
176 lines
9.4 KiB

"AccessRightsSettings": "Portal Access Rights",
"Actions": "Actions",
"AddButton": "Add",
"AddDepartmentDlgTitle": "Add {!group}",
"AddImage": "Add Image",
"AddMembers": "Add members",
"BlockedMessage": "Disabled",
"CancelButton": "Cancel",
"ChangeStatus": "Change status",
"ChangeStatusButton": "Change user status",
"ChangeStatusDialogConstraint": "If this number exceeds the current pricing plan you will need to upgrade your plan and repeat the operation or other users status will not be changed.",
"ChangeStatusDialogHeader": "Change user status",
"ChangeStatusDialogRestriction": "You cannot change the status for portal owner and for yourself",
"ChangeStatusDialogToActive": "The users with the 'Disabled' status will be enabled.",
"ChangeStatusDialogToTerminate": "The users with the 'Active' status will be disabled.",
"ChangeType": "Change type",
"ChangeTypeDialogConstraint": "Upgrade your plan and repeat the operation or other users type will not be changed.",
"ChangeTypeDialogHeader": "Change user type",
"ChangeTypeDialogRestriction": "You cannot change the type for portal administrators and for yourself",
"ChangeTypeDialogToGuest": "Users with the '{!User}' type will be moved to '{!Guest}' type",
"ChangeTypeDialogToUser": "Users with the '{!Guest}' type will be moved to '{!User}' type",
"ChooseUser": "Choose user",
"ClearButton": "Reset filter",
"Confirmation": "Confirmation",
"CreateNewProfile": "Create New User",
"DeleteBtnHint": "Only users or guests with the 'Disabled' status can be deleted",
"DeleteButton": "Delete",
"DeleteProfileAfterReassignment": "Delete profile when reassignment is finished",
"DeleteUserProfiles": "Delete the users from portal",
"DeleteUsersDataConfirmation": "Personal documents of these users which are available to others will be deleted. To avoid this, you must start the data transfer process before deleting.",
"DeleteUsersDescription": "The selected disabled users will be deleted from the portal. Please note that this action cannot be undone.\r\nYou cannot delete the users if they have 'Active' or 'Pending' status, they need to be disabled first.",
"DeleteUsersDescriptionText": "The selected disabled users will be deleted from the portal.",
"DepartmentMaster": "{!Head}",
"DeselectAll": "Deselect all",
"DisableUserButton": "Disable",
"DisableUserHelp": "The {!user} will not be displayed in the list of active {!users}",
"EditButton": "Edit",
"EditImage": "Edit Image",
"Email": "Email",
"EnableUserButton": "Enable",
"EnableUserHelp": "The {!user} will be displayed as active again",
"ErrorEmptyName": "Enter a name",
"ErrorEmptyUploadFileSelected": "The uploaded file could not be found",
"ErrorImageSizetLimit": "Image size is too large",
"ErrorImageWeightLimit": "Image file size is too large",
"ErrorUnknownFileImageType": "Unknown image file type",
"ExampleValues": "Example values",
"FieldsInFile": "Fields in file",
"FieldsOnPortal": "Fields on the ONLYOFFICE portal",
"FirstName": "First Name",
"Hide": "Hide",
"HideSelectedUserList": "Hide the selected users list",
"ImportClear": "Clear",
"ImportColumn": "Column",
"ImportDelimiterDQ": "Double quote",
"ImportDelimiterSQ": "Single quote",
"ImportEncodingASCII": "ASCII",
"ImportEncodingCP866": "CP-866",
"ImportEncodingKOI8R": "KOI8-R",
"ImportEncodingUTF8": "UTF-8",
"ImportEncodingWindows1251": "Windows1251",
"ImportFromFile": "From File",
"ImportFromGoogle": "Google",
"ImportFromYahoo": "Yahoo",
"ImportPeople": "Import People",
"ImportSeparatorColon": "Colon",
"ImportSeparatorComma": "Comma",
"ImportSeparatorSemicolon": "Semicolon",
"ImportSeparatorSpace": "Space",
"ImportSeparatorTab": "Tab",
"ImportWizardFirstStep": "Import contacts",
"ImportWizardFourthStep": "Add to portal",
"ImportWizardSecondStep": "Setting up compliance",
"ImportWizardThirdStep": "Edit Contacts",
"InviteLink": "Invitation Link",
"LastName": "Last Name",
"LblActive": "Active",
"LblByName": "Name",
"LblByType": "Type",
"LblCancelButton": "Cancel",
"LblChangeEmail": "Change email",
"LblChangePassword": "Change password",
"LblCreateNew": "Create",
"LblDeleteProfile": "Delete profile",
"LblEdit": "Edit",
"LblImportAccounts": "Import accounts",
"LblMobilePhone": "Primary Mobile Phone",
"LblOKButton": "OK",
"LblOther": "Other",
"LblPassword": "Password",
"LblPending": "Pending",
"LblReassignData": "Reassign data",
"LblRemoveData": "Delete personal data",
"LblResendInvites": "Send invitations once again",
"LblSendActivation": "Send activation link once again",
"LblSendEmail": "Send email",
"LblSendMessage": "Send message",
"LblStatus": "Status",
"LblSubscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"LblTerminated": "Disabled",
"LblTips": "Tooltips",
"MainEmail": "Main Email",
"Members": "Members",
"NoSameValuesOptions": "Fields on the portal cannot have the same values!",
"NotFoundDescription": "No people matching your filter can be displayed in this section. Please select other filter options or clear filter to view all the people in this section.",
"NotFoundTitle": "No results matching your search could be found",
"NotImport": "Not import",
"OnTop": "On top",
"ProductAdminOpportunities": "Do the same as a user|Create profiles and groups|Import profiles|Invite users",
"ProductDescription": "Add new users, invite or import them. Manage users and view their detailed information.",
"ProductName": "People",
"ProductUserOpportunities": "View profiles and groups",
"ReadAboutNonProfit": "Or {0}read about non-profit usage{1}.",
"ReassignAbortButton": "Abort transfer",
"ReassignAbortToastrMsg": "Data transfer aborted",
"ReassignButton": "Reassign",
"ReassignCrmModule": "CRM",
"ReassignDocumentsModule": "Documents",
"ReassignErrorToastrMsg": "Data transfer interrupted due to a server error",
"ReassignMailModule": "Mail",
"ReassignmentData": "Data reassignment",
"ReassignProjectsModule": "Projects",
"ReassignRestartButton": "Start transfer again",
"ReassignsProgressNotifyInfo": "You can close this page. When the process is completed, the administrator who runs it will be notified by mail.",
"ReassignsProgressText": "The process of data transfer is started, it can take a considerable time.{0}You can close this page. When the process is completed, the administrator who runs it will be notified by mail.",
"ReassignsProgressUserInfo": "The process of reassignment data from user {0} to user {1} started, it can take a considerable time.",
"ReassignsReadMore": "More about data transfer",
"ReassignStatusAborted": "Interrupted, some data could be transferred",
"ReassignStatusError": "Server error",
"ReassignStatusFinished": "All data transferred",
"ReassignStatusNotStarted": "Data was not transferred",
"ReassignStatusQueued": "Queued",
"ReassignStatusStarted": "Started",
"ReassignsToUser": "Employee to whom the data will be transferred -",
"ReassignsTransferedListHdr": "Will be transferred:",
"ReassignsTransferedListItem1": "General and personal documents available to other portal users;",
"ReassignsTransferedListItem2": "Open projects, milestones and tasks;",
"ReassignsTransferedListItem3": "Contacts, open tasks, not closed opportunities and CRM cases;",
"ReassignTalkModule": "Talk",
"RemovingAbortButton": "Abort removal",
"RemovingAbortToastrMsg": "Data deletion aborted",
"RemovingData": "Deleting personal data",
"RemovingErrorToastrMsg": "Data deletion interrupted due to a server error",
"RemovingListHdr": "Will be removed:",
"RemovingListItem1": "All personal documents;",
"RemovingListItem2": "CRM report files;",
"RemovingListItem3": "All emails and attached files;",
"RemovingListItem4": "Attached from Talk files;",
"RemovingProgressUserInfo": "The process of deleting personal data for user {0} started, it can take a considerable time.",
"RemovingReadMore": "More about deleting the personal data",
"RemovingRestartButton": "Start removing again",
"RemovingStatusAborted": "Interrupted, some data could be deleted",
"RemovingStatusFinished": "All data deleted",
"RemovingStatusNotStarted": "Data was not deleted",
"ResendInviteDialogAfterActivation": "After the users confirm the invitation to the portal their status will change to 'Active'",
"ResendInviteDialogHeader": "Send invitation once again",
"ResendInviteDialogTargetUsers": "The invitation to the portal will be sent once again to the selected users with the 'Pending' status who are not disabled.",
"SaveButton": "Save",
"SelectAll": "Select all",
"SelectedCount": "{0} selected",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Show": "Show",
"ShowOnPage": "Show on page",
"ShowSelectedUserList": "View the selected users list",
"SocialProfiles": "Social Profiles",
"SuccessfullyDeleteUserInfoMessage": "User has been successfully deleted",
"SuccessfullySentNotificationDeleteUserInfoMessage": "The instructions for your profile deletion have been sent to email address",
"TariffActiveUserLimit": "Your current pricing plan allows you to add {0}{1} active users{2}.",
"TerminateButton": "Terminate",
"Title": "Title",
"TitleThumbnailPhoto": "Change Thumbnails",
"TotalCount": "Total count",
"WaitingForConfirmation": "Waiting for confirmation",
"WriteButton": "Write Letter"