2023-08-07 15:07:10 +03:00

10 lines
833 B

"DeleteMyDocumentsUser": "All personal files and folders in My documents section of this user will be permanently deleted.",
"DeleteReassignDescriptionUser": "{{warningMessageMyDocuments}} Rooms created by this user and documents stored in these rooms will be reassigned automatically to an admin performing the deletion: <strong>{{userPerformedDeletion}} ({{userYou}})</strong>. Reassign data manually to choose another destination user for reassignment.",
"DeleteGroupUsersSuccessMessage": "Users have been successfully deleted.",
"DeleteUser": "Delete user",
"DeleteUserMessage": "{{userCaption}} <strong>{{user}}</strong> will be deleted. This action cannot be undone.",
"ReassignDataToAnotherUser": "Reassign data to another user",
"SuccessfullyDeleteUserInfoMessage": "The user has been successfully deleted"