2020-02-18 11:39:28 +03:00

955 lines
39 KiB

* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2018
* This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (
* In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that
* Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display
* Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains
* relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic
* form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE"
* in every copy of the program you distribute.
* Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web;
using ASC.Common.Caching;
using ASC.Common.Logging;
using ASC.Common.Web;
using ASC.Core;
using ASC.Core.Common;
using ASC.Core.Common.Configuration;
using ASC.Core.Common.Settings;
using ASC.Core.Tenants;
using ASC.Core.Users;
using ASC.FederatedLogin;
using ASC.FederatedLogin.Helpers;
using ASC.FederatedLogin.LoginProviders;
using ASC.FederatedLogin.Profile;
using ASC.Files.Core;
using ASC.Files.Resources;
using ASC.MessagingSystem;
using ASC.Security.Cryptography;
using ASC.Web.Core;
using ASC.Web.Core.Files;
using ASC.Web.Core.Users;
using ASC.Web.Files.Classes;
using ASC.Web.Files.Core;
using ASC.Web.Files.HttpHandlers;
using ASC.Web.Files.Services.DocumentService;
using ASC.Web.Studio.Core;
using ASC.Web.Studio.Utility;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using File = ASC.Files.Core.File;
using MimeMapping = ASC.Common.Web.MimeMapping;
using SecurityContext = ASC.Core.SecurityContext;
namespace ASC.Web.Files.ThirdPartyApp
public class GoogleDriveApp : Consumer, IThirdPartyApp, IOAuthProvider
public const string AppAttr = "gdrive";
public string Scopes { get { return ""; } }
public string CodeUrl { get { return ""; } }
public string AccessTokenUrl { get { return GoogleLoginProvider.Instance.AccessTokenUrl; } }
public string RedirectUri { get { return this["googleDriveAppRedirectUrl"]; } }
public string ClientID { get { return this["googleDriveAppClientId"]; } }
public string ClientSecret { get { return this["googleDriveAppSecretKey"]; } }
public bool IsEnabled
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientID) &&
public ILog Logger { get; }
public PathProvider PathProvider { get; }
public TenantUtil TenantUtil { get; }
public AuthContext AuthContext { get; }
public SecurityContext SecurityContext { get; }
public UserManager UserManager { get; }
public UserManagerWrapper UserManagerWrapper { get; }
public CookiesManager CookiesManager { get; }
public MessageService MessageService { get; }
public Global Global { get; }
public GlobalStore GlobalStore { get; }
public EmailValidationKeyProvider EmailValidationKeyProvider { get; }
public FilesLinkUtility FilesLinkUtility { get; }
public SettingsManager SettingsManager { get; }
public PersonalSettingsHelper PersonalSettingsHelper { get; }
public BaseCommonLinkUtility BaseCommonLinkUtility { get; }
public FileUtility FileUtility { get; }
public FilesSettingsHelper FilesSettingsHelper { get; }
public IOptionsSnapshot<AccountLinker> Snapshot { get; }
public SetupInfo SetupInfo { get; }
public GoogleLoginProvider GoogleLoginProvider { get; }
public TokenHelper TokenHelper { get; }
public DocumentServiceConnector DocumentServiceConnector { get; }
public ThirdPartyAppHandler ThirdPartyAppHandler { get; }
public IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }
public GoogleDriveApp()
public GoogleDriveApp(
PathProvider pathProvider,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
AuthContext authContext,
SecurityContext securityContext,
UserManager userManager,
UserManagerWrapper userManagerWrapper,
CookiesManager cookiesManager,
MessageService messageService,
Global global,
GlobalStore globalStore,
EmailValidationKeyProvider emailValidationKeyProvider,
FilesLinkUtility filesLinkUtility,
SettingsManager settingsManager,
PersonalSettingsHelper personalSettingsHelper,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility,
IOptionsMonitor<ILog> option,
FileUtility fileUtility,
FilesSettingsHelper filesSettingsHelper,
IOptionsSnapshot<AccountLinker> snapshot,
SetupInfo setupInfo,
GoogleLoginProvider googleLoginProvider,
TokenHelper tokenHelper,
DocumentServiceConnector documentServiceConnector,
ThirdPartyAppHandler thirdPartyAppHandler,
IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
TenantManager tenantManager,
CoreBaseSettings coreBaseSettings,
CoreSettings coreSettings,
ConsumerFactory consumerFactory,
IConfiguration configuration,
ICacheNotify<ConsumerCacheItem> cache,
string name, int order, Dictionary<string, string> additional)
: base(tenantManager, coreBaseSettings, coreSettings, consumerFactory, configuration, cache, name, order, additional)
Logger = option.CurrentValue;
PathProvider = pathProvider;
TenantUtil = tenantUtil;
AuthContext = authContext;
SecurityContext = securityContext;
UserManager = userManager;
UserManagerWrapper = userManagerWrapper;
CookiesManager = cookiesManager;
MessageService = messageService;
Global = global;
GlobalStore = globalStore;
EmailValidationKeyProvider = emailValidationKeyProvider;
FilesLinkUtility = filesLinkUtility;
SettingsManager = settingsManager;
PersonalSettingsHelper = personalSettingsHelper;
BaseCommonLinkUtility = baseCommonLinkUtility;
FileUtility = fileUtility;
FilesSettingsHelper = filesSettingsHelper;
Snapshot = snapshot;
SetupInfo = setupInfo;
GoogleLoginProvider = googleLoginProvider;
TokenHelper = tokenHelper;
DocumentServiceConnector = documentServiceConnector;
ThirdPartyAppHandler = thirdPartyAppHandler;
ServiceProvider = serviceProvider;
public bool Request(HttpContext context)
switch ((context.Request.Query[FilesLinkUtility.Action].FirstOrDefault() ?? "").ToLower())
case "stream":
return true;
case "convert":
return true;
case "create":
return true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Query["code"]))
return true;
return false;
public string GetRefreshUrl()
return AccessTokenUrl;
public File GetFile(string fileId, out bool editable)
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: get file " + fileId);
fileId = ThirdPartySelector.GetFileId(fileId);
var token = TokenHelper.GetToken(AppAttr);
var driveFile = GetDriveFile(fileId, token);
editable = false;
if (driveFile == null) return null;
var jsonFile = JObject.Parse(driveFile);
var file = ServiceProvider.GetService<File>();
file.ID = ThirdPartySelector.BuildAppFileId(AppAttr, jsonFile.Value<string>("id"));
file.Title = Global.ReplaceInvalidCharsAndTruncate(GetCorrectTitle(jsonFile));
file.CreateOn = TenantUtil.DateTimeFromUtc(jsonFile.Value<DateTime>("createdTime"));
file.ModifiedOn = TenantUtil.DateTimeFromUtc(jsonFile.Value<DateTime>("modifiedTime"));
file.ContentLength = Convert.ToInt64(jsonFile.Value<string>("size"));
file.ModifiedByString = jsonFile["lastModifyingUser"]["displayName"].Value<string>();
file.ProviderKey = "Google";
var owners = jsonFile["owners"];
if (owners != null)
file.CreateByString = owners[0]["displayName"].Value<string>();
editable = jsonFile["capabilities"]["canEdit"].Value<bool>();
return file;
public string GetFileStreamUrl(File file)
if (file == null) return string.Empty;
var fileId = ThirdPartySelector.GetFileId(file.ID.ToString());
return GetFileStreamUrl(fileId);
private string GetFileStreamUrl(string fileId)
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: get file stream url " + fileId);
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(BaseCommonLinkUtility.GetFullAbsolutePath(ThirdPartyAppHandler.HandlerPath));
if (uriBuilder.Uri.IsLoopback)
uriBuilder.Host = Dns.GetHostName();
var query = uriBuilder.Query;
query += FilesLinkUtility.Action + "=stream&";
query += FilesLinkUtility.FileId + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileId) + "&";
query += CommonLinkUtility.ParamName_UserUserID + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(AuthContext.CurrentAccount.ID.ToString()) + "&";
query += FilesLinkUtility.AuthKey + "=" + EmailValidationKeyProvider.GetEmailKey(fileId + AuthContext.CurrentAccount.ID) + "&";
query += ThirdPartySelector.AppAttr + "=" + AppAttr;
return uriBuilder.Uri + "?" + query;
public void SaveFile(string fileId, string fileType, string downloadUrl, Stream stream)
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: save file stream " + fileId +
(stream == null
? " from - " + downloadUrl
: " from stream"));
fileId = ThirdPartySelector.GetFileId(fileId);
var token = TokenHelper.GetToken(AppAttr);
var driveFile = GetDriveFile(fileId, token);
if (driveFile == null)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: file is null");
throw new Exception("File not found");
var jsonFile = JObject.Parse(driveFile);
var currentType = GetCorrectExt(jsonFile);
if (!fileType.Equals(currentType))
if (stream != null)
downloadUrl = PathProvider.GetTempUrl(stream, fileType);
downloadUrl = DocumentServiceConnector.ReplaceCommunityAdress(downloadUrl);
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: GetConvertedUri from " + fileType + " to " + currentType + " - " + downloadUrl);
var key = DocumentServiceConnector.GenerateRevisionId(downloadUrl);
DocumentServiceConnector.GetConvertedUri(downloadUrl, fileType, currentType, key, null, false, out downloadUrl);
stream = null;
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: Error convert", e);
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(GoogleLoginProvider.GoogleUrlFileUpload + "/{fileId}?uploadType=media".Replace("{fileId}", fileId));
request.Method = "PATCH";
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
request.ContentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(currentType);
if (stream != null)
request.ContentLength = stream.Length;
const int bufferSize = 2048;
var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int readed;
while ((readed = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) > 0)
request.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, readed);
var downloadRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(downloadUrl);
using var downloadStream = new ResponseStream(downloadRequest.GetResponse());
request.ContentLength = downloadStream.Length;
const int bufferSize = 2048;
var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int readed;
while ((readed = downloadStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) > 0)
request.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, readed);
using var response = request.GetResponse();
using var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
string result = null;
if (responseStream != null)
using var readStream = new StreamReader(responseStream);
result = readStream.ReadToEnd();
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: save file stream response - " + result);
catch (WebException e)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: Error save file stream", e);
var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)e.Response;
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden || httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
throw new SecurityException(FilesCommonResource.ErrorMassage_SecurityException, e);
private void RequestCode(HttpContext context)
var state = context.Request.Query["state"];
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: state - " + state);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(state))
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: empty state");
throw new Exception("Empty state");
var token = GetToken(context.Request.Query["code"]);
if (token == null)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: token is null");
throw new SecurityException("Access token is null");
var stateJson = JObject.Parse(state);
var googleUserId = stateJson.Value<string>("userId");
if (AuthContext.IsAuthenticated)
if (!CurrentUser(googleUserId))
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: logout for " + googleUserId);
if (!AuthContext.IsAuthenticated)
var userInfo = GetUserInfo(token, out var isNew);
if (userInfo == null)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: UserInfo is null");
throw new Exception("Profile is null");
var cookiesKey = SecurityContext.AuthenticateMe(userInfo.ID);
CookiesManager.SetCookies(CookiesType.AuthKey, cookiesKey);
if (isNew)
var userHelpTourSettings = SettingsManager.LoadForCurrentUser<UserHelpTourSettings>();
userHelpTourSettings.IsNewUser = true;
PersonalSettingsHelper.IsNewUser = true;
PersonalSettingsHelper.IsNotActivated = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(googleUserId) && !CurrentUser(googleUserId))
var action = stateJson.Value<string>("action");
switch (action)
case "create":
//var folderId = stateJson.Value<string>("folderId");
//context.Response.Redirect(App.Location + "?" + FilesLinkUtility.FolderId + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(folderId), true);
case "open":
var idsArray = stateJson.Value<JArray>("ids") ?? stateJson.Value<JArray>("exportIds");
if (idsArray == null)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: ids is empty");
throw new Exception("File id is null");
var fileId = idsArray.ToObject<List<string>>().FirstOrDefault();
var driveFile = GetDriveFile(fileId, token);
if (driveFile == null)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: file is null");
throw new Exception("File not found");
var jsonFile = JObject.Parse(driveFile);
var ext = GetCorrectExt(jsonFile);
if (FileUtility.ExtsMustConvert.Contains(ext)
|| GoogleLoginProvider.GoogleDriveExt.Contains(ext))
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: file must be converted");
if (FilesSettingsHelper.ConvertNotify)
//context.Response.Redirect(App.Location + "?" + FilesLinkUtility.FileId + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileId), true);
fileId = CreateConvertedFile(driveFile, token);
context.Response.Redirect(FilesLinkUtility.GetFileWebEditorUrl(ThirdPartySelector.BuildAppFileId(AppAttr, fileId)), true);
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: Action not identified");
throw new Exception("Action not identified");
private void StreamFile(HttpContext context)
var fileId = context.Request.Query[FilesLinkUtility.FileId];
var auth = context.Request.Query[FilesLinkUtility.AuthKey];
var userId = context.Request.Query[CommonLinkUtility.ParamName_UserUserID];
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: get file stream " + fileId);
var validateResult = EmailValidationKeyProvider.ValidateEmailKey(fileId + userId, auth, Global.StreamUrlExpire);
if (validateResult != EmailValidationKeyProvider.ValidationResult.Ok)
var exc = new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, FilesCommonResource.ErrorMassage_SecurityException);
Logger.Error(string.Format("GoogleDriveApp: validate error {0} {1}: {2}", FilesLinkUtility.AuthKey, validateResult, context.Request.Url()), exc);
throw exc;
Token token = null;
if (Guid.TryParse(userId, out var userIdGuid))
token = TokenHelper.GetToken(AppAttr, userIdGuid);
if (token == null)
Logger.Error("BoxApp: token is null");
throw new SecurityException("Access token is null");
var driveFile = GetDriveFile(fileId, token);
var jsonFile = JObject.Parse(driveFile);
var downloadUrl = GoogleLoginProvider.GoogleUrlFile + fileId + "?alt=media";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadUrl))
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: downloadUrl is null");
throw new Exception("downloadUrl is null");
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: get file stream downloadUrl - " + downloadUrl);
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(downloadUrl);
request.Method = "GET";
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var stream = new ResponseStream(response))
var contentLength = jsonFile.Value<string>("size");
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: get file stream contentLength - " + contentLength);
context.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Length", contentLength);
catch (Exception ex)
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: Error request " + context.Request.Url(), ex);
//context.Response.SuppressContent = true;
catch (HttpException ex)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp StreamFile", ex);
private void ConfirmConvertFile(HttpContext context)
var fileId = context.Request.Query[FilesLinkUtility.FileId];
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: ConfirmConvertFile - " + fileId);
var token = TokenHelper.GetToken(AppAttr);
var driveFile = GetDriveFile(fileId, token);
if (driveFile == null)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: file is null");
throw new Exception("File not found");
fileId = CreateConvertedFile(driveFile, token);
context.Response.Redirect(FilesLinkUtility.GetFileWebEditorUrl(ThirdPartySelector.BuildAppFileId(AppAttr, fileId)), true);
private void CreateFile(HttpContext context)
var folderId = context.Request.Query[FilesLinkUtility.FolderId];
var fileName = context.Request.Query[FilesLinkUtility.FileTitle];
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: CreateFile folderId - " + folderId + " fileName - " + fileName);
var token = TokenHelper.GetToken(AppAttr);
var culture = UserManager.GetUsers(AuthContext.CurrentAccount.ID).GetCulture();
var storeTemplate = GlobalStore.GetStoreTemplate();
var path = FileConstant.NewDocPath + culture + "/";
if (!storeTemplate.IsDirectory(path))
path = FileConstant.NewDocPath + "default/";
var ext = FileUtility.InternalExtension[FileUtility.GetFileTypeByFileName(fileName)];
path += "new" + ext;
fileName = FileUtility.ReplaceFileExtension(fileName, ext);
string driveFile;
using (var content = storeTemplate.GetReadStream("", path))
driveFile = CreateFile(content, fileName, folderId, token);
if (driveFile == null)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: file is null");
throw new Exception("File not created");
var jsonFile = JObject.Parse(driveFile);
var fileId = jsonFile.Value<string>("id");
context.Response.Redirect(FilesLinkUtility.GetFileWebEditorUrl(ThirdPartySelector.BuildAppFileId(AppAttr, fileId)), true);
private Token GetToken(string code)
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: GetAccessToken by code " + code);
var token = OAuth20TokenHelper.GetAccessToken<GoogleDriveApp>(ConsumerFactory, code);
return new Token(token, AppAttr);
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
private bool CurrentUser(string googleId)
var linker = Snapshot.Get("webstudio");
var linkedProfiles = linker.GetLinkedObjectsByHashId(HashHelper.MD5(string.Format("{0}/{1}", ProviderConstants.Google, googleId)));
linkedProfiles = linkedProfiles.Concat(linker.GetLinkedObjectsByHashId(HashHelper.MD5(string.Format("{0}/{1}", ProviderConstants.OpenId, googleId))));
return linkedProfiles.Any(profileId => Guid.TryParse(profileId, out var tmp) && tmp == AuthContext.CurrentAccount.ID);
private void AddLinker(string googleUserId)
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: AddLinker " + googleUserId);
var linker = Snapshot.Get("webstudio");
linker.AddLink(AuthContext.CurrentAccount.ID.ToString(), googleUserId, ProviderConstants.Google);
private UserInfo GetUserInfo(Token token, out bool isNew)
isNew = false;
if (token == null)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: token is null");
throw new SecurityException("Access token is null");
LoginProfile loginProfile = null;
loginProfile = GoogleLoginProvider.Instance.GetLoginProfile(token.GetRefreshedToken(TokenHelper));
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: userinfo request", ex);
if (loginProfile == null)
Logger.Error("Error in userinfo request");
return null;
var userInfo = UserManager.GetUserByEmail(loginProfile.EMail);
if (Equals(userInfo, Constants.LostUser))
userInfo = loginProfile.ProfileToUserInfo(CoreBaseSettings);
var cultureName = loginProfile.Locale;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureName))
cultureName = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name;
var cultureInfo = SetupInfo.EnabledCultures.Find(c => string.Equals(c.Name, cultureName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
if (cultureInfo != null)
userInfo.CultureName = cultureInfo.Name;
Logger.DebugFormat("From google app new personal user '{0}' without culture {1}", userInfo.Email, cultureName);
userInfo = UserManagerWrapper.AddUser(userInfo, UserManagerWrapper.GeneratePassword());
isNew = true;
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: new user " + userInfo.ID);
return userInfo;
private string GetDriveFile(string googleFileId, Token token)
if (token == null)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: token is null");
throw new SecurityException("Access token is null");
var requestUrl = GoogleLoginProvider.GoogleUrlFile + googleFileId + "?fields=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(GoogleLoginProvider.FilesFields);
var resultResponse = RequestHelper.PerformRequest(requestUrl,
headers: new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Authorization", "Bearer " + token } });
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: file response - " + resultResponse);
return resultResponse;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: file request", ex);
return null;
private string CreateFile(string contentUrl, string fileName, string folderId, Token token)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentUrl))
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: downloadUrl is null");
throw new Exception("downloadUrl is null");
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: create from - " + contentUrl);
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(contentUrl);
using (var content = new ResponseStream(request.GetResponse()))
return CreateFile(content, fileName, folderId, token);
private string CreateFile(Stream content, string fileName, string folderId, Token token)
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: create file");
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(GoogleLoginProvider.GoogleUrlFileUpload + "?uploadType=multipart");
using (var tmpStream = new MemoryStream())
var boundary = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString("x");
var folderdata = string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderId) ? "" : string.Format(",\"parents\":[\"{0}\"]", folderId);
var metadata = string.Format("{{\"name\":\"{0}\"{1}}}", fileName, folderdata);
var metadataPart = string.Format("\r\n--{0}\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n{1}", boundary, metadata);
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(metadataPart);
tmpStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
var mediaPartStart = string.Format("\r\n--{0}\r\nContent-Type: {1}\r\n\r\n", boundary, MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(fileName));
bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mediaPartStart);
tmpStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
var mediaPartEnd = string.Format("\r\n--{0}--\r\n", boundary);
bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mediaPartEnd);
tmpStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
request.Method = "POST";
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
request.ContentType = "multipart/related; boundary=" + boundary;
request.ContentLength = tmpStream.Length;
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: create file totalSize - " + tmpStream.Length);
const int bufferSize = 2048;
var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int readed;
tmpStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
while ((readed = tmpStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) > 0)
request.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, readed);
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
string result = null;
if (responseStream != null)
using (var readStream = new StreamReader(responseStream))
result = readStream.ReadToEnd();
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: create file response - " + result);
return result;
catch (WebException e)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: Error create file", e);
var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)e.Response;
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden || httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
throw new SecurityException(FilesCommonResource.ErrorMassage_SecurityException, e);
return null;
private string ConvertFile(string fileId, string fromExt)
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: convert file");
var downloadUrl = GetFileStreamUrl(fileId);
var toExt = FileUtility.GetInternalExtension(fromExt);
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: GetConvertedUri- " + downloadUrl);
var key = DocumentServiceConnector.GenerateRevisionId(downloadUrl);
DocumentServiceConnector.GetConvertedUri(downloadUrl, fromExt, toExt, key, null, false, out downloadUrl);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: Error GetConvertedUri", e);
return downloadUrl;
private string CreateConvertedFile(string driveFile, Token token)
var jsonFile = JObject.Parse(driveFile);
var fileName = GetCorrectTitle(jsonFile);
var folderId = (string)jsonFile.SelectToken("parents[0]");
Logger.Info("GoogleDriveApp: create copy - " + fileName);
var ext = GetCorrectExt(jsonFile);
var fileId = jsonFile.Value<string>("id");
if (GoogleLoginProvider.GoogleDriveExt.Contains(ext))
var internalExt = FileUtility.GetGoogleDownloadableExtension(ext);
fileName = FileUtility.ReplaceFileExtension(fileName, internalExt);
var requiredMimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(internalExt);
var downloadUrl = GoogleLoginProvider.GoogleUrlFile
+ string.Format("{0}/export?mimeType={1}",
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(downloadUrl);
request.Method = "GET";
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: download exportLink - " + downloadUrl);
using (var fileStream = new ResponseStream(request.GetResponse()))
driveFile = CreateFile(fileStream, fileName, folderId, token);
catch (WebException e)
Logger.Error("GoogleDriveApp: Error download exportLink", e);
var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)e.Response;
if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden || httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
throw new SecurityException(FilesCommonResource.ErrorMassage_SecurityException, e);
var convertedUrl = ConvertFile(fileId, ext);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(convertedUrl))
Logger.ErrorFormat("GoogleDriveApp: Error convertUrl. size {0}", FileSizeComment.FilesSizeToString(jsonFile.Value<int>("size")));
throw new Exception(FilesCommonResource.ErrorMassage_DocServiceException + " (convert)");
var toExt = FileUtility.GetInternalExtension(fileName);
fileName = FileUtility.ReplaceFileExtension(fileName, toExt);
driveFile = CreateFile(convertedUrl, fileName, folderId, token);
jsonFile = JObject.Parse(driveFile);
return jsonFile.Value<string>("id");
private string GetCorrectTitle(JToken jsonFile)
var title = jsonFile.Value<string>("name") ?? "";
var extTitle = FileUtility.GetFileExtension(title);
var correctExt = GetCorrectExt(jsonFile);
if (extTitle != correctExt)
title = title + correctExt;
return title;
private string GetCorrectExt(JToken jsonFile)
var mimeType = (jsonFile.Value<string>("mimeType") ?? "").ToLower();
var ext = MimeMapping.GetExtention(mimeType);
if (!GoogleLoginProvider.GoogleDriveExt.Contains(ext))
var title = (jsonFile.Value<string>("name") ?? "").ToLower();
ext = FileUtility.GetFileExtension(title);
if (MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(ext) != mimeType)
var originalFilename = (jsonFile.Value<string>("originalFilename") ?? "").ToLower();
ext = FileUtility.GetFileExtension(originalFilename);
if (MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(ext) != mimeType)
ext = MimeMapping.GetExtention(mimeType);
Logger.Debug("GoogleDriveApp: Try GetCorrectExt - " + ext + " for - " + mimeType);
return ext;