(await _globalFolderHelper.FolderCommonAsync);
var thirdpartyFolders = _entryManager.GetThirpartyFoldersAsync(parent);
await foreach (var r in thirdpartyFolders)
yield return await _folderDtoHelper.GetAsync(r);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the list of all connected third party services
/// </summary>
/// <category>Third-Party Integration</category>
/// <short>Get third party list</short>
/// <returns>Connected providers</returns>
public IAsyncEnumerable<ThirdPartyParams> GetThirdPartyAccountsAsync()
return _fileStorageServiceThirdparty.GetThirdPartyAsync();
/// <visible>false</visible>
public object GetWordpressInfo()
var token = _wordpressToken.GetToken();
if (token != null)
var meInfo = _wordpressHelper.GetWordpressMeInfo(token.AccessToken);
var blogId = JObject.Parse(meInfo).Value<string>("token_site_id");
var wordpressUserName = JObject.Parse(meInfo).Value<string>("username");
var blogInfo = _requestHelper.PerformRequest(WordpressLoginProvider.WordpressSites + blogId, "", "GET", "");
var jsonBlogInfo = JObject.Parse(blogInfo);
jsonBlogInfo.Add("username", wordpressUserName);
blogInfo = jsonBlogInfo.ToString();
return new
success = true,
data = blogInfo
return new
success = false
/// <summary>
/// Saves the third party file storage service account
/// </summary>
/// <short>Save third party account</short>
/// <param name="url">Connection url for SharePoint</param>
/// <param name="login">Login</param>
/// <param name="password">Password</param>
/// <param name="token">Authentication token</param>
/// <param name="isCorporate"></param>
/// <param name="customerTitle">Title</param>
/// <param name="providerKey">Provider Key</param>
/// <param name="providerId">Provider ID</param>
/// <category>Third-Party Integration</category>
/// <returns>Folder contents</returns>
/// <remarks>List of provider key: DropboxV2, Box, WebDav, Yandex, OneDrive, SharePoint, GoogleDrive</remarks>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
public async Task<FolderDto<string>> SaveThirdPartyAsync(ThirdPartyRequestDto inDto)
var thirdPartyParams = new ThirdPartyParams
AuthData = new AuthData(inDto.Url, inDto.Login, inDto.Password, inDto.Token),
Corporate = inDto.IsRoomsStorage ? false : inDto.IsCorporate,
RoomsStorage = inDto.IsCorporate ? false : inDto.IsRoomsStorage,
CustomerTitle = inDto.CustomerTitle,
ProviderId = inDto.ProviderId,
ProviderKey = inDto.ProviderKey,
var folder = await _fileStorageServiceThirdparty.SaveThirdPartyAsync(thirdPartyParams);
return await _folderDtoHelper.GetAsync(folder);
/// <visible>false</visible>
public object WordpressSave(WordpressSaveRequestDto inDto)
if (inDto.Code.Length == 0)
return new
success = false
var token = _wordpressToken.SaveTokenFromCode(inDto.Code);
var meInfo = _wordpressHelper.GetWordpressMeInfo(token.AccessToken);
var blogId = JObject.Parse(meInfo).Value<string>("token_site_id");
var wordpressUserName = JObject.Parse(meInfo).Value<string>("username");
var blogInfo = _requestHelper.PerformRequest(WordpressLoginProvider.WordpressSites + blogId, "", "GET", "");
var jsonBlogInfo = JObject.Parse(blogInfo);
jsonBlogInfo.Add("username", wordpressUserName);
blogInfo = jsonBlogInfo.ToString();
return new
success = true,
data = blogInfo
catch (Exception)
return new
success = false